Do you think gay marriage should be supported?

November 24, 2011 3:49pm CST
Hey guys! I simply don't get it ehy don't peole accept that being gay is not a normal thing? I don't hate them, don't fight them, ignore them or want to prohabit them, just please don't take marriage, ehich is a connection between man and woman, husband and wife, not husband and husband! Also adopting is a hard question. Some would like to give them children, How did they born? Not from gay couples i can tell. Of course They are much better parents, than many straight couple, but a child with not normal family is more like to be confused i think. So what do you havein your minds, maybe in your hearts?
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14 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
24 Nov 11
I believe any love is good love, and I think marriage is a man made law so we don't even know if marriage is what we are supposed to indulge in at all, seeing as most men don't seem to be satidfied with one woman these days. I just think if two people are happy together then they should have all the same rights as anyone regardless, with all the hate and killing in this world any love is good.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
I had the same thought when i read this discussion. As long as two people love each other, then we should just let them be. after being in a relationship like what i have right now, i think these people are better than any straight guys! at least they love, they know its meaning, they stand by their words and are not into the world hurting everyone woman they can get their hands on. Why should we hinder someone's love for someone else. Make love not war As for the legalization of marriage... i think it can wait. as for the relationships... well yeah. go ahead! =)
• Hungary
26 Nov 11
I'm sorry for getting hurted by an idiot! :( Also, i sorry that you've lost (well at least temporarily) your faith in men.. And maybe its true that cause people are soo poor mentally nowadays, the "lover" ones cant make relationships, so they turn to someone who can love him/her back...
@GemmaR (8517)
25 Nov 11
Firstly, I think that the entire concept of marriage is a little bit outdated. There are so many couples living together successfully these days that I don't understand why a little certificate saying that they're "together forever" is going to make such a huge difference to their relationship which they obviously already have. However, if straight couples are allowed to express their love to each other in ceremony, then I do believe that gay couples should be able to as well. There is no reason for them not to be able to, as we can't help who we fall in love with.
• Hungary
26 Nov 11
Thank you for your answer! Of course they are successfull couples! But if it is not a big difference, why dont they get married? Because its "dangerous", you are not free to leave so easy.And thats frightening.But ask an avarage girl, she is still get really excited about being proposed.. Its a beautiful thing, even if you says that you dont need the paper. However, even its a big deal or not, marriage is between man and woman. To express they love, make a new ceremony, in which tney wont be husband and husband.(seriously, that sounds so ridiculous) Have a nice day GemmaR!
• United States
27 Nov 11
Homosexuality IS normal. It occurs in nature and there is nothing wrong with it. Nor are homosexuals "taking" anything by acquiring the right to marry. It doesn't effect you at all. Marriage is nothing more than a contractual agreement of commitment between two people. There is no reason homosexuals should not be allowed to do so. There is NO reason marriage should ONLY be allowed for a man and a woman. Furthermore, there is nothing wrong with homosexuals raising children. There is nothing for a child to be confused about. Some people are gay, some people are straight. If heterosexual parents aren't teaching that to their children, then THEY are the ones who are confusing their children. I also know quite a few homosexuals who have produced their own children and are doing a fine job of raising them.
• Southend-On-Sea, England
26 Nov 11
People can't help being's as natural to them as having brown or green eyes, or black or blonde hair. We can change the colour of our hair, but we can't change the sexuality we were born with.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
27 Nov 11
Homosexual civil union should be recognized by law, not gay marriage. It is that simple, and no confusion.
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
24 Nov 11
Marriage should NEVER be supported. No matter if you are hetero or gay. The thing about marriage is that it is an commitment between 2 people. It's up to those to people not family, friends or society to decide. Since most of us live in a country where human rights count, where people should be treated equally I think this should be the same with a constitution like "marriage". Especially if you marry for law (city hall). Since it's the law (government) who has to take care and live by and check if people are all living by it. No child is confused if it has just one parent or 2 or 10. If it was true what you said all those children with a moslim dad, who has many wifes, would be confused as well. Kids are only confused if parents fight, if their father is beating up their mother and the rest of the village is watching. To a child normal and accepted is what he sees/lives in. If a baby duck comes out of the egg and sees you at first he will think you are his mother also! Don't talk about things you don't have any knowledge or prove about. Since it's already proved that you can not miss what you have. People can only make you believe that you are missing something because they are too short minded to see that the only thing that counts is a person/parent that really loves you. Not a male and female that just allows you to be around. BTW if gay people get married it doesn't mean also they will like or can have children as well. And if it comes to what is normal... do you have any idea how many children live in foster homes, with foster parents, on the street? And all these children have hetereo parents! You really believe these kids are happy with them?
• Hungary
24 Nov 11
Thanks for your answer. I think you read my post fast, 'cause you missed some points. I didn't say that getting married means getting kids, that's an other wuestion. I DID say althugh that of course not all straight parents are better than them. And no matter how hard you try, i hope that marriage is always going to be connected to the Church, not just the city hall. Of course i don't want to take rights from them... Please don't attack, i just said my oppinion, not facts. Also i said that if they love each other, then be together, but 1, it's not normal,and 2 can't be a start of a marriage. Call it something else.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
24 Nov 11
So whats the fuss over Gay Marriage? For God's sake let them be! Its as if they are having more fun than heterosexual people. I can't see any reason for it. Are you afraid they are going to reproduce and their offspring will rule the world? I've never met a Gay person I didn't like! They are honest intelligent and very good citizens. Lets just shut up about it and treat them as Humans!
