What are your preparations for the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ?

@mayrah (1144)
United States
November 6, 2011 8:36am CST
If your are also Christian like me, Can we open a conversation regarding our preparations for the second coming of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. In our Sunday service this morning our pastor tackle in his preach that the signs in the book of revelation are now visible and felt by most countries all over the world in our times, since we are approaching or we are exactly living in the last century church. We are approaching the end times so we must be alert and wise, for the deceitful acts and strategies of devil are eventually reaching its peak. The only key is praying more often and help one another to strengthen our faith. We must hold on to Jesus. I believe as a christian we must be mature enough. we are not only expected to visit church every Sunday but we are also commanded by God to take part in spreading the Gospel to everyone.The good news that Jesus Christ is coming to save us and invite us to join Him in His Kingdom. Actually I'm happy that all of my family members are attending church every Sunday and we are actively participating in our own ministry. I have a heart to invite other people(who are still unbelievers) to accept and believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and savior, and that no matter how sinful we are before He mercy is endless and He's willing to forgive us. But I am struggling on this since I have invited a lot of friends and friends of my friends but still I am not successful in bringing them on our church. I'm still praying that God will help me to follow His will. How about you, what have you done to show love for Jesus Christ, Do have any experience on reaching other people to come to Jesus and leave their worldly deeds?
2 responses
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
6 Nov 11
I'm not a churchgoer, I used to before, but with not so good experience with the other people there, I stopped. Although i never forget to walk the Christian faith and I always insist on myself to walk with Christ in every situation in my life. The only way I can reach out to people is to live my life the way Christ taught us to do and be a living testimony. I also make it a point to be a blessing to other people in any way I can to show them the love and mercy of God.
@mayrah (1144)
• United States
6 Nov 11
Oh, so sad you haven't had nice experience with people in the church you attended before. Hope you still find a good church because we can always learn something we couldn't on our own. For example the word of God that our preacher teach us will nurture more our faith and strengthen us spiritually so we will be able to cope in times of difficulties in life. If ever you will have a chance again to attend church just remember people there are not perfect, just like us, you will find them imperfect full of flaws but don't mind that, just look up on God, anyway He is the reason why you're there. Church is the place to worship, serve and please God only and not ourselves. God bless you always.
• Philippines
6 Nov 11
had a hard time inviting also.. i'm not that good in convincing.. i go to church every thursday & sunday though..
@mayrah (1144)
• United States
6 Nov 11
wow that's great you are active inside your church. hope we ask God to give us convincing power or may the holy spirit be upon us when we are surrounded by our friends who are not yet christian.