In excess of $ 2000 a month!!

Aiming big! - Wanting to make it big and earn hundreds of dollars!
November 14, 2011 2:18pm CST
Well, that's the kind of money I have to make from freelancing for me to quit my day job. Will I ever make it? But then, I'm an eternal optimist. I will not give up so easily. Why do I want to do that? Simple: I want to be my own boss. . Nothing was impossible for achievers. If it was, we would be short of success stories. I'm intent on making one. Crazy? Might be. How I do it? I'm gleaning everything on the net to make it possible. Got a story? Share it freely! When I reach my goal, I'll acknowledge your contribution to motivating me. Let the cat out of the bag!
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15 responses
14 Nov 11
That's not so hard if you're a full-timer. Take a four-week period (not exactly a month, but hey...) - that's 20 working days. 8 hours a day means 160 working hours per month. For $2000 that's $12.50 an hour. Absolutely possible (I get at least that as a freelance writer, though I'm only part-time). Even easier if you work longer hours, extra days or even just count the fact that 12 x 28 days = 336 days, so there's actually an extra 160 hours to count every year, pretty much. (So $24k p.a. in about 2,080 hours, just about $11.53 per hour.)
2 people like this
• India
14 Nov 11
Wow Spike! I need to tune into that kind of sharpness, you made me realize. I have credentials to back me up and there are many freelancing sites to go with. Just that I need the plunge! You reinforced it. Great stuff. Thanks.
1 person likes this
14 Nov 11
Learned that one from a guy I do freelance work for. He learned it from the joke "How do you eat an elephant? One mouthful at a time." Any goal - no matter how huge it seems - can be broken into much more edible pieces that you can push yourself to achieve in the short-term. Every time you do, you're a step closer to the big life-changer. Good luck with your freelancing. If it's writing and you need an opinion or a question answered, shout - been doing that for three years now so I know my way around (though I don't pretend to be a pro... yet...).
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
14 Nov 11
All I can do Spike is look up to you. You make it eating an elephant seem manageable. Though I can not see myself writing for a living, I think if I did make that my goal I would certainly follow your advice because it is just makes so much sense, clearly.
@rafiholmes (2896)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 11
hey..thats good money.. im trying to get that kinda money too ,now im starting into Forex..and slowly trying to make some extra seems to be working and going my way at the moment..
• Malaysia
17 Nov 11
yeah.. fxcleraing is easier to deal with when opening a it accept paypal..and withdrawing thru paypal too.. minimum $10 to trade... is u careful and play safe ..not too greddy ..u can collect 10 cents - $5 per day(4-5 hours trading) ..similar to spending time in
• India
15 Nov 11
Congratulations! . Any other specifics you can share? Thanks.
• Malaysia
17 Nov 11
i mean sorry typo
• India
14 Nov 11
I know how daunting that can be. I have been there but yeah things always dont go as planned now do they. Awesome guys.. Your thoughts have been so wonderful. Right now I am a student working in the campus. But US law restrictions state that I cannot work more than 2 hours a week. Although I make enough to survive, I just wish that I could make some more to explore new things. I am trying out new avenues with new ideas. Thank you for your words. They surely will have a positive effect on me.
• India
14 Nov 11
Oops.. That should be 20 hours a week.
• India
15 Nov 11
Thanks for joining us in this pursuit. Wish you good luck.
• India
15 Nov 11
It is not as difficult as it looks. I have made a goal of earning $20 till christmas ans I don't think I will be able to achieve that because looking at my current working situation I will not even will able to make 2 dollars. It is where you invest your time and concernation for making money online and I am sure I have never invested it at right place.
• India
15 Nov 11
It certainly requires lots of hard work coupled with some good strategy & use of skills. There is no second word about it being difficult. But when we set a goal, we can't begin with uncertainty. The power of believing it is possible willmake it possible. Going with an optimistic note!
