By epicure35
@epicure35 (2814)
United States
November 15, 2011 7:31pm CST
Our veterans need our support every day, not just on one day. Even now boys and girls are losing life and limb, specifically arms, legs, faces, eyes WITHOUT PROTECTION OF THE GENEVA CONVENTION. We need to protect them and uphold our Constitution. They who have given all may be labeled war criminals for obeying orders of an illegitimate CinC.
Others have served and sacrificed for the freedom we no longer have and currently they may be called back into service by an illegal CinC.
Terry Lakin, military hero, was thrown illegally, unconstutionally into Leavenworth for Quo Warranto, needing to know who this man Obama/Soetoro/Dunham/Soebarkah is.
Commander Walt Fitzpatrick is currently held incommunicado in Monroe County, TN as he exposes corruption in their Grand Jury system since the first time he presented his original treason accusation against the usurper years ago.
Jim Miller, TN elections official who was investigating the eligibility issue was murdered 7/10 and found in the trunk of his car, much like Lt. Quarles Harris, Jr., a young black man who was sitting in his car preparing to testify for the government that Obama/aka Soetoro, Dunham, Soebarkah, etc. was here as an illegal alien.
On 11/11/11, hundreds of veterans, military heroes, and small businessmen went to DC to DEMAND that Congress remove a traitorous America hater and his corrupt administration. Of course there was a MSM blackout.
see also www.VeteranDefenders.org and www.PatriotsUnion.org
Rallies were held also in San Diego, with nary a peep of MSM reporting.
This is the video I just saw on my MSM news channel re the "laying of the wreath" 11/11/11. And, of course, he had help with the "heavy lifting" (this is literal and figurative sarcasm). Note the crotch position of his hands before he walks off with Lady Fistbumper. At that moment, the MSM news commentator said, "President Obama laid the wreath and THEN HE PUT HIS HAND OVER HIS HEART."
Remember, he's been in campaign mode since he turned the AZ massacre into a T-shirt rally, rather than allowing it to be a scene of mourning. And, right on time, Diane Sawyer will interview Ms. Giffords. No one should ever have been harmed, as in Ft. Hood as well. But, upon closer inspection, it might have been discerned that the intended victim may well have been the now deceased Federal Judge who was interested in investigating the eligibility issue.
Past evidence of his customary crotch salute to our flag, while bowing to his Muslim colleagues and other dictators of his choice, is seen below:
November 12, 2009 posts
Who is this guy?
Obama crotch salute
Salute, pledge, something! Anything! Pretend to be a proud American, creep.
The teleprompter is saluting. Look, it is.
Above photo: President Barack Obama at taken at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia to mark Veterans Day, November 11, 2009. (photo hat tip Katherine) above from www.atlasshrugs.com And below:
UPDATE: It's Memorial day 2009. Same contempt, different day.
FLASHBACK: Another great American O-moment:
Finally, Sheriff Joe steps into the investigation and his life is threatened, no media reporting that. (Everyone sworn to uphold the Constitutiton haas standing to remove the usurper).
A patriotic American, NH legislator, Harry Accornero has served Congress with a treason complaint against the usurper as well. No MSM coverage. Congress cowers, living down to the name "coward" traitor, gunrunner Eric Holder has called us Americans. Not a peep as they fail to remove him from the White House to the BIG HOUSE where he belongs in lieu of the old penalty of hanging, along with his vile and thieving minions, aka "administration".
The whole world knows about these facts and this treason.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm0viNDb460 report from russia
None of us is safe from the foreign and domestic enemy, as he remains a clear and present danger to our military, sending them into harm's way without benefit or protection of the Geneva Convention and fighting for "phantom freedom" as we lose our sovereign nation and he clears the way for the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East.
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke
"Woe to those who call good evil and evil good". God
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2 responses
@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
16 Nov 11
Firstly, the so-called "immigration problem" is by design, and all the protest on "illegal immigration" are nothing but put-on shows. While Arizona appears an exception, the Southern States, especially those Southern States run by republicans, profit immensely from cheap labor by the undocumented. And while the stamina of 70+ Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona is impressive, I think it is about time that Sheriff Joe retire from public office and continue his crusade as private citizen.
I again salute veterans and all active duty military (though I often do not agree with their involved assignments)! I, too, wish veterans were not neglected as often is the case.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
16 Nov 11
This is not about Republican-Democrat or politics as usual. It is about the fact that less than 9 years after 9/11 a Muslim jihadist terrorist sits in the WH destroying America, Israel, Libya, Egypt, etc.
