mylot: How to obtain STARS?

November 5, 2011 7:23am CST
Okay, after mylot's maintenance thingy yesterday - people were like complaining about this stars. From everyone's tone it seemed to be very important. So, what exactly are they for? I've heard it increases your earnings so I'm interested. (anybody will be) New around here so - thanks in advance!
4 responses
@Mashnn (4501)
5 Nov 11
Iam not sure whether it increases the earnings. I realize that, when I participate alot, the star increases. Just participate as much as you can.
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
Thank you very much. But participating? Does commenting with every post people responded to my discussion count? Well, I don't have time responding to other posts as I'm flooded with notifications every minute. *that's a good thing to my traffic i believe but it worries me.
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
oh, I'm sorry. I set my notifications and intended to receive them. Thank you very much though, that is very informative.
@Mashnn (4501)
5 Nov 11
Yes, I do comment on any post that I find interesting and adds to my star.
@phillyguy (3005)
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
You will have your own star when you reach 100. Some says that it is factor on how mylot computes the payment but I'm not sure about that
@phillyguy (3005)
• Philippines
6 Nov 11
you are very welcome ehleon. It is not hard to get 20 post count because there's a lot of interesting discussions here in mylot that you can respond to and you can also get another post count in the same topic if you comment in any response in that topic but as much as possible give quality response/comments. Goodluck
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
Okay, thank you very much for that phillyguy. I should start posting at least twenty or more per day to reach my first hundred. Have a nice day.
@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
5 Nov 11
You can learn about the meanings of your User Rating and MyLot Reputation here: and about the Discussion Rating System here: You will see your own star (and reputation) when you reach a User Rating of 100. Until then, make sure that you always post excellent quality, descriptive, relevant and original discussions, responses and comments so that other users will be more inclined to give you positive ratings. The more you can give to the community, the more you will receive! Don't forget that EVERY discussion, response and comment you make will be earning you something though not all will increase your User Rating. Your user rating will increase by 1 for: (a) any discussion of yours which receives either two responses or a response and a comment; (b) the first response and the first comment which you make in any discussion (usually people only make one response in a discussion, though it's possible to respond twice; people quite frequently make more than one comment, however, especially in their own discussions).
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
This is very informative. Thank you very much.
@pitch32 (78)
7 Nov 11
It's like being at school and getting a star-shaped sticker on a little board! Like a well done from the school teacher, except these come from a server somewhere! LOL. well at least now I get it as well, was wondering how it all works, just need to keep writing my opinions about stuff :) thanks fellow mylotters :)
• Philippines
7 Nov 11
Yes from the sound of their explanation its like that.