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
14 Nov 11
You are not alone in this pursuit I am thinking. Do you have something lined up now? Have you set your course? I do not know. Are you like a lot of people, searching? I think there are many possibilities out there and people out there now, this very second, living the dream but of course many too searching and waiting for the ship to come in. That is reality. For the benefit of demonstration purposes to show that it is not however impossible for achievers, I will mention one possible solution. One word for success is networking. I know personally for example of one company that is fair, genuine, has great products and a business plan for anyone that wants it, that is superb. Sounds good! It is. Why am I not working in this field now? There is a simple answer. In order to make these things work and reach the kind of money we are looking at, one needs to have an active network of people involved and this means we have to address the biggest challenge of any networking business. We need to prove that the idea is alright and convince other people (for what good is a company if you do not have clients or customers) that it will work. This sounds reasonable when in fact, it is extremely difficult. People have had it up to here with scams and lies. It is difficult to break down this wall. They do not trust what you could say anymore that what we are talking about is actually real and honest. It is one tough job.
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
15 Nov 11
Laughing at comment #1 above’s direction. You are making a good point about networking (likable person) exactly the point I think. In any money making venture though not always in networking, there is sure to be marketing involved at some level. Marketing (that is bad marketing) has created an atmosphere of dislike for many and for good reason. This is a huge challenge for anyone with a goal to make that pile of paper with the presidents head and numbers on it grow to appreciable levels. It becomes a question of how I suppose or maybe what will it take to get there? To be profitable at freelancing is a question I have as well and I suppose the very reason I’m attracted to it?
@ygna21 (294)
• Bulgaria
18 Nov 11
It's great that you are so motivated and optimistic! I hear many people say it is impossible to make any money online...but then again I made over 1000$ last year so I think everything is possible! To make good money online you should first decide what exactly do you want to do: -run a blog or a website -write articles -work for some company and do tasks -etc. I have been very interested in forex trading and it's the new thing that I tried this year.It's definitely not for everyone but if you are good with strategies it might be your thing.You can make great money with it but you also shouldn't play like you are a gambler and do it without a strategy.Most forex sites give you the opportunity to make a demo account first so you can try and see if you are doing well.It's not that hard once you get your own strategies but like I said it's not something that everyone could do.Still if interested give it a try! Don't give up on your dream! I am sure you are gonna make it if you stay optimistic and work hard for it! :)
• India
18 Nov 11
Hello ygna! Pleasure meeting you on this discussion. Wow! you come up with loads of useful information & suggestions! . No wonder you were able to touch four figure earnings. While I manage a blog and have started writing articles, I have yet to take up work & do tasks. I have created profiles at Elance and oDesk though. I am a novice as far as forex trading is concerned but as you say one will be able to pick up with some effort. I have some treasury & finance experience though I'm not sure if that's an add. So I would certainly give it a shot! Good to find an encouraging friend.
@arcideaco (1257)
• Singapore
15 Nov 11
It will takes a great effort to start it off. Following that will be maintaining it. You can make that amount, either you have high traffic websites or you have loads of articles. I believe it is possible although I am no way near that amount. I am doing it on a part time basis because I need my day job to survive. If you go full time online earning, you need to have that discipline to produce the earnings. Which can be kind of hard because you have your own liberty to do whatever you want. You may lose that discipline. Wish you all the best. Cheers.
• India
15 Nov 11
Agree. Hard work & focus are key requirements for making it. I hope to stay motivated & disciplined. Thanks for cheering me up!
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
15 Nov 11
Good luck with your goal! I only do it part time and I found you get what your put in to it. The more hours you spend and time - the more money you will receive. In 2011 I have already earned over 3000 but that is only part time and mostly from writing. Listen to Spike - he has learned the key to success :)
• India
15 Nov 11
Yes. I'm already friends with Spike. He will be an inspiration for sure. You appear poised for earning good money online too! So, it reinforces my belief that I can get there with focus & dedication. Thanks for being with me.
