So you call yourself an atheist?
By Aja103654
@Aja103654 (5644)
November 27, 2011 2:00am CST
Yet another touchy discussion, people!
Atheist. I've read this word a lot on the internet. I know so little about them, so I decided to let other mylot members enlighten me with their knowledge about atheist.
Are you an atheist? So you don't believe in any God? What made you become an atheist? What does it take to become an atheist?
I'm very curious... because I know of this person who calls herself an atheist(she's that annoying girl who kept flirting with my boyfriend, trying to act so innocent about it) and my boyfriend told her something about believing in God and how to live a life with God in it. Whatever my boyfriend said to her, it made her think. I don't know if she's atheist. "She's living miserably", said my boyfriend, ", because she doesn't know God."
Frankly, i don't quite understand what that meant. But that so called atheist girl had my eyebrows arch. Does she even know what she's saying? I think she's too young to call herself anything (i'm so mean)
I'm not trying to attack any atheist here, i just thought that no one should call themselves an atheist when in the first place, they don't know anything about God.
Call me bitter, eheh... 

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12 responses
@Gram13000 (443)
• United States
27 Nov 11
I think atheist are people that have a problem thats much deeper than religion. Most atheist are angry people and it is very strange to think there is no god because that would make humans the most powerful beings in the universe and the universe is too huge and has been here too long for humans to be running the show. Atheist just have some type of deep rooted problem and I feel sorry for some of them. Your are right you must know god before you call yourself an atheist just because they dont know something doesnt mean it doesnt exist.

@urbandekay (18278)
28 Nov 11
"Many atheists (especially me) aren't angry at god or religion"
That's you to a tee Jack, and as for people you can't reason with or go lalala, that is also you
all the best urban
@Gram13000 (443)
• United States
27 Nov 11
Thankyou sir, all atheist are not alike and for some the points I mentioned it may very well be true. Just like some religious fanatics have true sterio types about them so do atheist. Its only logical sir lol, have a great day and dont be so angry I have seen your past arguments and you totally snapped on this religious guy and he remained calm so you were faster to anger and thats an atheist trait. And I never said you didnt have any idea what your talking about sir thats a false accusation my friend. Pity is something that I do feel when I see this kind of logic if you were on the stand and I was a lawyer cross examination would be brutal.
@polaroidsredwine (509)
• United States
28 Nov 11
This! I can't even count how many times I've ended up in a heated debate with someone of the religious persuasion and have simply been told "Well, you're wrong, because God." as if that's the be-all end-all explanation for everything, no matter how hard I try to use science and logic and basic reasoning to get my point across.

@neelia_lyn (2003)
• Philippines
27 Nov 11
I think sometimes that those who say they don't know God (atheists) have gone through, say painful experiences, that have made them deny God. Sometimes those who say they are atheists love arguing or debating with you about God, a proof that they do know God. I once met someone who claims to be an atheist but has an expression of "oh, God!" whenever he gets irritated :) Anyway, whatever reasons they have, that's their belief. They are still people who have kind hearts no matter what they believe in, and they are also people who need God. Peace to all!

@neelia_lyn (2003)
• Philippines
27 Nov 11
Yeah, some of them I think just wanted to be an atheist for no reason, and like what you said maybe they do it for attention.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
27 Nov 11
to be different and unique, yep some would go to great lengths to achieve that. maybe it's also a form of rebellion, because they have been forced to believe by others of a certain religion they want nothing to do with. so called religious fanatics can be annoying and unbearable.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
27 Nov 11
Yes, i believe some become atheist, as you said, because of painful experiences that led them to believe god doesn't exist.
it's so funny and contradicting how they could say 'oh, god' and know so much about god and call themselves an atheist?
what really is an atheist? and why is it such big deal for others? i get this feeling that some people who call themselves atheist are actually doing it for attention, like it was a exclusive item from some expensive brand, because they think it's cool, just for show when they don't really know anything! (like that flirty girl i mentioned)
-sigh- i think those who calls themselves atheist don't even have a clear idea what an atheist really is.

