We make extra money, and suddenly life costs more?

November 27, 2011 6:20pm CST
I believe we all believe in earning more and more to sustain our life. And I don't think it is a bad idea. In fact, it is much better than people who sit down and do nothing to fix their worse-than-ever financial situation. Nevertheless, we are often get caught with life suddenly costs more than it were. And again we start our day doing the same thing over and over. The reason why life suddenly costs more - every time we get more money, we tend to spend more. Let me know what you think about this, friends.
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10 responses
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
28 Nov 11
Yes, of course, you are right. That is why it is always good to have a budget plan, and keep the expenses organized. With many things to take care of, I have the habit of monthly budgetting. And, as possible, I would like to make some earnings online while enjoying my hobbies in my spare time.
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• Malaysia
28 Nov 11
I believe that we need to be organised in anything we do, including and especially our finance. To be frank, I have seen many of my friends - even at this young age of mine - fall into the trap of financial struggle. For example, they got about $1500 for 3-month allowance, which is more than enough in my place. For me, it is enough because I can save about $50 each month, which is quite good for me. However, most of them - and I mean most of them - has barely $200 at the end of the second month. How they are supposed to live with that amount of money?
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
28 Nov 11
Hi Livecenter, actually we do not need to spend more when we earn more money. I think most people just do not plan to save or invest, that is why they spend whenever they have money coming in. If you have a separate saving account to save up all the earnings from online sources, you would not feel tempted to save. I think you can consider making investment in the stock market or just buy silver bars or small gold bars. Once you have spent on investment, there is no more money for luxuries.
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• Malaysia
28 Nov 11
Indeed we don't have to. However, most people have the mindset that every dime earned is to be spent. Some of them even have the mindset that the credit is always at his/her disposal. This is not even the case when the bank started to chase you around asking for your loan payment. I have always believed at the idea of getting some luxuries every now and then. It is our basic needs as a human being. Nevertheless, I always put in mind that luxuries come last. I should put my effort more on making investments for my future and all the luxuries can be put forward to be enjoyed when I retire. And I like the idea of buying silver/gold bars. Do you happen to know any sites offering such services?
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
28 Nov 11
Hi Livecenter, since you live in Malaysia, you can get a gold coin of 1 oz size from Maybank. In case you do not know, that is the 99.9% pure gold coin minted by the Malaysia government. The price is pegged to the international gold spot rate plus a premium. That means you can buy and sell the gold coin, and treat it as an investment. For gold bars, UOB bank is reputable for selling it. You can also buy at the goldsmith shop. Just ask for Pump Suisse gold bar, which is made by the Swiss. The purity is again 99.9%. The rate changes everyday, since it is pegged to the international gold price too. As for silver, I do not know if you can get it in your country. I get it online from Scottsdale Silver, and they send to my house.
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• Malaysia
28 Nov 11
Hi scheng1! Thanks for the tips! Perhaps I would consider taking a loan to buy those bars. I believe this is the real wealth - wealth that has values and has increasing values - and not the paper money, which actually has no value and often - if not always - reduced in value. Thanks again for the heads up!
@GemmaR (8517)
28 Nov 11
I think that we adapt to spending as much money as we have available to us. I remember when I was a lot younger and got my first job, I thought that I would have a lot of money but I soon found that I still managed to spend all of the money that I was earning just from buying the things that I spend little bits of cash on every day. I earn a lot of money online now, and I am managing to save a fair amount of that up because I am trying to save up for a flat, but I am spending most of it just on daily expenses.
• Malaysia
29 Nov 11
@gemmar: Although we are adapted to spend our money as much as we can, I believe we need to change that attitude. I have seen many people spending as there is no tomorrow the day they got their allowances/paycheck. And believe me, they are begging me to lend them some money at the middle of the same month! And unfortunately that happens almost every month, although the borrowers change. The simplest way to be better financially - spend less than what you earn. Period. And yet many people unable to follow this simple piece of advice.
