I quit my job..

United States
November 5, 2011 2:05pm CST
I've been working at Subway since the end of January this year. A few weeks ago I got a new job at a bank with better hours, more money, and full benefits. Now I've been hating my job at Subway for a long time.. pretty much since I started. It's not a fun job, it doesn't pay well, and it's exhausting. Our store is understaffed (purposely to save the owners money), and half the people who work there don't like doing their job so they do very little if anything at all. It wasn't too bad when I first started. The manager at the time busted her butt, and most of the employees worked really well too. I had very few complaints aside from the days when it got so crazy busy that I had to stay an extra few hours to get caught up. But then the manager got sick and we got a new manager. The new manager didn't believe in working hard. She didn't believe in starting the closing list early (and as a closer I don't appreciate them not starting the closing list early). She didn't believe in over-prepping, or over-ordering.. so needless to say we ran out of things a lot which made the customers angry and made my job more difficult. Recently there's been a lot of changes at the store. Many of the people who've worked there for a long time, and were good workers, have left. Some went off to school, some went to different stores.. so we had to hire a bunch of new people. Well, the new manager is training all the new people.. so none of them work, none of them start the closing list early, none of them do enough prep. The past few shifts I've worked have been awful. I walk in to dirty dishes stacked everywhere, no prep done, no bread made, and absolutely nothing getting done. Plus, I've been getting next to no hours what so ever. Ever since the new manager took over my hours have dropped. I used to get 25-30. When she took over it was more like 15-20. When my son was in soccer I had to drop down to just the times when my husband would be home, and I begged to make sure I got plenty of hours on these days.. but still I'd end up having one of those days off even though I really needed the hours. So, when I started my new job I told them I could work Wednesdays and Saturdays until I got an idea of what my schedule would be like at my new job. Week 1 I got no hours at all. Week 2 I got 1 shift on Wednesday and managed to pick up an extra shift from another girl, so a total of 10 hours. Last week I got exactly 4 hours. I got my schedule for the next month from my bank job, so went in and told my manager at Subway what days and times I'm available. I can work next Friday because it's veterans day so the bank is closed (but I get holiday pay from the bank!). Plus my Saturdays are wide open. So, I went into Subway last night to see what next week's schedule looked like. They do not have me working on Friday or Saturday, or even Wednesday. All I have on next week's schedule is a closing shift for next Monday. That will be like 4.5 hours. Ok, so 1. the job is stressful and I hate it, and 2. I'm working enough hours to earn me maybe $20 a week. At first I was thinking the extra money would be helpful with Christmas coming up.. even if the extra money is only $20 a week. But my last few shifts there have been nightmares! I am exhausted with everything I already have going on in my life. My bank job may not be very physical at all, but it is mentally challenging, especially right now since I'm still learning all of these extremely important banking procedures, so I am mentally drained by the end of the day. Plus before and after work at the bank I'm working on my school assignments, which is even more mentally challenging.. and in between all of that I am still doing all my typical mom and wife chores. I have a house to clean, laundry for 7 people to keep on top of, dishes, meals, not to mention the 5 kids. But to go into work at Subway, see that nothing is done and have to run my butt off just to get caught up since nobody else wants to do any work, then deal with a huge rush of generally very cranky customers, while being understaffed because the owners are cheap.. needless to say I don't have the energy to keep up with it anymore. I've been miserable lately, and even more miserable on days just before and just after a shift at Subway. So I'd been thinking about putting in my 2 week notice. But then my shift on Wednesday was just so terrible and so stressful, that it took all of my power not to walk off the job in the middle of my shift! So last night when I went in to check the schedule and pick up my measly little paycheck, I left a note for the manager explaining that I don't have the energy to keep up with it all anymore, so I need to be taken off the schedule immediately. So.. I've quit my job, and although I feel bad for the way I quit, I do not at all regret the decision to quit. My sanity is more important than $20 a week. I need to save all my energy and patience for my kids and my job at the bank. Once I get over the guilt of quitting, I'm sure I will feel a great rush of relief!! When was the last time you quit a job? How did it make you feel when you quit?
