How do you feel about the history channel and the idea of aliens?
By JenInTN
@JenInTN (27514)
United States
November 19, 2011 5:32am CST I am watching the History channel the other night and they are depicting a possibility of an alien takeover. Odd? I kind of thought so since it hadn't happened and was on the History channel. Now...I am open to a ton of ideas and I have often thought we were selfish in thinking that we were the only ones anywhere BUT I'm also thinking that the idea of future attacks or communication with aliens is not quite in its place on the History channel..LOL. Is it just me or is there an ever growing amount of alien movies, shows, and depictions among us today? Is the idea of it being on the History channel make it more believable? I do remember there being some pictures of hieroglyphics where they thought certain images were supposed to be aliens. That might be appropriate on the History channel. Have you seen an excess of alien shows lately? Are you finding alien references in odd places? What do think about it?
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24 responses
@savypat (20216)
• United States
19 Nov 11
Anything is possible, to me the alien approach to our origin makes more sense than the Adam and Eve one. As to an alien takeover, my first question would be why.
As for the history channel I don't feel these ideas should be presented as fact
I do enjoy the shows which present both sides of these questions and I enjoy the new discoveries. I also like the science channel and some of the Nat. Geograpic
channel. However lately it seems that many of the programs are full of wars and weapons.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
19 Nov 11
Heyya savypat! They said on the show it would be for resources. Chlorophyll mainly since we are the only green planet known. Your right about most of the shows being about war and weapons. I guess this alien takeover thing was about that too.
I like learning and taking in all the sides to issues as well.
Thanks for responding!
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@allknowing (141602)
• India
19 Nov 11
When rumours are rife about the world coming to an end why worry about alien attacks. Why is the History Channel not talking about the world ending in 2012? The History Channel for some reason has got for itself the position as being one of the best Channels churning out truths and that is the reason why people tend to take them seriously. It is time people thought independently rather than go by what they view on Channels.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
19 Nov 11
Hi allknowing! That is great advice. There is so much about the media that we can't trust. I think they were actually referring to the end. They were enacting an alien end to the world. The reasons why they would come, the way we would react, etc.
I am thinking that the show was misplaced being on the History channel and in the context it was presented in.
Thanks for the input!
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@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
19 Nov 11
Hi Jen... With all the studies and show-viewing and fiction reading, I've come to conclusion that aliens might exist... But they have not found the means to travel the light years distances... That is how it seems to me... What do you say? They exist or not???
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
19 Nov 11
I am a bit on the fence about this one. I have thought it was selfish to think we are the only ones but at the same time I haven't seen anything to sway me into total belief. I have seen some movies that were supposed to recall real of them was Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It was about some men from a farming community that claimed they had been abducted. The thing is that I don't trust the media so it is hard for me to rely on it's credibility.
Thanks for responding...the show I watched on the history channel depicted them as being far advanced. The possibility that they are not never really crossed my mind..we always think of them as being advanced..hmm...great viewpoint!
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
19 Nov 11

@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
19 Nov 11
LOL.. I never sleep in...especially not of late. I might have to cash in on a nap later, but you know what they say about the "wicked." No rest for them.
Your right and as the clothes of the eighties move back in..well...that was around the time of ET. But I am much too young to remember that as I know you are as well
It was a show directly related to the end...that's for sure because they weren't very nice aliens in the show..nothing like ET was. I think something covering the Mayan caves and such would have been much more appropriate for the channel.
Snow!!! My goodness you better stay warm! It is cold and rainy here. There is some snow on the mountains though. As beautiful as snow is, I think I can stand to wait a little bit on it. Be sure to roll up a snowball and have a zing...will your son be visiting soon?
Hugs and love

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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
19 Nov 11

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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
19 Nov 11

@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
20 Nov 11
Oh my...that sounds like a creepy show! I would watch it too.
The thought has crossed my mind that we might be a little selfish in thinking we are it. The universe is vast and it is hard to say that there is no other lifeforms out there. Thanks for responding! You been ok?

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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
20 Nov 11
Whatever they have at area 51 must be something as it is gaurded real well . I thnk we have had aleins come here in the past.
and might be some here now who know unless they say something!
I liked the tv shoe Event but hey dint put it on this year so far.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Nov 11
That youtube video on the front page of this discussion is pretty neat. It was officials and previous employees publicly sharing their experiences and pushing for government support in educating the public about 50 year old alien discoveries and research. It was almost 2 hours long but there was a lot of info. I am curious about that Area 51 too.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
21 Nov 11
Oh yes..that Area 51. That is a place of interest for sure. I saw something once where they were interviewing some people that worked in there a long time ago...retired people and they all claimed there was alien stuff going on in there.
Thanks for responding!

