Why do you neglect your parents ?

November 4, 2011 8:05am CST
I feel so sad to see that in the present days many children neglect their parents . They hardly have time to sit and talk to them . Even there are cases where the son/daughter-in-law has beaten their parents/-in-law and thrown them out of the house or send them to old age homes . It is so depressing to hear them and cry over such negligence from their dear ones . Why are we treating them like this ? Is this because they are old and have not got the ability to do some productive work . I am living with my parents and make every effort to make them happy . Why do some people fail to do so ? We will also grow old one day and what would happen if we are treated in the same way ? Please think over this and share your views .
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9 responses
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
4 Nov 11
I took care of my parents. Now my children respect us - myself and my wife. But there may be stray cases where parents have not taken care of children and hence children neglect parents. Of course much depends on one luck to have good parents and good children.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
4 Nov 11
Do u understand Bengali? if so i will send a link to a song and u will cry for sure....
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@ravisivan (14082)
• India
5 Nov 11
While I can follow when a person talks in Bengali I cannot read Bengali. So please give the meaning of it in English.
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• India
5 Nov 11
Hi what link is it ? I am curious . Is it "bridhhashram" ?
@sjvg1976 (42007)
• Delhi, India
5 Nov 11
Hello Rollylolly, I also don't understand why people forget that they also will grow old and what will they do if their own kids do the same what they did to their parents?. I live with my parents and it never happens that i don't discuss anything with my parents as whatever new happens with me or whatever new thing i want to do i always take advice from my father first then do it. For me to neglect my parents i cannot dream of.I respect them as i know because of them only i have been here to see this beautiful world.
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• India
5 Nov 11
Thanks so much for your lovely response . I am overjoyed to read your comment . I do just like you and my parents are my best friends ever . They guide me and help me take decisions and also seek my suggestion if they are in some fix . I wonder how these people are so insensitive to their parents who made them see this world . Good bless you and have a nice time
• India
5 Nov 11
Thanks ravisivan for narrating this story . I have personal experiences , I seen and spoke to many old people like this and I am very depressed .Pray that people realize the condition of these neglected people and make amends .
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
6 Nov 11
Yes. It is sad. Today, many children, who ignores her parents. They do not want to be bothered, by their parents. As if they would never be old. I'm not going to ignore my parents. I will try my best, to make my parents happy.
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@ravisivan (14082)
• India
6 Nov 11
automatically when they grow old they will also be neglected totally by their children. very sad.
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
6 Nov 11
It's hard to judge what the cause them for doing so. I am sure there is reason behind. I know it's inhuman. Let's set aside the relationship, between parents-kids, or in laws. Let's take the side of humanity alone. I also wonder why people are too cruel and violent to others. Some reasons may due to cultures or individual behavior and upbringing. It's so sad, but this is reality and it happening everywhere.
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• India
13 Nov 11
I have seen incidents very closely and never found the reasons in some cases . It is merely selfishness and giving place to the new order . It is sad but reality . I think some changes should come in the attitude of people.
@koperty3 (1876)
12 Nov 11
My mother lives in other country but I call her often. Few year ago I was working in nursing home and I witnessed such negligence. Children put their parents to such home just to get rid of them. It was like throwing away not wanted furniture. Just horrible. I don't understand wh6y such things happen. Part of the blame got parents themselves not teaching their children respect for older people.
