Do you believe in Guardian angels and Spirit Guides
By amybcraft77
@amybcraft77 (314)
November 23, 2011 2:27am CST
I am a believer of guardian angels and spirit guides too, since I have witnessed them around me and around others I have known too. Not all people believe in these things, and even more would like to never talk about them. In fear of being laughed at and or teased too much or known as a crazy or a strange person or something. Well, I don't care anymore about all that anyway. I think people should know the truth about what happens after they are no longer here if not to prepare them selves and there loved one's too. Then to just understand more about what they may be going through in there own everyday lives right now too. People need and deserve the help and Guidance of there angels and guides from above at times in there lives when there is nobody here for them to cling too at all God will send down his love just stay very open minded to this and very patient too since it will come in his time and not in ours too. I have always felt the presence of at least two angels around me ever since I was small one male one female. The male is younger and the female older both very beautiful and wise looking. The male always seems very understanding and soft kind and just a little sad when he talks to me, the female is always more strict and stern and direct in what she says to me. Yes, they do talk to me but only when they know I really need it and it's usually through my dreams too so they don't scare me too much they know and respect this face to face thing and how it scares me too much. Yet, I have felt there presence around me at times when I go to bed and say a prayer they come to my room I always know because I am filled with a sense of warmth, kindness,happiness. It's amazing every time to me still. I don't know if these are relatives of mine or are angels of God sent to help but they don't seem like any family I have known here so this makes me think they are God's angels or Spirit guides sent to me from him. Thanks,A.B.
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16 responses
@derek_a (10873)
24 Nov 11
Personally, as a Zen practitioner, I do not believe in anything, but give the space for anything to exist. However, if I was to see and/or be spoken to by a spirit guide, I would accept the spirit guide.
In Zen only experience is real, all else is what we term "makyo" and this includes any non-physical entities that may or may not be true. A belief, by definition, is something that may or may not be true.
An experience is absolutely true, because you experience it. The names or labels you give to the experience is not the experience though - they are just names for an experience.
In Zen we aspire to reocognize that each of us is a creator or our own universe. When our universe is filled with beliefs, then it is like dreaming a dream where we are convinced that the dream is real. That is why we say that life is a dream.
Reality is that state of affairs of when we can see the dream as a dream and wake up. It takes many years of meditation practice for most, but for some, it can happen in an instance..

@derek_a (10873)
25 Nov 11
Thank you for the discussion. A lot can be learned from these sort of discussions for everyone...
You wrote... Much of your beliefs do make so much sense
Well, I don't really adhere to any beliefs as they can change so easily. As I said, I make the distinction between a belief and an experience, and I always aim to speak from experience that comes from my daily meditation, not my beliefs.. If you understand.
You would you ever remain truly open minded or a good help mate for a loved one who really does experience the paranormal on a regular basis or would you just not do this at all.
I am always very open-minded and as a therapist have supported many people with such dilemmas, by helping them to understand their own experiences and supporting them in knowing for themselves the difference between a belief and experience. I have always fully accpted any and all experiences that are shared with me. An experience needs no judgment or defence, but a belief regularly does. If you understand what I am saying here... do you find yourself needing to defend your beliefs?
I fully accept that you see what you see, that you believe what you believe, and experience what you experience. I would say that it would be good if you could stop worrying about what all others feel about your beliefs and experiences. Make the distinction between belief and experience for yourself. That is your reality, nobody elses.
None of us are in this world to prove anything or to win approval from anybody. We are here to live our lives and learn the art of acceptance and forgiveness, because that is the path to true peace. Can you imagine if everybody in the world practiced forgiveness? The "bad guys" and the "good guys" all forgiving each other? With forgiveness how could there ever be any bad anyway.. And then there could be no good either.. Just peace, nothing to strive or struggle for.
Believe to no-one, not even me.. Look into your heart and know what is true.. Thank you once again for a valuable discussion, as this sort of discussion supports me in looking within my own self..

