Why Can't ALL Plastic Storage Containers Be As Good As Tupperware?!

@Janey1966 (24170)
Carlisle, England
November 8, 2011 3:53pm CST
You know how it is; money's tight, you can't afford the "good stuff" i.e. Tupperware, so you go for the not-so-cheapo option of Morrison's own! I love my Morrison's 4 litre food storage box BUT, sometimes it misbehaves. Try as I might I cannot get the lid back on (it's supposed to snap into place once it's on properly) and it's like the lid is too small for the base. Bloody annoying! Does this happen with you? Even with Tupperware? I'm going to leave the box alone until tomorrow as it has nothing in it anyway. I might chuck it across the room if I try fighting with the lid now lol.
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18 responses
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
8 Nov 11
I like Rubbermaid products, I've never had an issue with them breaking or misbehaving lids. I like Tupperware but they're really overpriced.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
8 Nov 11
Rubbermaid sounds a bit rude to me but there again it could be my mind!
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
14 Nov 11
I just responded to your other discussion where I explained that I currently work in the industry of planes. But many many years ago, I worked in an industry making plastic containers. It was my job to test containers and ensure that lids fit, and that they don't leak. I could definitely say that the difference here is quality. While Tupperware may have what we had before (testing laboratories for these containers), maybe these other brands don't have anything like this and just rely on their plastic fabricators to make the parts fit.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
15 Nov 11
Sad to say it is! And thanks for the BR!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
14 Nov 11
It's interesting to read your comments as it's obvious you know what you're talking about. I should imagine the Tupperware is more expensive BECAUSE of the tests they do? It's definitely a case of "we get what we pay for" isn't it?
@GardenGerty (160242)
• United States
9 Nov 11
Even with Tupperware I have found myself needing to run hot water over a lid to stretch it to fit. Please don't chuck your empty bowl at me. Fill it with goodies first.
@GardenGerty (160242)
• United States
9 Nov 11
Cookies, I guess what you call biscuits, would be nice. I have a recipe for "British Flapjacks" but have never made them. They call for golden syrup which I have not found here. I am very easy to please.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
9 Nov 11
Mmm, I shall give it some thought as to what I can bake in order to use the box. Any suggestions?
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
10 Nov 11
I've gotten to the point that I buy the cheap throw away but reusable plastic containers. That way I can reuse them and when they get stained or start misbehaving I can throw them out without too much sticker shock.
@savak03 (6684)
• United States
13 Nov 11
I've been known to have one once in while.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
10 Nov 11
Good idea!
@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
9 Nov 11
I understand your pain when it comes to these plastic containers. I know what you mean. And you're right, tupperware is way to expensive. But, I also know that if we had tupperware, we would not need to keep on buying all these less effective containers. I know hoe frustrating it is that the lids do not fit like they are supposed to. We need to save up the money for the good stuff, even if we have to buy one container at a time.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
10 Nov 11
That's very true. It's interesting to note that Pyrex glass seems to be cheaper than it once was and I love that more than the Tupperware lol. I would love one of those pudding bowls. My Mum had one for years.
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@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
11 Nov 11
Don't laugh, I was thinking about getting some glass storage containers myself. I think they would be the best and they are environment friendly as well. And you only have to buy them once instead of buying plastic containers because they just get funny after a while.
• China
9 Nov 11
It seems that there is no chain store affiliated to Tupperware over here.At least ,I have never heard of it.They say that it was developed in 1946 by Earl Silas Tupper in Leominster ,Massachusetts.I think sometimes brand name products are genuine goods at a fair price,endurable and get our money 's worth
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
9 Nov 11
I think it's the same in all countries, to be honest. Over here (and I think in the US too) there are such things as Tupperware parties where someone will come round and give us an idea on what's out there. I've not known about any parties for ages though, so I don't know if they still exist.
• China
10 Nov 11
I think they are far from where you live in.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
So far, I have had a good relationship with Rubbermaid. With othr brands, after a few uses I find that the lids no longer fit. I don't know if microwaving these plastic containers expand them, but I find that after using them in the microwave the lids no longer fit. So far with Rubermaid it has not happened but I find that they stain much faster than other plastic containers.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
9 Nov 11
I'm not sure if my 4 litre plastic container is suitable for microwaving but it's a bit large anyway so I don't think it will fit in it lol. I love that word..Rubbermaid. Up until I started this discussion I had NEVER heard of that brand before, but I should imagine it exists in the UK.
• Canada
9 Nov 11
What I hate with the cheap storage containers is that they always seem to leak. Since I pack lunches for both my daughters every day (they're in college and university now and I like to make sure they're at least eating healthy LOL), I need containers they can throw in their purse or backpack or other bag wherever they fit. They won't use "a lunch bag" anymore so they squeeze their food in between books and other things Anyway, since I too find Tupperware WAY too expensive, I use these containers called Lock&Lock. They snap closed on all sides and they're amazing. They really never leak. I can get them at Walmart or most department stores. I just discovered recently that they even have an online dollar store for those in the US. http://www.locknlockplace.com/servlet/-strse-Clearance-cln-%241-Store/Categories I'm in Canada, so they won't ship to me but I would definitely stock up if I could!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
9 Nov 11
Sounds like a great product. My Morrison's storage container cost £3.99 which isn't cheap but it's for 4 litres so quite large..when it works lol.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
Lucky you.. Those things cost around 3 to 5 dollars here.
