its kind of expensive to be a girl
By katrinapaz
@katrinapaz (2436)
November 7, 2011 9:32pm CST
this is what i have observed mylotters. being a girl, it is pretty expensive. first it is nice if we wear pretty dresses and then we have to buy shoes like sandals and wedge heels. and then we have to go to the spa to have regular facial or to have our hair rebonded or have our brows styled and then we have to put on make up so that we cna have color to our face. and then we have to have lotions to have our skin supple and smooth. do you agree mylotters? what are other things that girls spend on? 

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23 responses
@janevi (888)
• Philippines
8 Nov 11
i always love to be a girl and now a lady.I am always fascinated by women who carry themselves in style with elegance though they are not that pretty but pleasant to look at.
being a lady need not be expensive. I for one is very simple. I don't use cosmetics for beautification. I only use moisturizer for my face and moisturizing lotion all over my body. I do my foot spa because I bought a kit. Doing it is my relaxation time. My curly hair is easy to manage.
I don't use lipstick, blush on or powder because I am allergic to it. Most of my personal expense is spent on shampoo and moisturizers. Its a cheap and practical beauty maintenance.
@janevi (888)
• Philippines
8 Nov 11
for my shoes and bags, our company provides for it and some are given by my sisters because they know what I like. Even some of my toiletries are also given by them. So practically, i spend less from my own pocket.:-)
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
we are the same janevi. it really amazes me when i see a woman or girl that is able to carry herself well and also put on nice make up and enhance her beauty. we can be beautiful in a cheap way, we just have to look for things and alternatives that are not too expensive. 

@janevi (888)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
that's right. To be beautiful does not mean expensive clothes but proper bearing and appropriateness. I like women who are simple and know how to carry themselves without too much of accessories. Real beauty is from within that is exuded in our personality. There's no need for cosmetics to beautify because our nature is already beautiful.
Stay beautiful always.

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
8 Nov 11
It is expensive to be a girl! Why? Cause the men make it that way! They don't look at the women that aren't "made up" or don't have all the perfect facial features. An extra pound and then don't look, and no make up and the don't look. "less than perfect" women aren't even hired over the more made-up ones. I know that for fact..I was involved in hiring at a place i worked and gave my thoughts, but the man made the decision and he ALWAYS chose the pretty girl over the "less than pretty" girl..that had more talent and skills!

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
9 Nov 11
Sad but true. However I will say...women employers use it the opposite way. I worked for a very over weight woman, and she had me involved in the hiring and the two of us were the ones that did the interviews. She hired only those that were over weight and to say it bluntly, not as pretty in the face as she was. I am normal weight and not anything other than what you might call average looking, but she needed me fast and I was very good at what I did and she knew that...otherwise she might not have hired me! But every applicant (men included!) that applied...we'd do the interview, and I swear to you..the ones that were over weight were the ones she always chose. I'd mention things to her about the interview, things they didn't know and should know and things like that that showed the person was not qualified for the job...I mean, once I asked a girl what HUD-1 was...and she didn't know and if you have ever processed a home know what a HUD-1 is just the statement of disbursed funds...where the money is going. Not knowing what it was means, you have not processed a loan from start to finish and that is what we were looking for..someone that could do it start to finish. But she'd insist on the over weight one. Now, I am not against that and know over weight people are great at their job, and I never even considered her weight. I was looking for someone that could do the job as if she/he didn't...I had to pick up all the pieces while still doing my job! But she'd insist and I'd tell'll be firing her within 2 weeks...she doesn't know how to do this job. And sure enough, if they didn't fire her, she quit.
So appearance does matter... no matter what is on the inside.
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
10 Nov 11
yes, i do believe that appearance does matter and your employer is kind of biased on what appearance and look he or she will accept as employees. i think they need their employees to look good as well as to work good.
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@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
that is unfair! choosing a pretty girl over a less prettier one that had more talent and skills. you are correct coffeebreak! we women hae to at least look good so that men out there will look at us twice and give us the chance to prove ourselves.

@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
8 Nov 11
Oh yes we are like peacocks, we need to be attractive and feel good about our-selves and when I think of some men they may have one or two suits and som-times they have them for years and they don't usually go in for the cosmetics of looking good, I wonder where all their money goes...
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
8 Nov 11
Yes you are right, but we have the same goal....attract.... :)
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
i agree with both of you. why do we dress up, maybe because we want others to be attracted to us or maybe because it just makes us feel good that we are able to do and dress what we want and show our own individuality 

@kingparker (9673)
• United States
9 Nov 11
Sounds like too expensive to be girl on your post. What about the boy who hook up such girl like that. That boy suppose to pay for everything? Like her lotion, facial surgery, spa, and clothing etc.... That is a lot of money for this boy to handle, isn't it? I knew some girl like that, I made a quick decision, I can't be their boyfriend, too expensive to have one like that.

@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
11 Nov 11
i dont think so that boys are supposed to pay for the girls that they hook up with. i think it must be important for the girls to be able to spend for themselves when they have a lot of wants. if the boy wants to spend on the girl that would be very nice too!