@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
19 Nov 11
I am into science fiction and one of my sf sites was talking about how the Science channel is showing a lot of sf now...
I think part of it was when they showed that TV show where they speculate that dragons were real was such a big ratings draw, they started doing more of those kinds of shows... I suspect that this is just another one.
Heck, alien takeovers is a popular branch of sf after all...
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@derek_a (10873)
19 Nov 11
I think that there has always been a fascination with aliens. It seems to come and go - like the crop circles Phenomenon back in the mid to late 80s here in the UK. Then it seemed to peter out as people were coming forward saying they had done the circles in the fields and demonstrated exactly how they had accomplished this. The History Channel does appear to give come cred. to the alien stories, but until I see one with my own eyes, I will always remain credible. I remember once meeting someone who was very upset about not being believed about his sighting. He told me that he had seen a UFO craft in the fields beyond his house. He rushed to get his camcorder, but the batteries weren't charged so it wouldn't work. So there as no proof. He called the local military base to report what he had seen and they asked him if he had been drinking or if he was some sort of nut. This upset him much more than it should have in my opinion, as he couldn't let it go. He asked me if I believed him. I just replied that I believed that he had had some sort of experience, but to be honest to him, I can accept a UFO if I personally saw one. It wouldn't matter what other's thought, I would know for myself. And I would love to know one way or the other and would be delighted to have an experience like he had had. He seemed happier then and more relaxed and just told me that he knew what he had saw and that's all that mattered.
I tend to seek out alien stories and films, because I enjoy them. At the moment, it is a great feeling to imagine that we are not alone in this universe, but there again, I cannot prove to myself or others.. yet...

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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
19 Nov 11
When I was a young girl, I had a neighbor girl that was my best friend. We played together outside until our families literally had to come get us and sometimes that was into the evening..after sunset. We saw something odd one night but I don't know if it was an alien ship or what. I can't really say and wouldn't try..we were children and anything can look alien if you watch it long enough
I have thought that it was selfish to think we were the only creatures in existence anywhere but at the same time...I haven't seen anything that would make me sure that there was anything else. I have heard stories and seen movies supposedly based on real accounts but it is hard to fathom if you haven't personally experienced it.
I have seen several pretty good alien movies lately.
Thanks for responding!

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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
19 Nov 11
I find it very interesting. I wonder why I never saw ancient hierogliphs before that looked like light bulbs or that batteries were found. I used to watch everything from the tombs and pyramids, but when did all this get discovered?
When did we discover portals in Mexico?
I thought I knew history, but suddenly there is all kinds of stuff I've never heard before.
I think there must be other inhabbited planets.
I think they'er doing a lot of 'what if' kinds of things on the History Channel, when did "what if" become history?
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
20 Nov 11
I thought the same thing about the "what if" factor of the show. There is always stuff popping up isn't there. I remember hearing that it was thought aliens helped earlier civilizations build their massive cities out of stone and pyramids too. It wasn't about that was about the possibility of it happening in the future. Not History in my opinion either.
Thanks for responding!
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• United States
19 Nov 11
Happy sat., Jen. i never watch the history & i don't believe in aliens, lol. I have never cared for sci-fi & things like that.
@umabharti (3972)
• India
19 Nov 11
i thought you were telling about Fox History and Traveller channel , as i like watching that and even TLC becox there are a variety of dishes cooked which are from differnet countries.
We do get History channel but i am not a regular person wathcing that channel.I dont think that aliens exist ,its just cant be.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
20 Nov 11
Thanks for responding. A couple of friends left some interesting links that you might like. One is two hours long but it is very interesting and informative. I am unsure as to if I believe it or not. It's hard when you haven't actually experienced it.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
19 Nov 11
Hi JenInTN
I miss the alien shows and the movies
I was quite passionate about the Space and Universe in the school days and it continued even years after... unfortunately I could not pursue it as my career.
The aliens whether they exist or not, I have a view that just as life exits on this planet, there will definitely be some parallel somewhere - the Universe is so big. I even saw some pictures/images released by NASA mentioning some Aliens have constructed some leviating islands in Bermuda triangle.
(Note: Not a referral link)
Whether they are hostile (as depicted in many movies) or loving (like in ET) that no one can be sure of unless s/he gets a real meeting with them.

@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
19 Nov 11
That's a neat article! It said they were levitating 10 miles from the oceans surface and it certainly looked like they were in the picture. I have always thought that Burmuda Triangle was
I like alien shows too. It seems I have been running across a ton of them lately. Most of them depict the aliens as being aggressive and monstrous. I hope if I ever meet one, he is like ET.
Thanks for the response and article link!

