Does Religion create a We and They????

@bird123 (10658)
United States
November 5, 2011 10:05am CST
Religions tell people how they should act and live. They tell you what to do to become righteous. Doesn't this create divisions among people?? Doesn't this allow some to place themselves in a class above the rest and think they are better than others?? We are the Good Guys. They are the Bad. Isn't this a dangerous concept?? Doesn't this invite trouble?? Religion clearly points out that the world is bad and evil. Doesn't this concept just promote their cause and generate Hate?? Doesn't it all just feed some people's Ego while hurting others?? Hold it! Birdie boy! It's not just religion. Atheists maybe unknowingly are doing the very same thing. We are right and better. They are delusional and crazy. It is definitely a People thing. Perhaps, it is something religion has taught us all from an early age. Perhaps, it's the competition nature of mankind. Anytime we allow a We and They to exist, doesn't somebody really get hurt?? Through my life, I have told people they were wrong. I have pointed people in the right direction. Sometimes people create Drama and get angry. For me, it has always been an US. We all may be at different levels of understanding, however we are all God's children. That makes us all Equal. That's from the rich to the homeless person. That's from the saints to the criminals. God has us all here to teach and learn from each other. We all have our own lessons, however we are all the same, Children of God. So tell me. Is it We, They, or US?????
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13 responses
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
10 Nov 11
We all understand that you hate religion, but don't you think you are the one causing division by pitting religious people against those who are not religious? If trouble is what you aim to avoid, why do you do exactly what you complain about? If anyone is promoting hate, I'd say it's you. By telling others, throughout your life, that they are wrong, aren't you creating a me and them by declaring you are more intelligent than they are? How can it be an US when we all, according to you, must be who we must? There will always be us and them, it has nothing to do with religion, it's just life.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
11 Nov 11
When you say I won't get it all to bend to my will, what do you think my will is? What is it I am not able to see? For someone who doesn't hate, you sure do make a lot of derogatory remarks about religion. How can you be speaking the truth about religion when you know nothing about it? I believe your goal is to cause trouble, because I believe your god is Satan. I know, you don't believe in Satan. Your beliefs have nothing to do with what is. My goal is to bring those outside of Christ to a knowledge of his saving grace. What is this education you think is God's goal? What do you think he's trying to teach us? What is the purpose for it? If your goal is God's goal, why do you refuse to teach since you think you have most of the answers? Don't waste your time typing that stupid answer you always give, "I won't serve it up on a plate. You must discover for yourself." What you're really saying with that response is you have nothing to teach because there is nothing. "Do I intimidate you with my intelligence??" I don't know. I've yet to see it. "Is your EGO bruised??" Since what you say amounts to nothing, how could my ego be bruised? I am continuously learning from God's wisdom. Why don't you put away your fears and do the same?
