Warning, video of child abuse
By lauriemellis
@lauriemellis (38)
United States
November 6, 2011 1:56pm CST
At the bottom of this discussion, I'll post a link to the Judge William Adams video.
This judge beat his 16 year old daughter for being on the internet. I looked at all kinds of comments and it just baffles me.
Some comments were: She should have been beaten because she has cerebral palsy.
(does it make it ok if a child without cebral palsy were beaten at the same age for the same offense?)
Some comments were: She wasn't beaten enough and don't tell parents how to raise their children. (I fear for the children of *those* parents.)
Not sure if this discussion will be deleted or not but it's only here to raise awareness. NOT to be offensive to anyone.
Actuall, I guess I won't post the link. Go to Youtube.com .. type Judge William Adams into search.
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5 responses
@Rosa26 (2618)
• United States
6 Nov 11
Yesterday I watched that video in the TV news and they said the girl was like watching adult content on the internet, and his father reacted in that way, I think he had to explained the girl that there are some content that she shouldn't be watching on the internet because she won't understan what is it about,and avoid the violence to the girl, I hate hitting my son, I don't like like that at all, I prefer punishment amd talking with him, of course when I have to do it I have to do it.
Proverbs 13:24
He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.
Those who spare the rod of discipline hate their children. Those who love their children care enough to discipline them.
@lauriemellis (38)
• United States
6 Nov 11
There are other ways of disciplining a child. There's a line between discipline and abuse. And personally, I think it shows a lack of intelligence when someone can't think of a better way to show their child right and wrong. Don't take the time to think of alternatives, just start beating away.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Nov 11
Too many people use that Bible verse to abuse their children. I did a bit of research, and it looks like "rod of instruction" to me. That man who's supposed to be a judge (gag) knows the law and knows he went overboard. He also should've instructed her the boundaries of using the internet and used another way of discipline, not the freaking beating!
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
6 Nov 11
According to the father, at least, the content that the girl had been downloading was illegal, bootlegged MUSIC tracks. Other than the video itself and the Today broadcast, I know nothing more about it.
I did read this description of ataxic cerebral palsy, however: http://www.cerebralpalsysource.com/Types_of_CP/ataxic_cp/index.html and I find it difficult to reconcile either video (the original and the Today broadcast) with that description.
I do not think that Proverbs 13:24 or any other passage written by members of a 6000 year old (and completely different) society can justify that father's treatment of his daughter.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Nov 11
I watched the video, I was gobsmacked. Did the judge actually video-tape the assault, or did the daughter do the video-taping for evidence because she knew what her (sic) father was like? Either way, I feel so bad for this family. I hope there's help for the girl. :-(
I can't think of anything else to say....this is horrible...
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
6 Nov 11
The daughter set the video camera going about half an hour before the incident because she knew or suspected what was going to happen. See my response below and watch the tape of the Today interview.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
6 Nov 11
This person deserves to have a taste of his own medicine ... in public. He deserves to be publicly stripped to his underwear in the public square of his town, tied to a post and beaten with leather straps until his underwear falls off in shreds and he is butt naked.
I didn't read any of the sick comments. There are plenty of trolls who would post such stuff just for laughs and plenty of people, I'm afraid, who use the Internet to hide so that they can voice their real agreement with this sort of treatment.
Unfortunately, for every video like this, there are thousands of cases of physical and mental abuse which don't get videoed and never get reported. It doesn't really matter whether the abuser is a Judge or not (though we certainly don't want people like that in any kind of position of authority), what matters is that it happens and behind closed doors.
Besides watching the 'raw' video (and perhaps even before or instead of doing so), I think that one should certainly watch the News report on the Today show: http://youtu.be/9WAp5MOd33w
@Xxmookie621xX (269)
• United States
7 Nov 11
My goodness i saw this through a guy on youtube (thearchfiend), and I was appaled. This is one of the worst videos I have seen, he speaks to her daughter like she is a peice of trash. This is the reason why people should take a test before having children. There should be requierments. I also believe that if there is any doubt that abuse is going on that there should be a vsitor at the home. Just my personal opinion. I just wish that someone twice the size of Judge Adams and his ex wife would take a belt and beat them like they did that girl. Whats worse about this is that he will probablly get away with this because there is a year limitation on this kind of stuff, and the fact that they did not know they were being recorded doesn't help. By the way his daughter is a beautiful piano player.
@lauriemellis (38)
• United States
7 Nov 11
She is indeed.
I noticed another child in the video .. a small one. I hope something was done to ensure that one's safety.
@jennastewart2482 (357)
• United States
7 Nov 11
I watched this video the other day and I was literally sick. I spank both of my children when they wont mind or listen or such BUT I could not ever fathom doing what that judge did. I sickened me to know that nothing will be done to him since the statute (spelling?) of limitations has expired. However, as disturbing as it was to watch the father beat that poor girl I was utterly distguisted with the mother who went in there and told her to "turn over and take it like a woman".
@lauriemellis (38)
• United States
7 Nov 11
The mother and father are equally disgusting in my book.
Something told me she'd have an excuse ready when she was called to the carpet too. Of course, it was all HIS fault because she was afraid of him. Kind of makes me wonder how people use this excuse to justify their actions when their children are concerned.
By this logic ... if a bear is attacking your child, you run to save yourself and to hell with the child? Fear of the other person to me is NO reason to abandon your child to such cruelty.