Best way of proposal to a beautiful lovely girl

By John
November 11, 2011 4:26am CST
iam having a beautiful girl opposite to my house and i have never seen her out of the house except for going to school.that much deciplined.i love her also and going to propose her but the problem is the meeting place.i have no chance to see her and tell my love.So , i decided to give a love to give ?which time?by saying what pls help..she is very to explain me to her to the fullest...!!!
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9 responses
@lijoos (346)
• India
12 Nov 11
first make her you friend.(try to speek alot so that you can understand each other) then make that friend dearfriend.(not for you only ,for her also you want to be dearfriend) then dear friend to a sweet friend. and there after .Both of you will realise that you cant live without.At that time you can propose her.she cant let you go.she will love you. this is proper channel. but there can be problems. 1what sort of a girl she you cant predict.sometime she wont be a dear friend then its over. want to know whats her status.because sometimes her family will be a problem. so think before loving. and if you feel nothing a problem just go ahead. 3.most thing she want to like you then only she can love you.thats task is yours. 4.sometimes by talking each other you feel that she is not your girl.just continue your friendship but not too close.just a friend. and ther are manythings too. because we cant get a girl as we wish ....sometimes you will. girls have heart difficult to open.and no one can understand a girl totaly. best wishes this are my advices can do as you wish .
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@Dassodils (2010)
• India
12 Nov 11
Wow....What an experienced person you are...He already said that the girl is a homely one...He will not see her out side except going school...Then how he will make a conversation????This way will distroy his love...The neighbours and her relatives will know this suddenly....It's very risk to do that task....While doing such tips,Take care of your health too.... very nice to hear such tips... :-)
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@Dassodils (2010)
• India
14 Nov 11
Oh...I don't know that Lijoos...Because I have no much experience in love.... You have the right to say the tips than me.... :-) :-)
@lijoos (346)
• India
14 Nov 11
daffodils love is not that simple one you think. i fhe want to love he will find the way. being homely is not a reason that he cant contact her. and i dont say go and talk to her take time... love is realy a complex one we want to struggle a little. if oneway shut he want to open another. girls think like this ,but boys not.......they find the simplest from the complex.
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@ayvanee (149)
• Philippines
12 Nov 11
You don't personally know her? That's tough. I'm sorry but I don't think a girl would say yes if you're a stranger to her. I suggest you get to know her first before doing anything else. Good luck!
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@Dassodils (2010)
• India
12 Nov 11
You are right Ayvanne...It's very difficult to know a girl's mind... :-)
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@ayvanee (149)
• Philippines
12 Nov 11
This is true. I'm a girl and I know my mind is too complex to read. haha
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@Dassodils (2010)
• India
12 Nov 11
Yaaa...I am a girl...That's why I said that...They will think the after effect of some thing that we doing...I mean, the future....They are matured than boys..... Isn't it???? :-)
@GemmaR (8517)
11 Nov 11
I don't think that there is any one perfect way to propose to somebody. You have to remember that everybody has different ideas of what romance is, and it is important that you know the kind of things that she likes and then that you use this knowledge to give her a gift that she would really enjoy. If you don't feel as though you know her very well, you should not really be thinking about proposing to her, as you have to get to know people a lot better before you choose to spend your life with them.
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@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
11 Nov 11
You never saw her outside the house? You call that deciplined? If that would be the case shouldn't you contact her parents first? Is just seeing someone enough to share you life with if you don't know anything about her? Her likes, he goals (perhaps she is diciplined because she wants to study, travel abroad instead of being somebodies wife). You can start with a letter esp. in this time I think that is special. How to give it? Run after her, tell her she dropped something and give it to her, let somebody else play for cupid. For the rest... just be yourself since in the end it's you she has to like not the someone who pretends to be what he is not.
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@Dassodils (2010)
• India
12 Nov 11
Hai friend....First you watch her for some time...And know her deeply...After that, You can depend on her friends to know her character and mind....You can catch one of her friends to get help...Ask them, her all details...Be friendly to that friend...And try to go to her home with that friend.And I think this is the best way to propose her....Try this...I am sure that you can do it.... ALL THE BEST...........
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@Dassodils (2010)
• India
12 Nov 11
Lijoos....You are right...A girl will not say her love suddenly....She will think for many times....she will enquire about the all history of that man....I know that she will not give an expected reply...I mean that...By going to her house,He will see her. after some days,They will begin to talk.Then they will become good friends...And after a gyap he can present this topic to her....Their friend will help them....A girl will not say no to a real love...He should prove to her that his love is real.... :-)
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@lijoos (346)
• India
12 Nov 11
you say that he wants to know her deeply.her charecter.her mind wont she needs to know all this. if he do all those things and propose her.what she do?she dont know him well,anything.she will say sorry .(you already told that girls mind is difficult to understand) (thats why i am not telling that?because i want to hear yes i love you too)
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@boyuancy (1708)
• India
11 Nov 11
I'm sorry but if you don't know her at all and you are planning a proposal than you may come across as desperate. Get to know her and ask for her number. Get talking and if things work out propose her. All the best.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Nov 11
workhomejobsearnings court her, and take time to know whats under her beauty as not all beau tiful women are nice underneath that beauty. find out now before you propose and she accepts or probably refuses as she does not even know you. insetting to know you, getting to know all abo u you thats the ticket for both of a man and ask her for a date then take it from there. tell her about what you told us and ask her to go out with you, she will either say yes or no, then you go fronm there.
@Rosa26 (2618)
• United States
23 Nov 11
Writing a love letter to propose her is a very romantic movement, I think she will be very surprise and happy when she read it,try to add some romantic quotations at the end of the letter that will make her feel more identify with you. Good luck.
• United States
13 Nov 11
First of all I'll be honest, is it an option to ask the parents first for there blessing? If its not then your going to have some work to do later if she does say yes. My thing would be either A) stuff it in her mailbox (parents reading her mail?) or throw it into her window if that is an option.