@dollar3235 (2062)
• India
19 Nov 11
Hi JenInTN,
I believe that you watched the "Ancient Aliens" series or may be some other program. Anyways, as far as Aliens are concerned, Yes, they do exist and all the improvements of our civilization is somehow related to them and their guidance. Until unless we do something very stupid in this universe, I don't think any other race will attack us (E.g. You won't attack an ant hill in your nearby area) and the good thing is, we are not technologically advanced to anything stupid to disturb the Universe.
We didn't just happen here, it was a plan e.g. "George Washington" could foresee all the American states in his vision even before the war was over. There are so many things that most of us don't know (Because of their belief in their religion, some of them don't have the time from their daily life etc..) but if you close your eyes that doesn't mean that the wall in front of you will disappear. I hope you understand what I mean.
Here is a hint of what exactly is the truth: 

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@dollar3235 (2062)
• India
20 Nov 11
It's good to know that you liked the video, JenInTN.
Here is a small part of the same video, let me know what do you think of it:
It's a 2 minute video. 

@dollar3235 (2062)
• India
19 Nov 11
we are not technologically advanced to do* anything stupid to disturb the Universe.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
13 Dec 11
Personally I think our world and the human civilization is still pretty primative to other aliens and I too believe there are aliens out there, we can't be the only race in this world, all those planets, systems etc... and just one planet populized? It is very fascinating and my father watches these type of programs all the time. I also think that 2012 is a markable year on the calendar whether it's to do with the Mayan prediction and this world is theorized to come to an end, how it does, I am not sure. With our fascination of aliens comes more and more films to entertain us and keep the film industry and the history channel running!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
14 Dec 11
Hi wolfie! Great to see you!
I do find it hard to believe that it is "just us." I wonder about the 2012 thing and even the Mayan prediction. I am hoping it symbolizes change and not so much the end though...optimist as always.
Thanks for responding!

@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Nov 11
Hi jeninTN, I believe that there is other life in the universe but I am surprised that anyone would expect to be attacked by aliens. Anyone who has advanced far enough as to come here from another planet, probably gave up the idea of war and fighting, a long time ago. Blessings.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
22 Nov 11
If they ever do decide to come, I hope your right about that. If they were gonna get us, I think they might have done it before now, right? I have also read how they think that aliens helped earlier civilizations with their structures. One show claimed there were hieroglyphics which showed alien life forms in the community. I have also heard that these pictures could have been the people in their hunting is a mystery for sure.
Thanks for responding.
@hmkoct5 (2065)
• United States
20 Nov 11
I had the same thought when I saw that these types of shows were on the History Channel. They probably use the Roswell Incident as a basis for showing it on their channel. But, I think it's pretty weird. I don't think it really belongs there. I also don't like the Ice Road Truckers show being on the History Channel. What does that have to do with history? There does seem to be an excessive amount of shows about aliens lately. I guess they probably make for good tv.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
20 Nov 11
Yes...and with 2012 just around the corner they want to try and scare the fire out of My b/f watches that Ice Road truckers. I know what you mean about it being out of place on the History Channel. I guess ratings are more important sometimes than the theme.
Thanks for the response!
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
21 Nov 11
What kind of aliens were they talking about? Is it aliens from another country? Another planet? Outside of the physical world?
If it is aliens from another planet or something similar, it would be odd to have that on the history channel. Unless we all missed something.
Should not that kind of a story be on a science fiction channel, like the Space channel?
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
20 Nov 11
I think that the History Channel may have missed the point on this one. I get that aliens, alien invasion might make marketable stories to show, currently but I don't think it belongs in their market. Their name itself calls for something that has been documented in the past, I don't think aliens would fit the bill.

@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
20 Nov 11
That's what I thought too! I am not against alien theories or what if shows but I would think that on the History Channel that things would have had to have happened. It was about the possibility of a takeover wasn't about the possibility of them in our past.
Thanks for the response.

@dellessimon45 (710)
• United States
20 Nov 11
I don't think they're will be an alien takeover but I do believe there is other life in our universe. As far as all the sci-fi movies, and alien-takeover theories, I believe them to be false, because I don't think there is a life form more technologically advanced than we are.
I want to say more but this copy and paste error is pissing me off!
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
20 Nov 11 are more than welcome to add after you get settled down.
I have also thought it would be a mistake to think we are the only living forms in the whole universe. I think the biggest controversy is if they are advanced or not.
Thanks for responding and I hope you get that error worked out.