Frog eating a mole rat

November 3, 2011 12:56am CST
Hello friends, A vicious looking African carnivorous frog was caught in action feasting on a mole rat. This is no ordinary frog that just sits there, occasionally letting loose with a 'ribbit'. It's huge size and razor sharp teeth is more than enough to scare away other small animals. Check it out for yourself:
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3 responses
• India
5 Nov 11
Hi i tried to look at that huge frog, but the link failed to open, might be due to low internet speed.. Thanks for sharing Have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
@leeloo (1492)
• Portugal
4 Nov 11
I had never hear of this African carnivorous frog, frogs come in all shapes and sizes, this one combines the worst characteristics of most, it is large and toxic. When I first saw the image it looked a lot like a bullfrog. Bullfrogs are generally voracious, most bullfrogs are able to eat reasonably large prey because of their physical size which has turned them into a nuisance as they have spread to different countries. I saw a documentary a while back that showed the devastation they have done in Australia, I hope the African frog does become the same sort of problem.
@surfer222 (1714)
• Indonesia
3 Nov 11
That was a scary looking frog... i actually watch them on some wildlife channel some times ago..