love needs to be a bit selfish

@umabharti (3972)
November 21, 2011 12:31pm CST
hi yes love should be a little bit selfish,the relationship gets or becomes more and more attached only because of a little bit of selfish ness in the love. If we love a plant or animal or even some thing,we like that to be with us for ever and we do not like to share it with some one else. This is the same way when it comes to real relations,what will happen if a wife is not possessive or selfish of letting her husband not to talk with any other women,the person will feel to go away from her.If that attachment is not there the it is felt that no body cares . If a lover feels that his love should be only his own ,is he selfish and possesive.What will happen if this kind of feel is not there.Dont the other feels that he does not care and love and just doing a timepass ,only letting or waiting for someone else to take her away from him.
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8 responses
@jazzyrae (1745)
• United States
21 Nov 11
I think that it's okay not to be selfish.. In love. I am not possessive of my boyfriend it's not that I don't care I just trust him. He knows that two. I think it is better just to trust
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@umabharti (3972)
• India
21 Nov 11
Trust,its a very tough thing.However i am happy that u trust and are happy with what every is going around in your life. They say love is to be sacrificed,what do u say about that,does true love needs sacrifice.
@jazzyrae (1745)
• United States
21 Nov 11
Love definitely takes a sacrifice some greater than others . Mine was my whole family almost
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@umabharti (3972)
• India
21 Nov 11
So you say u will sacrifice your boyfriend if such and such sitaution comes,if you are ready to sacrifice then why do u start loveing that person,better not to love .
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
22 Nov 11
Umabharti ji-- I see two topics in this -- One your love for your pets -- cats. Two --discussion on possessiveness. We are all possessive and the degree only differs. When we are very young we are possessive of our dolls -- for some children it may be costly ones and for others majority-it may be cheap toys also. As we grow old we become possessive of other things like pen, shirt etc. and we hesitate to share with others. It is right also. As we still grow old we become possessive of our close people -- spouse-- we desire he/she should talk to us only--give more importance for our views only ... Also we become possessive of our children and whatever our children does is right for us though it may appear wrong in the eyes of others.
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@umabharti (3972)
• India
22 Nov 11
my father does a lot for my pets and the cats also go towards him asking for what they need.More than what i do for my pets ,my father does a lot to them.The cats are fine till day ,i am just worried about their future and ours.
@umabharti (3972)
• India
22 Nov 11
What ever may be the doll cost,kids do not know all the cost things ,they only know the feeling which they have towards the toy which they have.If it breaks it really hurts them and that hurt is carried towards the life.The incident happens only once in the life time,but due to that incident the whole life gets a change.The kid may not like any other toy in her or his life.Or else can become depressed as for the loss of the toy.Or else can be come more without any attachment becox it came to know that everything goes off one day.It is how the child takes it and reflects or reponses to wards the incident. it is right hting right.What we like may be other person would like it too but where is the reason that we should leave it for them.We are also the same person and we also have the same heart.So why should anyone share if there is not question of sharing in the persons heart. So possessiveness is good until it should be ,when some one is possessive about his or her spouse ,it is a natural thing ,and it shoud be there also ,becox this is the thing which binds everything in the famly.i know love is more important but love has its different types in it ,and one quality of love is this possessiveness. If the parents are not possessive about kids ,how can that be.What will happen if the parent s just feel or get ignored.i can not even imagine that . one should be possessive but not toomuch should love but it shoudl not hurt the other person whom he or she loves.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
22 Nov 11
You have rightly elaborated your stand on this issue. nice. You have also stated that one should be possessive but not too much possessive. You have not mentioned anything about your care for your pets and the way the pets are treated by you father... have a nice day.
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
21 Nov 11
Not sharing someone we love is not being selfish. I will never share my boyfriend to anyone (hahaha) why should i? Well,yes, sometimes we become selfish when it comes to love.