• United States
19 Nov 11
some newer tupperwares the lids don't fit right out of the box. it seems you have to force them on the first few times til it stretches.i had a bowl set where all 4 didn't fit.so,now they're my brother's cereal bowls. rubbermaid makes good lids.they even have a over extended lifty tab on the corner.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
19 Nov 11
I think Rubbermaid wins on points over Tupperware..for you anyway.
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
Hi Janey, Tupperware is the best... It is also my question for guitar makers, why can't they make guitars with truss rods (a rod inside the neck of the guitar so when the wood bends or warps, we can easily adjust it and get it back to the right position for better callibration). As for guitars, it is made of wood, how I wish they care on the trees they cut by putting a small metal rod inside it with rench holes. We can make life better by thinking for the common good. Peace be with you!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
10 Nov 11
I once tried playing a bass guitar a friend of mine had..without success. It wreaked havoc on my fingers but I suppose you get used to it in time. You have my admiration playing guitar my friend..good for you!
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Nov 11
hi Janey yes tupperware is the best and sob mine is still in storage awaiting the day we might be able to afford the high rents and get back into a two bedroom apartment again. I had other plastic ware but it did not last like my Tupperware did. hurray for Tupperware.I never had any problem with the lids on Tupperware at all.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
9 Nov 11
Which is why I want some lol.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
Nothing beats tupperware.. though they are expensive! Those cheap ones indeed misbehave.. once i had this set for my kids to bring for lunch well it didnt snap back in place, and guess what? their food spilled in their boxes!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
9 Nov 11
Oh dear..not good!
@piya84 (2581)
• India
9 Nov 11
same story here to.Tupperware is superior in quality.All other plastic products just does not appeal me.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
9 Nov 11
Unfortunately, Tupperware is hard to get hold of. However, I've not trawled the internet for any..bound to be some on there.
• United Kingdom
9 Nov 11
Well, you know what they say. You get what you pay for! Sometimes that is extremely true, and sometimes the more expensive stuff is just overpriced! I like the plastic containers with the snap on lids. They seem to work much better than the other cheesy ones! I am on very limited income, but I try to buy a few good pieces here and there when I can. That's how I solve that problem! Also, if I find some I particularly like, I keep them in mind to buy more later.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
9 Nov 11
I know what you mean about "you get what you pay for" and I was pleased I managed to buy some silicone cookwear recently that was on offer in the Denby shop..as that can vary in quality as well. However, I do have an awesome loaf tin my husband bought for me from Morrison's. It's not branded so I presume it's their own and it's absolutely brilliant, like their baking tray..one of which we've replaced - well, added to as it was over-used lol.
@BarBaraPrz (46885)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
8 Nov 11
Sometimes running the lid under hot water helps.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
8 Nov 11
I might try that tip..thanks.
8 Nov 11
It is the small things that drive you mad with frustration, like lids not fitting on boxes . I have always been the collector of tupperware, but if you heat it in the microwave, especially with baked beans, it discolours to a rather weird shade of orange and distorts so lids cannot be put back on. Let me just say, it wasnt me who did the microwaving, but HE doesnt do it any more, nuff said there I think!But I have boought storage boxes for our holiday place down the coast. Not too expensive, 2 from Wilkinsons, and one from Homebase. The 2 from Wilko's are really good, stack up, lids snap on and they are fit for purpose. But the other one from Homebase,,,, argh, lid won't fit properly and if you store it on its side everything falls out. its a pity as its a really lovely shade of purple and has a hinged lid if you dont need to open the whole lid. But do you find the chinese takeaway food containers are a very good substitute for tupper ware and much cheaper too? Ours come in all different sizes and I have quite a collection! I use them for needles and cotton, my other half uses them for nails and screws out in the shed and they make excellent containers for salad or sand wiches at lunchtime!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
8 Nov 11
Yes, John's Dad works at Calder Foods, which specialises in sending meat, etc, all over the country it seems. At one time my hubby would actually take some of Calder Foods' tuna to work, therefore we have a little collection of plastic storage boxes with lids. I also have 3 sizes of Pyrex bowls that fit into one another like those Russian dolls. I love those!
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
If all containers would be as good as Tupperware, they'd be as pricey. However, I do believe that somewhere out there, there is a product that is just, or at least almost, as good but not as expensive.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
9 Nov 11
Pyrex isn't as expensive as it used to be but, with it being glass, isn't as light as plastic, unfortunately. Whenever I work anywhere though I do use a Pyrex container. The 4 litre plastic storage jobby I've got wouldn't do at all!
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
We have few tupperware's and it certainly last a long time. If those have not been discolored then I'm pretty sure we will still be having them all. Some plastic containers can't have the same quality as tupperware's otherwise we all have to be forced to buy costly plastic containers
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
9 Nov 11
Well, that's true enough.