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
15 Nov 11
Why did you not answer the question, "What is it I am not able to see?" Are you unable to be specific? "You are not able to see anything but your religion," is too general. Tell me specifically what it is I can't see, if you are able. Why do you think your discussions are not based on you beliefs? That is exactly what they are, and you are not able to prove otherwise. Saying that you are not telling anyone what to believe is a lie. Satan does lose in the end. If you knew the word of God, you'd know that. Satan's desire is to take as many from God as he can get because he hates God, God's Son Jesus the Christ, God's Holy Spirit, and all of God's creation. If you knew God's holy word, you'd know that. I know what my God is teaching. He has spelled it out plainly in His Holy Book. I want to know what you think He is teaching. As usual, you refuse to answer my question but instead tell me there is a lesson I'm not aware of and it's something I badly need to address. Why didn't you tell me what that lesson is, because you don't know yourself? Do you not know how to teach it or is it all a bunch of hooey? If I were intimidated by your intelligence, I would be too afraid to challenge you; but challenge you I do. You have shown no intelligence and say nothing that could fill anyone with fear. As far as my bruised ego goes, why do you accuse me of your own actions? You have lashed out at me more than I have at you. All I have to do is correct you and you go into a tirade. I know you are not learning from God because of some of the discussions you've started and the comments you've made. Again, if I were scared, I wouldn't be challenging you. If "wisdom is attained in the struggle to acquire knowledge," why do you refuse to acquire it? Why are you afraid to study God's Holy Word, the Bible? Aren't you the one who's really afraid? The difference between you and me is that I'm not afraid to ask you about your beliefs, but you are afraid to learn about mine. You're never going to achieve that" higher intelligence" if you are afraid and refuse to learn. "If you think that is your holy book, perhaps you need to read it again, willing to see what is, rather than what you want it to be." Why don't you take your own advise. I know you won't because you're afraid. As I said, "For someone who doesn't hate, you sure do make a lot of derogatory remarks about religion." If unconditional love brings the truth out regardless of the drama, that just proves you don't have unconditional love. Truth does teach what the right selections are. That's why you refuse to study God's Bible. You don't want to know what is right.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Nov 11
bestboy19, your quote: When you say I won't get it all to bend to my will, what do you think my will is? What is it I am not able to see? Your will is to have everything conform to your religion. You are not able to see anything but your religion. Your quote: I believe your goal is to cause trouble, because I believe your god is Satan. I know, you don't believe in Satan. Your beliefs have nothing to do with what is. Seems you value beliefs way too much. See how many times you say beliefs. You focus on your beliefs then my beliefs. You don't realize that I'm not telling you what I believe. Satan does not exist. If satan did exist, he would always lose in the end. If this were the case, even satan would learn. Do you really need to ask what education is and why God would be teaching it??? Ask any parent why they teach their children. Your quote: why do you refuse to teach since you think you have most of the answers? Don't waste your time typing that stupid answer you always give, "I won't serve it up on a plate. You must discover for yourself." What you're really saying with that response is you have nothing to teach because there is nothing. Perhaps there is a lesson I am teaching that you are not aware of. Yes, it is something that you badly need to address. It would open your eyes to so very much. Your quote: "Do I intimidate you with my intelligence??" I don't know. I've yet to see it. With your defense answer, I must assume yes. Your quote: Is your EGO bruised??" Since what you say amounts to nothing, how could my ego be bruised? Once again, you return a defensive answer because you have admitted your anger to me several times. Clearly something is being bruised. Your quote: I am continuously learning from God's wisdom. Why don't you put away your fears and do the same? Why would you think I am not learning from God?? Clearly I have learned enough to scare you. Sometimes, I feel I am not learning fast enough. Just as I have told you, God allows me to realize that there are no short cuts. Wisdom is attained in the struggle to acquire knowledge and not by the mere gift of it. God works on multiple levels with multiple views. Often when I see this in practice, I can only say WOW! I have no fears. My progress is always toward more knowledge and higher intellect. If you think that is your holy book, perhaps you need to read it again, willing to see what is, rather than what you want it to be. Finally your quote: For someone who doesn't hate, you sure do make a lot of derogatory remarks about religion Wouldn't hate really be to ignore the truth and allow others to live on beliefs which are not true. Unconditional Love brings the truth out regardless of the drama. Look around you. That is what God is doing in this world EVERYDAY. With the dance of people's choices, truth will return to teach what the right selections are. Being stubborn only makes your journey longer. I'm not worried. We do have eternity to learn. All the kids are coming home in time.
