Are you agree with me? In life lots of struggles means big achievement

November 13, 2011 10:23pm CST
I have seen those persons who are struggling in their life and no ancestral property for them. They are doing their own efforts for achievement then they can do it and achieve a big target in their life. In other hand the boys who are rich since childhood then cant do more efforts because they have already lots of property. They are not interested in study, in work, only wants to time pass for chatting, smoking etc. I think ancestral property is good or bad both what you think this is true if you are facing struggle and doing efforts means you cant get big achievement.
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24 responses
@MoonGypsy (4605)
• United States
14 Nov 11
wow! interesting topic. i never even pondered that before. i grew up financial more advantageous than my partner. my folks ran businesses, so i know how to make money for myself. i grew up going to the best schools, had the best of things. on the hand, my parnter had it the opposite. i have to tell you, is he more adaptable to any situation than i am ( i have to say i am not to bad at that myself cause i was in the u.s. military). he also knows how to fix and salvage something broken, instead of just getting frustrated and throwing something away. he is more self sufficient is some ways that i am not, even having been in the military. so, i agree that people who come up in a poor background may not have whealth to give them an advantage, they have more valuable things that money can't give you in life, like certain values. out of the dirt and rubble can come roses.
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• India
14 Nov 11
Some exceptional cases is everywhere my friend some people has their ancestral property they are rich person but they know the value of money and never use for wrong purpose. I think you are such type of person.
@Rosa26 (2618)
• United States
14 Nov 11
I agree with you fiend, when people have a lot of necessities in their life they work harder than those than don't have a lot of necessities to succes in life, because they are already successfull without have doint anything just for heritage,I know a friend of mine that went to unversity with me but she was abandoned for her mother and father and a neighbor took care of her when she growed up she went to life with a sister of the person that took care of her, in order that she could enter to the unversity, but those people weren't good with her, she struggled a lot and I think all the problems she had helped her to finish her career faster than me and get a job, in my case I always had mom and dad who gave all what need so I think maybe because of this I was not in a hurry to finish so when we have difficult situations those situations help us to move faster to our goals.
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• India
14 Nov 11
Nice thought and thanks for sharing it. Really if people got easily what they want then they have no value of it but if people got after hard work then they care of it.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
14 Nov 11
Hi!~ Only those people struggle who are deprived of something. You would have seen many middle class youngsters coming on top of the list because they want to be recognized and acknowledged. Now a days youngsters/students from the deprived and under-privileged families are performing wonderfully and becoming good professionalsla in various fields. Those who already have enough wealth do not struggle as everything becomes available to them without much efforts.
• India
14 Nov 11
yes who are already settled by ancestral property then then not do more effort and middle class people do the hard work because they want to established their own name and property.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
14 Nov 11
We did not have ancestral property and I have struggled hard to establish myself.
@sjvg1976 (42022)
• Delhi, India
14 Nov 11
Hello Surekharathi, I agree with you struggles make person mature and give power to withstand with the difficulties.Yes people who are born with lots of parental property are less efficient than who are not most of the time.People who are born rich are less hardworking,lazy,extravagent which i have noticed.but its not essential that every is spoiled if born rich there are people who have lot of parental property and are down to earth and look as if they have no money. Definitely struggles in life take us to big targets and these are meant a lot to us as compared to the things which comes to us without efforts.
1 person likes this
• India
14 Nov 11
Yes if the person rich since childhood they are lazy and waste the money in unnecessary thing. Yes struggles means person make matured and understanding.
@Mashnn (4501)
14 Nov 11
Hardwork and struggles may lead to success but not always, you need to have some smartness in how to go about it. For those who are born rich, most of them end up messing around because they don't understand what it takes to have what they got and even lack some management skills as well as discipline when spending the money.
1 person likes this
• India
14 Nov 11
You are right friend luck is not support everytime. Yes if person are rich since childhood they not know how is using the money and waste it in wrong place.
@Mashnn (4501)
14 Nov 11
That is why you should first teach or instil some discipline and values to your children or else all what you have worked for so hard and so long might be lost in one day.
@es_cud91 (24)
14 Nov 11
yes, i agree that if you have lots of struggles in life, eventually GOD will give you a big achievement. and when you have reached such achievement, it feels that you are in cloud nine because after all the sorrows come happiness. in the end, let us not forget to give thanks to GOD because HE is the reason for such success. if we miss to, HE will consider you ungrateful and in turn, HE will get it back from you. GOD loves us all. let us learn to wait for our proud moment. :-)
1 person likes this
• India
14 Nov 11
Yes friend if we are doing efforts more and more then God will help us but sometime God not help us even we are doing more efforts because our luck is not support.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
14 Nov 11
Life is very ironic. For those who were born rich, they already need not do more in life and struggle with the rest of us because they already have what they think they need in life to be called a success - but of course everyone knows that they are only handed down to them and not because of their own hardwork. I am sure they feel they are lucky, but they would always feel they need to prove something to their own families, their own parents, etc.. For us who has to work, or have the need to struggle to get the things we need, well... I would say it is true that achievements are treasures... if we get it, then we are lucky and successful.. if we still dont get it.. then i guess that meant we need to put more efforts - but if with consistency we will of course still achieve many things and many experiences in life.
