Upon judging someone, do you take into account that everyone has their own story

United States
November 24, 2011 6:37pm CST
I feel like this matter should come to light! I used to be really big on judging books by their covers, and people by their personalities but I've come to the conclusion that everyone has had their own ups and downs! I play it off very well, but I have several scars, and sad moments, and some happy moments, and a lot more sad moments but I don't wear it on my sleeve! I try to be optimistic and energetic whenever I can, and my personality does not embody my pain! Now before I even think to characterize someone, I try to dig deeper into their actions to see if they may have some hidden pain that we can relate and progress through! The response I've received in my speech class was amazing! (Everyones goes through something) Have you ever had any similar ideas?
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15 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
25 Nov 11
Yes I try to think that everyone has their own story as everyone does I also try and put myself in their shoes so to speak, as well all know that no one is persfect..I remember when I was working there was a girl there that non one seemed to like well an emergency came up for me and I needed to change my shift to deal with it there was a few people that even owed me a favour but this particular girl was the only one that stepped up to help me, I never forgot that and try to not judge anyone.
• United States
25 Nov 11
I also find it very useful to depict yourself in someone else's shoes! It helps to know, and once you know them a bit better, you can relate more easily. You never know, you may have some strong similarities!
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
Every one is unique just like you and me. We may differs into many areas in life but still we have same emotions that somehow one way or another we are at the hill and valley of our LIFE. We maybe judging others for some years that past, but learning sink in to us in a very special way. Realization came in and we try and tend to be not the same person we ought to be. We have different stories and roles we play, and by that we should understands peoples feelings when we saw them or somehow when we are with them.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
I have been through a lot of ups and downs myself. I have had my share of these and many people do not even recognized that i have been through hell. I always try to put on a smile on my face and whenever I see someone who is in deep thoughts, I thought maybe they are just thinking of something, a solution perhaps. I try to always be compassionate. I have never been like this until I got to experience this myself - having to walk and remember what you have been through and you just could not stop crying. I read once, Be Kind for EVeryone you meet is fighting a harder battle. So i always put this in my mind, and in my heart. Everyone I meet could be in a worst or in a more difficult time than me...
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@apples99 (6556)
• United States
25 Nov 11
I think human beings are naturally judgemental also being judgemental can be due to what we were taught growing up, and as a result people have preconceived notions of what people should or should not do, and they automatically have judgmental thoughts in there head I can be a little judgemental sometimes it's a bad reflex but I've learned that everyone in the world is different, and people have different ideas and values and no matter what I might think or feel people are going to do what they want anyway, so it's better to just accept people for who they are, and agree to disagree that means keeping my opinions to myself when it comes to dealing with others outside of opinion forums of course lol, besides I don't like being judged so I'm working on being a better person and trying not to judge others.
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@hvedra (1619)
25 Nov 11
I try to cut people some slack and see what the underlying deal is BUT and it's a big BUT, once they are aware of it and aware that their actions may be harming others, it's up to them to deal with it and modify their behaviour. We can all have a back story but if we continue to let it dominate our lives and those of others in a negative way we are just using it as an excuse to be a jerk.
@wydtron (302)
• Portugal
25 Nov 11
Yes, I never judge if i dont hear atleast the 2 points of view of the problem. But yes some people judge so fast, they dont care about the points of view they just feel better judging which is sad :(
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
25 Nov 11
Hello there.. .I agree with you, totally and completely... Yes, it is essential to find out why someone acted in a peculiar way or why someone said somthing... Everyone has a story and a reason for what they do and what happens with them... Yes, everyone has their own story...
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Nov 11
dellessimon45 I d o not judge as I do not know their story and judging a book or person by their clothes and shoes is stupid.I g et to know a person whether here on my lot through responding to their discussions and comments and general attitudes and find most are just down right wonderful people.Judge not lest ye be judged.Yes I like to get to know my mylotter friends before I accept them and them me. I never judge anyone by looks at all. [em]hugs[/em
• Southend-On-Sea, England
25 Nov 11
I think that's a very good way of going through life, because as you say, we don't know what's going on inside of other people's heads. I often see miserable-looking people being told by others to "cheer up", yet those who say "cheer up" never stop to think about why the other person might be looking miserable in the first place. After all, their life may have just been completely ripped apart and they may just be holding on by a thread.
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
That is what I exactly do to someone before judging but I sometimes seemed to forgot this specially when in an instant anger, I judge someone prematurely. However, after sometime, the fairness will settle in and study the incident before judging. Just like in movies, the antagonist always have his/her side of story why he/she became the villain. Environment and people around them always have effect on the person.
@06MLam (620)
25 Nov 11
I agree with you that every one have their own stories that can change them a lot. Therefore, we should not make our objective judgement about someone if we don't know what have happened.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
Every person has their own sad stories. It's just that , they don't want it known obviously to everyone. they have their dignity , not to be branded as pathetic. Sometimes, the camouflaged it by appearing to be strong, thus that's how we perceive them from the outside. Yes, i do judge the person through his/her looks, first, but i would always try to dig deeper into the personality of a person, when i feel that i like to interact with him/her more. Thus, i always have a room, for his/her own story of life, so my first impression will be changed.
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
25 Nov 11
I lived very long this way, always finding excuses for other people their nasty or even mean behaviour. With that I only attracted people who abused me in the most worse ways you can think out. Now I changed my mind and my life is way better. I don't attract these kind of people anymore. To aswer your question: everybody has those similar ideas sooner or later also because that is exactly the way we are raised. Always feel consideration to other but never for yourself. I think that is wrong.
@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
25 Nov 11
All people have their sad stories, we learn from them and they affect our personality. Some people share them and others are more difficult to understand, but in all cases they affect the way we see things and how we react in different situations. I try not to judge people before getting to know them better but in all cases our experiences should help us become better persons. This is a very interesting and deep subject, I hope one day I will be able to understand others better. Have a nice day!
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@SandeeE (346)
• United States
25 Nov 11
Growing up I believe our elders taught us about other's and what to like or not like & who did this or did that so that we already had judgement of a certain group or type of person before even meeting someone. Now getting older we find that people do it to us and we don't like it. We then start to see other's and get to the real person & not just see the negative. Sometimes it really pays off and other's it's a waste of time as they have no otherside or goodness in them. But overall judgeing a person before really taking a look or thinking about this person past, where they come from or what could have happened to them is wrong. We don't know most of the time unless we have walked a mile in someone's shoes. I don't want to be falsly misjudged myself so really try hard NOT to do it to other's.