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20 responses
@Angelee_27 (3460)
• United States
5 Nov 11
I think you made the right decision. You found a better job with higher pay and more benefits, so why stay and work somewhere that you hate working at? Especially if you're only making about $20 a week! It would be a waste of your time, in my opinion. You could be spending that time doing other things, like spending time with your family, studying, etc. In my opinion, there was no good reason for you to stay at Subway. You shouldn't feel bad about it at all!
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Nov 11
I feel guilty for quitting, but I will get over it soon enough.
1 person likes this
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
5 Nov 11
Kate, the way the store is being run I wouldn't feel the least bit guilty quitting. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
• United States
8 Nov 11
webeishere, I wouldn't either. It is not being properly ran, and that is nobody's fault but the people in charge. She had every right to quit, and I don't blame here at all!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
6 Nov 11
I am glad that you did quit as the stress is just not worth it and you are great at stretching a dollar. I last quit a job 15 years ago and am hoping to quit right now if things work out for me
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
6 Nov 11
I really hope you get to quit your job soon!
• United States
6 Nov 11
Can't wait to hear that you got it.. because I know you will!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
9 Nov 11
Thanks Lily and Kat. he called me two days ago to assure me that the Directors had all agreed that the job was mine and he read out the contract over the phone. But I have not received it yet. I have no reason to suspect that this will all fall through but I do know that he is a building a mega development in Negril. he is a hotelier and builder of housing schemes. I just think that I am not important in the scheme of things to be regarded as urgent. This would be okay for me as I would prefer to be working for a boss that actually works than the present boss who retired at 55 and has made my life hell ever since. I mean, how much golf can you play each week? If it all falls through then I will be very disappointed. My boss - having heard that they want me - is shifting moods from being nice to nick picking, down right nasty. Yesterday, he said that I should buy a cell phone using the company money. Me? No way! Next thing he would say that he did not give me permission to do so
@AmbiePam (96703)
• United States
7 Nov 11
The last job I quit...ah, the memories...there were people there lucky I didn't punch them out. Doesn't sound too civilized for a children's mental health hospital, but punching coworkers out sounds like a good idea in retrospect.
@AmbiePam (96703)
• United States
10 Nov 11
And he was a superior, and very likable. I liked him up until he showed his true colors.
• United States
7 Nov 11
I haven't felt that way about a job in a long time.. if ever. I can't really think of an occasion where I did feel like that.. but maybe at one point I did.
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Nov 11
Oh dear! I completely understand! I would want to punch the person also! It is so unfair that we have to work in conditions like that. And the trouble is that even had you reported the person, they probably would not have been fired right away, which would have made it even more uncomfortable to work with them. Situations like that are so stressful. It is probably for the best that you did quit.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
6 Nov 11
The new manager doesn't value her people. Her loss. Last time I quit a job was in 1982, and the boss did his very best to make me feel bad. I never went back there.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
6 Nov 11
He had just fired my best friend, and I only gave him a week's notice...
• United States
8 Nov 11
Sounds like you had good reason to quit. Hubby and I used to both work at Pizza Hut. He was a GM, and I was a driver/server.. but in different stores. He got pneumonia really bad, but they refused to give him time off. The district manager even lied to the Health Inspector saying hubby wasn't there when he was. After 3 days of being sick and not getting time off he threw his keys down and walked off the job and went straight to the hospital. Later they offered him a job back, but he'd be an assistant and make less money (and he was only making like $28K/year as a GM.. pfft!). He turned down the job.. and I quit too. Don't want to work for a company that treats their people that way.. especially my husband!
• United States
6 Nov 11
He made you feel bad over quitting? Why?
1 person likes this
11 Nov 11
Totally know how you feel - i once did a job I hated and then realised it wasn't worth my health for the money or the effort I was putting in for so little return! I have been in my current job for 7yrs but, i always keep my eye on any interesting vacancies in case something comes up that is better as I have begun to get sick of what I do! I am glad you feel it will be a benefit if you feel a rush of relief!
• United States
12 Nov 11
I'm thinking that my new job is so great pay, hours, and benefits wise that I'd be stupid to try to look for another job. I am making as much per hour as I would at any job I'd get after graduation. I have full benefits, including holiday pay, sick time, vacation, etc. The only problem I have is that I am only part-time at the moment at 20 hours a week. Obviously I would eventually like to get more hours, and that can happen, it will just take some time. But even if I only got full time hours, it is basically a Monday thru Friday 9-5 job, I would never work a Saturday or past 5pm. Now tell me how I could ever ask for anything more!