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@umabharti (3972)
• India
21 Nov 11
yes ,love has a little bit of this crunch of selfish ness and even jealousy comes around . When the boyfriend does not pay attention to us and tells about some other perosn we feel jealous ,becox we love and we do nt want some one else take our place. When the girl frined does not show the possessive ness to the boyfriend then it shows that she do not really love him.Because a possessive perosn will never let her boyfriend to go to another girl,she doesnt like to share him with any one in this world.She loves.And the love does all. No one are there in this world who do not feel this kind of feeling ,if they say that they are not selfish then they are not in love with that person.
@umabharti (3972)
• India
22 Nov 11
I did not say saddism is to be in love but that too is love it is love whihc is out of control So what i said a little bit of selfish to love and a little bit of possessive ness.A little bit of jealousy a little bit of anger ,actually these when they come and go in a love relationship the relation becomes more stronger. What problem do u say that comes in old and young age.what is the difference when it is the same person travelling throughout the journey of life.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
22 Nov 11
Not sharing one's boy/girl friend is fine. But slowly this possessiveness extends and makes people demand more attention and love such that they may not like the other person talk to others, play with others, treat others children equally.... The issues involved differs depending on the age of the person concerned. In teen age one type of problem and in old age another type of problem.
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@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
22 Nov 11
Lots of people feel that way because love is fragile and vulnerable, if we don't protect it, it may just disappear right infront of our eyes. No one wants to lose love, once you experience something like love, you just don't want to let go or else you'll just feel shattered. Like you said, love can become pretty selfish and that's how relationships fail, it's not a good feeling and we just can't help feeling all jealous and angry. That's why we need to develop a sense of trust within a relationship. Without trust, there's going to be a lot of tensions in the relationship and you're partner would feel like you're really possessive or something. No one wants to be deemed as possessive. I know it's pretty scary that if you're too careless, someone might take you're partner away. Remember, if that happens, it's not your fault, your partner chose to be taken away from you. So either way, there's negatives too. Just relax and just feel comfortable with your partner. Don't let jealousy take over.
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@umabharti (3972)
• India
22 Nov 11
so you say that lots of people feel that love is easily destroyable and exposed to possibility to get attacked or harmed emotionally.Is love really destroyable. there is always a two way thinking in every aspect.If some one is care less then some other person will take the place of urs.So why should u be careless and afterwards feel that its not ur fault and its the partner who has run off from u and its a good thing for u. Trust ,what is it,can u explain me .its a belief right.It is that we believe the person will be ours forever.How many of us really have this,and how many are there who suffer having this trust,because at starting they trust a lot and after some years a sudden thing comes in front of u which damages or takes off ur trust.So is it the wrong of the trust or is it the wrong of the person who is trusting or is that the wrong of the person who is getting that trust from us.Who is wrong.
@umabharti (3972)
• India
22 Nov 11
Research on myself,am i some theasis or experimenting thing that i shoudl or some one else shoudl research on me.Am i a chemical substance or a geographical thing that others would try to research. Every time period in one life is always a different thing.We can not research becox it does not give the same result or value .Life is something which we can not say that it would go on this formulae.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
22 Nov 11
I am not so selfish when it comes to love. I get jealous but I trust my boy most of the time. I allow him to talk to other girls and that makes a relationship go well I think so. I don't think that makes him think that I love him any less. I think if we are too possessive, that will only make a relationship worst. No one wants to be suffocated with his/her partners possessiveness. We can show our love to them in other things but not on being selfish.
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@umabharti (3972)
• India
22 Nov 11
so if ur not selfish when it comes to love then where u feel the feeling of selfishness.Trust is always there but at the side of it there is jealousy also. You say u allow,means does he take permission before he talks to someone,so are u making him ur slave.Or else becox u allow the person to talk with others he feels that u r really trusting him.R u trying to leave him to see whether he falls or not,is your intention to check him by leaving him free.Or do u fear that if u hold him tightly in ur hands he will go away. I did said a little of possessive ness to be there in the relation not too much that it makes the other person to kill himself becox of this possessive nature . one should be possessive but love is the strength which covers everything.If anyone who have love and a pure form of love then the person will never leave .