• United States
5 Nov 11
Religion in my view is simply a way of living using a set of ideals. I am not religious in any form though I'm not so close minded that if I were offered empirical evidence I would slap the evidence away. I think the idea of division is very true, and happens everyday. Fundamentally, religion helps draw a figurative line between people. No matter how much they may claim to bring people together, in order to do so they must first affirm the convert that they were on the "other side" of said line. Now going from strictly my opinion, humans are exactly the same as animals. Someone already mentioned this but we have a pack mentality. Just more complex, and guised under terms like cliques, or gangs, and even religious affiliation. Though it would be nice for all of us to get along under one collective group it's just too difficult to sustain. Even with the advancement of technology, and instant social networking available at our fingertips, the dynamics of human relationships from micro to macrorelationships is just too complex to control, nor should we have to control it. We are approaching a technological barrier which is known as the point of singularity. This point is described as the point where advancement in technology speeds up so fast that it's impossible to predict the future after this point. I'm talking about advancements way past the stereotypical flying cars and lightsabers. :P And I believe only at this point, we may finally reach a collective sort of hivemind due to the infusion of technology into our own biology. And rather than biology control technology, or vice versa, we instead work together. Unified. My whole point of this drawn out explanation is that at this point we may all finally come to terms with each other and for once finally see thigns from all of each other's views. The only downside may be the lack of individualism but happiness always comes at a price. So all in all I think religion was a "step" in the direction of trying to bring us all together by first separating each other into groups. Religion may never end but the idea of science is obviously prominent in this era which is the second step. We're nearing the final steps within the next few millennia. So the ultimate truth is. We should all try to make this world a happier place the best we can. And maybe the division through religion will become just a phase in the evolution of mankind. :)
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
6 Nov 11
First off, the Bible is the source of information that is accurate, as far as I am concerned. It does not say that we are all children of God, but rather creations of God. It is "relationship" not religion, that God calls us into. It is not necessary to tell anyone that they are wrong or are going to hell, etc. But it is necessary to live a life that exemplifies the love, grace and forgiveness that Christ lived out. This cannot be done without the very presence of God (through Christ) being invited into our life to do so. It is then that the Holy Spirit begins to deal with our pride, stubborn and agrumentitive attitudes towards others, and just "being" what we to be: representatives of His Kingdom upon the earth. Be sure that when God comes into your life your will - your beliefs - your attitudes will all be confronted, if they are not pleasing to God. But He is loving and patient and will work with our spiritual walk to improve it, aometimes with some painful lessons along the way. So yes there is a division within the religious community, and it will always be, because people are always going to question God's word, and the way He perscribed for us to live. There is a definite division between darkness and light, and those who follow either of them. It makes no one better or worse - - just making decisions as to what they see as the way they want to go. It's great to have that freedom of choice. Nuff said.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Nov 11
Mongolian4ever. Indeed mankind is advancing. With more knowledge comes more ideas and better ways of thinking. Singularity will be great, however the change in people will come through their education and their free choice. This should be done without Control but through free choice/ This will allow diversity of mankind to open the view much greater. God gave everyone a different view to guaranty mankind a larger view than any one person could have. Technology is going to be wonderous ,however it will always lack vision. Classycat, Yes, you are right. God is about a Relationship and not about religion. It makes me wonder why so many search for God only in a holy book. I would think discovery of the Real Thing would be better. Mankind is the real author of all holy books. I think you are wrong about divisions in religions and people. It's not like light and darkness for people are making a Choice to be divided.
• United States
6 Nov 11
While I am not religious I do agree with you on what the ideals of a religion are supposed to be. As you said a relationship is the key. Not a religion. I may not believe in God, but I do understand that love is the most powerful force in the universe. And the Christian faith has that as its ideal, and I can truly respect that. And everyone will live a fulfilling life if they claim responsibility for their actions and demonstrate love for your neighbor. I don't try to exemplify this in my life because of God or a religion but rather because no matter if there's an afterlife or not does not matter to me, I want the last thing to know before my eyes shut forever that I lived a life to its fullest potential, and showed my love for my life to other people and encourage them on the right path too. While we may not believe the same things, we fundamentally strive for the same ideals and we should all try to maintain that throughout our lives. Religious or not, we /all/ will die. That is currently an inevitability, so don't waste your time here. The way I go through life is remembering there are /always/ pros and cons to every decision in life you make. And everything in this universe has its flaws. Humans, the earth, everything has its flaws. But these flaws are intrinsically built into the universe. Science can prove that. Religion proclaims it as well. It's how we address those flaws. Keep an open mind and the universe can reveal many of its mysteries to you for simply allowing your mind to accept all kinds of possibilities. And we can all slowly bridge those gaps of religion. And maybe one day even between science and religion on a fundamental level. Peace and love to everyone.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
6 Nov 11
What's interesting is, yes it can do just what you say here. However, most religions teach NOT to think that way. In the case of my own religion (Christianity). Christ never taught in terms of "we're better than them" In fact, he taught just the opposite. He washed the feet of some of the lowliest members of the society of the day. He didn't go to the learned theologians of the area when starting his ministry. He went to fishermen, tax collectors, and others of "lesser" social stature. I can think of many passages in the Holy Bible that talk about how followers of Christ should look on others, but not one of them teach us to consider ourselves better than anyone else.. in fact, "If I am a Christian, I am the least of all".
