I love Facebook!!!

@SandeeE (346)
United States
November 27, 2011 6:00pm CST
So I've discovered that I trully can not be w/out Facebook anymore. I not only enjoy the social interaction but I use it for business and even for new's updates, sports scores for games I cannot watch etc. It's amazing. I've been on every social site since I was in my early twenties and I really never thought Facebook of all social sites would be one I'd want to use like I do. BUT I TRULY LOVE IT.
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16 responses
• United States
13 Dec 11
Facebook is ok. I mainly use it for networking purposes as of late, but it was cool connecting with old friends from high school etc. One thing I do dislike is the amount of nosey people on there though. Some people just add you as a friend to be nosey.
• United States
14 Dec 11
I will admit that they all have nosey people, but I think that Facebook is worse than what Myspace was. That's just my opinion though. I agree with you that there are social networking sites for just about everyone.
@SandeeE (346)
• United States
14 Dec 11
At least on facebook you can block everything on your profile so that no one can view for the nosey ones. On MySpace depending on the browser you used like FireFox you can easily view blocked profiles where other browsers don't allow it. So to me I always feel Facebook is less likely to get the snoopers LOL..but either way those snoopers make ya famous right? Must be doing something right lol
@SandeeE (346)
• United States
14 Dec 11
Ya but tell me what social network site anymore doesnt have nosey people. I mean even back in the day when I used Myspace like I do FB now, it was constant drama with relationships and friendships and all that comes with it and the nosey nonsense and fake profiles type stuff. I don't think but on twitter can you really keep from that. What amazes me is how many social networks are out there and how many people really use all of them. Because of what I do for a living online working, I do tend to have to add myself to accounts to get paid BUT I never go back and never use them but I see so many that I am in aww of how anyone could possibly not be online in a social network. They have one for just about every type of person.
@davaome (1826)
• Philippines
28 Nov 11
I love facebook as well. all you need can "almost" be found there. facebook as really become a popular, and here in my country, facebook has become a daily activity for majority of the people here.
@SandeeE (346)
• United States
16 Dec 11
Wow it's so cool that all over the world we can trully come together on these social networks. It's funny but I really didn't join any social site to meet old friends again as I felt they were old friends and not new friends for a reason.
@SandeeE (346)
• United States
29 Nov 11
What country are you in? I have noticed it's a very popular site for other's out of the United States too. It's amazing to reach out so far to other businesses and or communities.
@davaome (1826)
• Philippines
15 Dec 11
I live in the Philippines, yes it is really popular. I have contacts to my childhood friends that are living in america and canada, and some of my classmates who are still in duty around the world. Facebook really has changed the way I look at social media
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
29 Nov 11
You right, friend. Facebook has many interactive things that people want to stay. Games, news feed, friends update and others to make some extra income. The site really good for business and everything
@SandeeE (346)
• United States
29 Nov 11
It is a great site to use for almost any reason one can think of. I enjoy learning every week new ways to use facebook and make money online too.
@ohid2u (145)
• Bangladesh
29 Nov 11
Yap, i also like fb for communicating with my friends.Its really a source of enjoyment.
@SandeeE (346)
• United States
29 Nov 11
I must agree. Getting to play games is fun all in itself but getting to play w/your facebook friends on the same games is even better. ' ]
@Rosa26 (2618)
• United States
28 Nov 11
I like FB but I don't love it because it was better before than it is now,I only go to FB now to see my family and invite them to go to skype to talk and be update about the news in my family. But not to be paste to FB for hours.
@SandeeE (346)
• United States
29 Nov 11
What did you like about it before? I think many use it so much that they eventually just burn out. I don't think it's changed that much and the last major change was crappy at first and very frustrating but not a big deal. Some of the major thing's I liked were gone & that was dissapointing but not nearly as a bad change in everything like Myspace did w/it's site. That was bad and enough to make me almost not use MySpace at all.
• United States
28 Nov 11
Facebook is beneficial for social interaction, marketing, and networking but the reason I don't employ too much of my time there is because I lack the attention span and I feel it is a big time waster! The thing is, I've never earned a single penny from any on my time spent on Facebook so I've pretty much casted it out of my online routine! Now, I use myLot as my social networking alternative because even though its nothing like Facebook, it provides me with earnings suitable for my given time. I'm very appreciative of myLot's oppurtunities and that's why I spend most of my time here. I don't get to interact with my real life friends but at least I an be social and share my opinions with others that have common interests!