@dodo19 (47360)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
24 Nov 11
Yes, I do support gay marriage. Love is love, and love does come different ways and manners and such. I don't think that it's any different from a straight couples love. It's normal.
@Genericbe (1376)
• Philippines
24 Nov 11
This issue had always been controversial ever since publicized. I think gay marriage may be supported in specific conditions the civil law may apply, in order to give these couples their humanitarian rights regarding their OWN choice of gender contrasting their biological gender, Specific conditions I think may apply for them is that, marriage by civil was made under humane rights and be under civil marriage only. Marriage by all of us know is very important and be considered as sacred when entered in the Church. However, even we have our own choice of religions,we should also consider that the issue of Church can never be combined in the Issue of the STATE. The federal laws are man-made commandments in order to unite different people and give neutrality for all. Meaning, even those of Third Gender are part of that Equality as humane rights. While, the commandments in religion are GOD made ones. We should also be acceptable to the fact that,GOD created only 2 Genders, but it does not mean God will condemn a person who is a switch-gender because they are also humans and GOD loves us all, we do not have that right to condemn or judge anyone, Only God knows the truth. You are right that, these couples may be much better than any normal couple because, they are also humans that the lackness they have to accept in reality, must be diverted to other things that they think would be important too. It only implies, they have good side of them by heart, and even they cannot reproduce their own biological families, as long they have parted their roles freely they understand, I guess they will give big help to the society, They have chose to be in third gender by making big risk of their lives, we really do not know how they have able to let others realize their choice in life, however, even regarding our thoughts to enter in marriage, parenthood?is a big question for us, the only one can answer about their roles is only them for they are the one responsible enough in their actions. Giving them that right is a human respect. This gay marriage will Let them realize by the situations involved in reality and visiibly compare the difference of the ordinary couple marriage bounded to be sacred in the EYES of GOd in Church( man and woman) For there are articles I have read long time ago, that a third gender was also transformed back again in his biological gender in pursuit of his realizations. We really do not know what are God's plan for all of us, yet, there are things for some people do rely easily on what their eyes can see, but, as long there is a real heart that feels, even a blind person that cannot truly see can, do rely on what he feels by heart. This is the reality now we have to accept as part of environment and the rule of life is " LIVE AND LET LIVE " we are responsible for every decisions and actions we make. The most important here is that, we also gave them that respect as human being. a normal person too ,it's only God who can judge, atleast exercising our faith, the respect for each other is far enough being ONE in faith, regardless of gender, races and cultures.
@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
24 Nov 11
Well, the timing for this discussion couldn't be better! Our federal government is taking a conscience vote on it now! This allows every so-called representative in the parliament to vote what they think instead of going along party lines - just this once. Of course our Prime Minister has taken the position against gay marriage, so I'm not at all sure how this one will turn out. There are plenty of arguments this way, that way & the other, so I guess we will just have to wait & see. Either way it goes, it should put the matter to bed for a while & let politicians get on with running the country. Welcome to MyLot.
@fannitia (2167)
• Bulgaria
24 Nov 11
Hi, Paland, I would say that if two people love each other, then so be it. I don't like the idea of marriage itself but it exists. Then if two men or two women want to marry, why not? As to the children... I agree that gay couples are better parents. So as you ask "how did they born", I'd ask "how were they abandoned". Only a man and a woman can make a child but this is the easiest part. And if a gay couple can raise a child, he or she will not be confused but rather grow up like an open minded person.
@Xansus (946)
• Bulgaria
26 Nov 11
I'm not against gay marriage . I think people are like to strict to the natural course of selection witch you know is a guy and a woman :) But well thats what is the natural selection , but we are not bound to it . And well the thing i call "Love" as being the greatest feeling can be felt no only in that way . So why not as long as you love one another at home :P But anyway its a normal thing and i accept it , people that dont just dont get it , and they are against cuz its not normal (natural) for them . Well about childeren , parents are parents , does not matter who born you , it matters the one who raised and loved you ( and will always love you) . Ye the explaining and all and the complicated situation thats not nice but well its not like normal couples dont have them and different ones ;) But overall i think gay marriage should not be denied , just imagine when you love someone with all your hearth , well its the same between them and why should we get in people way . Let them be happy :)
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
25 Nov 11
Initially, marriage was created for a man and a woman to be together and have a family together. It's a term which doesn't refer to the gay community and remember, homosexuality wasn't widely accepted up until recently. Marriage has dated way back and it's something traditionally between man and woman so it's going to be pretty hard to allow gay people to get married. I don't think marriage is that necessary either. As long as you're in a committed relationship then it's find. In my country, there's a term called de facto relationship where you can still live and have a family without getting married, straight or gay. Gay people can have this type of relationship and they can still be life long partners without the need to marriage. You just won't have the complicated legal documents you have to fill out The issue is adoption, a child needs a mother and father and the child would feel pretty confused when they find out that other kids have mommies and daddies while he has two mommies or two daddies. Apparently, it's a psychological thing too but it would be sweet if gay couples can adopt too. I guess it depends on how the child perceives it.
@Jhovarie (1168)
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
No to gay marriage its because it is impossible to them that they can create new life hahaha.