• India
14 Nov 11
Thanks to write your view in my discussion and you are right life is ironic and rich man feel they are lucky but they cant prove anything.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
14 Nov 11
dear sis, We cannot blame those ones who are born with silver spoon, some of them never knew hardhsips. This depends on how their parents make them see what is life. Some rich people never want their kids do any hard work or never shows their kids how they achieve wealth thru hardwork. While some rich people never spoils their kids and teach them the labor at early age (but very seldom does this) Yes, most of the people who struggles a lot in life do achieve their goals.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
14 Nov 11
We cannot generalise and say that all rich young men are bad. Mostly it is the poor people who struggle to do new things and earn money. famous example is that of Reliance dhirubhai Ambani who was not born and he has brought fame to our country by having maximum number of shareholders. I believe parents need not strain themselves to leave lots of money for their children. Children will learn to sustain themselves.
@EdnaReyes (2622)
• Philippines
14 Nov 11
I see your point here my friend but there are also people who are lucky to have ancestral wealth but still struggle to keep that wealth intact. I know people like them who work harder that the rest because they are burden to keep the wealth for the family intact and still growing. People with ancestral wealth do not make play at all but like ordinary folks work hard to enjoy the life they're accustomed to.
• India
14 Nov 11
Chocolate For small child - This chocolate is from my side to all of you for Children's Day
Thanks to accept my view and puts your view.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
14 Nov 11
When you are used to good life, once you experience downfall , it would be too difficult for you to go up again. But if you are used to hard life, climbing the top the hard way , will not be that much difficult for you.
• India
14 Nov 11
Ohhhhh my God my sweet friend why your profile pic is danger where is your smiley photo. Yes you are right I like your thought.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
14 Nov 11
So you noticed my profile picture again. I just feel mysterious again. Besides, i like this avatar a lot. It just shows the eyes of a woman. Enigmatic!
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
14 Nov 11
Good topic. Yes. I have seen a lot of movies wherein hero comes from a rich family and he is a bad man with bad habits. True money spoils people and it reduces initiative on their part to do new things. My parents did not leave any ancestral property. Myself and my brother we worked, we saved and have independent source of income. I also believe parents need not take struggle to acquire property for children. They will manage themselves. Are we teaching children to breath, to walk, to eat. they learn it automatically and hence they will also learn to earn money and sustain in this world. We should give them good education and habits.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
14 Nov 11
hello ravi, Did I ever wrote that rich people are bad? Am I not giving fair judgment with my response? Read it again please...
• Philippines
14 Nov 11
Yes..those life failures,or cirucumstances will give them a lesson how to reach their goals.. Every person in the world had such problems but but we are to ver that and think wise.
• India
15 Nov 11
You are right we can learn the lesson from struggle and we can make strong so face any type of situation.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
15 Nov 11
Not everyone who is rich since their childhood has no interest in studying or working, others try harder to be like their successful grand dad or father or uncle. although we can't also deny the existence of those rich kids who enjoys their life so much that they end up not achieving anything. Unlike those I am proud of my dad for giving us a good life. Both my parents have no ancestral properties, even when we should have at least one of it, my dad's brother took it. So we were left with nothing. He worked hard to give us few properties he owned now.
• India
15 Nov 11
You are right friend not everyone rich since childhood so I am telling the people are hardworker who not get the money as ancestral property. They are mature and understand know what is good what is bad and rich people only spend their time in enjoying the life no matter how much money are spending in it.
@lijoos (346)
• India
15 Nov 11
if you struggled and hard worked you can achieve anything. not any one is bone as rich billgates,or markos slim . they buil it hard working and struggling. behind every achievement there will be some struggle. a struggled life can sustain and survive in any situations.
• India
15 Nov 11
Yes if struggle and hardwork means achieve more thing. You are right behind every big man a struggle story is there.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
17 Nov 11
I honestly think that this is only the case if there are people that want to make the most out of the struggles that they've faced in their lives. However, I don't think that this is something that everyone is able to get through because there are a lot of people that just give up when they go through a lot of struggles in their lives. I know that I'm going to have achievement in my life because it is my personal mission to overcome the adversity that I've faced in my life.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
15 Nov 11
I would have to heartily agree with you on this. Sometimes we can not appreciate the triumphs and achievements in our lives without the struggles and obstacles we encounter along the way.
@anil02 (24688)
• India
15 Nov 11
Hello Surekha, every one praise a person who are self made. A person who earn with their efforts are really great one. No.of example available. I know some person who made their with their own efforts. Ancestral property are not bad one if some one use it in proper way.
@yspmyl (3435)
• Malaysia
14 Nov 11
Hi surekharathi, I would say struggles a lot in life doesn't mean you will have big achievement, there you will have to get some luck, opportunity and also some money for you to be successful. Many people that are poor and have to struggle for their daily basic needs and till the end, they are still poor because they do no have enough to start something like business or something. But if someone are rich and if he really struggle a lot, that will definitely bring him big achievement. Because he have got all the equipments to be successful. Unless he is lack of luck, and always fail in everything that he trying to achieve. Do you think this is more accurate?
• India
14 Nov 11
You are right friend luck is also necessary with hard work. Some people are very hardworking but their luck not support them and they cant get big achievement. You are right some people always face the struggle even for their daily need and till the end their luck not support but this is not decision of God. They should watch them and support them.
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
15 Nov 11
Well, hard work is a noble thing but does not mean that it will pay off. The ones that achieved something from nothing worked smart, not hard. The children of the rich pretty much have everything handed to them as a result of their parents.
• United States
15 Nov 11
Of course the more you the struggle the bigger the payoff is gonna be! If you work so hard to earn your sum and you see it one day mature to an impressive amount you can recall the passion you had to achieve such a sum! When you realize that hard work and effort was put in to accomplish your goals, the struggles that were ever-so lasting will be meaningless and will be evidence of your toughness and survival! (and dedication)