Marquez stepping on Pacquiao's foot several times! That's cheating!!

Marquez vs Pacquiao - Marquez cheating
@mariahhh (1328)
United Arab Emirates
November 14, 2011 11:10pm CST
Hi guys! Have you seen the pictures that is roaming around facebook? It is about Marquez and Pacquiao's fight last Saturday. I didn't realize that Marquez stepped on Pacquaio's foot several times throughout their fight. I know there are no rules in boxing that says that is cheating, but still! And here I was, pitying Marquez because he deserved to win. Not anymore! Pacquiao is still the winner for me. The photo that I was talking about is below.
3 responses
• United States
16 Nov 11
Imagine if Marquez would have won that fight. That would be real controversial, him winning and being exposed with the foot steps.
@mariahhh (1328)
• United Arab Emirates
20 Nov 11
You are right, good thing he did not win the fight. I also don't get why they have to fight again the fourth time around. It should be Mayweather on May, 2012. I really don't get Bob Arum, too much business going on in his mind.
@Metatronik (6199)
• Pasay, Philippines
15 Nov 11
I was not able to watch the live streaming since I can't access it. I am only relying on twitter and facebook regarding the updates of people. I have been updated regarding the punches that Pacman got from Marquez and the fact that Marquez has his wins in several rounds. However I was also expecting that Marquez will be the winner and Pacman is losing already. It turned to the point that people are already complaining about Pacman's victory. But I've also read in some post that people should watch very well to realize that Pacman really deserves to win. I haven't watch the whole rounds or the replay yet to analyze as well but since I've also seen of what Marquez is doing then I totally realized that Pacman really deserves it.
@mariahhh (1328)
• United Arab Emirates
15 Nov 11
Yes, I was also rooting for Marquez through the second half of the fight. I even blamed the judges and said that the fight between Marquez and Pacquiao are more on business, not sports ( because of Bob Arum ). I should have known better. Pacquiao is the cleanest player of all in boxing today.
@greenpeas (998)
• Philippines
15 Nov 11
Yes its the talk of the town now and the number of netizens becoming outraged about this cheating have grown every hours.
@mariahhh (1328)
• United Arab Emirates
15 Nov 11
What Marquez did was horrible. It was my mistake to pity him for not winning the fight with Pacquiao. I never knew that he will do something like that. He is just like Mayweather. Pacquiao is the only fighter who does not cheat when fighting in the ring.