@urbandekay (18278)
28 Nov 11
The claim that the burden of proof is on those that say God exists is exactly that; just a claim. We must ask is it a valid one? Well, there are many things we accept as true without being able to prove them (Where proof means 3rd person proof)An example of such is consciousness; you cannot prove to me you are conscious and I cannot prove to you that I am, we do however accept that we are conscious because we experience it. Similarly, I can not prove to you that I know God exist or that I experience him but my experience of him is of the same kind as my experience of being conscious and similarly unmistakable.
So the atheist is faced with a logical dilemma; either they must accept that their belief that they are conscious is no more valid that the believers faith in God,
They must admit that they are logically inconsistent
all the best urban

@urbandekay (18278)
28 Nov 11
Well, if the atheist claims the burden of proof is one the believer because they lack 3rd party evidence then they should by the same logic claim the burden of proof is on those that believe they are conscious. Yet no atheist I know, denies that they are conscious so they are applying double standards to the belief they are conscious and the belief of believers and are therefore logically inconsistent
all the best urban
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
29 Nov 11
thanks for sharing.
this thing called 'conscious' is rather puzzling. i'll read about it another time. this is the first time i read that it's related to theist and atheist beliefs. 

@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
28 Nov 11

@alnilam (969)
• United States
27 Nov 11
Well in my language I do consider myself being an atheist coz the definition here would be "one that does not belong to any formal religion or religious community", but when it comes to English the word atheist is somewhat strange, well the definition of it to strict for my taste so I would label myself agnostic - I do leave some space for supernatural or something in my heart just can be bought with religious fairytale (this is what they mean to me personally).
Technically speaking I am a Christian though since I was baptised and had some additional sacraments (don't know how they are called in English)... And again technically I will be Christian to the rest of my life since all this means so little to me that I don't have the will to "legally" revoke "my" religion.
I think most "atheists" are a mixture of atheists and agnostics since most of the "unbelievers" don't take much hassle in labelling themselves, so there is no need to deeply investigate the exact meaning of words.
As for the flirting with other girls boyfriends I have had "problems" with good church girls as well as atheist ones ;P
@alnilam (969)
• United States
27 Nov 11
Well as I said - I am an atheist in my language - the word is ateist and has a slightly different meaning than atheist in English although it translates to the same... with adding agnostic to the mix it is that I admit that it can't be known for sure - I leave the benefit of the doubt. I am not "not sure about god" I "believe" there is no god, but I do not exclude the possibility to be proven wrong. I do believe there is something greater out there, something we are not jet familiar of but that does not mean it has to be spiritual or divine, but I can't be 100% certain that it is not divine. I am to insignificant in the universe to be arrogant enough to be 100% certain on anything!
@alnilam (969)
• United States
27 Nov 11
No problem there :)
As for species having a few millions years advantage on us and if they have a similar mentality I would rather not imagine how they turned out. Even if planet is the same age as ours the species could have millions of years of advantage! Dinosaurs would be awesome today if they would not be unlucky to extinct hehe!
@alnilam (969)
• United States
27 Nov 11
Prefer birds than crocodiles, since crocodiles never actually were dinosaurs - they are as old as them but don't exactly fit the same group... Birds are a "product" of dinosaurs, that's true. Never checked the komodo dragons history though - should read on it...

@Xansus (946)
• Bulgaria
27 Nov 11
Are you an atheist?
Yes cuz god dont exist , i mean like in religions and all i do think there might be some greater power in the universe but its not god its a living beign :) But thats not believing and it might exist but i'm not blindly believing it does :)
So you don't believe in any God?
Why to believe in something imaginary ? I mean religions made up gods to control people . Yes they teach people to be good but making you believe in something someone made up and have no proof , well i can do that too .
What made you become an atheist?
Noone becomes atheist . First you are atheist then you decide if you want to believe in the so called god or something else :)
What does it take to become an atheist? Now this i dont know :P since i dont know how people become it :P
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
27 Nov 11

@Xansus (946)
• Bulgaria
27 Nov 11
That Force i think it might exist ( I dont believe ) is some beign with greater power but i mean its not something that effect my life and i need to actually need to " believe it exists"
There might be grater beigns in the universe but i dont believe in the ultimate god that watch us and created the universe on his pleases :)
Well i think atheist is a person that dont beleive in god . You can define god in your own way , but you know how most people define it and how its defined in the religions . I'm talking about creatures like humans not some god :) And the force i said does not mean god , it means something that might not be a living beign but to exist in the universe . But well its still not called God .
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
27 Nov 11
but i still think that this thing called the 'force' and what the others who call 'God' is one and the same. ehehe...
this subject is puzzling...