Our military heroes are in harm's way needlessly as they fight for phantom freedom and are losing life and limb without the protections of the Geneva Convention and may be labelled war criminals because they are not obeying orders of a legitimate CinC.
Sheriff Joe is a hero whose life has been threatened, not just re borders, which illegal alien Obama/Soetoro wants overrun, but for the eligibility issue. Three have already been murdered: Lt. Quarles Harris, Jr., Jim Miller, John Wheeler, III.
I think you're going to have to do more than just "salute" our military; you are going to have to support and protect them. Terry Lakin, military hero, was thrown illegally in Leavenworth for demanding quo warranto as our military MUST know who they take orders from. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick is held incommunicado in a Monroe County prison for the same reason. Neglected? Persecuted - while a CRIMINAL usurper jihadist sits illegally in the WH smirking and worse.
Do you care at all for truth and justice?
@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
31 Dec 11
I can't talk for wars before Vietnam, But I served in the Army. Went in the day after my birthday on July 30,1970. I had already been a nurses aide for 3 years since age 15 so naturally Medical Specialist was what my MOS was to be.
During Vietnam era, if our young men adults got into trouble they were given a choice join the Army or go to jail. While most young men did not want to go to jail they naturally used the card go in the Army.
I saw a lot even as a medical specialist back then.
I got married in 1972 and later got out as I was expecting and back then you could not stay in the Army when pregnant. So I had my baby and worked a job in civilian life.
My husband left me 7 months pregnant with our second daughter.
So I had a 19 month old baby, and newborn to figure out how to work and be a new mother.
I was so proud that I had served that I had my honorable discharge with me, my DD214, and also a good review of what I had done in the military.
As I went to hospitals etc, I asked what positions I was qualified for to apply for.
Here was my shock as it was for every young man coming out of the military at that time.
I was not qualified for anything but nurses aide. I was like in total shock.
While I was allowed on government soil in the states, to be in operating rooms to assist, help with traches, work in a 5 bed NCU (neurology care unit), worked on the Heart Surgical Ward, worked in the Emergency Room, worked in a closed Psychiatric unit where you had to have a key to get off.
Worked on a burn unit where the men were brought in to Brooke General Hospital at Ft Sam Houston. Once they healed some they were then moved to Beach Pavilion in between scar grafts.
Within each of these areas I worked in you learned to do many other things.
What the average person that has never been in the military does not understand, while the govenment thanked us for service well done regardless what our MOS, we were dropped off in STATES that did not recognize any of the "Military Jobs".
Our time in the military doing a job well done, got us no where.
Each state has their own curriculum for what you have to do to work in a given profession.
I was never so shocked in my life. They told me I had to go to an accredited college to do whatever it was I wanted to do in the medical field.
I was previously married to an Air Force guy that got out. In 1977 he was in aircraft maintenence as he got out of the military.
He applied at various airline companies at Lambert field in St Louis,Mo and applied at other places. They all told him he had to go to college to get his degree before he could work in a civilian job.
That was deffinately a slap in the face to a man that knew every piece on a plane and could fix it.
Our time in the military meant nothing to the rest of the U.S.
When they say that guys that are homeless, etc, from the military. the majority of them could not get a job because they had to conform to state rules on having a job.
Not only were we trying to remove our minds from what we had seen doing our job in Vietnam, we were having more problems because until we went to college we could not work.
So there was a catch 22 to survive.
I know I needed a job so badly, I applied at a local hospital in St Louis, Mo and I KNEW I could do it. I had worked in open heart surgery and knew how to read EKG's very well.
As I applied and talked to the person that interviewed me, he told me I was overqualified for the job. I did everything but stand on my head trying to get him to give me a chance. I needed to provide for my two young daughters and needed to work before I could figure out how to go to college.
This has followed many of us as we got out of the military.
I eventually did go and get my EMT (emergency medical tech) through the state of Mo.
But again even though I got it, most hospitals would not hire you for their ambulances until you had worked for the company owned emergency vans for a period of 1 to 3 years.
There have been roadblocks set up everywhere for jobs well done in the military to come home to nothing.
I do know when someone finds out I have been in the military and and wants to shake my hand or put some darn ribbon on me like vet's day or july fourth, I stand up and let them know in our hearts a handshake or ribbon means nothing to the men and women that need a job.
If thats cold then indeed I am a cold person then. But there is not much you can do with a handshake or a ribbon when it comes to being recognized for service and feeding your family.