@amybcraft77 (314)
25 Nov 11
Hi, derek. I am so glad you commented here too. I want to talk about this a bit. I absolutely agree with you on the dreaming and reality parts here so much since it can be easy to confuse the two. For me though I feel more awake when my angels are around somehow as if they have helped me to wake up them selves a bit more. This, is another very real reason to want them around too. Also, with the spirit guides this was something I myself never believed until seeing too so I would never expect another to do this either at all so glad in your beliefs nobody is made to either. Since if you don't know why the guide is there at all this can be very scary, since I know why mine is here for me it is much different. Much of your beliefs do make so much sense and I do respect this a great deal too if this is what has been shown to work in your life more. Still, how would you ever remain truly open minded or a good help mate for a loved one who really does experience the paranormal on a regular basis or would you just not do this at all. My family has never been there for me with this knowledge of mine and believe me it always puts in place a wedge weather anybody means this to happen at all or not, the one who cannot experience these things is almost always nervous,scared,or even jelious of the one's who can and even though they love them very much can and will condemn there own child for these beliefs. I am sure that "makyo" does and will happen all of the time since all of us where children once who wanted more attention this way. Believe me there have been many years where I wish I could just stop seeing and believing some things so my loved one's would like me more again like when I couldn't. You, see who would want a thing like this that makes you so odd,strange,and even "crazy". This, is why my spirit guide has left me alone now for almost nine years. I simply asked, he was gone just like that I do the same and he will come back again. Thanks, A.B.
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@amybcraft77 (314)
26 Nov 11
Thanks derek_a, No not a need to defend my beliefs here just to get them clearly across is all. Thanks for asking, since some people have thought this of me before. I do seem defensive at times I'm sure just so passionate with them is all. So glad to hear of your open mindedness and work to help others too sounds very rewarding in many ways too. More than happy to have these discussions too very glad to that you had time to look within your own self too. I always find this a very growing time myself. Thanks,A.B.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
24 Nov 11
Hi amy,
I don't know about the Spirit guides. But I do believe that we all have Guardian angels. Babies especially have guardian angel. We do believe that when my younger brother is a little baby he fell down the bed but nothing happened to him, he wasn't really hurt. And we believe he was protected by his guardian angel.
@amybcraft77 (314)
25 Nov 11
Couldn't agree with you more here if I tried, all babies and children have there angels and are looked out for much more often then adults are too. Simply because they are more innocent and fragile. If you are wondering where your angels are at the moment think about how when you were very scared or threatened by a feeling your Mother or Father comforted you the angels do the same thing for all children of the whole world all the time. When babies are left to just cry and cry alone the angels are there doing there best but usually works better through the parents presents too is all. They are the busiest and hardest workers of all ever known and they never get tired and they will never stop this either. Comforting right:) Thanks,A.B.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
Sounds really nice. You had me thinking about my deepest darkest moments when I was in distress and crying.. somehow I got comforted by somehow who cares a lot for me even on phone only.
@amybcraft77 (314)
26 Nov 11
Hi enelym001, Thanks this is always so nice when somebody you love can comfort you this way too. A.B.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
23 Nov 11
Yes I definitely do, it is my belief that our inner voice is our guides communicating with us, I also believe a feather found in an unusual place is a message. There is a lot of things people are just not willing to open their minds to unfortunately.
@amybcraft77 (314)
25 Nov 11
Thank you lilaclady, I believe it is partly that inner voice too I have heard of the feather found in unusual places too and have found one of these myself and I do know it is a message for me too. Just unclear what the message is yet. This close minded thing can be a little bit hurtful at times to me and even makes me a bit angry now to I just have to force myself to remember before I knew any of what I know today I was just as unkind and teased,mocked,laughed at, all of the above. I didn't always believe as strongly as today, the first part of my life I didn't really believe in much at all but myself and I knew there was something watching over me and comforting me always then it grew into much more and I saw and knew much more too. If you really want to know you will somehow, thanks A.B.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
25 Nov 11
Amy I have had so many things happen to me I used to tell people and someone said I should wright them all down so I have started and I could just about write a book I reckon...I get laughed at as well but I know in my heart there are things most people do not understand and I am lucky enough to have seen the proof so take heart they will learn one day...
