What is your personal definition of happiness?

@scheng1 (24649)
November 22, 2011 8:23am CST
What is your personal definition of happiness? I find that many people tend to associate happiness with things that we own. Sometimes, it can also be the children or relatives or friends whom we are associated with. Today my colleagues are talking about their families. One colleague mentioned that her grandmother was relatively young, just above age 70, and she has several great grandchildren. Another colleague said that this must be a source of happiness. I do not really see the logic of this line of reasoning. It does not follow that when a person has many children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, then he or she would automatically feel happy. Many such old people died alone in the nursing home, since their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren visited once in a year. What do you think about this?
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18 responses
@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
23 Nov 11
You are right! Just because one has children and grandchildren, that in itself may not always be a cause for happiness. Much depends on the kind of children they are and turn out to be. Children can add to happiness and also be a source of unhappiness. The phrasing of your question implies, and rightly so, that happiness can vary from individual to individual. Some are happy with nothing, some with little and some need much more. While many things contribute to my happiness, I need to feel good about what I am and what I do. Happiness is not really an object but a kind of energy. So we need to be attached to a generator of happiness, since it varies from day to day and moment to moment.
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@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
2 Dec 11
I think most of us want to be happy but may not know how to go about it or may not want to do the things that generate happiness. And yes, there is probably an article there somewhere.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
2 Dec 11
Hi 1hopefulman, great thought. It is enough to generate into an article length. I think many people are feeling very empty inside, and that is why articles about happinesa always generate page views. Many people in the city are too far removed from nature, that they feel very empty, and they do not experience the serenity that comes from nature.
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@bethson (10)
23 Nov 11
Realize that true happiness lies within you it's like a perfume you cannot pour on other's without getting a few drops on yourself. Happiness is an inner state of well being. A long lasting enjoyment of life by accumulating moments of pleasure. To know that my life has meaning and purpose I'm happy.
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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
2 Dec 11
Hi Bethson, that is a very wonderful illustration. Sometimes we just have to create meaning for our lives. I think many people are doing the right thing when tbey volunteer their resources to help others. Whether we have more or less, we still can help to lift up the spirit of other people.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
23 Nov 11
Having lots of children and great grandchildren in your very old life is not a sure indication of happiness. It could be that you have lots of them, but no one ever takes the time to take care or even to talk with you. For me, happiness is contentment. When you are contented with life and what you have , you will feel happy.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
26 Nov 11
Hi Simplyd, that is a very simple philosophy of happiness, and yet hard to practice in real life. We always will feel that our life can be better, or that someone does not deserve to live better than us. I think when we can conquer our negative feelings towards people and life in general, then we will truly be happy.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
30 Nov 11
Hi Simplyd, good to hear that. The best is for the whole family to share the same definition of happiness, and everyone adheres to it. Some people are unhappy because they have different views on money from their family members. The tension can cause much stress.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
28 Nov 11
To be honest my friend, i don't find it hard to be contented with what i have. My family and i are what i can call in middle income bracket. We do have our financial problems, but we always manage to solve them with the help of our loans from SSS , Pag-ibig or from legal means when the need arises. Suffice it to say, we live comfortably too. We don't long for those expensive things, but just get contented with whatever we have. But of course, we work hard to enjoy more comforts in life. Most of all, the 3 of us, my husband , daughter and i are all the same in just living simply as my user name is. We just enjoy life as it rolls and thankful to God for our lives.
@eljayo (1105)
• Philippines
23 Nov 11
Hi! Happiness for me is being contented of what you have despite of all the bad things happening around you or the sad circumstances in your life.It is not felt by all. True happiness is not in material things but it is being able to love and share your happiness to others. Be happy.:))
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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
30 Nov 11
Hi Eljayo, I think if a person is happy, and contented, more money will enhance his happiness. With more money, he can help more people. That will make him even happier. Only those who are greedy, especially those who want to take away the possessions of others, will not feel happier, no matter how much money they have.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
23 Nov 11
My grandmother has a sister who has many grandchildren and great chandchildren. I don't see her so happy because of the parents of her grandchildren (including great grandchildren) have no jobs and depends only on her - while she depends only on her one daughter. That daughter only has 3 kids. But they're supporting more than a dozen kids who got married early and now has kids too Okay this is too much and so big for a family! Anyway, for me happiness is a sense of warmth that we feel from the core of our soul and spreads to our heart. This glows outward from our eyes and lips and is noticeable by others and we feel it as well. Happiness is both indefinable and mysterious yet it's tangible. We cannot seek what actually makes us happy for happiness comes from within our heart.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
26 Nov 11
Hi Enelym001, all the grandchildren and great children must have created a din when they get together. I think it is bad enough to take care of children when they are young, and worse to take care of them when they are married and have their own family. I think her children must have something wrong with their mindset. If they have not enough money, then they should not have children. It brings misery to everyone. I think you are right in that happiness comes from our heart, and literally changes the way we look. Happy people are very noticeable everywhere.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
26 Nov 11
Yeah they should not. But I think they got used to that life. Depending on someone because she's working hard for her kids but her mom (and grandmother of the little kids) are not saving for the future. Yes happiness radiates from our faces.
