I'm bored with life.

November 4, 2011 9:29am CST
Who isn't? Tell me you're not! Do you have the guts? Well, even with your flooding money I'm sure you will be if you keep on doing the same thing over and over again. On the other hand I love writing - it's something that makes me go on with living - but my folks don't want it for me - so I tend to keep a distance. I just wish things will turn around my side this time. I don't wanna be bored anymore.
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10 responses
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
5 Nov 11
I hope you get to choose your own path as well, since it is your one and only life. Maybe that's why you're bored.. your living someone else's life.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
14 Nov 11
There are so many robots out there. And they become startled when someone does something human.
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
I'am living someone else's life. I always pretend to be the the totally not me. I have different views and outlooks in life that even my family don't understand.
• Philippines
6 Nov 11
If you are so different with the people around you - then I may conclude you are special. You know, all people want's to fit in to their vortex of despair - every single person I know is trap in this dogma of DOING-WHAT-OTHER-DO, they were so caught up with the norms of the world and the new horizons they should explore by THEMSELVES are forgotten.
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
4 Nov 11
You are bored? I disagree you know. Maybe, I call it something else or do not want to admit to it when it happens. I call it frustrated or lame goals or disappointments or plain lazy. Even if I find myself turning into a lump on the couch watching a movie and snacking on popcorn - I am chilling not bored. Interesting movie? Yes, writing can be challenging. Tell me now what is bored? Define it please. But don't get bored doing it.
• Philippines
4 Nov 11
Disappoinments I could really follow. Been doing stuff online to earn. (Hardwork!) And turns out, pay backs for my effort aren't assuring me so good. I hope this will change because I don't think I can post 10 discussions per day without being stressed out and all. (Btw. i also do helium, triond, and blogging.)
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
5 Nov 11
So then you are learning something; what does not pay out? Well that is valuable information too, certainly not boring I hope. Too much negative stress is not good, who wants that but positive stress is anti-boring. I understand you need to put your energy to things that will do you the most good. Me too!
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
Yes, you are right. I learned a lot from these past few days. And now, I have schedule for my daily activities. (Preventing me from cram and confusion what to do first, I think that's what stresses me most and drives me bored and miserable. You guys really contributed to help me make out my thoughts and decision. Thanks.
@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
5 Nov 11
Honestly, I don't suffer from boredom, there is too much in life that fascinates me. But I do suffer from other conditions, like lack of energy, which presents many problems to me, because I cannot function as I wish, and it's hard to make money when you have little energy. It can even lead to sickness through self-neglect. Like you I love writing: http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/carlhalling/ I find it incredibly therapeutic, to get my thoughts and feelings about things "out" as it were. I need to create or I become very low; I can suffer from mood swings. I am not the calmest of people. But boredom...I can be frustrated; which is like boredom: when I am tired and unable to create; and do the things I want to do, and make money, and be more successful. I can also be very sad. But I would not say I am bored by life in general as such.
• United Kingdom
5 Nov 11
You're very welcome. I do hope you continue to write...for me, it is great therapy for so much.
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
Wow, thank you very much for sharing your incredible thoughts. Boredom strikes me almost every time you know - though your words just reminded of something; its my choice. Really, I'm very glad you responded.
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
You will inspire more people I believe. And one day your goodness will be awarded. God Bless, have a nice day.
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
I get bored when I get nothing else to do except when I am resting. Also, routine work or activities is stressful and boring. I really love adventures and trying out something new and experiencing different things. If you don't want to be bored, then continue your writing. As long as you are passionate about it, you won't get bored. Also, I suggest that you try traveling or getting into sports activities. That can keep boredom away.
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
You can always try to grab some tasks out there to earn bigger here in myLot. Just look for the Sharon Buck's tasks. But those tasks sell like pancakes out in here. So you do swimming as a sport. That's a nice one, however, you always need a swimming pool venue to be able to start that sports activity which is not quite handy. Yes, traveling can really be a pocket killer, but it can definitely put away that boredom. Maybe just try doing work outs in gyms. That can keep you busy too.
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
I will definitely do your suggestion. (For the travelling maybe later but still wouldn't hurt to try explore the world.) Swimming is pretty convenient around here as we have a walking distance pool. Gym, now that is something I've been craving. I have this - maybe "average" body that needs improving so I'll keep that in mind.
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
Sports I can - as I do swimming. But travel, hmm.. that'll be a different scenario. I have to post at least 1000 discussions per day in mylot for the whole year and save to finance that.
@Mashnn (4501)
5 Nov 11
If I really love something, I don't think I can be bored. I would just look for something different to add to the fun. Do what you like. I wouldn't care whether someone else approve it or not.
@Mashnn (4501)
5 Nov 11
Don't give up because is your passion. Let them understand that, this is what you like doing most and eventually they will accept it. Don't exchange your passion for something else lesser. You will never find happiness in it.
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
In my case my own family wouldn't approve my endeavors! I really expect them to support me all the way but it only broke my heart seeing them rejecting my plans for myself.
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
Yes, I've decided to fight for it. Thank you very much for your thoughts.
@kaichoukebz (1190)
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
There are many ways to kill boredom. You can shift your attention to different things. Life is meaningful, cruel yet glamorous.
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
Yes, you deserve some break, in order not to break. Just take life easily. Follow what you want, not what others want.
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
Yes. Thank you very much. It's only right that I follow my own endeavors as its my life to live with.
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
There are many things I once do that I've chosen to quit for this only job/career. Now, I realized I need some break - a time out - a stress breaker! Thanks for responding! I agree with you.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
5 Nov 11
I don't have time to be bored, never have. Find something to do to keep yourself occupied. Wishing isn't going to change anything, so you have a choice. You can change the situation or you can learn to live with it. I don't know enough about your situation to know which one you should do, but you do. Make the choice and then just do it.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
5 Nov 11
Good attitude! I wish you well.
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
Yes, I cannot stay hanging miserable and sulking forever. I agree, it will be my choice - and I think I'd rather choose seeking and chasing what's best for me and what would make me happy.
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
You contributed to you know. Making out my decision - most of them are advices from around here.
• China
5 Nov 11
I am on my pregnant leave and do not need to go to work now. At first I felt bord. I did not know what to do everyday at home and i did not like to do anything. Just eating,sleeping,and watching TV . And i know it was not right. i need to make some goals for myself and keep me busy. so now i do excersices and read books everyday. if i have more time, i spend time on mylot. It makes me feel better now.
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
Reading is another passion of mine. It's nice that you have battled the impending stress of boredom as that will be bad for you health and for your baby. Congratulations - and take care! God bless you.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
6 Nov 11
I never get bored...(hehehe) I have so many thing to do and my routine is not monotonous. Means, I don't have any reasons to feel bored and all. I am too busy with things and I don't have time to feel boredom. Look around you, there's a lot of people who lives miser than we do,but they never felt life is boring.
• Philippines
19 Nov 11
Good for you not being bored jaiho. I just hope I have so many things to do too. Although, I do have many things to do, but, I don't feel happiness by doing them. I just want to do something that I'll really love. Like writing. But, I only know one place that pays for my blabbers. Mylot of course. Haha.
• Indonesia
22 Nov 11
Yes, I am human being. Feeling bored is human. Each human will feel bored, lazy, sick or etc. There is nothing we can do to stop these feeling, because they are within ourselves. I thought you already knew what you would do to overcome the sense of bored, lazy, sick and etc.