@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
23 Nov 11
Hi Amy! i find topics about guardian angels really interesting.
I am just curious, how do you know that you are being guided by 2 angels? Perhaps you can teach me how to feel them? I do believe i have angels by my side. I dont know though if they are male or female or old or young because i havent really seen them. Though i do not see them, i know that they are near me.
@amybcraft77 (314)
25 Nov 11
Hi, graceewenx. I must say I am so glad that someone asked this and that Bluedoll answered too here. Since when I first knew that they were here for me I couldn't understand for along time why they were not there always to stop bad things in my life, then I realized they were there to comfort me through the bad times and it was always when I prayed that I felt them come and only if I was truly and whole with all my heart and spirit needed them. I believe now that this is tied in with a certain focus with your prayer as well. Focus more on this too when you pray don't just simply be praying for something be using your mind and open your self completely too different and new things just as when you were a child. I have always found this helps too, angels hear our prayers and wish to protect our inocense too. They are so busy with all the children more often because of this very fact. Keep all of these things in mind while you pray, oh and visualize too if you can imagine your angels more they will be more welcomed to your space too. Do all of these things, and remember this is fun and exciting a good time never show or feel any fears or anger or any other emotions angels know this and will have to move on. Thanks,A.B.
@wydtron (302)
• Portugal
25 Nov 11
No I don't, but i believed before.
Now i think they are just some kind of metaphore like most things in the bible :)
@amybcraft77 (314)
25 Nov 11
Thanks, wydtron. I will say it again too, I believe that if you don't have these things within your life right now it is because you just don't currently require them according to God's view. You must be a very strong and independent person indeed inside to not need these things too. You are very lucky and blessed in this way many do need so much support to get through this tough and challenging life here. You are right too there are countless times angels and guides are used as a simple metaphore all throughout the whole bible of course. These are remember from real life stories about real life people told through God himself in our history too though right. So if they saw and spoke with angels as God's children why shouldn't we still now today are we that much more evil from then who hadn't even heard of a God or bible at all yet either. If you can answer these questions and know for a fact your answers are true then maybe there was no truth in our whole bible ever at all right, even though countless millions still follow it's truths today. Just some food for thought here. I know there are many things we will probably never fully know, so why not imagine the Bible is full of many untruths too. That must mean then that some are still waiting for the real facts to be uncovered of the Bible missing pieces perhaps lost or even hidden someplace. I have considered this too, and I do believe even when we uncover more which we eventually will too. We will find that more than half the population is going to be very disappointed either way, some people just won't like it at all and call it robbing of there beliefs somehow even though this will just be enlightening them to the truths the missing pieces from all along too. Some don't take to change well at all too. I don't know were you stand, but I am still waiting for what we find for certain. Thanks,A.B.
@deliar (609)
• Indonesia
24 Nov 11
Yes , i believe in Guardian angels, but for spirit guides, i dont believe it.
i think my guardian angels are my guides also.
I believe that, everyday, everytime, guardian angels always follow me and always give protectiion, and also keep watching on my action.
they will give warn when i will do something wrong, but they only can give a warn, but my action still in my control depend on what i wanted to.
so guardian angel for me is really help me, 

@amybcraft77 (314)
25 Nov 11
Thanks deliar, I know exactly what you mean here too my angels have watched overme and helped me out in many bad times and situations to avoid too. They are truly awesome to me. I know I would never believe in the Spirit guides myself either if I had not seen this with my own eyes, I never blame those who don't either since I used to feel this same exact ways too. Thanks,A.B.
@simple_joy1587 (232)
• Philippines
24 Nov 11
Hi Amy.. I believe in angels and in Holy Spirit too.. because the Holy Spirit was the one left to us when Jesus ascended to Heaven... We have a Holy Spirit within us and we can feel them and even hear their still small voice through our conscience... Holy Spirit is God because I believe in Triune God ... we are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we can feel that especially if we will focus in His presence... Angels likewise are God's servants... Do you know that we are higher than angels.. we are next to God.. that's why we are precious to HIM... I see angels in my vision during our intimate worship to God.. I see open heavens and i even saw vision of Jesus figure... Indeed God is commanding His angels to serve us even we don't see them because they are spirits but we can feel and even sometimes see them in visions... I experience God's presence and no one can stand in HIS presence... Even we know there's angels we must focus and fix our eyes on JESUS.... God bless you...
