Had Great Vineyard Tour Today

Our house - You will see our house in the middle of this picture. None of the vineyards belong to us. Our house is a converted barn. When I said we were the poor kids on the block, I meant it.
@bagarad (14283)
Paso Robles, California
October 30, 2011 4:59am CST
I would have been here to report sooner, but I wanted to get my pictures and videos uploaded. The videos took forever to upload to YouTube. I started the upload before I went to the store and thought when I got home the videos would be uploaded and when I got back I discovered when I last did my computer updates my settings were reset to make the whole computer sleep after 15 minutes instead of just the display. So I reset it. It still took several hours. I couldn't unload the camera until I had all the video work done so I could close that program. Otherwise it uses too many resources. It was hard choosing just one picture to share with you,so I'm sharing the picture of my house surrounded by trees and vineyards. Only the tree right next to my house is mine. All the others are attached to other properties. To show you a bit more, I'm linking to the video of part of my walk around the vineyard if you are interested. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PWRSwm6zc4 What do you think of our North San Luis Obispo County Wine County? I just discovered today this area is in what's known as the Templeton Gap. What's funny is that my house has a Templeton address, and the vineyard I'm taking the picture from has a Paso Robles address. I always thought we were both in Templeton. Neither of us is within city limits, though. Do you think you'd like living in wine country on a well and a septic tank so that if your electricity goes out, your water does, too? There's a price to living out in the country away from city services.
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6 responses
• United States
30 Oct 11
I can't say thank you enough! I feel like we were walking the vineyard together. It looks like Tuscany! I feel like I took a mini vacation without leaving home! It is great to see the grapes and now I can tell the difference between the oak trees and I didn't get tired from walking ,lol! How wonderful! thanks sooo much!
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
30 Oct 11
Hummingbird Caught Trying to Steal Grapes - This hummingbird was fighting the netting while I was walking the vineyard.
I'm glad you felt that way, since that's what I was hoping people would feel as they viewed the video. I am really happy today because after I finally got to edit a few pictures last night, I got one of a hummingbird fighting the netting around the grapes. How do you like it? I'm pretty sure it's a hummingbird, even though it's large, because of the way it was beating its wings really fast and hovering.
2 people like this
• United States
30 Oct 11
I love it! It looks like a painting. Thanks.
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@Seisho7 (171)
• Indonesia
30 Oct 11
wow very nice view with the vineyards and trees it seems sure there are fresh air different with city who has polluted
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
30 Oct 11
I had forgotten about that benefit, since I haven't lived in a polluted city since I left Los Angeles. But we do have fires in the area sometimes that also pollute the air. Also, polluted air does occasionally blow in from the larger cites in other counties. So we aren't an entirely pollution-free area. We do occasionally get warnings about bad air quality. So things aren't always what they seem. Still, though, I'd rather live here than in Los Angeles.
@GardenGerty (160242)
• United States
30 Oct 11
It sounds as if you had a really great day, and that is awesome. I have not looked at pictures and videos yet. I guess you need a back up pump for the well. I know that my grandparents always had to pump their water and store it in barrels. It is great to have such a lovely surrounding as the vineyards, though.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
30 Oct 11
It's really nice to have lovely views that you have to do nothing yourself to maintain. Our yard stays pretty wild except for yearly weed abatement for fire prevention. I noted though, while walking the vineyards, that even lovely properties have their not so glamorous areas where things are dumped to await removal when there's enough to take to the dump. Those parts aren't normally seen or meant to be seen by the public, so I did not photograph them or anything close by the residence, because that would not ordinarily be accessed by visitor. There is no vehicle access unless they are having personal company.
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
30 Oct 11
Thank you, so much for sharing! I am lucky enough, in this life to have travelled California extensively--and am truly aware of the beauties of your State! I have a wonderful friend in the San Marcos area, whom is an orchardist (I guess is the word)with many, many acres of avocadoes, and kiwi, and a house on acreage with lemons, limes and grapefruit---what a treat to walk out the door in the morning to pick fresh oranges for juice, grapefruits for breakfast...your meals outside your door! Price of country living..I'll pay it any day...as I am extremely rural...with septic and well! I live on a small Island only accessible by ferry..in the middle of Georgia Straits (San Andreas fault/ring of Fire)and the winter winds will put our power out for days..EVEN weeks! Not a hardship for me..as I put in 35,ooo gallons of water storage...GRAVITY fed (so flush away..LOL), use only wood heat (so cooking is no problem) ...and invested in a 6500 watt Kubota generator, which I run every other day, to re-charge the freezers! I have almost learned to enjoy the power out times! My option to run the generator for T.V., lights and computer...or just TRULY ENJOY the down time! THERE is a beautiful silence when the power is out--something I just can't put my finger on...but a surreal silence! I think you live in a beautiful area...thank you for sharing, and I'll bet there has been no quirks from your neighbour?
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
31 Oct 11
I think it is beautiful. I grew up in a somewhat remote area and there is much to be said for it. I would not want to live too far out any more because of the activities in my daily life are the kind that it is nice to just hop in my golf cart and drive to a neighbor's or to the clubhouse or wherever. But thanks for sharing, and I drive up that way quite often going to and from my summer and winter homes. It is a beautiful commute.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
31 Oct 11
What route do you take between your homes? Your profile didn't way much about where you are in the United States.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Nov 11
That is absolutely beautiful. We aren't lucky enough to live out like you do, but it is really something that I would like to be able to do at some point during my life. I would love to have no really close neighbors and more opportunity to enjoy nature. One of the things that I love the most right now is the fact that we have friends from the country and I love watching the stars at night when we are visiting with them.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
2 Nov 11
It's also dark enough here at night so that we get a good view of the sky. I love the full moons. I hope someday you will get the chance to live in the country.