Here is the proof that there is a God !!!
By iuliuxd
@iuliuxd (4453)
November 26, 2011 1:25pm CST
Ok i don`t have the proof (yet) i only wrote that to draw your attention :)
But let me ask you something :
Let`s say tomorrow the human specie will have the proof that God exists.I mean a scientific evidence beyond any doubt, from tomorrow morning the existence of God is a truth and you will know there is a God like you know you need water and air in order to survive.Let`s say this is the christian God for those who live in the christian civilization,Allah for those who live in the muslim world etc.It is the same God you learned about from your civilization religious books.
Can you imagine such a world ? I mean you will see George Soros and Bill Gates giving their money to the poor (I think Bill Gates will go to hell anyway because he made Windows Vista
),you will see huge crowds of scientists praying for forgiveness in churches,the academies will turn into cathedrals and your annoying old neighbour who always told you to go to church will laugh at you at last and ask you "who`s the sheep now ? :) )
Ok this will be the funny part.But there is another part and it`s not that funny.Once we know 100% there is a God the human spirit will die.We will no longer have the free will (unless you consider the criminals are doing bad things because of free will ).We will learn that doing anything outside the God`s will means our death just like we know today that drinking poison means death.We will probably turn into zombies and our life will only serve one single purpose and that is to serve our God and to hope we will be rewarded.
But you think God needs zombies ? I mean i believe a human has a spirit and a rational part and instincts.If God gave us all these things and he still keep us alive it means our life has value only if we don`t know the whole truth.Only if there is a mystery we may never find out.Otherwise our feelings and our rational part are useless.So i don`t think we really want to know the truth or at least i don`t want to live in a world where we already know everything because God is everything.
How do you think your life will change if tomorrow you will accept there is a God ? Remember starting tomorrow this is "the truth": so please no "there is no God comments ".Unless you think you don`t need water or air to survive.

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19 responses
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
26 Nov 11
Some really good thinking here.
Proof of God for everyone would change many people. It would change from a world of free choices to a world with divine influence. Perhaps it is better to have free choice. People would make selections they might not make. Those bad choices will teach through their consequences. If people were afraid to choose, they might never learn. Finally, there would be no atheists. I think atheists and religious people are both needed in the big picture. Religious people need to learn to depend on much more than mere beliefs while atheists need the vision which beliefs can often point us to. In the struggle for so many to prove they are right, the greater lessons do get through.

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@urbandekay (18278)
26 Nov 11
"It would change from a world of free choices to a world with divine influence."
It would no more do that, than knowing that we cannot walk through walls robs us of free will.
all the best urban
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
26 Nov 11
So you too think this will be a terrible world to live in.I mean the mystery of this journey means a lot for someone who believes in God because he must defeat his material mind and his instincts (at least this is what i think ) and to try to understand God and to love him.Then in the end he may reach the truth.
Or let`s say this way : One should not love God because He will take us to heaven,One will go to heaven because he loves God.

@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
30 Nov 11
I was raised in a Christian family and for that reason I respect the fact that God does exist without seeing any kind of physical proof. With that said, I don't think that if any kind of physical proof was to exist that anything would really change. The reason that I don't think that it will change anything is because of the fact that for every fact that we are able to show, there are always people that will be neighsayers to the fact.
Thus, when physical proof of God's existence does come forth, those that don't believe will be the neighsayers.
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@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
27 Nov 11
Hi mr_pearl and thanks for your answer !
Idk it is funny for me to imagine Stephen Hawking for example saying Our Father.
.Because they claim they don`t need a god to explain how the things are so i`m sure God will be a big shock for them.But we`ll have to wait until tomorrow to see what happens. :)

@greenfeathers (1206)
• United States
27 Nov 11
Its all how one perceives it, I suppose. In truth science does not disprove the being of God and so lacking that can be taken as proof the He is. Personally, I'm not concerned with what science says be it good, bad or indifferent because science, as with everything we're aware of, is limited. My question is what takes over beyond those limitations..Care to guess?..Enjoy!

@greenfeathers (1206)
• United States
28 Nov 11
In that case science should hope that they all reach the same limitation otherwise the overlap would prove interesting..

