Is Halloween really pagan, afterall?

@Masihi (4413)
October 30, 2011 5:54pm CST
I'm confused. All my Christian life (the evangelical Christianity, not the Catholic which I was raised in) I been taught that Halloween was devil-stuff, and that every H'ween night satanist groups all around the world kill thousands of baby virgin girls in sacrifice, and that it was so paganistic that the die-hard evangelicals raged and railed against it and well...I believed it. Now I'm finding out that it's not really true, and that H'ween was actually a harvesting festival in origin and the time to slaughter the first of family meats while giving thanks to their higher powers for provision of the foods (veggies/meats). I looked it up on Wikipedia and even Wiki doesn't have any info on pagan influences. Furthermore, the Roman Catholics remember the dead on All Saints Day, and H'ween is just All Hallow's Eve to them..... *sigh* And here I am, pulling my kids out of school because of the "satanic influence" and "pagan influence" only to be face with evidence that my husband has been wrong, and so have I been wrong all these years. I'm just confused, not sure what to think, thinking I'm doing the right thing, thinking maybe I'm overreacting...argh, can anyone shed some light onto all this, please? Christians, and non-Christians both, I want to hear both sides, and I'm doing research myself as well. Thanks.
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10 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
31 Oct 11
I don't know, but I do know it isn't in the Bible, so I won't observe it.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
31 Oct 11
Ya, true, it isn't in the Bible, and I just wish I can simply say the exact same thing. I wish I can just do that. My in-laws insist on the kids going out trick-or-treating and bought costumes and everything.
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@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
31 Oct 11
That seems a very closed mind carmel
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• United States
31 Oct 11
Oh really, well you are the mother masihi, it's your choice whether you allow them to go or not.. thezone, I only stated the truth, it really isn't in there..
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@stary1 (6611)
• United States
31 Oct 11
Masihi I think Halloween can be what YOU want to make of it..does it really matter what was done back in history? You can make new traditions and memories with your children and for them that will be what they pass on to your grandchildren..I wouldn't worry so much as what others say..make your own celebration and tell your kids your own beliefs. I feel free to say this partly because my birthday is on Halloween..and I chose to believe I was the treat not the trick for my parents!!
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
31 Oct 11
Even if I can relax with H'ween, there's still the issue of candy and junk foods, especailly here in North America we're having an obesity issue, and all this candy sharing isn't helping the situation. The candy our kids get anyway we always pool them together, and I use some for Christmas baking to save money (red and green candy). They've always gone t/t'ing and even when I put up a fuss they always shut me up. Ah well, such is life, I'm trying to relax.
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@stary1 (6611)
• United States
31 Oct 11
I live in California and I agree there is an obesity problem. But candy isn't the problem, the problem is over indulgence. You sound like a very wise Mom teaching your kids good behavior habits. Saving the candy for Christmas cookies is an excellent idea I have never heard of..good for you!!! That could be a family tradition they pass on to your gradnkids
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@stary1 (6611)
• United States
31 Oct 11
I don't like all the blood and guts and gore either that's why I like Casper the friendly ghost
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
31 Oct 11
I know many Christians who will not participate. It does coincide with some pagan festivals, but then so does almost every holiday we celebrate. I let my kids "trick or treat". Often at school it was conference time, and school was dismissed so we did not deal with Halloween at school. On years that they were in school if the kids had dress up days it was focused on book characters at elementary level. At middle school level the one year they did it, they had to dress as a real historical character. Our church helps sponsor a "fall carnival" and have games and safe things. Today the Sunday School Classes had a lesson on the "Pumpkin Prayer" and carved "Jesus O'lanterns". The original jack olanterns were actually carved out turnips used as lamps. In every culture there will always be stories of supernatural, we just do not need to give it place in our lives. My children never wanted to dress up as any of those types of characters. It is really no different to me than horror stories in books or on television and in the movies.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
31 Oct 11
It is good to have a family day out whenever you can. They will have those memories always, but I doubt many children remember the school Halloween party. It is really hard for many kids to be in school all day with all the anticipation of the fun that evening. In fact it is hard for a week before and a week after, yet it is not something of value that they will remember. As far as having a Halloween alternative night, I do not feel it is compromising with Satanic forces. Many Christians who support these activities say it is because they refuse to let Satan have dominion over even one night in their year and they would not let him make them hide inside of their homes while others celebrated fall. IF Satan has power in someone's life it is because they allow him to take it. I guess this would be like the nights that cities say to have their porch light on and visit on your porch. Take the evening back from those who are criminals. God gave me 365-366 days of the year, and Satan cannot rule even one of them.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
31 Oct 11
I know a lot of Chrisstian churches do Halloween alternative nights and themes, but isn't that called compromising with satanic forces? I'm sorry for asking such a question, it's just that I"m trying to sort things out in my mind, is all. I know this year we're pulling our kids out of school, well it was already pre-arranged but then again I already had the day planned out anyway. Tomorrow's a nice day, so it'll be fun for all of us regardless.