@amybcraft77 (314)
25 Nov 11
Hi, simple_joy1587. Very glad for fellow believers here too. I love that you say here to focus and fix our eyes on Jesus here. Since I know this to be a big issue with me and perhaps even a possible reality for my still being here too and not back home with our Lord right now. My focus is always more on my angels since I know they are here and feel there presence and can so only through our lord but for me it feels as if they are here just because I alone will them to be and not our Father in heaven at all. This is a real issue that even bothers one of my angels a great deal and has also been a source of a great deal of sorrow in my life here in getting along well with my fellow man too. Who will just never see eye to eye with me on this issue at all it seems too, and I guess I can't blame them but who should be allowed to tell one what they feel and know to be true within them selves I know God has tried with me here though. He just can never seem to keep my focus quite long enough over the angel, I seem like a duck wondering from pond to pond but still quite welcomed in. Thanks,A.B.
@amybcraft77 (314)
25 Nov 11
Thanks, MandaLee. You know I believe that if you have less of the need for angels or even guides this is just because there is something within you stronger somehow that you have no real need for this any way and God knows this. My needs are great believe me, LOL. Really, anyway you are very blessed in this way and should be very happy too since most likely means you will go back home to stay when you do pass on. You must have a very old and advanced kind of a soul here even if you don't know that already. This always amazes me so much, since I am kind of just the opposite and always wished to be an old soul too. I am like a baby in spirit still in many ways, this is why I must be so guarded and protected all the time because of this kind of fragile spot within me still others may see as a weakness and use against me too somehow. You can see why I envy you now right, I know that you have brighter days ahead too because of this if you are wondering at all don't ask I just know it. Thanks,A.B.
@earningmember (914)
• Canada
24 Nov 11
I believe that angels can protect us, but I never worship them!
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
24 Nov 11
I believe and I've been in very dangerous situations that I could feel their hand at work there, I'm sure they exist and each one of us have one.
One day I dreamed of a very older man that it was amazing, I knew his face and knew him but what I am not don't know him. And I told him that, that I had the feeling I knew him so well but we never met. It was near a fountain and it was beautiful and peaceful there, he said he's a previous life's father and the one I call my angel it was him.
He said we'll meet again when I die and me to keep the way I am, and fight to be a better person always, that that's why we reincarnate.
@amybcraft77 (314)
25 Nov 11
Thanks katieO, and i absolutely do think this is just what did happen to you since this happens to many not all but many who strive to become better this way too. They are inspired by there angel or guide in some ways and this pushes them to do even better here too. This, did happen to me too but some family was very threatened by this and I was forced to give it up I know there will come a day when this will change for me though and I just hold hope for that day. Until then I just do enough for me to be happy so I don't ruffle too many feathers this way, at times I do want to do so much more but know it will just hurt and anger close loved one's too much so out of respect I won't. Like not being Christian enough, or being too into saving plants and animals. I used to practice other spiritual rituals and not eat meat at all, I said I never would bring a child into this world. The last one I still firmly hold to though. I don't seem to get along with men in a lasting relationship either, I am told I am either too feminine or too out spoken opinionated it's always one thing or another they don't care for with me. So I won't even try now, if it is meant to happen fate will step in anyway somehow. Since I know all of our true soul mates are already angels on the other side this never bothers me that much since I know and have seen him already too. Thanks,A.B.