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• India
13 Nov 11
Thanks koperty for your response . Good to see you here after a long time . Thanks for your comments . You are absolutely right . Situations are pathetic and more awareness is required . Parents should also teach their children as well . Good wishes friend
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
4 Nov 11
There are many parents who neglect their children as well. Or only take the time to beat them up and spit at them in ways you can't even imagine about. I neglect my parents and that is the best thing I can do. So we both can live our lives the way we like witout one party always kicking at the other. My parents are surely not the kind of parents that will sit there and cry because they don't see their kids. They both are very rich, are able to do what they want and they don't care about their kids at all. There are also kids who work very hard to pay the bills for the places where their parents are living and get the (health) care they need. Ever thought about that? Or how many old people we have here, who do cry but are not even remember their kids at all and are living in the past? Who think their parents are still alive? I don't know where you live, where kids beat up their parents? But I do know that no parent is the same, no kid is and most people are trying very hard to keep themselves alive. And this has nothing to do with neglecting their parents because they are not working or productive anymore. BTW it's a very hard task to make someone happy who can't feel happy or live in a different world and is not interested in the world where you live. Old people here stay home as long as possible and take care of themselves. You can go to an elderly home if you are 80 years old or mostly much older. Most elderly people have a life of their own. They don't sit home and wait for their kids or kid to pass by and tell them the latest news. The go dancing, gymnastic, use computers, go on vacations and meet people of their age and same interest. Over here it's not normal to use your parents to babysit your kids, live together with them for the rest of your life. We all have our own homes, places and at the time we can't take care of ourselves anymore me go to hospital or elderly home and mostly don't live that long anymore. That is how the situation is nowadays. It has nothing to do with not being productive or working anymore because if that would be the reason the biggest part of the world has to be neglected since they are all without a job.
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• India
4 Nov 11
Thanks wakeupkitty for your response . I am from India and although situations are changing here but we have a culture of staying in joint families and mostly children look after their parents when they grow up . But as you know there are always two sides of a coin and there are cruel parents as well . I can understand your point of view but it will be a bit difficult for you to understand our set up as we are from third world country where it is not always easy and affordable for old people to live alone and do whatever they like , as you mentioned dancing,gymnastics or seating at the computer . You will be surprised to see so many beggars here and that is not their choice but compulsion .It is rampant in India where children misbehave and neglect their parents . It is very distressing . I met such parents and I bet you would also be touched hearing their conditions . I am sad to hear about the life in your place as well . I don't know why some people are so evil and cruel . Wish you all the best and good luck friend
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
4 Nov 11
wakeupkitty - after reading yours I am slightly concerned and am not able to accept the stand of your parents. while parents can enjoy life, it is their duty to take of their children and help them grow mentally and economically. I appreciate your tolerance in this regards.
@shibham (16977)
• India
4 Nov 11
Hi there.. I am an atheist and dont believe god but for me my parents are god and i can do everything for them... everything means everything.... I am still unmarried for my family. they are my gods and i am ready to sacrifice myself for them. Have a nice day ahead.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
4 Nov 11
I appreciate you for supporting your parents and treating this as God. You can get married to a suitable girl who will accept your views broadly. I am not an atheist but still I support your stance for your rights.
• India
5 Nov 11
Thought I would comment then felt I should not intervene
• India
4 Nov 11
Thanks so much for your response and I am so happy to hear that you treat your parents like gods and I think this is the best puja(worship)one can offer . Their smiling faces and happiness will surely be your blessings . Hope you continue to live like this friend
@kaeirole (668)
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
i think it is also because of what they see from their parents..or their family or race isn't practicing the close family ties..like here in the philippines, i saw some old people abandoned by their family..but it is not that rampant..unlike in other countries, mostly, people sends their parents to those nursing homes because they don't have the time and patience to take care of their old parents as much as what their parents give to them when they were still a baby..
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• India
13 Nov 11
Yes in some cases it is true but not always . Even some who very sincerely took care of their parents had been abandoned by their children . This is really sad . Hope realizations come to them at some time .
• India
5 Nov 11
When I was a child my parents used to play with me and we were having very much fun but as the time passed,and I got in School then college the bond between me and my parents somehow become negligible because we don't have any communication. Here comes the problem when we think that our parents are neglecting us but in real because there is no communication which can bond us is the main problem.If you think your parents are neglecting you just remember your days when you were a child and by those memory try to communicate with your parents .I am sure you will not feel the same anymore......
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• India
5 Nov 11
You are right friend , communication is essential . The discussion is not my specific problem but a generalized view of modern age where old parents are often neglected and left alone . Hope your problem is solved soon . Have a nice time