@hestylim (1209)
• Indonesia
28 Nov 11
I agree with you.. Every time we earn more, we tend to spend more. So, it is actually no matter how much we earn, we will spend that much, too.. I think it needs self control in spending money. Actually, it is sometimes hard to say, because sometimes when life gets harder, we just need to spend the money..
@sajeevking (5073)
• Mumbai, India
28 Nov 11
human wants are unlimited so when we earn more we spend more and when we spend more we feel to earn more and the chain goes on we can never be satisfied
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• Malaysia
28 Nov 11
Indeed human wants are unlimited, but if we let that to happen I believe sooner or later it will be financially disastrous for us. It is up to ourselves to break the chain and start saving some money for the future. The sky doesn't always bright, does it?
28 Nov 11
Earning and saving must be there. But where we fail often is when we earn and spend without realizing the limit of spending. The money we spend for daily needs and meds are worthy enough. But sometimes we end up spending our hard earned money on buying unnecessary gadgets which may seem to be fancy but certainly can be avoidable. Once in a while its OK but every now and then, it must be avoidable. Since the cost of living is very high now, we must definitely learn to save. It would be gud for our family.
• Malaysia
28 Nov 11
I couldn't agree more with you. Nowadays the cost of living is very high, not to mention the price of oil. Still, most of us spend like the world is going to end tomorrow. I don't believe in being too frugal, but it is a good habit nevertheless. I don't say don't spend, but spend wisely. However, I wondered why this simple concept cannot be digested by many of us, leading to disastrous financial situation that we always hear in the news. It is very simple concept - spend less than what you earn - and yet those people cannot get enough of their misery.
@Vrilya (128)
28 Nov 11
Life is costing more because the central bankers are printing money like there's no tomorrow (and if they keep doing this, there won't be for a lot of people).Food and fuel prices are skyrocketing because of this and also because of bad weather destroying crops. One way to preserve the purchasing power of what you have earned, is to buy precious metals and other tangible items which increase in value, with some of it, to keep pace with the cost of living increases. The money printing isn't going to stop anytime soon, the European Central Bank is still monetizing the debts of the PIIGS countries....
• Malaysia
29 Nov 11
@vrilya: Agreed. One of the reasons why the price of everything is higher nowadays is that the money has reduced in value. We all know that before 1971, the dollars were backed up by gold - thus limiting its printing. The printing can only be done when the value of gold increases, which is a more stable system. Nowadays the system is not backed up by anything - and I mean nothing. Of course, that allows the dollar to be printed more and can support more development in the country. However, too much of anything cannot be good - the dollar loses its value and that is a bad news for us the people.
• United States
22 Dec 11
I understand what you are saying. I am still in school but I seen this with my mother. She had gotten a raise of $7.5 over the past seven years but we are not saving any more money. We have been doing the same thing, using money for groceries, occasionally shopping for clothes during sales and holidays but certainly not suddenly adding any expenses. I guess that knowing the little extra money is there is making us buying just a little more.
@rappeter13 (8608)
• Romania
1 Dec 11
You are true, as we make more money, our needs are getting bigger also. But if a person would be rational, then he would know where to stop. I think it is wrong to be obsessed with getting more money, if we spend the whole day doing it. If we work all day long, when we will have time to spend the money and enjoy what we can buy with it? If the money comes easily, and within a reasonable time, it is worth it, otherwise I don't think so.
@wydtron (302)
• Portugal
28 Nov 11
The trick is to think beyond that. I know this financial situation is pretty bad I hate it too but the only way to stop it Is to not think that it will cost more always be more optimist, it's the best believe me :)
• United States
28 Nov 11
It seems this is the way life works financially. Prices generally always increase and either we'll see an increase in our pockets or our money will remain at the same rate. Then it would seem that goods and services have suffered inflation! It saddens me that this is he reality of our economy but these are realities that we must learn to live with! I would just recommend that you spend wisely and save appropiately because there is no telling what the future may bring financially! This is why I'm rying to be secure with legal tender but I also want to have a nice amount in online earnings!