1 person likes this
13 Nov 11
It all sounds good hun! : )
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
9 Nov 11
Good on you! One of the reasons I'm always on the lookout for another job, is that I always want to work smarter. I already know that I work hard, so working smarter would be the way to go. It would become easier on myself. Quality before quantity. Although you will lose a little bit of money, you don't have to go through all the stress. And you could focus your attention on your bank job, which definitely has better compensation. I quit my last job this April. I also felt guilty, because the departmet I was in only had a manpower of two. After I quit, the other guy really struggled. Although I gave 5 weeks notice, they didn't seriously look for my replacement until I was gone. I kept calling back every other day asking if they hired anybody already. I was only relieved of guilt when they finally had another head count, 2 months after my last day.
• United States
9 Nov 11
Although I can completely understand why you felt guilty, I don't think you should have felt guilty. It wasn't your fault they chose not to hire your replacement until after you'd left. You gave them adequate notice to interview and hire someone and begin training them.
@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
6 Nov 11
Kat, I hate to quit anything, and I quit a job two years ago in January. I have not had full time permanent employment since then. I still do not regret leaving, but I had to make myself give notice while on sick leave. I had to recoup from foot surgery and then we had a family crisis I had to deal with. Since my job involved working with and taking care of people I felt like I was beginning to not be a kind and nice as I could be and I felt like management never really gave me a chance to reach stability in my program. They were constantly changing it, or adding more clients without staff for them, etc. On the other hand, when you got the bank job, knowing what you had been saying about Subway, I wanted you to quit. I am really glad you did. No point in making yourself sick over a measly fast food job.
• United States
6 Nov 11
I'm surprised I held out as long as I did at Subway. That job started driving me crazy over the summer and I really hated it. Although I feel a little guilty now, I do know I did the right thing. I didn't need that kind of stress.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
5 Nov 11
Good lick in your new field of work. I was working full time at a McDonalds and was making decent wages actually. Once dad got sick asking to move in with us I had to quit that job. I really miss it a lot as I mad a lot of friends there. I still visit that store ever so often to visit those friends even though there's a McDonalds a lot closer to me. I felt a loss when I put in my notice. A loss of accomplishments, and a loss of friendship etc with fellow employees. But dad pays me almost what I was making so things are all right. Now I've been unemployed for 8 years and doubt I'll get back into the work force. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
• United States
6 Nov 11
Family must come first. I don't think I'll miss this job at all though. I wasn't even all that crazy about most of the people I worked with.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
6 Nov 11
Good for you. Life is too short to be all stressed out by crap like this. I haven't quit a job in probably close to 40 years. I have worked at the same place for 26 and before that 11 at another job which I was contacted to and the client dissolved the contract...but I remember when I quit working at a nursing home....many years ago. I also felt guilty especially for leaving the residents. The job was not something that I could balance with a home life.
• United States
7 Nov 11
I was thinking of you when I posted this. I already knew your response because you have told me that you've had your job for a very long time, and the job before that you'd had for a very long time.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
5 Nov 11
I quit my full time job back in May and made my part time job my full time job. I gave them 3 weeks notice and when I did the owner was not happy at all. He tried to convince me to stay. He asked me how much the other job was going to be paying me because he thought they could match it. I refused to tell him. Then he tried to convince me to stay on a few days a week. I didn't want to do that either. My last week there the second in command asked me if he could keep me in the system just in case I changed my mind. I told him that was fine, but I never did change my mind. I don't know if I am still in their system or not. I still talk to some people who work there and they say it has really gone down hill since I left. I was so relieved when I was down to one job. Some days I miss the paycheck, but I really don't miss the headache.
• United States
6 Nov 11
I decided no matter what happens I'm never going into food service again! It's never really worked out for me. I don't mind being a cashier, I've done that for grocery stores and Home Depot.. and I liked that. But food service jobs just stink!
@GemmaR (8517)
6 Nov 11
I think that you did the right thing in quitting your job. At the end of the day, if something isn't right for you then you shouldn't stick with it just because you feel that there is pressure on you to do so. I remember the first time that I quit a job I was 18. It was a job that I had ever since it was legal for me to work, but I was finding that the number of hours that I was spending working was far too much and it was having a negative effect on my school work. So I made the decision to end the job, and I regretted it a little bit because I really had to struggle for money for about six months until I finished my studies and was able to get another job.
