The Bible
By gelayagui98
@gelayagui98 (1336)
November 22, 2011 7:57pm CST
Why is the Bible regarded as the world's greatest book? The answer is simple, because the Bible is the Word of God! When you read the bible, you are reading a message from God himself! When the Bible speaks, God speaks! Because the Bible is God's Word, the Bible does far more than simply give us information. The Bible gives us a promise. A promise of life! Everyone who receives the Bible's message in faith is promised the rich gift of everlasting life in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
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12 responses
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
27 Nov 11
Yes, the Bible is a gift from God, letters from a loving Father and if we read it and study it, we will find what it actually teaches.
As you have seen, so many don´t respect it as the word of God and we need to learn how to answer them. Some of them might be searching the truth and we want to help them find it.
There are also so many misunderstandings about what the Bible teaches, as many texts have been taken out of its connection and misinterpreted.
I have found an interesting place where we can download the Bible, books and magazines that help us to understand the Bible. it is and it is free to use and has many languages, so you might find your own there!
I listen to the Bible every day, maybe you would like to do the same! 

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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
27 Nov 11

@gelayagui98 (1336)
• Australia
27 Nov 11
Indeed, in order for man to be of Christ and to know the way to salvation, it is indeed necessary that he be guided by the words of God written in the Bible, because only His words can teach the truth and the way toward salvation. I take note the site you mentioned, It is highly appreciated. God Bless you more....
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@Jhovarie (1168)
• Philippines
23 Nov 11
Hello guys i am a muslim and for you to share our holy bible is Quran and Quran is not equal to Christian holy bible and the content of Quran has no.
"according to"
"according to"
"according to"
"according to"
i just share this because many of Christian people think that Quran is the same with their holy bible.
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@gelayagui98 (1336)
• Australia
24 Nov 11
@ Jhovarie,
Christian just used "according to" to specify which part of the Bible written the stated verses. I am apologizing friend because I had nothing else read and known except the christian's Bible and I respected what is yours, too.
@ mantis,
Thank you very much my friend for the support! God bless!
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
23 Nov 11
the Roman Catholic Bible always said:
according to Matthew
according to James
according to Luke
while the Roman Catholic Priests and Nuns never said:
according to Priest Juan
according to Priest Lex
according to Nun Joan
but the Roman Catholic Priest and Nuns always said:
according to God
according to God
and according to God
Those Saints are the right hands of the Lord
Priests, Popes, Bishops are the "Next to God"
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
27 Nov 11
I think you hit on the Adversary's nerve, with so many challenges to your assertion that the Bible is the Word of God. I also think there are many who have never read it for themselves or else they wouldn't be so quick to question it.
The Bible is truly the word of God. Those who don't believe in God can't understand that so they question it.
Without the promises written in the Bible, I wouldn't be here today. It gives us guidance and instruction and love and promise all in One. I am grateful to God for giving it to us.
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@gelayagui98 (1336)
• Australia
27 Nov 11
Let us remember and follow always the Bible's admonition to God's chosen people, "That is why we must hold on all the more firmly to the truths we have heard, so that we will not be carried away"(Heb.21:1,TEV)
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
23 Nov 11
Have you read the whole of this good book or do you chose to accept what is good in the book and ignore the bad?
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@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
23 Nov 11
i just remember what @smilingjack said before that a target shooter is a very good in hitting bullseye target and kept on saying to his friends while drinking on the casino,
that only the number of hits (bullseye) that he talked about, and never talks what he missed....
like ignoring the bad...
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@urbandekay (18278)
23 Nov 11
Unlike many other religious texts the bible is philosophically profound
all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
23 Nov 11
Why have you posted this here rather than as a separate post?
all the best urban
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@gelayagui98 (1336)
• Australia
24 Nov 11
Hi Pastor, Yes, the knowledge that all must seek, only those who have received the Spirit from God can understand and explain God's wisdom and knowledge which He has hidden in mystery. God bless you more.....
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
23 Nov 11
Are you prepared to live in strict obedience to the laws of god as presented in the Bible?
@gelayagui98 (1336)
• Australia
23 Nov 11
Yes, God's Word is true and all its promises will surely be fulfilled. "Your word is truth" (John17:17b) "Not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until every thing is accomplished." (Matthew 5:18b)
The Bible teaches us how to live useful and meaningful lives that are pleasing to God. "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
23 Nov 11
why never mention Science?
Science is also a systematized knowledge that God give to us, why is it always bible is the only thing that God is "Word"
try to think of it,
if not by God, Science is never in existence...
God made science for in order for us to live life positively.
and Satan never created anything except temptation, but Satan's temptation is under controlled by God too...
why is it that people try to separate bible and Science? including Koran and Pa-Kua Yin and Yang are all created by God but the interpretation of people is very different....
that God that i mean is a universal God and not those of what Michael Angelo's picture outed God paintings in the Vatican...
God is universal forces.... gravity, pressure, burning bush...
The bible?
what can i say about bible?
a bible is only a one part of God's creation but not a 100 percent, since science, koran, tao yin and yang and all things of this earth are created by God too...
@urbandekay (18278)
23 Nov 11
"...that really has to be invented. There isn't a "founder" or "creator" of science... ...It's been around as long as humans can think."
What utter twaddle, science emerged from less systematic ways of thinking and yes, we can say there was an originator of science and that is Aristotle. It is he that starts to derive explanations from observations rather than attempting to explain observations from previously constructed theories and that is the basis of science.
It is a uniquely human activity and its area of concern is a particular domain
all the best urban
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@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
24 Nov 11
i am thinking that if there is a possibilities that God isn't only one,
but there are millions of Gods out there,
but God is an Extraterrestrials that the universe is just as a size of a cellphone that found in front of them,
while they are millions of God's out there and everywhere roaming around the corners,
since outside the expanding universe is another environment that even science doesn't know...
is there any possibilities?
it is like an environment inside that different environment are all found inside that different environment in a different environment....
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@gelayagui98 (1336)
• Australia
24 Nov 11
Yes, the Bible direct us to Jesus Christ through whom we can find eternal life.
@spyboysatya (148)
• India
23 Nov 11
BIBLE is the holy book, which surely shows us the faith in god and gives the right direction of living. It's the one thing that can not said to someone, all has to do is to acheive it.
I had listen the miracle of Bible, and heard of the fortunes of this also and the almighty god is really great to create the world. And not only bible but kuran n puran are the other great holy books on earth....
@gelayagui98 (1336)
• Australia
24 Nov 11
Hi spyboysatya, thank you for acknowledging that Bible is the holy book despite that it seems you are not a Christian, may be friend I might be appreciated Kuran and Puran when I can see one. My apology my friend because I never see other Bible and the like except Christian Bible throughout my entire life now. At least my friend you gave me an idea to search for that book. I could ask my friend to spare me one indeed! You see, I have Arab friend but religion or any other things that differ from our beliefs never serves as big issue of our friendship. My friend respected my beliefs as well as I respected their beliefs, too. God bless!
@svjomboy (873)
• Philippines
24 Nov 11
Since you started this discussion i want to know something, do you believe everlasting life and where? and do you know who is the father of jesus christ? coz you said the jesus christ the son of God.