@khare_1005 (1310)
• India
8 Nov 11
yes you are right.and it gets more expensive if you get tugged up with an expensive brand.i feel there are still some home remedies that can help cutting down the unnecessary expenses on the parlor but yes some of them are certainly not most of the guys bear a rough and tough look and weather changes hardly have any impact on them.but we girls,being more sensitive for our looks,take extra precaution and do these expenses.
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
hello khare and thanks for agreeing with me. we girls have to take care of our looks because that is the first thing that everyone notices and also our family and guys are the first ones who criticize us if we look shabby and cheap and unclean.
@khare_1005 (1310)
• India
9 Nov 11
yes you are right.i have aced this many a times
if i miss a facial schedule,my husband accuses me of looking shabby and loosing the glow.if you do want my face to show radiance,honey you need to spend money on it

@Sapphire_brean13 (55)
• United States
29 Nov 11
It can be very expensive to be a girl, but only if you let it. I buy most of my clothes second hand, I buy most of my beauty products on discount, or use good cheap brands, and I do my own facials and such. And besides that, men, from what I've experienced, don't need a girl to have perfectly formed eyebrows to fall in love with them, and men don't notice whether the sparkling things on your mini skirt are plastic, glass, or diamonds. We women spend way too much time working on our looks, let's spend a little time working on our personalities, and our intelligence. Looks aren't everything.
@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
8 Nov 11
It depends when i see my ex girlfriend during weekdays they are quite tiffy and save money don go out for supper or big meals, just the standard meals and also not spend big in gadgets and such, however , things like clothing accessories, shoes and cosmetic will cause more money especially during those 1st and 2nd week of salary days.I guess good grooming is part of job requirement for girls.
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
yes you are correct. good groming and looking pretty is almost equal for a girl. also, the first days after a salary it is nice to spend money for oneself but then we should try to be careful and still save something for our future. 

@stary1 (6611)
• United States
9 Nov 11
Seems to me the expense is really more a choice. The basic things 'girls' need are not necessarily expensive. There are many sales and money saving tips ..I think the problem is more what some girls 'want' as opposed to what they really 'need' Having said that..I admit I treat myself to overindulgences sometime and justify it by saying I am worth it

@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
11 Nov 11
you are correct stary! it depends on the girl if she wants to indulge on expensive things. there are a lot of ways to be able to achieve these wants in cheap ways or better yet, learn to know what are the wants and the needs. i guess you also have that addiction sometimes 

@LaraTecson (726)
• Philippines
8 Nov 11
Yes, being a girl can be expenxive at times. Especially when you are ont of those high maintenance gals. However, nowadays, men have become at par if not exceed our being high maintenance. You would see a lot of guys shopping for facial cleansers, facial toners, sunblocks, lotions and a lot of stuffs that if they had bought years before, they would be pressumed by others as gay. Mem have become vain and more conscious on how they look. That's why going to the gym seems to become a trend for men these days. These guys who are so conscious on what they look are called metro-sexuals.
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
yes, it also depends on the prefrences. you are correct lara, the men nowadays are catching up to the vanity of women and it seems that more and more products are also introduced for them to look good and manly and beautiful. 

@discussminu (108)
• India
8 Nov 11
You are right. I totally agree. Boys have got no such expenses. So they can easily spend their money on things they are mad for. Why cant people just stop expecting girls to look after them so much. I mean, even if you dont get your eyebrows done, someone is going to ask you why. Give us a break man. come on.
Sometimes I think life would have been better without parlors. But only soemtimes. :)
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
thank you for agreeing discuss! yes, men and boys are able to spend a lot on computers and gadgets and cars because they do not need to get dressed up and look pretty and nice and fragrant all the time unlike the girls who must look pretty.
@discussminu (108)
• India
8 Nov 11
You are absolutely right. Boys have got no such expenses. Hence they keep expending on the stuff they are interested in, gadgets, accessories etc. It would be good if people dont expect girls to look after themselves so much. I mean, even if you get your eyebrows done, someone is gonna ask you why it is so. :(
Cant we just live without parlor?
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
i dont think that we cannot live without the parlor. it is where others want to relax and pamper themselves after a long day at work and where we want our hairs to be styled so that we would look good even more.
@amybcraft77 (314)
9 Nov 11
I absolutely agree very expensive to be a girl, not only lotions for soft supple skin. Also, perfumes and powders to smell like a lady. Foods that are healthier and or supplements health food stores are always expensive too. Then the clothes, well you need clothes for work outs,for out doors or camping, for every day wear, sleeping in clothes, going out on the town dress wear or more fancy clothes, clothes for winter wear, Summer,Fall,and Spring time, power suites for office jobs or career ladies. Nice proper dress wear for church or other social gatherings. Then there is all the under clothes, and the make-up, and nail polish's. Wrinkle creams, costs for vitamins birth control, if you like purses shoes and other accesories this can all really add up too. Many hygiene products can add up quick if you use the higher end more expensive brands too. Like shampoos,conditioners,styling gels mouses and sprays,deoderants,tampons,pads,soaps,scrubs,bath,balms,chap sticks,eye creams,then there are things for female body aches and pains too, like icy hot products,pamprin, for menstral cramps,salts and soaks,body toxin cleansers too. Some like to have home spas like me, I give myself a facial with mud masks, and do my own nails and toe nails. I color my own hair too, buying all the shaving things adds up too like the razors and shave creams. This is only a very few of the things us ladies buy to keep up our appearances and stay healthier and our hygiene good. I didn't even get into mouth care and ear care, and for colds and flu's. Plus, if a lady really likes her jewlery and or has some seasonal depression and anxieties med costs add up and light therapy for the Winter months too. All gets real expensive very fast, but the Ladies are all worth the trouble right since we all love them right. A.B.
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
hello amy and welcome to mylot. wow! you enumerated a lot that a girl may need to look and feel beautiful and it is so many. even though we try many alternatives there are really some things that we cannot substitute and we need to buy in order to achieve hygiene or beauty 