• United States
28 Nov 11
I can live without Facebook, but I don't want to. First and foremost I enjoy playing the many games on there and second it's how I keep in touch with my family and friends. We all live apart from each other so this is a good way for all of us to stay connected through our words, pictures, and videos as well.
@SandeeE (346)
• United States
29 Nov 11
Yes it is a great way to stay in touch. I have family I had not talked with for years and they told me about facebook one year and I declined happy with my MySpace. But after they did some convincing a year or two ago and missing the connection with long lost family I did join and it's been trully great to keep in touch w/them when I normally would not be able too.
28 Nov 11
I too loves facebook a lot. but i too used it for my business purpose. but i dont knw what had happend,i couldnt get any responses . i never gets a use for my business from facebook
@gaea23 (252)
• Philippines
28 Nov 11
So, what kind of goods do you sell? I am fond of buying stuff online especially dresses for my little girl.
@SandeeE (346)
• United States
29 Nov 11
I don't really sell anything yet. I actually have a plan in December to sell flameless candles through Scentsy. But otherwise if you look at my website I offer people help in finding work at home jobs. If you could find me on FB I have many people on my site that make things. I have one that crochets hats and gloves and does them in characters or whatever you ask. I have a lady that makes custom tutu's and a man that does Stubborn For Life clothing, and disordily conduct and another guy that makes rosaries.
28 Nov 11
i am happy to know that you like facebook which is almost everyone's familiar and you too like this i have my account on facebook i am daily visit my account and share every moment of my life with my love one's and friends who are far from me . so please keep in touch with your love one's and friends with facebook.
@SandeeE (346)
• United States
29 Nov 11
Yes I think it's great that you use Facebook as a tool to keep your family up to date on what's going on in your life. It is very important. have a great week
• Malaysia
28 Nov 11
Good for you all that you love facebook. I like facebook but i don't love it. The site is a little bit boring to me. Sometimes i wonder why people love it but i guess its because people are different.
@SandeeE (346)
• United States
14 Dec 11
Yes def. people are different and I always say to each his own. Some will find it boring and other's just can't seem to get away from it.
• Malaysia
28 Nov 11
Good for you all that you love facebook. I like facebook but i don't love it. The site is a little bit boring to me. Sometimes i wonder why people love it but i guess its because people are different.
@SandeeE (346)
• United States
29 Nov 11
Yes I agree. To each his own. Some I find never get on much or rarely leave a status update or share anything such as movies, videos, articles, photos etc. and I would find it very boring if I didn't do anything on there including playing the games. If anything you should attempt some of the games at least.
@menzis00 (273)
28 Nov 11
I loved it when I first signed up, everything was just so exciting. Now I just use it to stay in touch with my friends who moved away, that's why it is good to me. Other than that, I think it just corrupted some people..But it serves it purpose for me, I generally go there just to have fun and chat a little with my friends, and it's great for making some appointments over the inboxes and stuff like that.
@SandeeE (346)
• United States
29 Nov 11
Ya the appointments or "events" idea was awesome of Facebook. I like that you can make them private for just a few people or open it up so that if it's for a reunion of people from the same school it can be shared amongst friends of friends.
• United States
28 Nov 11
I'm pretty much addicted to facebook anymore. The first thing I do when I open my eyes in the morning isn't get my cup of coffee, it's check my facebook. And honestly, I don't know how anyone could prefer twitter to facebook, I can't stand twitter; it's slow, it's boring, you can't post anything that's longer than 150 characters. Facebook is and will always be my favorite social networking site, and my addiction.
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
28 Nov 11
Glad that you like Facebook! I saw a lot of people now that are getting the hang of using Facebook for connecting with their loved ones and also for business which I find good! :) Well, as for me, I'm into Twitter right now. Its fun meeting new people! :)
@SandeeE (346)
• United States
29 Nov 11
I use Twitter for business only, well so far. To me it is so unpersonal and I don't like giving play by play of my day or thoughts so I don't want to hear other's 247 either haha. What is the point of twitter anyways. It looks very complicated.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
28 Nov 11
I like Facebook too.Lots of my friends uses it too and serves as our way of communicating and updating each other.
@SandeeE (346)
• United States
29 Nov 11
Yes I think its nice to be able to inform other's of events and be able to invite many w/out the cost of invitations stamps and the hassle's of gathering all the address's and names. I like sharing th photos you would normally only see in someone's photo albums. It's awesome. ; ]