Friendship ends?

United States
October 29, 2011 7:37pm CST
I just discovered that a really good friend of mine that I have been friends with for over 30 years has unfriended me on facebook and will not return any of my texts. I know that he got married today and I was going to send him a message that said that I was happy for him. He is mad because he bought a van from my husband and although he knew the van had set in a field for 2 years, he took off to Florida in it without doing any maintenance and it blew up. Not sure what went wrong with it, I know we didn't know that there was anything wrong with it when we sold it. This guy has lived with us several times when his ex wife would kick him out. I have had boxes of pictures and mementos that belonged to him and moved them several times so that he would not lose them. I have always been there for him no matter if he had money or was flat broke, anytime he needed a friend I was there. I was the first person he called when his stepdad was in the hospital and I stayed with him the entire time at the funeral home when his stepdad passed away. I am friends with his brothers and sisters and I adore his mom. They are like family to me and I would do anything that I could for any of them. I am hurt and mad and not sure what I should do? Do I leave things as they are or do I try to talk to him? He knows that we didn't know that the van would not make it to Florida but he thinks we sold him a lemon and that we ripped him off because we would not give him the car that he had sold us back. What would you do in a situation like this?
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17 responses
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
30 Oct 11
It is so unfortunate that a small unexpected incident has marred what is supposed to be a friendship that has run for years. I am also in that situation where a long time friend has turned the table against me due to the fact that I was not around when he and his wife came back to the state for vacation. He has migrated to Australia 20 years ago and comes back sometimes for a visit. But this time around I was not aware the exact date of his visit though he has publicised it in fb of the tentative month he was coming back. He used to send me emails before that but out of a sudden after his recent visit he severed all ties with me because of my non availability when he was here. I lost a long time friend with a twist of a finger but I must say I have many other friends offline or online that can fill the void.
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• United States
30 Oct 11
I do have other friends, but you can't replace one with another. There is a history with this friend that can't be filled with anyone else. It is just sad that he can't see that our friendship is more important than the money it cost him.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
30 Oct 11
You're right Padu, we can never replace a person with another one. This is life, there is no permanency in life. Friends come and go and we have to adjust to new things in life and so are with new friends.
@padu19 (1441)
• India
30 Oct 11
WE can indeed get many such friends. But no one can replace that person. It so happens only when you are very much devoted to that person. But as you said, we can fill the void by spending time with our friends, just in order to come out of the sorrows of losing the best friend!
• United States
30 Oct 11
Carol this is sad to hear. Sounds like he is not even giving the 30 years of friendship even a chance to think about the possibility that maybe it is simply coincidental and simply something no one could control. If it were not the 30 year relationship and after all you have done for the sake of friendship then I would say perhaps he may have had unknown reasons. But to not even as much complain and or forewarn that he was removing you. This is not what friends do, my definition of real friends is that they are there for us even when they do not agree also to provide constructive criticism and also to argue with us when they feel strongly that we are wrong. So for him to react this way and unfriend without any warning shows that he perhaps does not appreciate your friendship. If you have his address maybe sending a written letter or even via email; explain that you do not understand why he is reacting this way, I would not bring up anything you have done in the past and or the van. You can also add that you miss him and do not understand why he is not returning any of your texts without giving the friendship a chance. If he does not respond then at least you did one last attempt and did say you missed him. If he has a good conscious he may with time respond back, but in the interim, I am afraid that you will just have to let it go, but know that you have done nothing but been a loyal friend. This is usually what happens when we mix business with friendships and sadly it is people like him that cause to refrain doing so with others.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
30 Oct 11
Some of the things you say about him make him sound really immature. Like having to live with you and letting you be responsible for his keepsakes, and not doing any maintenance on a car, just hitting the road in a vehicle that has been sitting. I am not sure what he could have expected. It is unkind. If you feel like giving it another try and doing it by mail, maybe he will think again about what a long term friendship is worth.
• United States
30 Oct 11
That was my thoughts as well, that maybe with time he will realize he is wrong about handling things this way. You are right that family knows how good Carol has been so time will certainly tell and or if he needs her help once again.
@allknowing (142690)
• India
30 Oct 11
It is very risky to have commercial deals with friends. May be your friend wants you to make good the losses. There is no harm in having a chat with him. Try it.
• United States
30 Oct 11
We did talk about the van and he wanted us to give him the car that he sold us and give him all the money that it cost him to get home from Florida and give him the money that he paid on the van. We could not do that as the van belonged to my husband's cousin and he knew that. Plus, it was not our responsibility to have to return his money as he should have known to check fluids and stuff after it had set that long.
