Will you celebrate something which is founded on lies?

@JER616 (545)
November 11, 2011 11:34pm CST
Christmas of the catholic faith is imminent. Based on a 4th centuary annoncement of the church in rome, catholics and other catholic-friendly religious groups celebtrate December 25 as the birth of Christ. An international evangelist Bro. Eliseo Soriano, in his blog site (http://esoriano.wordpress.com/?s=christmas) refutes the idea of the celebration of Christ's birth by citing Biblical verses and arguments questioning the factuality and reasonability of such date. At the end, he was able to prove that the celebration was an error. Such being the case, would you still want to celebrate Christmas that was founded on error and the celebration of which not supported by the Bible?
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13 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
12 Nov 11
First of all, the actual date doesn't matter. Secondly here in UK we had all but abandoned celebrating Christmas until Dickens revived the festival with his book, a Christmas Carol. Thirdly, the Catholic Church was founded in the 11th century when it split from the Orthodox Church all the best urban
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
12 Nov 11
"Wherever two-or-more of you are gathered in my name, there I will be also." If we gather to celebrate His birth, it doesn't matter that it's not 'the day of the year that Jesus was born.' What it is: the sun and the Earth are celebrating 'something' (Dec. 25/Julian-calendar January 7 is the day when the daytime starts getting longer, marking the 'victory' of light over dark); the Christians want to join in, and--since the Sun and Earth are mum on what they're celebrating--Christians name it after THEIR light ... the Christ.
• India
2 Jun 12
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
12 Nov 11
Why is it an error to celebrate Jesus birth even on an date we set arbitrary ? Every religion needs celebrations so yes someone thought we should celebrate his birth on 25th December. Why is it a bad thing ? What`s a pagan celebration ? What is a pagan ? A pagan is anyone who is not a christian so back then there were a lot of pagans.And they probably had their own celebrations every day .Probably they have borrowed these celebrations or the dates sometime during history from other "pagan" religions that existed before them. It is simple .If you believe in Jesus you`ll want to celebrate his birth because it was the birth of hope.If you don`t believe in him then it doesn`t matter.Why do you care if people are celebrating someone`s birth ?
@JER616 (545)
• Philippines
14 Nov 11
Philipians 1:27 "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ" I Corinthians 4:6 ".... Do not go beyond what is written..." It is an error to celebrate Jesus' birth because the Bible does not condone such celebration. The two passages above require Christians to have their conduct within the gospel of Christ. A celebration beyond what is written came from rules made by men which are not pleasing to God. Besides, the celebration depicted by catholics is not in accordance with the true account of the birth of Christ in the Bible. The infant Jesus was born on a night when shepherds are watching their flock. During December, with Israel raining of snow, a smart and logical shepherd could have not watch their sheep in the fields. The catholic christmas tells of three kings but the Bible mentions of wise men only. No quantity was given. Besides, a smart king would not travel from the East to search for the Messiah without legions of soldiers with him. Mark 7:7 "The worship Me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules."
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
14 Nov 11
What if there were 5 wise men ? Or 100 ? What difference does it make ? People don`t pray to these people,that is just a nice story someone has written,gaved them names etc. Let`s say you are right,people are doing a bad thing if they celebrate Jesus birthday on 25th december and they will all go to hell. Why do you care ? What if you are wrong and if they all will join that weird church named "Church of God " they will go to hell ? Leave the catholics and the rest of the people who want to celebrate Jesus birth on 25th december to do it.If you think this is wrong and against what Jesus told you then don`t do it.You can simply ignore the Christmas or celebrate Santa`s birth.
• Philippines
12 Nov 11
Since I became a born-again Christian, my view of Christmas has changed, A LOT. I don't really recognize Christmas as a Christian holiday or holy day anymore, for me, it is just pagan. But since this day is almost celebrated on every part of the world, I can celebrate this day as a Thanksgiving day instead.