@sjvg1976 (42023)
• Delhi, India
15 Nov 11
Hello Pushhyarag2000, Who don't want to earn money or to be his own BOSS i also would like to be but i also don't know how can i be? I am not that keen to earn from online stuffs as i have good full time regular job and i have seen many people saying that its tough to earn money online. You need to be patient,skilled and the most important thing is that you need to work hard to acheive it. But when there is a will there is a way.Hope you make it and share the success story with us in future.
• India
15 Nov 11
Hi sjvg1976! I'm hoping to exploit my long learnt skills to full use and go all out!. I'll sure share, if & when I make it. Thanks.
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
14 Nov 11
I wonder why you need so much to be your own boss. I have not 50% of it and I live with it with 4 people, kids going to school, animals (shelter) etc etc. So assume you will even need more as that since you don't know how to save money either. That means a lot of hard working, don't think 24/24 will be enough.
• India
15 Nov 11
You may be right. I may probably live with lesser than that but that would mean giving up some of the things I currently enjoy. I just set it there so I will be left with some for the rainy day as well. People will always want either status quo or better. Any reduction will affect their psyche. My familIy members I mean. So making sure they live the same life, my target shall be that. But can reconcile with something less as well, after reaching maximum effort.
• United States
15 Nov 11
Good luck with this goal and once you achieve it you should compose a blog or story on how you did it so you can revolutionize the way we earn online! I think its possible but since there aren't that many achievers online with this sum, you'll have to be creative and innovative but the major benefit is that you will be a leader and people will follow in your footsteps to achieve your earnings! Stay motivated and when you arrive at your goal, work on an incredible, inspiring success story!
• India
15 Nov 11
Thanks for being very encouraging. 'The woods are lovely, dark and deep but I have promises to keep; miles to go before I sleep..., before I sleep' I think Robert Frost it was, and I keep reminding myself about it.
@jtj_hello (627)
• Philippines
15 Nov 11
It is really nice to be your own boss. I could even say that most people dream of it. However, being a freelancer has many disadvantage. One of those disadvantages is that you have no other benefits aside from your earnings. If you have an employer, you have insurant HMO and other benefits like retirement. Now, you hold your own time as a freelancer but you certainly have no security.
• India
15 Nov 11
Your assessment makes immense sense. But in a specific case like mine with adequate security for retirement following years of full time work, it is an effort to lead life without external pressure. Having an employer taking care of certain fringe benefits is an advantage but it comes with loads of demands which mean no excitement for someone past mid age. Plenty of hard work, strategies, financial planning and use of skills is imperative for successful online earning I think. Thanks for a fair view.
15 Nov 11
Depending on what type of freelancing you want to do, there are many options. I found a list around Warrior Forums with about 90 different ways you can earn at least $10/day if that is a short-term goal for you. Freelance writing in particular, you might be interested in websites such as TextBroker or Constant Content :) Just a couple of suggestions, but I believe Warrior Forums is a very resourceful forums for these types of ambitions :)
• India
15 Nov 11
Hello nixiepwns: You have provided so many leads. I must add them to my bucket list. Let me check out WF. How does that work, I wonder until I do more.
@sopigs (107)
• Indonesia
15 Nov 11
since i try to make money from online job, i never got my payment. yeah, i'm need learn more. But i think the most important is the focus. When you start to freelancing job, you must leave your day job. In my oppinion, freelance job, can make you more fun other than daily job. But, it can make you loose more focus. Because, when you are at freelance job, everything can disturb you when you are at work. It what i means, in freelance focus is the most important things. In my oppinion, correct me if i'm wrong
• India
15 Nov 11
No, you are quite right with your observation. I know from some people in distant family who are freelancing. Discipline & focus are imperative for a serious freelancing pursuit. Thanks.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
14 Nov 11
It is possible, but it won't be easy though. If you have a dream, go for it. All you have to know is what are you going to do about it, and what steps are you going to take to achieve it. I had a dream myself, and I am going to make it happen before I die. That is my ultimate goal too. Hopefully it won't be too long.
• India
15 Nov 11
Coool! Lets cheer it up for both of us. YES WE CAN!?