How to Get Rid of Aphids

November 8, 2011 4:56am CST
I have a small garden near my room and i enjoy taking care of it a lot. I have a shrubs that seem to be infested with aphids (the white things that fly). How do i get rid of these? I am afraid it might infest all my plants.
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4 responses
@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
8 Nov 11
One of the best treatments for clearing a plant of aphids is to make up a soap solution and to spray the plant with it, paying particular attention to the undersides of the leaves. Soap is harmless to the plant and to other animals and will effectively kill the aphids and the eggs which are on the plant. It doesn't protect from aphids which fly in later, of course, so you may need to repeat the treatment every week or so. I don't like to use chemicals but the best kind to use is a systemic insect killer. This is one which is taken up by the plant and will effectively control any aphids which feed on it.
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@allknowing (133297)
• India
9 Nov 11
Systemic pesticides stay in the fruits and vegetables and they can only be consumed not before 8 days of their plucking. I was working for a multinational dealing in pesticides and I picked this knowledge from there.
@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
9 Nov 11
I agree that you have to be very careful with using systemics on fruit and vegetables, however, Grace is talking about shrubs. There should be no problem there except that it is expensive (and why use expensive chemicals if you have the time to spend a little care and effective and safe products are already in the house?).
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
8 Nov 11
I've asked my self the question are aphids harmful. The ants herd them and milk them I've read but never saw one doing it. I like the idea of ladybugs because they are so pretty. Maybe, we just have to give nature a helping hand and our gardens will give us all pleasant things. Like most things, I think a few aphids are alright but if they over populate something might be out of balance. I had a black ant population and I was attacked while raking the grass. Got upset with that and thought about using poison but gave them a huge flood instead with the garden hose. I knew it would not get rid of them but helped the bald spot in the grass at the same time. Will see what occurs next year in garden world.
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@hvedra (1619)
23 Dec 11
I've had aphid problems in the past caused by ants farming them. They protect the aphids from natural predators and move them around to the best plants - it's quite fascinating. Anyway, the ants are after the honeydew, a very sweet secretion the aphids produce so I took a tip from Bob Flowerdew (an organing gardening expert) and used some cheap jam (jelly) placed between the entrance to the ants nest and the plants they were keeping the aphids on. They began eating the jam and ignoring the aphids so the predators could do their job. It's worth a try and totally harmless because you don't have to spray anything nasty.
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
8 Nov 11
Good morning, Gracee! I use two things for the control of Aphids! This year was a strange year, as I had an infestation of both black and whitish aphids! I use a good MIST of water spraying the aphids off! Each spring I order (very inexpensive) $18.00 for 50,000 (share the price with neighbours) LADYBUGS, which are the aphids nemisis....and I guess I am selfish, as I love to see them! They wipe out the current infestation...and keep them totally at bay! I have learned thru trial, that if I plant Marigolds--they are a natural deterrent The reason I got infested this year...I GOT LAZY...thinking the Ladybug's had done such a good job over the past years..I didn't buy any and re-introduce them to my property...they had either moved on in search of food, or the harsh winter had killed them! I didn't plant any Marigolds...pure laziness..and I paid the price....I would sooner deter them, than fight the infestation! If you are growing tomatoes...Each day when inspecting your tomatoes, take one leaf and rub gently, 'til the aroma appears...and you will see aphids fly off in droves....THEY HATE the smell of the crushed tomato leaf! I have lived on my property for nearly 32 years...AND I have never used a chemical that I am aware of...I always opt for natural cures and predators! Happy growing!
@allknowing (133297)
• India
8 Nov 11
There are several pesticides that can take care of your problem. But chemicals as you know have side effects. I suggest that you sprinkle wood ash on your plants which keep these aphids away.
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