• United States
30 Oct 11
There aren't any legal hassles. I know why he has stopped talking to me, but it is not fair and that is not the way to end a friendship that has been this long and has withstood many other challenges.
@allknowing (142690)
• India
30 Oct 11
You know the reason why the friendship has ended. It is indeed a tall order to meet with his needs. Obviously you are not in a position to satisfy him and the best would be to move on. I hope there are no legal hassles.
• China
30 Oct 11
I understand how you feel.You have been friends with each other for more than 30years and you always helped him in his need .We may well say you were as dear to each other as members of one family.It is quite beyond me why the guy returned evil for good.Grant that he suspected you sold him a lemon,he shouldn't bottle it up ,he should clear the atmosphere on his own initiative.
• United States
30 Oct 11
I did not have anything to do with the deal - it was between him and my husband. He expected me to let him have the car he sold us back because the van tore up. That is not fair to me and to end our friendship over it really upsets me.
• United States
31 Oct 11
He felt that since the van blew up he should get the car back so he had something to drive. He said if we didn't give the car back then we should find him something to drive, which is not our responsibility. He just felt that he got a raw deal with the van, but it ran fine when it was here- I had driven it to town a couple of times.
• China
31 Oct 11
What grounds did he have for having the car that he sold you back?Since it is so,his honest must be called into question.
• Canada
2 Nov 11
Don't give up. Maybe the new wife had something to do with the "unfriending" on Facebook. That has happened to me before and I understood it. Leave it so that he knows your there when he is ready. It could be more than you think you know that's bothering him but it's up to you whether the friendship is worth the work!
• United States
6 Nov 11
The friendship is well worth the work that it will take to make this better. I want him to know that I am always going to be here. I am not sure if the new wife had anything to do with it or not, but if so she needs to back off as I was here way before she was and I will be here when she is gone.
• Canada
19 Nov 11
I agree!!!!
@Mashnn (4501)
30 Oct 11
That usually happens most of the cases, If I were you, I couldn't bother him anymore. There are many people outside there who would like to be your friend. By the way, you won't be surprised to him come back looking for soon. Give him time anyway.
• United States
30 Oct 11
I have other friends and I am not worried about that. I just hate the thought that this friend will not be in my life anymore. He is like a brother to me and I can't imagine just walking away from a friendship like that.
• United States
30 Oct 11
That is what I told him too. He knew the van had set and why would you leave Indiana and head to Florida without checking anything? That is not my fault! Maybe time will change things- who knows?
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
31 Oct 11
Personally there could be a lot of things going on in his mind and life right now. Maybe it is just best if you leave things be, and still be there in case in time he decides to change his mind and want you around again. Maybe his New wife considers you a threat and made him do this, or he just felt it was time to move on? As long as you know you have done nothing wrong but to just always be there for him, in time hopefully he will see the light and change his mind again.
• United States
2 Nov 11
I wondered if the new wife seen me as a threat but she should not. She knows that I am married and have been for almost 20 years. As far as him feeling that it was time to move on, I am not sure what from. You don't move on from a friendship like that Good friends are hard to find! I am sure that when he needs something he will be around again.
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
30 Oct 11
HI Carol.. I think, he knows that the van was inactive for 2 years and so he should have checked it before starting his journey. His life, as per your description, appears to be that of a careless man. And that is what made him not to check whether the van would stand a long journey or not. So it isn't your mistake. I am sure you advised him about the condition of the van, before handing it over to him. So don't feel bad about it. You have done as much as a best friend can do! So please don't worry about it anymore... I am sure he'll come back one of these days to you...
• United States
31 Oct 11
Thanks! It helps to hear others say that I have been a good friend and I hope that you are right that we will one day be friends again.
@padu19 (1441)
• India
30 Oct 11
It happens! This is why we generally do not sell or buy anything from our friends or relatives. Any transaction involving money or wealth would cause a misunderstanding between closest pals too. I would recommend you to talk to that person. Not to get back to him, but to explain your genuine heart and intentions! All the best!
• United States
30 Oct 11
It is hard to talk to him to explain things when he won't have any contact with you. I truly hope that he sees that I do care about him and that it was not my fault.
@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
30 Oct 11
You did everything to him you've been too good to him and he knows it. Now don't waste your precious time thinking of him what and why. For my advice just leave him alone for what he would like to think. One day he will realized what he does and your importance to him. You did a very good action as a good loving friend. That is very good that people will do to others and the golden rules that God has gave to us. Love others as i have loves you. And you show it to him. So just stay calm and relax where you where standing right now. When he called again for help and if still you are ready to give this to him well that is good also. Continue loving your neighbor.. Have a happy day....