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
6 Nov 11
Of course everyone is special to God.. even the "least of all". Humbly acknowledging that we are all less than God is not insulting or promoting a low self esteem. It is simply believe in Christ and BELIEVING Christ. It means we are willing to show our faith instead of our pride.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Nov 11
My mistake. I thought when you said least of all, you were talking about people not God.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Nov 11
You should never say you are the Least of all. Do you know why???? Someone might believe that and you would be teaching the wrong lesson. You are as special to God as Everyone. Yes, I do remember from the bible the stories of Jesus treating the lowliest of people as equal. Seems many people choose to value their own importance over everything else. Their choices show God and the world just what lessons are needed. Perhaps, those in a church or religion should be pointing others in the right direction. That could only help religion today.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
5 Nov 11
Of course, it does! Every religion since the dawn of time has had and element of this. Unless you belong to the religion you are either evil incarnate or an object of pity. If you are a member of the religion and you dare to speak against any of it's teachings this is blasphemy and you are either possessed by evil or to be driven out/killed. Religion only survives if it grows; so, any one who belongs to a different religion must either be converted or destroyed. History is full of examples of this type conflict. Of corse, since man created religion, it is kind of a chicken and egg thing. Which came first? Did men create religion to create divisions and classes? Or, did religion start these conflicts and divisions - were men all one happy group before religion got it's start?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
5 Nov 11
It would be interesting to go back in time and see it happen. Mankind's greatest problem was probably the cause. Mankind's greatest problem is that everybody wants to rule the world. Given enough time, mankind should outgrow this. There does seem to be a long way to go.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Nov 11
You are right. Using mankind as a label is not accurate. There will always be people who Understand and help to shine a light in those who do not see. In this multilevel classroom, we all have different lessons to learn and we all can help supply answers for others. Perhaps if people would learn to stand on their own two feet instead of following, we could discover real peace quicker. How can a country go to war if no one chooses to fight. Let's just get a new leader.
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
6 Nov 11
Yes, I think as a human institution it does create division. Religion is a source for drama but then so is politics and well the weather used to be safe but now it seems all messed up too. Sad there is nothing more to talk about? I think it is maybe impossible for two people to agree perfectly on everything and that should not be a problem but religion does get itself into big trouble and yes people do get angry sometimes, sad but true. It seems these days Islam and Christianity have a great deal of things to disagree with and there are many religions in the world including atheism though expect an atheist to disagree with that one. Not all religions believe in God and there is such a thing as a false religion and a true religion if you base religion on people that believe in God. As human beings though I always believe we can find at least one thing to agree on and in some cases more things to agree on than disagree on. I would compare "we and they" to law. Law is not merely a fixed state but relies on both historic and the human capacity to understand.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Nov 11
Atheism, a religion???? I do agree with you on that one. We all have the power to choose what we deem important in this world. Funny how so many people value our disagreements more. Religion's understanding of God would really advance if they came together and compared what they do agree on. Of course,with the arguments and drama comes the learning. It does change everyone even ever so slowly. The only real comment I can make about your statement about law is:: Hmm??? You must be a lawyer.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Nov 11
OK. Yes. I see it now. Thanks!
