According to the Republicans President Obama hasn’t accomplish anything
By sirnose
@sirnose (2436)
United States
November 3, 2011 6:25pm CST
The Republicans, Tea Partiers, and conservative talk radio shows would have you believe that President Obama hasn’t accomplished anything in his 1st term. Now let see what Mr. Obama has accomplish since he’s been in office.
1. He passed health care reform so that most uninsured Americans can be insured
2. Got rid of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Policy
3. Killed Osama bin Laden and most of his inner circle
4. Ousted brutal dictators Muammar Gaddafi and Hosni Mubarak
5. Put forth a jobs act to get the American People back to work which the Republicans despise, but won’t present a job program of their own.
The Republican Party is so much against this president that Mr. Obama must use executive orders to get things done because the House won’t go along with any of President Obama policies. The Tea Partiers with the Republicans leading the way will say and do anything to make this president look like a failure.
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8 responses
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
4 Nov 11
Wow, you really don't know what you're talking about on this one...
1. Employers are actually planning to DROP coverage for workers as a result of Obamacare. It's actually cheaper for them to pay the fine than provide insurance. In addition to that, it will FORCE people to buy insurance even if they can't afford it. It's nothing but a big gift to insurance companies and invites them to raise their rates as high as they want. Insurance rates have gone up since the bill was passed.
2. He didn't get rid of it. It will end due to the actions of congress and a federal appeals court. All he did was have a machine sign the bill for him.
3. HE didn't kill bin Laden, a Seal team did. I give Obama credit though for allowing them to do their job and keeping Pakistan out of the loop. I also give him credit for continuing Bush's policies in Pakistan.
4. He didn't oust either of them and it's extremely ignorant for you to make such a claim. The people of those countries revolted against their leaders. Obama did NOTHING in Egypt. That was 100% the result of the people there. In Libya, Obama started an illegal war in direct violation of the constitution and the War Powers Resolution. The fact that it, in part, led to Ghaddaffi being killed does not change the fact that he committed an impeachable offense. Even Democrats like Dennis Kucinich and Robert Andrews sent a letter to him demanding that he seek approval from congress as required by the constitution. He ignored them not caring if he ran an illegal war.
5. I don't know if you really believe that line of crap, or if you are blatantly lying. The republicans put forth NUMEROUS jobs bills. In fact, they passed THEIR jobs bill in congress before democrats even considered Obama's jobs bill.
"The Tea Partiers with the Republicans leading the way will say and do anything to make this president look like a failure."
They don't have to. Obama's done a fine job of that himself. His stimulus failed miserably. Obamacare is hated and the majority of people in this country want it repealed. Obama has QUADRUPLED the deficit instead of reducing it and has shown no desire to do ANYTHING but spend more money. Obama has also prolonged the housing recession by holding onto hundreds of thousands of houses bought under TARP and refusing to sell them so he can artificially keep the cost of houses high.
The moron had a supermajority in congress for years and had the ability to ram through anything he liked including Obamacare and the stimulus. None of it helped as the economy has only gotten worse.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
4 Nov 11
He's keeping his promises? Really?
What about that promise that lobbyists wouldn't work in his administration?
What about the promise that he would have troops out of Iraq within 16 months?
What about his promise to close GITMO?
What about his promise that he would NOT mandate that people buy health insurance?
What about his promise that he would not start wars without the consent of congress?
I could go on and on, but if you really want to stick your head in the sand and pretend he's keeping his promises, nothing can help you.
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@sirnose (2436)
• United States
4 Nov 11
That why you is not president you don't know jack? A lot of actions that are acted upon by the president are secret, and whomever is in this office gets the credit regardless whether they has anything to do with it initially.
You conseratives are just angry because President Obama is keeping his campaign promises and this just galls you right-wing dinosaurs. ...

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@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
4 Nov 11
Sorry, don't know where you got your facts from but they are basically wrong or way over-simplified.