• United States
31 Oct 11
I would accept his apology and be friends again in a matter of a few minutes. I am hoping that as time goes on he realizes just how much he means to us and that he will realize that we would not sell him anything that we thought would break down.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
5 Nov 11
Hi carolscash! This is the problem when there is business and friendship. The thing is that there is really nothing that can be done if he believes that you bilked him. The only thing that would change it is if you give him the car back and that would not be good on the business side of it. After all...we all take a chance when we buy a used car and if you didn't know there was anything wrong with it...what are you supposed to do? I think that maybe a little time is the best thing. You could try to talk to him if it would make you feel better. He might respond. Take care and good luck...sounds like a very tough situation.
• United States
6 Nov 11
Thanks Jen! I know that business between friends is not a good thing, but I thought that this was one that I could do without any problems. I have tried to talk to him, but he won't respond to anything. I would feel better and I hope that time makes it much better.
@rameshchow (4426)
• India
30 Oct 11
You have shared a great friendship with him. He has to know your friendship value, and sometimes like this situations are coming into our life to test us. others made negative thoughts on us. The time can give the justice.
• United States
30 Oct 11
Well, he should know that if he ever needs me all he has to do is call. I care about him as much as I do my husband and my kids and I always will. He needs to apologize this time though.
@sjvg1976 (42023)
• Delhi, India
30 Oct 11
Hello Carolscash, Its been sad to know that 30 years of freindship ended such a way.If i would have been in your place i would have definitely asked him and try to patch up things as i cannot afford to loose old freinds which whom i might have shared many things in those 30 years. I have experience of these things so i always try not to sell or purchase anything from a freind to keep the relations neat and fair. On his part i must say how can he be so selfish at least he should have talked to you and should have valued your freindship before breaking it.Sometimes we have to ignore things in freindships.It may happen that we may have differences at times with the freinds but to break freindship is the last thing we must think of.
• United States
31 Oct 11
I tried to talk the van deal over with him, but he just felt that he should not have been without something to drive and that I should give him the car that we bought from him back. I could not do that because the van ran fine when it was here. My hsuband thinks that he ran it without antifreeze in it. That is not our fault! It is sad that he thinks that I would intentionally do something like this as he really knows better.
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
30 Oct 11
I would do nothing. I would not invest time or energy in someone who is not interested in me anymore. Perhaps that friend was a real one for so many years. Perhaps you were the real friend and your friend just abused you in times of need. Sounds to me there are better times now and there is no room for you in the new, better life. Or at least not at the moment. What the reason is only your friend can tell but count on it that you will never hear any reason. Go on with your life, don't waste energy or feel angry, invest in yourself. You are more worth it then any friendship. And yes friendships do end. No matter if they are short or long, what counts is the time you shared together and what you learned from it.
• United States
30 Oct 11
It is just really hard for me to imagine my life without him in it as my friend. He is the one person who knew me better than about anyone else. He knew things about me that my husband didn't know and it just really hurts me.
@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
30 Oct 11
I would let it ride, and see if he does not come around when he cools down. His family knows how good you have been to him, and you really did nothing wrong.
• United States
30 Oct 11
Thanks GardenGerty! I know that I didn't do anything wrong, but it still bothers me that he has basically ended our friendship. I do care a great deal for him and I would just like to know why he can't see that I didn't do anything wrong.
@MandaLee (3764)
• United States
30 Oct 11
I am sorry this happened. I would talk with him. Try to work things out.
• United States
30 Oct 11
Thanks and I hope that we can talk it out sometime.
@Soleil05 (136)
• United States
30 Oct 11
That's pretty sad :( It's always a risk to sell an item such as a car to a good friend... like in your situation, the car broke down and your friend is upset. However, he knew that the car hasn't been used in some time and he didn't do any maintenance on it, so he knew the risks. Perhaps it would have been better if he would have bought a car from another place so to not put your friendship at risk - unfortunately, many friendships end when it comes to money. I don't know what you could do now, obviously the friendship means a lot to you... Perhaps after some time goes by, he won't be upset anymore :( Even if he doesn't respond to your messages, you can let him know how you feel about the situation and let him know that you'd love to keep up on each others lives in the future.. And hopefully your friendship will return to what it was someday.
• United States
30 Oct 11
That is what I hope for. This is someone who means a lot to me and I really hate the thought that we would not be friends again so I am just hoping for the best after some time goes by.