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
6 Nov 11
No, I am not a lawyer. What I meant, though was law compares well to this subject because it to divides people. There is a right, wrong, guilty, not guilty outlook and there is a lot of disputing and decision making over law. You have organization from the lowly criminal groups (including the criminal fans of Johnny Cash - joking ) to the upper high class, the ruling judges, so definitely a class structure. It does provide or should demonstrate a high moral standard with clear divisions. In practice, though the methods employed are not one of complete agreements but one in constant change as new laws get made and old laws applied. The lawyer spends years in study with law theory and becomes a graduate of a bar exam until they actually make law when they go into practice as lawyers. “so this is what a court room looks like” – from the movie a few good men
• Philippines
6 Nov 11
First and foremost we are reminded that there shall be no divisions among us as what the bible says. There is no such thing as the church of the christians, the islams, the whatsoever. There is only a CHURCH - one unity of all faith. But what happened today is that people tend to overpower one another through the who's-more-righteous thing! It's like a game! This is a very nice discussion, I will definitely go back here when i have more time discussing religions. (i'm a bit busy right now.) *wink.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Nov 11
ehleonkyrietales. Your quote: The teachers gives respect to each other, how are lowlife church leaders pretend and actually feeds negatives thoughts to their follower, leading the world cannot be given to someone whose hands are not capable, but still - who are we to know Yes, that is something to think about. It would be so nice to have the right leaders. On the other hand, much is learned from all the screw ups. We must understand it all if we are to know the right answers are right. Creating heaven will take many trips to hell to discover heaven is the only answer. BlueDoll, I really loved the way you see building your church on love, friendship, trust, brotherhood and goodwill. Whether people see it or not, you are pointing in the right direction, Unconditional Love.
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
6 Nov 11
I like the words Jesus Christ said to Simon Peter his best friend on earth who followed him from place to place. "Upon you I will build my church." well maybe the scriptures said, "on this rock, I will ... " I am reciting by memory and will stand to be corrected. For me it means, Jesus will come to build on this, what we call friendship, love, trust, brotherhood, goodwill. But others might disagree with this and certainly this is everyone's choice. Who could disagree on the concept though? Sadly, some will I suppose. As far as religions interact, many do not agree with what the other is saying about the bible, some reject Christ in it, others do not believe he is real and still others choose to mock him (maybe not much has changed in 2000 years). In any event, I agree that often, it becomes about who is right, not the message and unity gets lost with it. May there be peace in the world.
• Philippines
6 Nov 11
Our faiths became the drive of PRIDE and not humility anymore. You know, great teachers from different religions said "if all christians are like Jesus himself, then the world will be very different from what it is now." (reciting also by memory, but I'm sure Ghandi said those word. The teachers gives respect to each other, how are lowlife church leaders pretend and actually feeds negatives thoughts to their follower, leading the world cannot be given to someone whose hands are not capable, but still - who are we to know!
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
6 Nov 11
Religion is a Grand Scam that was invented several thousand years ago to line the pockets of the Church with Power and Money, and it has succeeded exceedingly well. At the same time religion has caused wars like you wouldn't believe, and murdered millions, all in the name of Jesus Christ. Even today it is ruining the lives of thousands of kids. as religious leaders sexually abuse the children of the Church's Parishioners. Religion has had 2000 years to make a difference and anyone with eyes to see, can view its miserable failure. ( May God Bless!)
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Nov 11
AS mankind advances in knowledge, they will come to question religion more and more. There will come a day when religion will have to learn, grow and change or become obsolete. The idea of religion being mankind's attempt to understand God is a good one, however using the greed and need to control that mankind uses, gives religion a bad name until they learn to outgrow such evil. Many will be hurt til then. The reality will be that Science will discover God before religion will simply because they don't rely on beliefs and they willingly change when they discover they are wrong. This is the road to true knowledge and God.