• United States
6 Nov 11
I've quit lots of jobs. Most of them I'd just stop showing up.. so at least this time I left a note so they weren't just stuck when I didn't show up. I guess that's a step in the right direction.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
6 Nov 11
Hi kats...I had just finished off responding to all comments to a discussion I made about "quitting" as well and how sometimes it can be the best option. I think I saw you there and thanks for that. COngratuilations on your new job and I could say that you have been strong enough and wise enough to get out of a situation that was already strangling you and worse, breaking you instead of building you. I am sure you learned many valuable lessons in your previous job which you can use for your new job and make you appreciate and value it more having gone through something so tough formerly. I'm certain that the relief you're looking for is just around the corner. All the best!
• United States
6 Nov 11
@JodeneB (177)
• United States
6 Nov 11
good for you! These days, employers don't seem to care about their employees very much. We get treated like slaves, not human beings. I think you did the right thing! You need to take care of you & your family 1st & foremost, not the people @ subway who don't care. (It's one thing if you all worked as a team, but it sounds to me like everyone is out for themselves!) My experience was when I was about 21, I started to slack off, because it was so boring & I had very little to do. My job was no longer challenging....monkeys could do what i did. So, I started entertaining myself. (I had a job lined up for a couple months out & was planning on giving my notice.) The supervisor offered me, that I could be suspended for a week, or i could leave. it was my choice. I didn't hesitate. I said I'll leave. I didn't like it there anymore, & I was already in the mindset that my new job was 2 months away. I felt great! I wanted to celebrate. I felt lighter than air. they did me a favor by giving me an option. I'm still at that (new)job & it's been over 10 years.
• United States
7 Nov 11
Sounds like that worked out for you. I've never been able to handle boring jobs at all. I used to work some factory type jobs and they were impossible. I basically watched a machine all day. I don't know how people can handle doing something so boring! I sure can't!
• United States
6 Nov 11
You made the right choice! This will be better for you and less stress. I just quit a job 3 months ago, because i got a better one. You can't hold it against yourself that you are bettering yourself. Good for you!
• United States
6 Nov 11
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
5 Nov 11
You made the right decision, and you certainly have good reasons to quit. I am sure the management and the team-members well understand your reasons for quitting. I wish you all the success with your new job at the bank. I have done that a couple of times too. We have to do that in the course of the career.
• Indonesia
6 Nov 11
It was three years ago. I fired myself by abstaining to work. The owner of the company and her right hand man came to my room and asked me why I did not come to work that day. It was Sunday when I was not supposed to come to work, because I thought that I should be working on Sunday. Moreover, I was slightly tired with the company rules and regulations about the work system. I did not come to work, because I had been working in the company for nearly two years without holidays. We had to work overtime without extra pay. I decided to quit that way and didn't come up to my company to ask for my allowances and I thought I had have enough time to be played foolishly by the company. She did not fire me but I fired myself. Thank you.
@omchesunche (1754)
• Indonesia
8 Nov 11
well, I agree with you. Our life is actually has many options and we will only succeed if able to determine the one we like and enjoy to live with it.. Sometimes decision to quit the job is coming not only from ourselves but also from family or other things. The last time I quit job was 8 years ago, I have got new challenge and higher salary job with better reputation company, so I decided to quit without thinking twice..
@jazzyrae (1745)
• United States
5 Nov 11
I am very happy for you I think you made the right decision to quit. I hope you end up enjoying your bank job and do well in school. Also MIT working two jobs will inthink help you be a better wife and mother. It will give you more time to just relax. Also if the manager is nit doing her job I would call and report her to corporate. That way maybe someone else will joy have to do what you had to do. Goodluck and I hope every thing goes well fOr you:) .
@tech2d (338)
• United States
5 Nov 11
I definitely think you made the right decision. From what you describe, you have more than enough on your plate and the headache you are going thru at Subway for $20 is truly not worth it. I'm sure you will find another way to make for those meager earnings that are less stressful. I wish you the best of luck!
@snjm777 (11)
• India
6 Nov 11
you have done the right think kats. i have never quite job because i didnt get any job :)..i am still searching for a good job that can suite my profile :)