@ferbjohn69 (1127)
• Philippines
27 Nov 11
I will only believe in him if he shows me his face or goes to my room one night and tells me that he exists.
I think even if it is proven that he exists there will be no much difference in this world.
Did you read the bible?It is written there that despite the knowledge of people about god and his existence,they still managed to sin.
Adam and eve ate the apple.The people of Israel worshiped statues.They fought like animals although they KNEW there was god.I don't really know if there is He.
I think there will be no much difference.
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@BlackAmaranth (275)
• Romania
28 Nov 11
They are not atheists(most of them) but they always chose the long, hard way.
I'll give you an exemple, the people few thousends years ago knew about auras or biofields as they call it today, and now, after so much time they discovered that it realy exist and looks and manifests like the ancients described it.
So instead modifying theyr eyes so they can see it, they chose to make a device to do that for them.
The problem is that they study only half of the universe, to say, but this half it's less that 1% of the real univers.

@urbandekay (18278)
26 Nov 11
Sadly, many former atheists would soon start work on schemes to either usurp his power or circumvent it. Such activity would of course be futile but may have disastrous results for them and possibly many others. They would be, as it were, seeking to create their own hell
all the best urban

@naseemkum (1803)
• India
27 Nov 11
Really god exists i believe but i wont care about atheists who said there is no god. Its the same speech given by god which says there is god and which says there is no god. So without god we cant speak or we cant express so its a form of almighty appears when we do everything in our life. I dont had fear if i suprised to see god exists.

@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
27 Nov 11
The bible teach us to believed that there is really God. Look up above, the sky, the stars, the wind and everything in the sky. Who made those in the sky. Who made those animals, the ocean or man will have the power to create fish, animals or the moon?
If man able to create animals. No need for us to be poor or intelligent. Just create our own planet and live there alone and be lonely.
Or create our own ocean and have all the shark and you become their meal. Create your own earth and let Goko to be your Generals...
All of those things are example that we are not create anything on the sky or in the Universe. All of them are created by our dear God...
@BlackAmaranth (275)
• Romania
28 Nov 11
It's tru that there is a god, but he didn't created everything.
And you can create a planet, but it's like a bug trying to build a skyscraper.
And if i would let you on a planet alone, i think you will die in less than 10 years, because humans are sociable beings and are "designed" to live toghater.
@julianmac (396)
• Malaysia
27 Nov 11
If man can prove beyond any doubt that God really exists then I think this whole world would turn out to be such a dull and boring place to live in. People will become lazy and unproductive. Nobody would want to work. They will flock their respective religious grounds and will ask God to provide them with all the luxuries of life. No one will do anything to make this world a better place.We will never again hear of any new inventions.It's better to conceal the existence of God if one can come up with such solid hard evidence, just to have something for everyone to look forward to each and every day. The guessing game is what that keeps us going.
@julianmac (396)
• Malaysia
28 Nov 11
I'm enthused that you liked my response,iuliuxd. You have indeed created a thought-provoking discussion and I'm honored to be a part of it. Thank you!
@TheMetallion (1834)
• United States
26 Nov 11
So... an Atheist looks at the absence of evidence for the existence of any Gods and explains that absence by asserting there are no Gods to leave evidence.
You look at the absence of evidence for the existence of any Gods and explain that absence by a) postulating the existence of your God; b) constructing a set of circumstances about this postulated Diety; c) asserting that a terrible calamity would befall us if we knew this Diety existed' and d) concluding that your God is therefore hiding himself from us in order to prevent the calamity.
Um, no. The simpler explanation for the same data is the better explanation.
Nor do you even make your argument convincingly. There's still plenty of people who steadfastly maintain a belief in young earth creationism and even terracentrism despite the overwhelming evidence against both. Prove any particular Deity exists tomorrow, free will would still be alive and well.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
27 Nov 11
TheMetallion maybe God will help us to understand better what is the "poison" and what is the air and water .I repeat this is an imaginary model to try to understand if having the ultimate proof that God exists will change our life into something better or worse.I agree that there will still be enough people who will drink poison but maybe it can work for the big majority to have the same notion of truth about God as they have about the water and air we need to live.
Think about it.No more "superstitions "."We don`t need the science to explain the universe we already know everything. " (or was it different ? "
Will you be happy in such world ? Do you think you will drink the poison once you`ll know it is poison ?

