What are some of your pet peeves?

@trm820 (222)
United States
November 22, 2011 9:30pm CST
Mine are as followed. Telling me part of something then turning around and saying "I can't say, it's a surprise". My boyfriend does that to me and it drives me nuts. I'm like well if it's a surprise then don't tell me anything at all! Ignoring me when I ask a question. BIG pet peeve there. Turning on a light FIRST thing in the morning. The other day when we woke up I took a blanket out to the living room to lay on the couch while he got ready for work. Well he comes out to the kitchen which is right by the living room. Turns the light on before I am laying down with the blanket over my head. My eyes are extremely sensitive to light, so much so that they water so badly I look as if I have been crying. I know I have more but I can't think of any at this time.
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8 responses
@Noseclams (149)
• United States
23 Nov 11
I have a huge pet peeve and its really stupid and I realize this but there is nothing I can do about it. I HATE it when someone puts something in the microwave and takes it out before the time is done, then doesn't clear the time. So it says "00:07" on the display instead of the time of day. I don't know why it bothers me so much but it has ever since I was young.
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@trm820 (222)
• United States
23 Nov 11
We all have our own little pet peeves that some people may consider weird or strange. My first name is Tanya and when people spell it Tonya it really bugs me or when people pronounce my name as Tan ya when it is pronounced as T on ya. It is just spelled with two A's instead of an O and an A.
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• United States
23 Nov 11
I see that a lot in my house. Instead of clearing it they leave it. It doesn't bother me.. I just clear it. I have a load of pet peeves though.. I listed them below.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
26 Nov 11
Well, when you talk about Pet Peeves, there are quite a few that I can think of that comes to mind. For me it just really depends on what you are talking about, or where I am at as to what Pet peeve often will bother me the most. But one of the worst ones I have is people who are constantly talking about someone behind their back. They will even TEXT about the other person, or post something on facebook, etc. and then act nice when that person is around. This is one of the worst. Especially when they are acting better than everyone.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
23 Nov 11
For me it is just a natural way of life to be in our pet they like to be cared and take a food every time they needed it.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
23 Nov 11
People who are going to argue just for the sake of being argumentative. Disagreeing with something is one thing. I mean, there are going to be times where we just are not going to come to an agreement. Yet some people are natural born debaters. In fact, with some people, it is just going to be a lot of times where people even if you agree with them, may still try and debate you. Also people who keep cutting you off when you speak. Just keep your mouth shut, you'll get your turn. You might accidentally learn something as well if you shut up. You just never know. In fact people who enjoy the sound of their own voices in general just seem to agitate me. There is a time and a place to talk and a time and a place to hold your tongue. Sadly, some people have not been able to make that distinction.
@whatrow (792)
• United States
23 Nov 11
My pet peeve is people who do not throw their garbage into a garbage can--even if there is one close by. Why should other people be forced to clean up a mess they did not make?
• Philippines
23 Nov 11
My pet peeves are the following: 1. flying cockroaches 2. unclean and unorganized notes, things, room, etc and lastly, 3. people who are free loaders getting credit of my work when they don't contribute a single thing to the group. These three pisses me off. _
• United States
23 Nov 11
Oh gosh! Do you really have time for this? My pet peeves are rather simple. When you dirty a dish or glass don't leave it in the sink for me to wash, after I have already done the dishes for the evening. I hate finding a sink full of dirty dishes before breakfast. When you are done with the butter, put it back in the fridge. Don't leave it out to melt. Speaking of butter, when you put butter on your toast, don't scrape your knife on the butter dish to put the unused butter back in the tub. When you butter your toast, do it away from the butter so the crumbs don't fall into it. When you have crusted up the frying pan with burned places, soak it and don't leave it for me to scrape clean. Scrape your plate into the trash before sticking it in the sink! I hate finding half a plate full of food on the plate in the sink. There are probably more.. but that will be enough for now...
• United States
23 Nov 11
My biggest pet peeve is when people scrape their teeth against silverware. It sends chills down my spine and makes me teeth rattle and it feels like my skin isn't right on my body and uugghhh it's horrible. Sometimes, even after I tell someone to try and tone it down, they keep on doing it as loud as ever. Also, people who complain about everything. Really, what even is the point of it besides trying to get free things out of something if it's at a business.