• Mexico
6 Nov 11
Hi bird: I think it's not only on religion. You can find it on politics and in general in every single area where people may have different points of views. We, and when I say we I'm talking about humanity always try to find the truth. But for the majority of the people it's not that all, they also want to show the rest of the people that they are wrong and that they have to think just as they do. I think that people at some point is intolerant because they think they are always right and they want to prove it no matter what the cost. ALVARO
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Nov 11
Hmmm??? You mean not only do I have to be right but you have to be wrong as well. Yes.Yes. That brings us back to mankind's age old problem, EVERYBODY WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD!! They don't see the great advancement the world would experience if everyone had the freedom to express that which is special about themselves. You know. If one rules the other guy, one will never discover that the other guy really had the better idea. If only so many weren't blind to this, this would be a much different world. I guess mankind will outgrow this in time. Yes, you are right. Mankind likes divisions in many things. Politics is another big one. Sometimes it reminds me of four year olds fighting.
@kharlav (1667)
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
God never created religion, only relationship. It is man that created religion. In fact, for me, a person who is so religious has a difficulty to really know God, because he is just so locked in to what he believes and what he thinks is right (his religion), and that is pride. A true knowing of is never religious, is never proud (thinks that he is the only right person). It is the will of God that Children will be one, or what you so called "US" and not divided. We need each other, no matter what our differences may be. No one church is perfect, we all have our strengths and weaknesses, that's why we need to compliment each other and be "US" minded.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
5 Nov 11
I couldn't have said it better. Thanks!
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
In a way think it does but I also think it is but natural and at times cannot be helped since most are born with it and more are taught it in school, I think it's more of being fanatical or fanaticism that creates more damage to our relationship with our fellow humans beings
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
5 Nov 11
Yes, I think you are right. We and THey are being taught not only by religion but by parents, schools,society, friends,and neighbors. We all need to stop doing this. Who knows. It might even prevent a few wars if we do.
@murkie (1103)
• Philippines
6 Nov 11
the way you resented it, this is just a way to preserve an organization. notice how ORGANIZED religion invests in your guilt and conscience. if you don't join us, then you burn in hell. or something like that.. though you would see that they share the same platform. so i think your notion is correct that religions would resort to us-us, they-they.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Nov 11
Religions are supposed to speak for God. God doesn't resort to guilt, threats or classing people as better than others. It's sad to think religion values the organization over God and what God is really about. We all really one big happy Family. Well, SHOULD BE!!!
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
5 Nov 11
you are right there is always we and they and it`s not religion`s fault.We are being manipulated all the time (sometimes US is also being used to make you react ).But in the end i think we can reduce everything to a big I
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
5 Nov 11
Interesting. Wouldn't selfishness be what brings it down to I?? There are wonderful selfless people in the world teaching many through their actions. Creating a We and They still comes down to a Choice we are making. Is it really the choice we want to make knowing someone will be hurt??? Should religion be encouraging WE and They??
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
5 Nov 11
No doubt there is much learning needed for many. In time things that seem impossible will become possible. This happens given enough learning and knowledge. You might have been taught that most people won't see heaven, however we will all know God's Unconditional Love that heals all hurt. You are still a Child of God. It has never ever been about punishment.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
5 Nov 11
I think real religion should encourage " You " more than we and they .Like helping someone in need ,always be kind with him and love everyone like you love yourself ( unfortunately that thing is not possible for the majority of people that`s why we won`t go to heaven ) Even if people are manipulated to believe in we and they in the end it`s about a single person and his need for more power.(or a small group of people ,they are the real WE )
@ferbjohn69 (1127)
• Philippines
6 Nov 11
Some people think that they become better when some are worse so they do it. I think it is normal for people to judge other.People always see what is wrong with other people. People also love competition.:)
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Nov 11
I guess much could be human nature or is religion and society teaching this stuff to people?? In any event, it will take a long time for enough people to see then teach their children to change the world for the better.