@JER616 (545)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
Gender does not count in living an expensive life. What matters is your attitude on life. If you will learn to live within your means, be simple and practical, you won't think that being a boy or girl is expensive.
You just say that it is expensive because you are easily swayed by what commercialism tell you to be desirable to have. Actually, if people will just follow the lifestyle being taught by the Bible, one will not think along such line. This world is full of commercialism and wrong notions that people find life so complex and expensive.
@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
9 Nov 11
That's true, it is really expensive to be a girl! I spend lots of money in shopping clothes, shoes and accessories and try to renew my outfits regularly with new stuff that are in fashion. I also have highlights so I need to go to the hairdresser every 1.5 months, and there are always new hair products that I buy for dyed hair. I also spend a lot in cosmetics for my daily make up. I want to be good looking at work so I use makeup, mascara and eyeshadows, powder and lipgloss. A big part of my monthly budget is further spent for body lotions, nail polishes and underwear.
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
11 Nov 11
hello there besweet. that is nice to know that you give importance in looking good and making yourself confident. just make sure that you are doing that and still you have money left for future and emergency use. take care and welcome to mylot!

@preethaanju (3000)
• India
8 Nov 11
Yes its very expensive to maintain a girl.They have so many things to buy like dresses and other beauty related items it becomes very expensive for an average income earning hubby to look after her
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
i think not only does a hubby maintain a girl, the girl should also be earning well enough to support her whims and wants. from dresses, undergarments, shoes, bags and belts and make ups there are really a lot of things a girl can buy.
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
yes, it does depend on the girl if they want to spend on clothes or make up or shoes or bags
but you are correct, sometimes girls also have to spend money for gifts for their boyfriends because they want to show that they love them 

@anusha2128 (886)
• India
8 Nov 11
I do agree with you friend.But we have to minimize our earnings with some sort of savings like having common shoes,sandals which suits for maximum of our dresses. I think now a days most of the girls are spending their time and money in spa.
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
yes, most of the girls splurge on spa and also on beautiful dresses. for me, i make it a point that i have savings and also i can buy something for myself so that i will be inspired to work more.
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
8 Nov 11

@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
hello triple and thanks for agreeing with me. even though we are just simple girls, we still tend to buy things like new bags or clothes or shoes and sandals. i think you are right, the young adult years are the expensive years because we are able to have a job and spend on what we like compared to the older adults who mostly are already having a family.
@clearwater18 (695)
• Philippines
8 Nov 11
Well, I kind of agree with what you've said. It is kind of expensive to be a girl. We have a lot of things and accessories. But I still think that it depends on the girl. Some girls are just plain and simple. They just put on a light make-up and only wears sandals. They don't go to have a facial and a massage. But there are also some girls who are very extravagant. They put on heavy make-up, always go to spas and have a facial. They always buy new and expensive clothes, heels, accessories and many more. So, it really depends on the person.
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
yes, i do agree that it really depends on the person if she wants to spend a lot on making herself beautiful. we can still be pretty in a cheap way we just have to look for alternatives that give usthe same results.
@seriousnuts (508)
• Philippines
8 Nov 11
I agree with you. Girls are high-maintenance creatures. We have a lot of needs as compared to men. Not only do we need to buy beauty products, we also need to buy different styles of clothing, shoes, accessories, and bags. Well, of course, some ladies prefer to be simple. Yet no matter how simple they are, they would still tend to spend more than men. After all, we girls need a lot more shampoo/conditioner for our hair. We also need to buy more undergarments (bras, panties, camisoles, etc.). Female products tend to be more expensive as well according to my observation.
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
thank you for agreeing with me seriousnuts. and yes, we do have a lot of undergarments and a lot of stores showcase a lot of nice undergarments that we cant help to appreciate and buy and also we need to have swimsuits with different styles when we go to the beach unlike boys who only have trunks