Multi-Level Marketing also known as Network Marketing
By finlander60
@finlander60 (1804)
United States
November 21, 2011 10:48pm CST
Multi-Level Marketing which is also known as Network Marketing seems to be the wave of the future. There are several things that you need to know about them. Be cautious with your choice of any company that you decide to become associated with. There are legitimate ones that really want you to succeed, and there are others that just want to separate you from your hard-earned money. If they are legitimate, they have already stood the test of time and have been around for at least TEN YEARS, maybe more. If you ask for names of distributors within a reasonable distance that you can call or talk to one-on-one the legitimate ones will be happy to give you names as well as phone numbers so that you can make an informed decision, before handing over your hard-earned money to someone that you don't know. Ask also if there are any planned meetings soon in your area that you could attend without being high-pressured into signing up right away. If you get any pressure to sign up just be polite and tell that person that you are just looking at this time. If they keep pushing just walk away and talk to someone else at that meeting. I wish you all the best wishes in trying to find a way to make extra money. Good luck.
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1 response
@jtj_hello (627)
• Philippines
22 Nov 11
Most network marketing are bogus. It takes a lot of effort to earn and after you reach pay-out they will block your account and says reason that are untrue. I experienced it firsthand so be very cautious. Try to read as much review as you can before signing up and exerting effort.
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@finlander60 (1804)
• United States
22 Nov 11
Your response makes me think that you have been burned in the past. Maybe more than once. that is why I said that you have to be careful with which company you decide to be associated with. Next time, assuming that there is a next time, be more cautious. Keep looking, and enjoy the search.
@francismalz (520)
• Philippines
14 Dec 11
Hi, have you heard of UNO (Unlimited Network of Opportunities International Corporation)? a networking marketing company from the Philippines. It has 100+ branches in The Philippines and also has branches in Los Angeles and Hong Kong.
UNO doesn't block accounts. UNO has no quota.
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@finlander60 (1804)
• United States
30 Aug 12
My wife and I are Independent Distributors of the family of products called Dri Wash n Guard. They are based in Las Vegas, Nevada. The products are Environmentally-Friendly in that most of them USE NO ADDITIONAL WATER to get them to do a great job. A few of the products are concentrated so you will have to use water to experience their versatility. They are primarily marketed to the automobile appearance industry, and the products do a great job of it. If anyone would like more information you may Private Message me here at MyLot. Thank you.