1. Actual legality of the health care law is still in question. Also, it has not meant any of the promises to lower health care costs for anyone. It is impossible for it to do so because it lacks any type of price controls. This is its fatal flaw.
2. Congress got rid of it. President Obama could have (but didn't) ended this policy with an Executive Order.
3. Yes, he gets credit for killing bin Laden.
4. Yeah, not sure he wants to take credit for that. Only time will tell, if this is a good thing or a bad one. It is proving that overthrowing dictators is bringing out extreme groups and allowing them to influence the new political regimes which in fact could cause more harm than what was in place. If history tells us anything, what replaces a governmental vacuum could be worse than what was in place originally. But you cannot give the credit to President Obama, this was the choice of the people of those countries. It is their victory not President Obama.
5. Have you read his jobs act? I am talking about the actual bill introduced in Congress. You can find the complete text at the Library of Congress website. It creates a few more governmental jobs but doesn't actually make sustainable jobs. Have you learned anything from what happened after the stimulus? When the money ran out, so did the jobs.
Must dispel this particular notion...PRESIDENT OBAMA CANNOT CREATE SUSTAINABLE, LONG TERM JOBS. It is impossible for him to do so. But it isn't the Republicans holding things up, it is the Senate Democrats. In fact, if you go to the Library of Congress website, you will see that there is a serious backlog in the Senate. Bills are getting passed in the House but not in the Senate. The Senate can't even get together enough to pass a Budget.
If you didn't know, October is the month when the New Budget cycle for the Federal Government starts.
Better double check your facts with the Library of Congress which is not a blog but a real nonpartisan, non-opinionated, non-filtered, just the facts, legitimate political resource.
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@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
5 Nov 11
Didn't read the jobs act. How do you know that it won't make the job situation worse?
But wait, I bet someone told you exactly what you should think about the "American Jobs Bill of 2011." I bet it was a blogger who got their opinion from another blogger who got their opinion from another blogger who might have heard a little news blurb from which they got their opinion from. I bet this news organization also assigned an intern to watch and write a synopsis of the Presidential speech and likely fell asleep half-way through and completely made something up as fill in so that they would stay out of trouble. Talk about lip service.
If you had bothered to visit the Library of Congress, you would have also found a House bill by the same name that was introduced earlier than the one touted by the President. In fact, if you bothered to compare the dates, the President's speeches were about an imaginary bill that didn't exist until well after he started demanding Congress to vote on the thing.
If you looked further, you would see that the House had the audacity to vote on and pass a Federal Budget. Yet, the Democratic-controlled Senate hasn't even held a vote.
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@sirnose (2436)
• United States
4 Nov 11
I know the president nor the government can't create sustainable jobs, but if they would work together they could create a climate for job creation.
No! I didn't read this jobs act but it better than no job creation attempt. The Republicans just gives lip service to our economic woes.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
4 Nov 11
1: I'm sure you would agree that any law passed using illegal and unconstitutional means can't really be considered an "accomplishment". Pelosi and Reid literally had to bribe Democrats with millions to get them to sign the wretched bit of trash.
Obama's campaign promise was to open the medical coverage enjoyed by members of Congress to all Americans. Yet he didn't even bring that up after he was elected, nor did he have anything to do with the writing of the bill that did get passed.
2:As for "Don't Ask Don't Tell", again, he had NOTHING to do with that regulation being lifted. Instead of actually lifting the ban on openly Gay people serving in the US military, he waited until a federal judge (illegally I might add) issued an order against the US military. Then Obama (in his normal "lead from behind" way, simply allowed the illegal and unconstitutional court order to stand.
4: The intelligence that lead to the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden was gained by means Obama said that he opposed (yet did not end once he was president). The authorization for training and preparation for that mission was actually issued by Prs. Bush, but again (leading from behind), Prs. Obama simply allowed the mission to continue.
I do give him credit that is due any Commander in Chief for military success during his administration, but that only goes so far.
5: The Jobs act is opposed by so many Senators of his own party, Sen. McCain doesn't even want it put up for a vote. He simply doesn't have the votes for it to pass.