• Philippines
23 Nov 11
Yes, you are right. People tend to equate happines with material things of what the owned and possesed. My personal definition of happiness is this, I'm happy of my life being with somebody I love. My family's there for me to care for me. I am pretty much contented with my life and I'm happy with it. By God's grace, I never look for anything more. That is my happiness.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
30 Nov 11
Hi Andy4pinoy, I think you will feel happier when you get to see your family after a work stint aboard. Most of us do not appreciate our family when we are seeing them everyday. however, a short trip overseas or a long stint overseas often will change our viewpoints. I think it is true that absence makes our hearts grow fonder, especially for our loved ones whom we have taken for granted.
• Philippines
28 Nov 11
Hi scheng1, Ha ha ha, I do hope I'm the happiest person on this earth. But I guess, I'm not. I do sound happy here but I do feel bouts of depression specially I'm always away from my family being working overseas. I am happy for what I have not more on material things but people who are always there for me and love me. Happines differs from one person to another, my happiness might not be your happiness but as long as we still find inner happines for our lives that's what count most. Enjoy life.
@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
22 Nov 11
For me happiness as my own definition is the completeness of my mission in life. It is also a contentment with myself as a missionary of God here on earth. By spiritually definition. I can be happy on material things, money , family and so many tangible things around me but all of these are temporary. Even family are temporary for as we know that we are temporary living here. While doing things here we try to be enjoy to those things that God has created for us. So we will know all the aspects or angles of happiness but i will assure you that the true happiness is God. Perfect in all occasions.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
25 Nov 11
Hi Mods and Selasorsirc, both of you have defined personal happiness beautifully. I think it is important to love all the people around us, especially those very dear ones, when we still have the chance to do so. Nobody can live forever on Earth in this physical body. Departure is a given. If we have loved fully, we will not feel regret when time for departure arrives. I think it is good to keep it in mind, and treasure every moment. Sooner or later, memory is all we have of our loved ones. Even then, there is great happiness in recalling the happy past. And yes, never let God out of the picture. There is a bit of God in everything, since everything reflects some of his qualities, from the plants to the sky.
23 Nov 11
Happiness for me in my own words is my love. Shes the one who love me who i am and im very happy if she always here in me, to love me as who i am. I want to be happy everyday spending time with her is the most happiest day in my life. Yes, she is the one who gave happiness with me.
@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
24 Nov 11
My happiness is to earn more so I can be free from financial problems and most especially I can help my parents more. And hoping for a healthy and peaceful family.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
2 Dec 11
Hi BabyEj, I have the same goal. It is annoying to see that others can provide more for their parents, and we are still in the midst of saving up. I think the problem becomes more obvious when we look at the patients waiting in the crowded public hospital, and the rich patients in the private hospital. The doctors in the public hospitals are too busy to answer many questions, and you have to wait for hours for just a few minutes consultation. The rich can talk to their doctors as if talking to a close friend. Money does bring luxuries and better service.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
22 Nov 11
For me to be happy means to be able to dream without any interference from the "real world ".
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
25 Nov 11
Hi Iuliuxd, yes, I enjoy dreaming too, especially when I get very stressed with bosses and work. I feel so happy dreaming of freedom from all the worries and stress from the real work. it is even possible to make ourselves feel young and strong again. If only dreams can become real, that will be great.
• India
23 Nov 11
Happines is that state of mind wherein one gets after successfully completing a job. or entertaining a guest, listening to sublime music or reading a good book. Happiness does not hang in the air.It has to be earned. A pure body containing a pure heart and a pure mind which is not rusted by base thoughts or gnawed by conscience pave the way for happiness. If you could avoid evil thoughts not speak evil words or listen to them and eschew evil actions, you have prepared your heart to become the seat for Happiness ,now and for ever.
@Mashnn (4501)
22 Nov 11
Definition of happiness solely depends on the individual. I wouldn't question someone for what she or think is happiness to her. This is because you may not find meaning in other poeple preferences of happiness but indeed that is what make them happy.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
25 Nov 11
Hi Mashnn, it is not a matter of questioning but more a concern. If we know that a person is a quiet person, and happiness means to have a quiet place to read books, then we would not give him a concert ticket for a pop group. Knowing the personal definition of others also mean that we can change our perspective of life, if we find ourselves getting more and more materialistic and more miserable or focusing on the wrong thing and getting everyone else upset. i think it is very interesting to find out what makes a person happy. Some people are just happy with very simple things in life, while some want more satisfaction or a worthy cause. Even if a person says he want to become a billionaire, I guess that is a form of happiness too. We should respect the viewpoint of everyone.
@Mashnn (4501)
25 Nov 11
I get your point. It is true that being concerned about other make us more reasonable in the choices that we make.