@JER616 (545)
• Philippines
12 Nov 11
How do you manage to celebrate it as a Thanksgiving day? Is that sanctioned by the Bible? 1 Corinthians 4:6
@jtj_hello (627)
• Philippines
12 Nov 11
It has been a tradition that we Celebrate Christmas every Dec. 25. No one has the right to question that since there is no way to prove that was incorrect so the fact remains that it is acceptable as correct. If he said he has proof of the erroneous declaration then he needs to present his claim to the entire world for it to be decided. Though even if he will do that, I doubt that people will acknowledge it as correct.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
20 Nov 11
i just watched on the cable television channel but i am not sure if i can remember the month mentioned but i think is more or less on May or July but not December. I forgot the who explanation because when i watch it on TV i am just passing by and it catched my attention to a quick glance...
@JER616 (545)
• Philippines
14 Nov 11
Acknowledgment of what is correct and not depends on what should be the basis. As Christians, the Bible tells of the true account of Jesus' birth. 1. Jesus was born NOT on a winter night as you believe it. The Bible tells of a flock of sheep eating outside the field tended by shepherds, to whom the angel announced such birth. It could not have been winter then as sheeps and shepherds cannot withstand in cold weather outside. 2. There were NO THREE KINGS as catholic church made you to believe. The Bible mentions of wise men who came from the East looking for the born Messiah guided by a star. These points were not considered by the catholic church when they appointed that faithful date as Christ's birth.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
14 Nov 11
I find it suspicious anytime a Christian tells us not to celebrate Christ.
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
14 Nov 11
Grow up
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Nov 11
Does this mean I Ain't gonna git any presents for Christmas, Santa?? Hmmmm???? I must have been a Bad Boy!! So you found things about religion that aren't true. Do you think there could be more that's wrong??? Perhaps it's time to question everything if you value the truth. Christmas has become a celebration of giving and caring. We wouldn't want to give that up, now would we. Christmas also brings people, families, and friends together. If nothing else, it'a a good excuse. We all enjoy the days off to share. Lastly, and I know many do not want to hear this but Christmas supplies an economic boost that supplies money and jobs at a time when it is badly needed. As I see it, Christmas is a win situation. I will settle for the Good Results and choose to overlook just how we got here.
@marguicha (225702)
• Chile
12 Nov 11
I am an agnostic and don´t believe that Christ was more a God´s son than we all are (if there is a God and what is it? I´m humble enough so as to think I´m not capable of understanding such greatness). Yet I celebrate Christmas because I do think that Christ was a great Master and talked about love. And Christmas for me is a symbolic date (who cares about dates?) about giving love (not presents). I give presents for the very little and make gifts for the rest. And we gather together and cuddle and embrace. Does the Bible speak about presents, Santa Claus, buying and buying? Is the Bible a book with one reading? If a person of faith had faith in the Bible as the word of God, wouldn´t it be pure pride to try to "explain" it by citing it probably out of context? No one but the most proud can believe that they are the only owners of the truth. By that sin fell angels, so it says.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
12 Nov 11
does the Roman Calendar already invented during the day of Christ here on earth? if not yet invented, then, December 25 is not the birthday day of Christ...
@Bluedoll (16770)
• Canada
12 Nov 11
Sure I will, why not, as I am interested in the here and now and not specific dates. If there were strings attached such that I was required to denounce Jesus Christ in the celebration then that would be a problem. The lie is out in the open now so if the dates are historical wrong we do get the consolation prize, so let us rejoice. Let us bring God into our homes on every occation. The ring is also symboic and has heritage of non-believer status but I will not refuse the gift as long as it is associated with love and sincerity for that is all that matters to me. Idols could also be questionable but again one has to reach into their heart to see the reasons why this could be a digression against God. Perhaps we could be convinced that in order to be true to our dedications we need to live like monks and not communicate with the world? I would not be because I know that love is the only requirement for man to live his life well and the only obligation is to fear God.
14 Nov 11
To begin with, is it really all that important to stand on the perfection of fact? Look at the Saddicees and Pharisees in ancient times. They sttod on the letter of the law and ignored the spirit of the law. For example: if you know that school zones have children in them even when school s not in session, then do you observe slower speeds at all times when children might be there? For that reason why buck the system and stand on the fact that Jesus was not born Dec. 25? Instead then choose to celebrate an unimportant fact and ignore the Spirit and the good feelings that come from this time of year.