Should parents get their baby's or under 5's ears pierced?
By la_chique
@la_chique (1498)
November 14, 2011 5:31pm CST
I was discussing this with my friend today who wants to get her little girl's ears pierced. Her daughter is 18 months old, and as far as I'm concerned is a very beautiful little girl. I told my friend that I think it would be best if she waits until the baby is old enough to make the decision for herself. I wouldnt have appreciated my mother putting holes in my body without my consent. I mean, if someone grabbed me now and tattooed my arm, that would be a gross invasion of my body, and just the same as getting ears pierced as a baby.
Anyway, my friend went on facebook and asked her friends, and I'd say about 50% agreed with me, but 50% said that it actually hurts babies less than it hurts when you're older. I dont know where they get that from. This actually made me cry because I couldnt imagine causing such unnecessary pain to my child, but one girl on facebook actually thought it was cute:
Anyway, that brings me to my first question: should parents get their baby's ears pierced?
Then we come to the question of how old is 'old enough'?
My mother never let me get mine pierced as a child. She said that when I left home and was my own responsibility, then I could put as many holes in my body, and as much ink on my body too, but until then I was her responsibility and she wouldn't let me do it. I got my ears pierced when I was 19 and I can honestly say, it didnt hurt a bit. Occasionally when they were healing, the skin would get a bit stuck on the post which was unpleasant at worst, but if I were a baby, i'd not have a clue what was going on. I dont think I would have been responsible enough as a kid to keep them clean, and I may have even pulled them out whilst playing, or forgotten to take them out when I went to sleep which can also be dangerous. I honestly dont know how old 'old enough' is, but I certainly think its more like 10 and upwards, rather than 5 and downwards.
My final point is that in my opinion, this could actually class as child abuse. I dont know why it isnt already classed as such actually. I thought parents are supposed to look after their children and ensure they are safe and dont get hurt. If this isnt torture I dont know what is. Also, how the parents can post this on youtube as some kind of joke is beyond me and actually quite sickening:
Anyway, I dont want to upset anyone. I know lots of babies get their ears pierced, but I am just wondering what the reasoning is behind it. I dont see it as being necessary, so feel free to tell me why you agree or disagree with me.
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17 responses
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
15 Nov 11
I had 4 daughters and it didn't occur to me to pierce their ears at such a young age. My thinking is that it is a personal choice and one that should be theirs and not mine. I didn't go as far as to make them wait until they were adults but they were at least old enough to take care of them and understand that if they changed their minds, the holes would probably always be there. As for calling it abuse, I don't know as I would go that far because I know too many very good parents that have had this done. I think most little girls love the earrings and are glad that they have them done. Occasionally, you do hear of one that wishes that it wasn't done and would not have chosen it had the choice been hers.
@mrsbentley27 (662)
• United States
15 Nov 11
I have had my ears pierced 3 times. If you do not wear the ear rings for a period of time the holes will grow up. Just like any other piercing.
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
14 Nov 11
To sum it up plain and child should ever have to go through having their ears is child abuse in my eyes....they should be able to wait until they are older to make the choice themselves whether they want holes in their body...there is also the risk of dangerous infection when getting piercings and parents should not be subjecting their children to this....also, there is nothing cute about a baby with pierced ears.....natural is how babies should be!!!!
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
14 Nov 11
i only have a son, and he has no pierce har har har. if he wants one then he will decide for himself when the right time comes. here in our country baby girls get their ears pierced but inside the hospital. the pediatrician does this if the parents wanted their baby girl to be wearing earings. i will not allow my child to get ear pierced out there. i would rather have ear peirce inside a clinic where professional knows what they are doing. i saw the video they let someone pierced their daughter's ears not in a clinic. it looks like a shop or something. if i had a daughter i will not allow that.
@mrsbentley27 (662)
• United States
15 Nov 11
I have 2 daughters. We took our first daughter to get her ears pierced when she was 6 weeks old which was the youngest they will allow. I do not think that there is anything wrong with getting your babies ears pierced and if is was constant pain for her I would not have done it. They did both ears at the same time and she cried for less than a minute. We talked to them way ahead of time about pain and care for the piercing and how long it would hurt and we were told that it hurts less for a baby to get their ears pierced and easier. Babies actually heal quicker than older children
I think that if a parent wants to get it done that should be up to them.
No two people will ever agree that its ok but there is nothing wrong with it at all and it isnt torture. Torture is an act of severe pain or cruelty. If that was the case then way get shots for your babie? That is no worse and 90% of the time cause fever.
Child abuse is a very big deal to me and implying that getting a babies ears pierced should be considered child abuse makes me personally feel as if someone I dont even know would judge me for doing it and that kinda angers me.
I got my ears pierced for the 3rd time a few years ago and the healing isnt painful but uncomfortable. My daughter is 8 years old now and every time we go shopping she wants ear rings. She loves wearing them.
Now my 2 year old (who doesnt have hers pierced) wears the little clip ons all the time so I will be taking her to get hers done to.
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@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
15 Nov 11
hi la, i think children with pierced ears are really cute...but
I also have seen very very pretty babies without those extra
holes in theie ears...frankly I think parenting is based on learning
as you go....there are right things to do with/for your baby and there
are thing done because the parent just want it done...Raising children
does not come with a instruction guide so I will definetely
would not call it child abuse....I will say to those parents who
get their babies ears pierced at baby stage is not really being very
considered to the baby....Its difficult enough for babies when they
have to got through the teething and now when they turn their
little heads they could very earily get that earring back hooked
on their blanket or even a stuffed toy...Just wish parents take a
a little more time to think of the ramification of what might might
happen to babies who can not tell you when somethimg is hurting them...