@amybcraft77 (314)
25 Nov 11
Hi,asyriay51. I too believe if not from this life time then another one we have lived before, we have many guards and angels one of my angels is either a husband or other close family member maybe a son. Since he always looks at me and talks to me as if he has known me for so many long years now and the love and kindness in his eyes is almost over whelming. He just really knows me heart and soul inside and out, for a long time this scared me allot then I just thought must be a family member. If you sense and believe this it it probably true and if so I would not worry for this child too much there future is in God's hands more than yours now anyway. My Mother has been told this for many years now about me too, and it always made her feel sad and disappointed somehow with herself. Like she wasn't good enough for me, to care for me in this life. That is not it at all, as a person here on Earth the family is always wanted,loved,and needed so very much. The spirit inside however since the body just holds this your spirit needs other things too more than,food,drink,clothes,or shelter to survive. The spirit is a much more complex thing than this and needs love,patience,understanding,compassion,kindness,tolerance,so many things that not all people here are going to give to you your angels,guides,and God always will. Thanks,A.B.
@chrisanto (94)
• Philippines
24 Nov 11
Sometimes spirits guides us to locate them wherein they are murdered that they want justice to what had happened to them . That is why thier soul cant go to heaven.
@amybcraft77 (314)
25 Nov 11
This would happen to much more I'm sure if I allowed it, but the places you must travel at times are just too dark and scary to me still. This is understood so I am left in peace. I do believe too however it has angered some in higher places at times too and probably just why I am not back home yet and still here to help somehow more too. Wish me luck in this kay, I will need it believe me! Thanks,A.B.
@ruegin (23)
24 Nov 11
guardian angels or spirits are real and like you, I believe in their existence. I studied theology and part of the Nicene Creed speaks of their real existence, "I Believe in the Holy Spirit....., the resurrection of the body...." This belief is not grounded on "what is seen"(for there are realities that can't be seen but remains real), but on the undeniable truth that there exists among us in this world that are properly called spirits. When there is resurrection of the body, then there is existence of the spirit of the body. Man is composed of body and spirit. The body can decay, the spirit continues to live what the body has started.
When you say you see them around, you are lucky to have that gift to see them. Not everybody has that gift.
@amybcraft77 (314)
25 Nov 11
Thanks ruegin. Oh God bless you too, I just know sometimes I was somehow born to the wrong people because of this very big difference here too. How I wish more people here saw this as a gift too and not scary, crazy people stuff as they all seem to more than not. I had to force my Spirit Guide to leave me alone, which was very sad and hard for me to do since i knew he meant no harm and just wanted to protect me. He threatened my family when I would see him in front of them they were very scared I thought I needed to be put into a mental hospital I still miss him today. I now take depression meds. and anti. anxieties don't know that it's related but don't know that it's not either. Unless people become more open minded I may never know either. My angels still manage to comforts me a great deal with every thing too though. Thanks,A.B.
@VICEcaholic (27)
• Philippines
23 Nov 11
Very well said, i agree with you. In this World there are 2 people only, the believer and the non-believer. I'm the believer one ^^, Even me has to say about having an angel. I just notice it as i grow up, i can't see them through dreams or with my naked eye. But i notice that every time there's a coming problem or accident, i always feel very strange. I can now handle it, for example. When i'm riding a bus and suddenly i felt very strange I think there is something about to happen. After that i will think of all the possible things that may happen, a good one or either a bad one. This recently respond to a sense that an ordinary human has to acquire. In my case i think every time I feel that unusual feelings, it's a warning that something might tend to happen. It works for me, before while I was walking home I pass by an alley. Before i reach the middle of the alley I suddenly felt this strange felling, then i decided to change course on my way home. The next day I just heard that someone has been rob in the same area where I should pass by. I thank GOD for this because by this he is keeping me safe. I think it's my angel giving me signs or vibes on the right track that I should be going to.
@amybcraft77 (314)
25 Nov 11
Thanks VICEcaholic, Such a great gift to have still I have known others with this gift too. Most I knew call it there gut instinct, and I agree here too if you sense something isn't right somehow go with that. I know there have been too many times now that I didn't and boy did I wish later that I had. No second guessing here sometimes too. I feel so thankful for this that I no longer live in a bigger city with higher crime rates too sometimes. For a long time I did however and I do believe if not our own natural senses then our God will send help at times too, both are working together here to save us when we feel that gut jab at us to steer us else where. It's like the most perfect blend of fate and common sense put together the best body guard imaginable too this will save your butt every time don't ever stop using this gift your have been blessed so happy for you with this too my fellow believer:) Thanks,A.B.