@BlackAmaranth (275)
• Romania
27 Nov 11
What if i tell you that god exists? And if i tell you that they will never find it?
it's like you try to see a galaxy while you're lookig in the oposite direction.
And if i tell you that the free will can't be taken? If god exist this doesn't mean we do what he says. On earth, everybody has a mission, if he wants to do it, his life will be a lot easyer. It's like i tell you to go somewhere, you must get there, but you will chose the way, can be the shorter way, the most plesent or any way you want.
I hope you got the idea. I'm not to god at explinations.
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
26 Nov 11
I don't think it would make much difference. Proof of something doesn't mean everyone will accept that proof as actual truth. You will still have believers, you will still have agnostics and you will still have atheists. For me, I have all the proof in the world that God is God. If God were not in the middle of everything.. if there were NO designer of life, then there would be no order. Try as they might, but scientists can't create life without using what has already been created.
I couldn't be an atheist. I just don't have enough faith to prove myself to be an atheist.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
26 Nov 11
Hi Pointless and thanks for your answer.I know it`s hard to imagine such a world where God exists has the same value of truth as "We need air and water in order to survive " but this is a good exercise at least it is for me.
Because if you reach the conclusion that God exists through your beliefs and this becomes your own truth that is one thing and it has a lot of value because it means you had this fight inside and the human spirit the one who help us to think,to ask questions and to create culture had another victory.But if you know this from an outside source then you don`t need to ask yourself questions,you won`t have doubts to fight with ,the only thing the human spirit will be concerned with will be to make "the will of god " and that should be the end of the journey not the beginning of the journey for someone who believes in God.
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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
26 Nov 11
For someone who shouldn't even be alive (me), there is no doubt. I don't need an outside source to show me what I already know for myself. Each day for me is a gift given to me by God. I used to be an unbeliever. I thought people who believed were weak minded.. but God got my attention, and showed me that my life is in the palm of his hand. I can't wake up in the morning, without his allowing it.
@LadyLuck87 (45)
• Canada
27 Nov 11
one single purpose to serve god? That would mean we are all angels. That is their sole purpose. The fact that we HAVE free will is the proof that there is some sort of divine sacred out there watching over us. the fact that we have life and are intelligent is also proof. It's magic. Magic can't exist without some form of a Divinity.
@LadyLuck87 (45)
• Canada
27 Nov 11
I think that when you know for 100% fact that God exists, with scientific proof. We will have reached the understanding that if God wanted us to always do His will he would not have given us free will. We would not have the option to make bad choices and learn from our mistakes. God wants us to learn for ourselves, to be self sufficient. Much like parents and their children. We don't want our kids to always do absolutely everything we say to make us happy for the rest of their lives. We want them to learn to make choices by themselves, to learn how to fix their own mistakes, to be independent from us and be the best person they can be thanks to our help and influence. We don't want our children to be drones. God doesn't want us to be drones either. :)
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@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
27 Nov 11
There are many people who have seen and talked with loved one who have passed on, and they talk of seeing Christ. Yet many do not believe these people, and rather silence them. What more proof does one need that to prayer to God, ask him for his guidance, and then receive a spiritual experience from it.
This is just as real as electricity, because I have never seen electricity, but I can test for it and use it. Therefore we know it is real. Same as with spiritually aspects.
I have tested and have been proven, by the holy ghost, that our Heavenly Father is.
@befrindwithme26 (5805)
• Philippines
27 Nov 11
God is the source of everything..In Genesis chapter 1 and 2 seen the creation of God..
And without Him,the earth is void, or empty...God created the water,food,air so we can survive in this earth...
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
27 Nov 11
if there would be God and it's 100 percent proved, i wouldn't feel any different. if god is approachable i would ask him a lot of things. one is his knowledge, the other for help and support and guidance. talk to him like i would talk to a friend, that would be cool!
i don't like to stick too much to religion and the rituals that come with it, in fact it's annoying why people have to be so bothersome and annoying saying their religion is best, telling us to join their religion for us to be saved. public disturbance, that's what i call lit.
@habibti320 (925)
• United States
16 Nov 12
If God made himself available to his creation, a lot of atheists and agnostics would be first in line to ask him about various topics. If he made himself clear and worthy to be the object of endless worship, they might join in. I tend to think it would be more of a trial though.
I have a friend who regularly compiles a list of questions to ask God. He is an atheist, but he has seen a lot of injustice in the name of God.