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@gagagaohlala (294)
• Philippines
15 Nov 11
I believe that different families have different cultures, traditions and preferences as to when they decide to put a piercing to their baby girls. The primary reason I think is to identify a baby girl from a baby boy. What concerns this act the most are the potential risks that a baby could get with early piercing. First is infection; with the sterility of the equipment and materials that are used, or how tight the earring is clasped to the lobe, or when the baby touches her ear a lot. Other risks might also include injury to the area, allergic reactions, or keloid formation perhaps. An accident like aspiration of the earring might happen too, God forbid. Earrings are not permanent fixtures that with constant touching, it might fall and we know babies, they eat what they touch.
For me, soon when I will have my own baby, I will hold out piercing until the time comes that she's at an age to decide whether she wants to have a piercing or not. Maybe there are a lot of more important things and aspects that parents need to tend to and document other than piercing. ;)
Happy MyLotting and have a great day!
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@AmbiePam (96725)
• United States
18 Nov 11
While I don't think it will scar the child because the parents decided they wanted their baby to look extra cute with pierced ears, I would not do that nor would I advocate kids that young get their ears pierced. Especially babies. Unless the child is old enough to want it themselves and be able to take care of their ears themselves, I wouldn't think it is a good idea. I was allowed to get my ears pierced when I was ten. As it was I found making sure they were disinfected for 6 weeks tedious. And if my mom had not reminded me I don't know that I would have rememembered to take proper care of them.
@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
15 Nov 11
Okay, I didn't have it done, and I wouldn't have if I had a kid, but...
I know in some cultures a girl without pierced ears is the abnormal one, and they get them done really young, like shortly after birth.
Part of it is because by the time they are old enough to grab things, the ears will be completely healed and they only put studs in them until they are older.
I do think it can be a parent's choice.
I know I had mine done in my 30's and I've had NOTHING but trouble with them, and no longer wear even studs because of the problems.
Now, my sister got our parents permission to do it at 16 and has always been happy with them, so younger is definitely better than waiting...
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
15 Nov 11
Honestly, I did opt to have my daughter's ears pierced when she was only three months old. The reason that I decided to do that is because of the fact that she was frequently mistaken as a boy, even when I did dress her in pink. She is almost nine years old now and loves the fact that her ears are pierced and has quite a large selection of earrings.
My sister-in-law, on the other hand has waited until her daughters have asked to have their ears pierced, the oldest is going to be five next month and had her ears pierced earlier this year.
I definitely don't think that piercing children's ears when they are very young is child abuse at all. I was six when mine were pierced and as an adult I've got three sets of holes in each ear and a cartiledge piercing in one. I also had my first tattoo done when I was 18 years and 2 days old.
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@WildHorses (718)
• United States
15 Nov 11
It depends on each parent to exercise that choice as to whether or not to pierce the ears of their children before they can voice their own opinions. You certainly can not pierce the ears before they are strong enough. I believe at 6 to 8 months would be about right.
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@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
15 Nov 11
In many cultures it's normal to do it if the girls are only a few weeks old.
I don't see any problem why not. I also do think it heals way better as when you are older. My daughter's look way better as mine (done at a way later age). If she doesn't like it anymore you can hardly see the small holes (mine you will always notice)
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@telmesh (1793)
15 Nov 11
I don't like to see babies with pierced ears or anything else. Using the excuse that it hurts babies less why not get everything else pierced that people do these days. Parents should only make decisions for their children out of necessity not because it suits the parent.
Babies aren't toys or even possessions for parents to do what they want with.
Parents have a job, that is to look after their welfare and bring up there child to fit into and be a useful member of society.
I think I've made myself clear. A child is not the property of anyone. It is a young person to be nurtured and guided not to be decorated as the parent sees fit.
@Pachkov (250)
• Bulgaria
15 Nov 11
Well, for girls it looks kind of awesome, I agree with pierced toddlers and under 5 years old. I agree only for the laddies of course. I definitely do not agree pierced boys even above 5 years old. First of all it looks stupid and it does not fit a boys face, In one word "Don't do it !" Have a nice day.
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@dellessimon45 (710)
• United States
15 Nov 11
Yes, they say you should get them pierced the younger the better so they won't remember the pain, and they practically won't feel it either! You should attempt to do it before the girl gets too too old so as soon as possible sounds like the best outcome. I'd rather some whimpering now rather than screaming and panting when she's a bit older!
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@mhayfie (241)
• Philippines
17 Nov 11
I want to see the issue at both side as they always say there's two side of the coin. Technically, piercing a baby is not an issue of who has the authority to the babies body. Its not an issue if it would be better if the baby will be pierced at young age or at older age.As I looked at it, as part of out culture or our norms, sometimes babies have pierce or earrings for the reason of distinguishing them as female especially when the baby looks like a male. Other reason for parent having their child be pierce is a show off that they can afford to have earrings for their baby. So I would say that yes I would agree on parents having their babies be pierced at young age as long as the baby is a female and they can afford to buy an earrings. This issue boils down about culture and beliefs, and way of life. But on the other hand, I both respect those who won't and does agree. tnx. happy mylotting la_chique!
@shaggin (74033)
• United States
15 Nov 11
I personally will not allow my daughter to have her ears done until she is much older like 16 or so. My friend wasent allowed to have her ears pierced when she lived home with her parents so as soon as she left for college she went and had her ears pierced.
I dont think little kids should have their ears pierced. Its painful and I dont know I feel its just kind of barbaric. If other people want to do it to their children whatever I just think its cruel and would never do that to my kids.
When I was 5 I kept begging to get my ears pierced then I would get there and back out. Finally after a bunch of times doing this my mom forced me to get it done. I remember this clearly. It was in spencers I believe.