@163Mandolingirl (1052)
23 Nov 11
One of my Guides has a wonderful, naughty, sense of humour! He also seems to have been American, as he uses a lot of references that could only have come from the recent US. Our Guides and Helpers have usually been human but of course our Angels never have, so they have a different perspective on everything we do here.
Our Guides 'have been through it all' hundreds if not thousands of times and are very wise counsellors. They are our best friends through everything and encourage us to always work for the highest good. I understand that some Guides come and go and are only with us for the time they need to help us. Then they return to wherever they came from when their task is over and we no longer need them.
I too feel loved and valued all the time by these wonderful beings, and know we never have to 'GO IT ALONE'!
Blessings for the journey, Amy! 

@amybcraft77 (314)
25 Nov 11
Thanks 163Mandolingirl, I know you are so right here about the difference between the angels and guides too. Since one that I thought was an angel isn't the other is I had them back wards for a long time. I know I do have other angels I am not always aware of since I am so easily distracted at times. One angel of mine is very understanding and talks on my level with loving kindness always, but when I become too strong minded on something I am wrong about he tries to talk me out of this with much patience I can tell it is tough for him a bit though to still be patient with me here at times though. By certain expressions and sounds he makes to me, shaking his head and just seeming very sad somehow too. The Guide comes with him more now too, she usually won't say much to me just to him and not using what I can understand they talk with there minds to each other. She is very powerful and strong and will not give up on me I know she is with me forever for sure here in my life. She just can't understand my ways here like you said they were never human so this is tough for them. The angel really does however and that is all I need she knows this too through him. Thanks,A.B.
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
23 Nov 11
Yes there most certainly are angels. I believe the spiritual realm is made up of a variety of individuals in spirit form, for even God is a spirit, a holy spirit and God’s creations are all unique. I love talking about angels. I am not afraid to discuss these wonderful things but understand too, not everyone is open to this particular belief. This can make for sometimes a negative discussion if the person is an nonbeliever and sometimes even a silly discussions.
I had such a discussion with this one person in my life. He was very well educated and intelligent but I knew he did not share any of my beliefs. He looked down on me very much and although I think he was sincere, only thought of me only as a sick person to believe in such a thing. There was another person in the room listening and very silent as we talked and I felt as though I was under scrutiny and judgement. We talked a little and then he began to ask me pointed questions like, do you hear them, do you hear voices, do they tell you to do things etc. I think you get the idea.
I knew for certain, there was little use in explaining what I understood and sharing what I knew about angels. My audience was not receptive, like a person whom had this similar belief. To that end, I decided not to share anything more, as it would only be poorly received or result in a possible disagreement, accusation of me being delusional, ill or even possible ridicule. I offered instead only a few words of my believe in God and angels and was willing to leave it at that but when asked the questions previously mentioned, replied with the following.
I told him I did hear a voice outside my window in the nighttime and I thought it might be possible that the voice was calling to me but I could not be sure and if it was telling me to do something, I was not sure of either. He asked me what the voice said. I said it says, meow, meow, meow.
That was funny but I’ve had also other very nice discussions with people who have shared their experiences and given testimony, God bless.

@amybcraft77 (314)
25 Nov 11
Thanks Bluedoll, I have gone through this same hardship with very close loved family members to my own sorrow. I must force myself to remember there was a time when I too didn't believe as strongly as I do now and this must be were they are now. Too bad too, since I know this is a very lonely place to be. More of my story will probably be posted here to since this is a form of therapy to me as well. This is for another discussion though as is my testimony too. I can give it to you in a nut shell though. I believe in God, he believes in me at times I am still seen as the spoiled child to him. Mostly I am his duck that wonders from pond to pond but always does come back home too. The lord isn't as petty as mankind in all his knowledge to judge this too harsh either. Thanks,A.B.