@polaroidsredwine (509)
• United States
28 Nov 11
I am an atheist, and as such, do not believe in the existence of any God or gods. Mainly, I'm atheist because I was raised in an atheist family - my father, though, was raised Christian, however he hasn't actively practiced since long before I was even born. However, over the years I studied greatly into various religions from around the world. I've read religious texts thoroughly and researched until I was rather certain I'd be unable to cram more into my head, so I've achieved a somewhat decent knowledge on various different religions, and none of them made any real sense to me as to why people would believe in them.
Many people end up becoming atheist after having been theists. Most of the people I've encountered who have shifted to being atheist in such a fashion did so because they became disenchanted with the idea of their religion, be it from being outside of the ideals and standards set by it or from being shunned for who they are. They usually have a rather firm grasp on their former religion, and with such thorough knowledge, have every right to call themselves atheists.
For your boyfriend to assume that girl is "living miserably" is kind of an outstanding statement. Who's to say she's miserable? Only those close to her would know. And for you to say she's too young to call herself anything is a bit of a contradiction, because I'm rather sure if she was theist, then she wouldn't be too young to call herself that.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
28 Nov 11
yep, i also thought that my boyfriend was being hasty in his conclusions. i did not support him on that idea about her being miserable, because i know nothing about the girl. my boyfriend, i don't know how much he knows her. so i didn't say anything.
okay, i used the word 'young' intending to mean 'limited knowledge' not really the age issue. -agh- i used the wrong word again....
i'm quite sure she didn't know anything about being a theist and an atheist to call herself either of the two. that's what i meant. even i don't call myself either theist or atheist, i simply lack knowledge.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
29 Nov 11
yep, that happens. i think it's a little funny though.
ah, it's probably because she sounded so sure of herself that got me a little pissed about the whole thing.
i mean, people are fighting over this theist and atheist battle for years(maybe centuries), and here she is spatting 'i'm atheist, you can't do anything about it' under such limited knowledge about the world. to me, she's taking that for granted and i don't like people who use that word out to spite those people she disagrees with. i had a feeling she was doing it as spite. 

@polaroidsredwine (509)
• United States
28 Nov 11
I see. Really, people can choose to define themselves as anything in the spectrum of belief or disbelief, and it's highly possible that they will change their opinions of what they are in that range over the course of their lives. Some people go from being atheist and become born-again into a religion, sometimes even far late into their lives.

