Attacks on Newt Gingrich Begins

@Fatcat44 (1141)
United States
November 16, 2011 12:47pm CST
Yesterday the polling showed that Newt Gingrich has become one of the leaders in the GOP race for the nomination to the POSUS. And today, what do I see in all the news from the MSM? Newt benefits from Fannie and Mae. Daah, Newt said in the debates the his law/consulting firm was paid over a million dollars in fees from F&M. This was over a week ago. And wa-la, the MSM picks up on it today. The attacks and slams on Newt has started. Wow this was so predictable. And the way each one phrases their head on this tries to bias it further, yet.
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9 responses
• United States
17 Nov 11
Defending the MSM they have been attacking Newt since he was elected to office, the difference is that people are now paying attention. Newt's problem is that he has made so many mistakes in his political life that new organizations could spend a year just talking about what we already know. His own party was disgraced when it was revealed that he was having an affair when he was going after President Clinton. As much of a fiscal conservative as he is, he loses all credibility when it comes to social conservatives. He MIGHT be pro life, but when it comes to marriage he will struggle with explaining his past. We all have to pay for our mistakes, and Newt has NEVER seamed to want to do this. I will say that he comes off as the most arrogant candidate of them all. His personality makes Romney look like Bill Clinton.
• United States
19 Nov 11
The other problem with Newt is that he comes off so arrogant that some won't vote for him. I wouldn't say that he is great at working across party lines, he is much better at just forcing his views on people, and working with a majority. He has also been great at going people with ethics violations, while displaying questionable ethics at best.
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
17 Nov 11
I know Newt has a lot of baggage, and I am sad about it. I rate Newt and Dole as the one who did the majority of the work on helping the economy and everything that Clinton is getting credited on doing. Dole and Newt did the work, and Clinton went along with most of it to show that he could work across the fence. I hear people talk about how good Clinton did, and just mention the Dole and Newt factor. Newt is very smart, knows the problems. I just don't know if he can fix them alone.
@crossbones27 (50177)
• Mojave, California
16 Nov 11
It is more than than that. This guy has a history of doing certain things that he is not supposed to do and acting outraged when other people do it. Newt was going 100 miles an hour to get Pres Clinton impeached for having affair. Meanwhile he was having an affair himself while trying to impeach Clinton for doing the same thing. Then with the Freddy and Franny debacle, he wants to put Barney Frank, and Chris Dodd in jail. Newt is trying to say they are the ones that put policies in place that let Freddy and Franny run the economy to the ground. Yet he was the one taking payments to gin up juice to get Republicans to jump on board with Freddie and Frannie. If that is not a lobbyist I do not know what is. No one can find any thing about Newt saying that he told Freddy and Franny that they were a "bubble and insane." According to Newts philosophy, maybe he should be the one that goes to jail.This guy has to be one of the biggest hypocrites of all time. I think he is just a piece of crap. He is the perfect example of why are government sucks so bad, since he is the true definition of crony capitalism. All he ever cared about was making money. He never put the country first.
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
17 Nov 11
I think we nee to be careful on the accusations of Newt;s firm working with Fannie and Freddie. I think his work may have been very legitimate and straight forward, but he is getting presented as a bad guy. Do you know how much legal work Fannie and Freddie has to do on each loan. There are several law firms working for them on this. Newt's firm may have been one of them. But no the MSM judges without prove. What happened to innocent until proven guilty. No not with the MSM and the left. The made Cain look guiltier than ever. This is even going on in Penn State. Remember, innocent until proven guilty should apply.
• Mojave, California
18 Nov 11
You really think Newt received 1.6 to 1.8 million just to give advise to Freddie Mac. It must of not been very good, considering the ways things turned out. If Freddie Mac did not take Newts advice then why would they pay him 1.6 million if they did not think his advice would work. No, he was lobbied for them.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
18 Nov 11
The Democrats want Obama to be a second term president and since he acts like a dictator, he will probably not leave when they tell him that he is only allowed two terms. He will say that it is his right to stay, so am not surprised that Newt Gingrich is being attacked. And many of those Democrats forget that their supreme leader is responsible for the situation America is in now.
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
17 Nov 11
Newt does have a lot of skeletons. He probably has more than all of the other potential Republican candidates combined. Polls indicate he is the Republican candidate of the month. A dubious honor that is rewarded with lots of attacks. He still won't win the primary though. Not a lot of Republicans are happy with him or his past record. Frankly, the Fannie Mae payments are disturbing and do not look good at all.
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
16 Nov 11
You're not surprised by this, are you? the only reason they haven't attacked Romney yet is because they want him to win the nomination. Meanwhile they have lots of time to try to dig up dirt on him to pull out right before the general election. When are the American people going to get wise to these tactics? It's said they hate mud-slinging, so we try to be nice. What does it get us? They've ignored Fanny and Freddie's misdeeds until they thought they could associate Newt with them. And had they listened to Newt, the housing bubble he predicted wouldn't have happened. So who's the bad guy here? I'm sizzling when I think of this. I'd better go write about coyote brush for HubPages. It's fire resistant.
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
17 Nov 11
No bagard, I am not surprised at all. This is the way it works. Once you become a contender, then the flood gates open wide. This means that they must be scared of him because he has become a threat.
@J0hnluvs (10)
18 Nov 11
No surprise to me seeing as that the Liberal media will stop at nothing to get Obama back in office. However, I do feel this brings out the best in a candidate, but the media stuns me with their hypocrisy every time a republican is mentioned. For example the attacks on Herman Cain surprisingly coming directly after his rise to top in polls. To make it worse the majority of the claims were from unnamed sources. When Clinton was in office people didn't hold him to the same standard when he was being attacked in similar fashion.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
17 Nov 11
Very predictable, isn't it? It doesn't matter if it's Gingrich or Cain or someone else, as soon as it looks like they're a real threat, they start digging dirt. I think they're scared of him, just like they were scared of Cain. What a joke our politics have become. It's embarrassing for other nations to be able to see things like this.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
17 Nov 11
I don't know about Fannie Mae, but Newt does have quite a few skeletons in the closet he needs to come clean about. He's not guilt free by a long shot.
• United States
16 Nov 11
I live in the Washington DC area and CNN (Commie News Network) is going after all those Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac CEO's who got million dollar salaries, its funny because Nobama was the one who gave them the bailout money in the first place, now he is throwing them under the bus to save face with the American people. What a joke!