@boyuancy (1708)
• India
22 Nov 11
My definition of happiness is HAVING and BEING all that I want to. It is as simple as that, call me ambitious or selfish!!!
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
25 Nov 11
Hi Boyuancy, that is not selfishness. It takes courage to live as we please. It takes wisdom to know what we want, and our potentials to do anything. No use learning to draw when our talent is clearly not there. it is best to make full use of our personality traits, and talents, and develop ourselves to fulfill our dreams. The simplest thing is always hardest to do. I admire you for your courage, and hope that you do not learn to please others or force yourself to please others, and disown yourself.
@devi53 (347)
• India
23 Nov 11
To me there is no word to define happiness it will vary due to the occasion. so definition of personal happiness also vary from our that days mood. I think all of us enjoy happiness till we get the wished thing. In my opinion real happiness is the one when i have remembering the god's grace we get in this life.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
30 Nov 11
Hi Devi, actually we experience different form of happiness every day. Sometimes a simple thing such as a bright and airy day can make us feel so happy. Perhaps when we learn not to think about the worries of the future, we can really enjoy the present moment. I think many people are just too negative. They only know how to complain about everything, from the weather to the food, instead of giving thanks to the fact that they are still alive.
• United States
22 Nov 11
Happiness is when all of the stars are aligned and you are feeling at complete peace with your world! Plus for any given reason, you feel good about yourself and your are excited about your well being! Happiness is being satisfied with anything and everything and realizing you've accomplished whatever it is you've set as a goal!
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
25 Nov 11
Hi Dellessimon, I like your later sentence better than then earlier one. I do not think we need to wait till all the stars are aligned to feel happy, since happiness comes from within. That is why I like your later sentence, since we know that hard work brings accomplishment, which leads to happiness. Nobody can be happy for doing nothing. We feel happy when we do things for ourselves and others, even a simple thing such as a smile to brighten up the days of others.
• United States
22 Nov 11
I think when you get to a certain age you learn to appreciate your family and seeing them can make a person quite happy. Different stages of life and different generations will all have different answers to what makes them happy. Don't get me wrong I am grateful for my kids and husband, however I think I'd be happier not about things but if we were out of debt and had a better standard of living would make me happy.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
25 Nov 11
Hi 3Snugglebunnies, yes, I can understand how you feel about debt and a better standard of living. Debt has a kind of power that makes us feel as if we are drowning. Once we are out of debt, we would feel a kind of freedom, and everything is suddenly very beautiful. While I have not gotten into serious debt problem, just a little debt is enough to make me miserable, and worrisome. I have not reached the stage of financial freedom, and envy those who can retire young and early without worrying about money at all.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Nov 11
I don't think happiness is a consistent feeling. I would say contentment is the ultimate goal for life. I am content with my life--I have two adult sons who love me and a brother and sister. I have a few friends, my dogs, a nice house and enough food. I am better off than 80% of the people that live in this world.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
25 Nov 11
Hi Dragon54u, happiness can be a constant feeling since the Bible describes God as a happy God. If God can be happy forever, and we are made according to his image, then we can be happy for a long time too. I think it is inbuilt in everyone to seek happiness, and the ability to know what can make us happy. Getting content is part of the happiness that we are seeking. Satisfaction with work is another source of happiness. Pride in our ability and pride in the ability of our loved ones or pets are another two great sources of happiness. I think many pet owners are happy when they see their pets learning new tricks.
@sreekutty (1051)
• India
22 Nov 11
you are right, happiness to me is freedom to live without relying on others or begging. I am married and I was treated shabbily by my husband family until I started earning money. Is money happiness? NO, to me it indicates that they saw money as the factor for treating m respectfully. so respect and true love is happiness to me no matter if we live an ordinary man's life. As for actors and rich people, do you think they are happy? NO again because they lose the privacy to even go out and have an ice cream or shop.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
23 Nov 11
Hi Sreekutty, hard to say if the actors or rich people are happy or not. We can only see the image they want us to see. We do not know how is their relationship with their parents or grandparents or children or friends. I think they go out without makeup so that others cannot recognize them. Maybe they are happy because they love the attention. Maybe they are not happy because they are very private. We can only know ourselves, and create happiness for ourselves and our family members.
• Philippines
22 Nov 11
Happiness is the inner feelings with love and contentment, there are no boundaries and no words to describe it. If you are able to describe your happiness then it is not the real happiness, it is merely what we called satisfactory of happiness.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
25 Nov 11
Hi Silenthumofhearts, words are definitely not adequate to describe strong feelings such as love and happiness. We can only describe the action that leads to our sense of love and happiness, and most people can understand. Most of us know how happy we feel when we see a small act of kindness in such a busy and unkind world. Even when we read about mother cat rushing into the fire to rescue her kittens, we are very touched, and have several mixed feelings about it. We may change our attitude towards our loved ones, and love them more. We will definitely get happier when we do so.