@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
1 Dec 11
I think it's ridiculous for anyone to claim to know the nature of any god. Christians and atheists alike have their own perceptions about God and other gods. I've seen enough varying opinions on the nature of the *Christian* god to know that most wouldn't know him (or her) if he walked up to them and slapped them in the face - and that includes the followers of the religion. There's just too many ideas floating around out there about what this being is like and what they think. From an outsider's perspective, the whole thing is very confusing.
You don't sound like you're attacking atheists, per se. You sound like a jealous lover looking for faults in someone you think is pursuing someone you've laid a claim to. The sentiment is practically seeping from your post. This, of course, implies that you don't think well of atheism, but I won't hold that against you presently. Atheists in general aren't any better.
To answer your questions, though - no I don't believe in any god. I became an atheist after many years of serious reflection and debate. It began with a few questions about commonly held perceptions within my former religion, followed by study, followed by distrust and eventual rejection of dogma. From there I questioned the reality of a god's existence - any god - and eventually concluded that it's not very likely.
I started this whole process somewhere around the age of 11 or 12 after years of submersion is Baptist dogma - so it's really never too early in life to question what you've been taught. It's a natural process and something that should be encouraged in people.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
3 Dec 11
You bet. people have different perceptions and idea about God. they will be affected by their religion, the people who taught them about the concept of God and the things that are happening in the real world.
No, not at all. not attacking certainly.
ulp, yeah sort of.
i see. it takes study, like a lot of study, before you decide whether you are atheist or not. yep, and that's one reason why i think the girl didn't know what she was saying. under limited knowledge about the world and basing her own judgments on maybe bad things happening to her, she called herself an atheist. and that's an insult to people who are real atheist.
i see. well, i remember when people would scold children when they question God. they are called bad boy or bad girl. why, it's not a bad thing at all. why force a little kid to believe in this and if they show signs that they won't, they are told that it's a sin to doubt. while it's really just a natural process for people to question their faith!
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
27 Nov 11
I am also confused of what an atheist means. Without looking at a dictionary yet, i think it means , one who doesn't believe in God.
I was shocked when my daughter told me that his father's brother said, he is an atheist. He was serious when he said that and he told his mother that also.
However, what confuses us is that if he is an atheist indeed, why does he go with her wife to church every Sunday. Her mother said, how can he be an atheist, when they had him schooled at a Catholic school until he graduated college.
Well, i have yet to talk with him why he calls himself an atheist. I hope he will really clarify .
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
27 Nov 11
i would like to know more about that, simplyd! please let me know if you learn anything from him. 

@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
28 Nov 11
Well, jack, you have your points. I will have to really ask my brother in law if he comes to the house , about his being an atheist, as he claims to be. I am just curious and confused. 

@sunli123 (538)
• China
28 Nov 11
I am not sure if the god really exists. But it is true that many people don't have any religion, and I am one of these people. In my view, no matter if you have the religion nor not, and no matter what your religion is, the most important thing is that you can find your inner peace, stay with yourself and love yourself unconditionally.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
28 Nov 11
@sunli: i so agree with you sunli. you don't really need to tie yourself with any religion, because we can possibly find our inner peace in our own way.
those debates about atheist and theist, are rather pointless. both stick to their own belief or their non-belief and wouldn't budge. this is correct, this is not, you are wrong, you are correct, it doesn't really matter, i think, they are wasting time. it doesn't bring any good to either of the parties.
by the way, this discussion is only to discuss what you know about atheist and about you being atheist. no sense attacking or stereotyping against theist. -sigh-
@jonahh08 (261)
• Philippines
28 Nov 11
Exactly. Atheist don't know God and so they don't believe in him. Heck, they don't believe in anything, they don't have a religion. If a person knows God then it doesn't make him an atheist. Atheist is all about not knowing God or any gods. Makes sense right?
@urbandekay (18278)
30 Nov 11
Jack, you confuse knowing and knowing about, which are different properties, the former confers belief the latter does not
all the best urban
@Flashpointer (784)
• Philippines
28 Nov 11
I agree with you, no one should call themselves an atheist.. If she was not educated before from her relatives does not make her an atheist, or still do not have religious group to choose does not make you an atheist. Maybe she already knows God but she don't want to talk about it because maybe deep inside she had a big problem, or maybe she already have this religion but her God has a name.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
28 Nov 11
-phew- so relieved you got the message, others have been misunderstanding what i intended to mean. besides, if one doesn't have knowledge, how can one start believing or not believing it?
yeah, she had some problems i don't know and my boyfriend figured she's miserable because of them(his point of view)
@Sapphire_brean13 (55)
• United States
29 Nov 11
A wise man once put it like this,
"An atheist is simply one who is angry with God."
Most atheists I've ever met say something to the affect of "I prayed for God to fix ________, and he didn't, so there must not be a God," or, "God let my _______ die, they were such a great person, there can't be a God."
So I'm personally inclined to agree with the wise man's theory. I guess here probably are true atheists, but I think a lot of them are fake, they're just angry with who they thought to be God.
No offense to any true atheists out there, this is just my opinion.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
30 Nov 11
atheist become atheist for their own personal reasons.
those kind of atheist are just bitter people who lost their faith, they are pitiful. but, yes, i think i can understand the true atheist a little, just a little LOL