@gelayagui98 (1336)
• Australia
25 Nov 11
As I understand my reading, Jesus Christ is a son of the Holy Spirit, Virgin Mary conceived through the Holy Spirit prior to her marriage with Joseph.
@svjomboy (873)
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
Yes i know, virgin mary is the mother and Joseph is the father of Jesus Christ when he still in earth, Joseph is not the almighty God right? ALL i want to know who is the heavenly father of Jesus christ? i know you better in bible so i know you can answer this simple questions of mine.
@svjomboy (873)
• Philippines
24 Nov 11
yes great answer and basically i was found on the bible all the verses you give, you said that jesus is the son of God, who is the father of jesus christ? i need your answer please. not to say jesus is the son and jesus is the father? right? there is basically answer who is the father of jesus christ.

@gelayagui98 (1336)
• Australia
23 Nov 11
Hi Jhovarie, Aside from attending worship service religiously, yes I am reading the Bible but I could not assure you that I read all the content of it. Which regards to what your friends tells you that Bible has many contradiction and some verse are conflict with other verse is not true because only the interpretation varies. There are many passages of the Holy Scriptures that are difficult to understand, most especially those who do not understand the deep truth in the scriptures resort to giving their own interpretation and explain them falsely. In doing so, not only such self-proclaimed preachers bring on their own demise, but also that of those who listen to and believe in their erroneous teaching. God Bless!
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
23 Nov 11
that is the reason why believers of BIBLE need to subdivide their religions because they are into conflict regarding the text inside that BIBLE,
if that Bible is the greatest book of all,
it is supposed to be the greatest conflict that man ever made because Roman Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, Born Again Christian, Iglesia, Protestant and all of the Christian religions never unite each other to become one because Bible is the ultimate reasons...