get full custody of my child
By Robyn
@floridachick (603)
United States
November 16, 2011 6:14pm CST
I have been fighting this battle ever since I lost custody of my son to his father, which another long story to itself. but I will continue to fight this battle until I win. It has been a long and emotional 8 years but i'm getting there. I do see my son everyother weekend and on holidays but it still is very hard.
Is there anyone else out there fighting for custody of there child(ren) if so how long? and have you gotten close to getting what you want?
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7 responses
@jtj_hello (627)
• Philippines
17 Nov 11
I sypathize on you. I know how hard it is for a mother not to be with their children most of the time. Time will come that uyour husband wil realize that his son need his mother more. I just wish it won't take you another long years. Just keep on fighting. Make sure you maintain a good relationship with your kid. Just show him how much you love him even if you rarely see him because of your situation.
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
17 Nov 11
Ifeel for you. The mom carries the baby and the man is essentially the sperm donor...yet he gets to call the shots? Then on the other hand...if the mom calls the shot it might be just the reverse. I can't understand why there can't be shared custody with kids. Essentially the parents war with each other and the kids become the weapons.
I am divorced. I also had full custody. I had it because my daughter's father divorced HER when I divorced hi
Out of site out of mind. I'm glad that at least your child is wanted by both of you.
@juanthebaptist (1)
• United States
13 Dec 12
"The mom carries the baby and the man is essentialy the sperm donor...."
This kind of mentality is exactly why we have so many broken families and fatherless youth. And have the audacity to make sexist ignorant remarks like that? I truly hope your daughter is not half as ignorant as you are. If not for the man's "voluntary" donation of his "sperm" mothers would never exist; hence the world would become extinct. Women carry a baby to term for 9 months in their womb because of natural biology. This has always been the case since the beginning of human existence so I don't see how you can value pregnancy as a means to entitle a mother to a higher standard of validity in natural parental right than a father; labeling him simply a "sperm donor."
Sometimes just because you give birth to a child doesn't mean you are fit to raise one. People like you should be sterilized and curb stomped. Please don't pop out any more children, ok.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
17 Nov 11
Hi Floridachick,
I am lucky that I never had to fight that battle. I got full physical and legal custody of my girls. I can imagine it would be a mother's worst nightmare. I commend you for your diligence. I get really irritated when I hear a parent complain that they don't get visitation or that they want custody because the other parent is unfit or whatever reason and all they do is complain about it. If you mention to them that they should fight for their child, they have all sorts of excuses as to why they can't. If anything is worth fighting your heart and soul for it would be your child. I do think the courts pay attention to diligence. I also think they pay attention to those that really don't try all that hard to get their children back. I hope you get your son back! Your son at least will know that you gave it your all regardless of the outcome and that will mean a lot to him. Don't give up.

@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
17 Nov 11
My husband and I are still married, so that is not something that I've ever had to go through and it is something that I hope that I never have to do.
However, one of my close friends had four children. Two of them were killed in a house fire last year while they were with his ex-wife (their third child together survived the fire). And his youngest has a different mother. Well, his ex-wife recently got primary custody of his son so he only gets to see him every other weekend and split holidays and vacations from school.
His youngest is a whole different story, his ex-girlfriend left the state with the baby and then filed a domestic violence dispute against him in another state. He didn't find out that he had to be at court to get visitation of his daughter until after the court date had passed so he is not able to see the baby for another year. He is trying to work on getting a case together so that he will get full custody of her when that time is over.
@rmendoza123 (637)
• Philippines
17 Nov 11
This is so sad to know that somewhere in the relationships of in love couples will be fight in court. Well, we can do about it, that's the reality.
Well, I haven't experienced because I don't have any child right now. I just hope that I will not suffer the same problem as yours.
I just wish you luck that someday you will over this problem. Merry Christmas!
@wulania (1524)
• Indonesia
17 Nov 11
i am sorry to hear that. i know it hard for you. in my country, generally when divorce happend, the mother get full custody and the father has to ay the living cost. but in some cases it doesnt happened, but few cases. i think you have to struggle and keep struggle to get full cutody of your son.
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
17 Nov 11
Hi floridachick, fortunately I have never had to deal with anything
of this sort...I can not imagine what it would have been like seperated
from my children when they were small.
When I was pregnant with my first child and he was 19 months when
I got pregnant with my second...I freaked out because I loved my
first child ssssooooo much that I was afraid that I was not gonna have
any love for a second child...I mean I was really really upset
with myself...Didn't know what I was gonna do...BUt needless to say
when my second was born the love came naturally...thought ever crossed
my mind on where to get more love.....
I really feel bad for you right about now...I would think that its very
very hard to be seperated from a child especially when they are young..
Much luck of getting back custody...Keep praying and working towards
your GOAL...