Would you like to be a Billionaire?

November 7, 2011 9:56am CST
A lot of people would like to be a millionaire and spend their money on lots of things and probably live a lavish lifestyle... But would you like to be a billionaire? Would you choose to change the world or go into hiding? Do you think you have what it takes to get that rich and IF you ever did would you want it or would you prefer to live a happy life in obscurity? what's your thoughts about this?
2 responses
• Philippines
7 Nov 11
If i will become a billionaire - things will never be the same, I don't know how much devastation that might cause to myself and my family. (Assuming I get that money in an instant e.g. win the lottery or something) For someone who has mass money like that is a sure target practice of kidnapping, and any other source of evil as "bad" people will be motivated in a bloody extent! Money can be a traitor my friend, once you have more - it can kill you.
• China
7 Nov 11
I always dream of it.Who else don't want to be a billionaire?But oneday I find that when you share happy time with the ones you cherish and love ,its feeling must be better than having lots of money.I still won't give up the dream of being a richer and I will cherish every moment in my life.