Seeking Love Through Matchmaking

November 24, 2011 1:11am CST
I have read an issue regarding matchmaking in a certain website and I have also seen television shows about it. Well, indeed it helped a lot of people seeking for love. It has been quite easy for people to look for love using this kind of matchmaking service whether online or offline. I just wonder if it is really safe and if so, is it worth the time and money. We seek for love in different ways and whether it might be through matchmaking or through acquaintance, I believe that if you are meant for each other then love will find its way to you.
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10 responses
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
24 Nov 11
I agree with you that people search for love in many different ways. Whether starting a relationship online is worth the money or not I do not know. But a lot of people are willing to give it a shot. Most people want to find love and be happy. So they seek it online if they haven't been successful finding it around them.
• United States
6 Dec 11
Yes many people seek love we all have the need for love. And when we are able to meet and fullfill that need we do feel content. I think it is important for individuals to realize that we can be happy even if we are single. When we are single we don't necessarily feel that way but it's important to take advantage of singleness if a person has that opportunity. For them to be able to decide what they want out of life, their goals and dreams.
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
Love is really a powerful element in this world that people are seeking for it. May it be through friendship or through dating sites or blind date, people seek for it because it is one essential part in a humans life. And ones you have found it then you become happy and somehow complete. Although, it doesn't work for everyone but at most it does. Thank you for your views on this.
25 Nov 11
life without love is like a tree without blossom and fruits......people may not know than someone love them but still they waited for a perfect one,two or maybe a three just believe that someday,somehow.some time that person will knock your heart and live happily ever after..........
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
Thank you very much for sharing this. I appreciate it so much. Love is all around and if you just wait for it, I know it will come. I believe that everyone of us has its own happily ever after.
• Indonesia
25 Nov 11
I am not so belief and concern with dating or matchmaking sites, most of its member mat lie. Just trust meetings throught teh real world, it would be more shows our true potential mates...
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
Maybe some matchmaking sites but just be careful and pick those good ones. It is better safe than never, you know. Love is everywhere and I'm sure it will come to those who least expects it.
• China
25 Nov 11
I don't think matchmaking website or television show are good. Cause you can't know one person through the website, and the television shows about matchmaking are publicity stunt.I believe that there must be someone in the world is waiting for me ,although I have no idea who he is, but I feel happy everyday for this.
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
I'm sure there will be someone for you. Just enjoy your life and in time the right person will come.
@svjomboy (873)
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
i believe matchmaking but be careful sometimes, not all people there are looking their true love, some of scammers use dating site to fall someone and then they offer some transaction which involve money, be choosy and aware of scammer. Good luck
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
Yes, just be aware and careful of the sites you register into. If it involves money then just stop. Matchmaking/dating site can help but being careful doesn't hurt. Just know your limitations also.
@amybaby (17)
• China
25 Nov 11
I did searched for love throught matchmaking but i didnt find any.The boys are introduced by my relatives.Before introducing,my relatives will estimate the boys on every side.When boys meet the standards,my relatives will arrange us meet.Most times we will go outside and have dinner together.If we are satisfied with each otehr we will keep contacting.If not you have to search for next one.Now I am still searching. To tell the truth its hard for people to find Mr Right through matchmaking for those people who dont love at first sight.
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
Keep on searching for love amybaby. Don't lose hope. Someday the right one will come. Just be patient and have fun. By the looks of it, you're still young so enjoy the moment.
@Genericbe (1376)
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
I figure this kind of dating as matter of purely 99% luck and 1% strength for matchmaking DATING SITES. Why? you see if we are to go on for online date sites? we risk ourselves to such exposures we are not really exposed, or even sure of what will happen next. It may be an adventure for most, but a mystery for all. If it is hard for a person to find a partner fitted for him in his environment or location? what more if it is through internet based sites? where you cannot even make some investigations or ideas that will add to your conclusion that " this is a real love". Let us admit, both can change figures, alter situations but the mere fact of knowing the truth would be less probable to be given unless it is of one's clear intention to really reveal the truth right then you are really lucky for that plus the emotional attachment both of you had gained equals at most greater chances right. BUt, what if after one' person fell in love and the other fell in lies? this if of different situations because, it is an online dating site unless one will show its own effort to show the sincerity of it. Regarding about the safety? I guess, it's not that safe. If in your area cannot predict if you will be safe with many people around you what more if it is in online dating sites? where you can expect the unexpected. Again, it is a mystery with doubts? but if you are doin if for fun? then there is nothing to worry for you are aware of your limits and not be totally be affected whatever comes first. I heard a news before about the scam sites strategies for online dating sites, they will take your pictures and they will threat you to send money to prevent your picture be post in all abusive sites. This is how far those abusive persons can go beyond internet and abuse all just to earn money.The reality we must be aware. About Matchmaking? it is like a match with a matchstick, and for me it seemingly seems that just like a match, when we ignite the matchstick it will light but the expectancy as until it will light on the stick is unpredictable especially if gone with air, therefore, the life of matchstick has ended. Same with matchmaking dating for real, it has an ignition ( the dating site) the stick ( the persons) the span of the light be carried refers as to WE DO NOT KNOW..VERY UNPREDICTABLE SO I CAN SAY IT IS BY CHANCES DEPENDING ON THE LUCK OF YOURS.) hAVE A GREAT TIME HERE
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
Point taken Genericbe. I appreciate your views on this. I was just kinda wondering about it since it has been all over the internet and I've seen reality television shows about it. Everything is a risks so it really depends on the person on how she/he would deal this kinds of services. I think I call it destiny. If you're destined to be with that person then surely you will meet him/her.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
24 Nov 11
I think seeking love through matchmaking should be last resort. And i agree that love ,if it's time will surely come to you. You don't have to look for it but it will come just when you least expect it.
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
Yes, it is true that love will just come in an expected time. Matchmaking can help but then again, you have to be careful because now a days people are just too crazy. It is better safe than never. Thank you for your views on this. Spread love.
@SandeeE (346)
• United States
24 Nov 11
I def. don't think matchmaking sites or online dating are good. BUT many have found love & marriage out of it so it's a toss up. I think if one is good about really taking it slow, being as careful as they can for anything out of the ordinary w/the new person and so forth they will be okay. Make sure to pick a very creditable website that does the matchmaking and read up on the reviews or testimony of other that use the site.
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
You have a good point there. There are a lot of bad things happening to the world so I guess, it is just appropriate and right to do some background checking or as you mentioned read up on the reviews of the sites. I appreciate your comment.
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
Matchmaking has many good positive side but in the long run somtimes it does not pay for your patience.
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
Well, patience is a virtue as they said. You will really learn to be patient and wait for love. Some people say that love will not come if you will just keep on waiting so I think it is also best for you to go out and mingle. And for this matchmaking sites, I think it is has a good intention as it will help you find someone to love you and love you back. But then again, you just have to be careful. Thank you for your comment of this.