What are you thankful for ?

@ygna21 (294)
November 24, 2011 7:52am CST
We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here but it makes me think about all of the things I am thankful for. What are the things you are thankful for in your life? Happy Thanksgiving! :)
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5 responses
24 Nov 11
We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in England, but there are things I am thankful for. My family, home, warm clothes, food in our tummies and time to spend together, we may not have everything or any luxuries but we have enough and many many people in this great big world would love some shelterr and some food so we are extremely lucky. :)
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@aquacan (216)
• China
24 Nov 11
Good day. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving either. But I think everyone has to be thankful. Firstly, thank god I'm still alive and life's not bad. Thank my parents for bringing me to this world and taking good care of me. Thank my dear friends for sharing laughter and tears with me all those years. Thank my opponents for their being so excellent, which forces me to go ahead. So many things to be thankful for... So life is still great and have a nice day my friend.
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@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
We don't celebrate it here either, but i do have a lot to thank for now that you mention it. i thank God for my family, that they are all well and quite happy, that we still have all our necessities, that I can still go to school and that I have friends who truly care for me..
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
24 Nov 11
what am grateful but I am grateful for this morning that I wake up and see my two children and my husband to me. be something that makes me happy that people around me are happy and healthy no problems. There are so many things for which I thank for the fact that my children have bread heat and a roof over their heads. interesting discussion. nice day!
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• Philippines
24 Nov 11
I'm thankful for my family, for my friends, in general, my loved ones, including my dogs. I thank for each day that He gives, from the very morning I wake up til I close my eyes to sleep. My "successful" time has not come, yet, but I believe He has the chosen right moment for me and I'm thankful for the moment of waiting, because I'm still blessed with each hour. I'm thankful for the sunshine, the rain, my talents and gifts, for every victory and success I achieve, and even the failures wherein I gain learning experiences from. Happy Thanksgiving! And thank you for the post! God bless!
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