@umabharti (3972)
• India
22 Nov 11
a good relationship with good understanding does not need any kind of dialogues in between ,just the silence of the partner tells everything. i am sure if a person talks to a lady manager definetly his wife feels the jealousy if he tries to even say about her or just a casual way.And a man will also no t life his wife talking with him about her manager (male). These are natural feelings which we have,i dont say shoudl stop them or shoudl try to pick up such incidents ,its all for a time being as the time passes on and the age increases all such things will just go away.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
22 Nov 11
There is a little jealousy but it does not mean you have to control someone or always suspect someone if you see your partner talking to someone. By using the word allowing doesn't literally mean he has to ask for my permission It just means we have an understanding (with which we do not actually spoke about) that if I see her talking with another lady means I will get angry or if he sees me talking with another man means he will be angry. That's being paranoid already if you check someone you love whether he would fall for someone or not. This is not a good thing in a relationship. Both are already mature enough to understand what is right and wrong in the relationship. We all know that holding someone so tightly and checking each and every move of someone we love is not good. Will you enjoy and be happy if your wife always checks on you and tell you don't talk to this person and that person even if you're talking to your manager - And still your wife gets jealous of her?
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• Philippines
22 Nov 11
It is healthy for someone to be a little bit selfish to his or her loved one sometimes and it is one of the signs that we care about them and that we only want us to be their only love. Being a little selfish is different from being possessive though, there are always the boundaries between us and our significant others and we can't cross those lines even when we are tied with matrimonial rites. Have a great day ahead and happy MyLotting!
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@umabharti (3972)
• India
22 Nov 11
yes its a feeling from anyone on this world ,even a kid will not give his toy to his best friend,we all need a person for us and only for us ,so if that kind of person enters into our life we will have a wonderful life,even the whole world becomes a tiny thing when we are in such a beautiful relationship.
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
21 Nov 11
Sorry but I don't agree with you if it comes about what you are saying about men. Men can't stand complaining, jealous women. They don't need the attention day and night from their own wife. They are way more interested to know if other women still see them as attractive/a hunk. If a man wants to cheat he will do that anyway no matter if his wife shows some jealousy, a lot of interest or is kind of posessive (as a sign of her love for him And no matter if she is that way (showing she loves him) or let him to be him or kind of free, he will always blame her for it. That is what men are great at too. It's seldom their fault. It depends on the kind of person how he or she will respond on a jealous or kind of possesive or attentive partner. We all are different. I only agree with one thing. Love needs to be selfish. If you don't know what you want, if you don't see you get that you will die in misery. Since the only thing that is left over for you is always to agree, to forget about yourself and your own dreams and wished. And that for sure will kill any relationship. So be selfish, know what you want, what you expect from a lover/partner and if not walk out.
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@umabharti (3972)
• India
22 Nov 11
"men more interested to know if other women still see them as atrractive" why do you say so,why do men need other women ,and may be this can be alteredto women also,there are also women who behave in that way.Is that becox they do not get what they actually needed from his or her life partner,are they unsecure with the life partner that they try to find it somewhere else . yes he or she will definetly blame in either way,if they are cared they feel why are u caring,if they are not cared for they ask why did not u care for me. yes it depends on the person . yes ur absolutely right one should know what he or she needs and try to be towards it ,and be a little selfish so that the hardness to achieve the thing should not go away and leave pain in heart.
• Philippines
22 Nov 11
Love should learn how to open it's mind to something "different." If you love someone you need to have trust to your partner, you don't need to be selfish in anyways just to prove that you love someone. I don't know you define the word selfish here, but as for me learn to loosen up.
@umabharti (3972)
• India
22 Nov 11
"loosen up" how can that be.How can a lover feel good when he sees his or her love with some other guy or girl,its hard thing . Trust will be there in love ,that the lover will never try being or doign something against the trust ,however though trust is there we still feel this way ,when one is there already why do u need another to talk and spend time.