Sorry, but the way our Constitutional system works, the president doesn't get to be a dictator. He has to get his bills passed by Congress. But your little whining infant in the White House has never had to work with anyone before. His little grinning ninnies have treated him like royalty, and can't wait to shower him with worship and praise.
A pimple on a hog would be a better president than the royalty wannabe you worship.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
6 Nov 11
"Facts" easily refuted, evidenced by the fact you didnt even bother.
Your royalty wannabe Obama resents the fact that he can no longer snap his fingers and his little slave wannabes kiss his feet.
He hates freedom almost as much as his little minions do.. Including YOU!
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@sirnose (2436)
• United States
5 Nov 11
Oh come on now, ParaTed2k you know this country wasn't built for kings or dictators. This what the founding fathers were trying to get away from royal rulers.
I never notice that king I mean President Obama was coronated, I remember the Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts swearing Mr. Obama into office, and you all talking about mine blind loyalty to President Obama I'm only stating the facts. Congress voted for Obamacare wake-up that how it came into being law. ...

@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
4 Nov 11
1.) That's not really a bragging right. The health care reform forces people to buy health insurance who may or may not want it. It expands the scope of medicaid and medicare so that more people who can't afford the insurance can get federal help, and punishes anyone who does not have some sort of medical coverage via a fine. However, this is all just treating the symptoms of the real problem. Insurance is high because health care costs are high. Americans spend more per person for the same medical services as people in other developed countries. It's not the coverage that's costly, it's the health care services themselves. What would help us more would be to figure out why this is and eliminate what's causing it, rather than forcing people to keep shelling out money for services that continue to grow in cost.
2.) He gets a kudos for pushing the issue.
3.) He also approved the assassination of an American citizen in a non-combat zone for crimes that he hadn't yet been convicted of.
4.) I'm pretty sure the citizens who revolted in those countries are the one's responsible for ousting them, not Obama. Also - hooray for more meddling in the middle east! We clearly haven't learned our lesson yet.
5.) I don't know enough about his jobs act to make a judgement call on it, but I'm fairly certain the Republicans HAVE put forth a job program of their own. Whether it's any good or not is another question entirely.
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@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
6 Nov 11
Let's get something straight. Navy Seal Team 6 killed Bin Laden. The only thing Obama did was say okay. In the war room picture he actually looks depressed with having to okay the killing of a fellow Muslim. He also didn't oust anyone. The rebels did that. He has to use executive order because no one else agrees with his dumb ideas.
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@sirnose (2436)
• United States
7 Nov 11
I agree that the Navy Seals killed Osama bin Laden and Pres. Obama gave the go ahead which Pres. G.W. Bush wouldn’t do. He and NATO aided in the ouster of these tyrants the rebels couldn’t have done it alone.
I don’t understand why you call Mr. Obama’s ideas dumb because most of his ideas make perfect sense and dumb means that one can not speak, Mr. Obama tells us what he intends or plans to do. I heard that the war room photo was a stage event.
The president must use executive orders because of outdated thinkers such as yourself. You are always ragging the president but when I ask you how come? I get no answer.
This president could solve all what ills this country and people such as you would still complain about something.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
5 Nov 11
1. He passed health care reform that hasn't really given the uninsured anything, but has cause companies to drop insurance completely unless they get a waiver... and has caused premiums to drastically increase on those that do have insurance.
2. Got rid of a very good system that worked well in the military.
3. Didn't do anything about Osama Bin Ladin, since it was the CIA which has been working on finding him for 12 years.
4. I thought we were against interfering in illegal costly wars? Or is that only wrong when someone ELSE does it?
5. Put fourth a jobs bill that will do NOTHING to create jobs. I already went over that jobs bill, it won't do anything at all.
The Republicans are the only ones preventing Obama from flushing the ENTIRE economy down the drain, instead of most of it like he already has.
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@SuperJelly (320)
• Malawi
5 Nov 11
Politics is a funny games. It depends on what you promised people in the first place.
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