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• Australia
31 Oct 11
Halloween (All Hallows Eve) follows the old Pagan festival of Samhain, which was the time when the real and spiritual worlds are supposed to be closest. The Catholics made it All Hallows Eve, just as they made all their festivals coincide with Pagan festivals (Easter for Eostre, Xmas for Winter Solstice etc). However there are some points I should make. First, Satanists are not Pagans, they are counter-Christians, and it is the height of stupidity and paranoia to claim that they are sacrificing infant girls at Halloween. I can't really express my disgust at that idiocy more strongly. Pagans, or more accurately neo-Pagans are followers of a modern version of pre-Christian polytheistic nature religions, and couldn't care less about Christian beliefs and thus have no need to parody them. Halloween is not a harvest festival. In the cycle of the Pagan calendar it is the time when the God (representing the Sun) goes into the Underworld to prepare for his rebirth at the Winter Solstice. As for worrying about celebrating it, All Hallow's Eve is a Christian festival; the fact that it coincides with a Pagan festival is normal, since they all do. Even the Satanists aren't particulalry evil, they just worship the dark side of Divinity. Psychopathic idiots sometimes call themselves Satanists and do psychopathic things from time to time, but they are rarely, to my knowledge, anything to do with the Satanist groups around the place. Lash
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@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
31 Oct 11
I am a massive Halloween Hater! Today is the day when this traditional festival is held, so it my day when I usually rant to everyone about how much dislike I have for this stupid festival. I do not know a lot about the specifics of it's origins other than what I have read online, but I do know that just like Christmas, it is far removed from whatever traditional meaning it had. It promotes the eating of toxic chemicals, kids scavenging in the streets which is degrading and it is an environmental disaster. Hundreds of thousands of cheap novelty toys and decorations sold in stores end up in landfill as they break soon after or during the event. Halloween is just mass consumerism gone mad. It is all about corporate profits and making a fast buck. It has no benefit to society whatsoever. It should be banned!
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@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
31 Oct 11
It should not be banned as it goes a long ways back here, although I agree with what you have said Halloween is far removed form what I was taught in school. Halloween was once respected here when I was younger, so much so it would be a non event but now it is a HOLIDAY It has been Americanized and the it has creeped over here years ago.
• United States
31 Oct 11
Stop caring what other people think. If you enjoy it, then go out and have fun. And, yes, it has pagan roots. What doesn't? Valentine's? Easter bunny? Leprechauns on St. Patrick's?
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@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
31 Oct 11
Yes, the origins of Halloween are Pagan. Christians adopted the Pagan calendar in an attempt to assist their efforts to convert them. Paganism has absolutely nothing to do with satanism whatsoever. This misconception was created for the same reasons.
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@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
31 Oct 11
First do some reading that is all I will say. You might be surprised
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
31 Oct 11
My drunken knowledge does me now good here
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
31 Oct 11
Hey you got on red star!!!
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
31 Oct 11
Well, this is a discussion forum, share your knowledge!!!!
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@marguicha (225137)
• Chile
31 Oct 11
I just checked at internet and it seems that it has its roots of pagan religious holydays. I did not read about sacrifices though. In my country Halloween is an imported holiday from the US. More of a way for kids to wear grosse costumes and ask for treat or trick. I buy some sweets and make the small children pay for their goods, either by reciting a poem or singing a song. I do not give a thing to reens and up and tell them I ran out of sweets. In my country, All Saintsday is celebrated since I remember. Everyone takes flowers to their loved oned at the cemetary. I don´t think that Halloween is a satanic influence, but it has become a material influence as there´s a big business that includes costumes, sweets, plastic jack o´lanterns to receive the bounty that will make our children sick later. On the other hand, how can you keep your children from doing what everyone does? At the most, I´d say: ok, we´ll take you treat or treating for 1 hour".
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@ravisivan (14082)
• India
31 Oct 11
How are you? Not interacted for more than 2 to three weeks. Hope you and your family members are keeping fine. It is advisable to follow the principle "Be a Roman while you are in Rome". Especially for children we must go along with the local customs. My 10 month old grand son has also participated in halloween functions. Yes. he was wearing "pirate dress" and took photos. It has come very well. we must allow the children to enjoy the celebrations in your place.
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