Delusion of Love

sad girl waiting - It is so depressing to wait for "real love"
November 28, 2011 1:28am CST
Have you ever had a crush on someone that the feeling is so intense it makes you sad? You even cry sometimes because you are feel so depressed. You like a person who is so out of your league and you know that is is impossible for him/her to like you yet sometimes you want to believe that that person likes you too. And your subconscious mind is telling you how delusional you are. Whenever he arrives, your heart pounds so hard that you hardly could think of anything. You cannot even look at him. And when he is gone, you get super sad. Have you ever felt this way? How do you stop yourself from thinking a person who is so impossible to reach? As in IMPOSSIBLE.
12 responses
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
28 Nov 11
I swear i hate that feeling. I am kinda in a situation like that now and it is sucking the life out of me. What hurts the most is that you like a person and that person likes you back too but there are some obstacles in between that won't let you two be together. It sucks. I sometimes hate falling in love. There is happiness but the sad part is quiet more i think. And i think it is really hard to not think of that person. I wake up everyday feeling like sh*t and like there's a hole in my heart. Being out with friends help though, even if it's just for sometime.
• South Korea
29 Nov 11
Hey you know what, I think you should give it a chance and tell him how you feel. The worst thing that might happen is him not liking you but it might be that he likes you back too. Don't wait, you might regret it. I used to fancy this one guy so bad few years ago but now I came to know he felt the same. I am kicking myself everyday for not telling him how I felt before, and he probably is doing the same. We could have had it all but we were too scared of rejection.
• Philippines
29 Nov 11
Yes, being out with friends help but sometimes all I want to talk about is him. __
• Philippines
1 Dec 11
Hmm.. you know what, I've been thinking about emailing him. But I will not tell him who I am. I will just say, "we met before" or something like, "I know you but I am not sure if you know me" .. hmm.. something like that. Then I will tell him how I feel. Do you think that's creepy?
@alifive (64)
• Philippines
29 Nov 11
Yes, I do. I have this girl i like.. we talk a bit, but we've never met. I have that same feeling as you. I get depressed knowing she's so out of my league. Though, I've been finding ways, so at least I could like. be at that same level a her. But, It's a long shot.. so.. how to stop thinking about someone you really like..? Avoidance. That seems to work. You know, forget the person. Don't see, hear or think about him. Do something busy, find someone else. Orr, find something that make you think other wise. like, a bad characteristic he has. Nobody is perfect you know. He must have this side that you might not like. But, if you can't do that.. Try writing a small letter, and slip it in his things. I would probably do this, before forgetting or getting over someone I like.
• Philippines
29 Nov 11
Haha, the last part is very funny. I wish I could do that. But you see, I don't see him anymore. I don't even know if he remembers my name. Anyway, I will just try to engage myself in other things. Hopefully he will not pop into my mind anymore...
• Philippines
29 Nov 11
Hmmm, I think I might do that to her.. ANYWAY haha! Aww, well that's alright. Maybe you're meant to meet again in another day. When you're ready. OR, someone more worth for your feelings is coming soon, haha. So, yeah continue doing what you do. Try learning new stuff. Learn a musical instrument, practice singing, art or dancing. Try being someone better in the future, so the next time you get to meet someone you thought was out of your league now, would be more in league when that time comes.
• Philippines
1 Dec 11
Hi alifive! Now you got me curious, so what happened when you told him? I mean, are you two together now? Or did you even had the chance to be with him at least? ^_^
@smacksman (6053)
28 Nov 11
It is so painful to experience it yourself, and then decades later to share the pain of your children going through the same, excruciating drama. And then decades later again, to offer your shoulder to a grandchild to cry on and to hear their woe and sadness. Do we have a theme here? It helps not one jot to say 'Get over it. You are not the first one to experience this' Why doesn't it help? Because this is happening to them - right now. It is of major importance. It is their heart that is under attack and they are helpless. And we are powerless to ease that pain. Comfort, support and understanding - that is all we can offer.
@smacksman (6053)
30 Nov 11
Trust me. Your children will experience this and trust me, you will eventually accept your own position. You notice I say 'accept your own position'. I did not say 'get over him' because if your feelings were really true then you will never get over him. What you must try to do is to accept the fact that you cannot have everything you want in life and move on. There are many lovely people out there who will return your affections. They may not be Mr. Perfect but they will be honest and true. I still have very loving feelings for one special girl in my life and that was 50 years ago! I have moved on, and so will you, but treasure those lovely memories.
• Philippines
1 Dec 11
You know what makes it hard? Well, I already have a boyfriend now but whenever I think of that certain guy, I feel uneasy towards my current relationship. I kind of miss him. Well, my boyfriend now is very kind and very loyal and he is a perfect boyfriend, if one will ask me so thinking about the guy is ruining me. And I am not even thinking about him in purpose. He just suddenly pops in my mind. This is really hard. I try not think of him but he is just there inside my mind.
• Philippines
29 Nov 11
Haha, I wish my children and grandchildren (when the time comes) will not experience this. This is not a happy place to be at. And yes, unless you have experienced the same kind of thing, you would not understand how the person truly feels. Right now, all I want is to get over him and my thoughts and move forward.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
1 Dec 11
I have had that feeling before. Actually I am currently in that situation. It sucks! I can look at him though. I talk to him all the time. I am just not able to tell him how I feel about him because ...well....I am chicken.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
3 Dec 11
Unfortunately I work with him though so at times it can be a distraction.
• Philippines
4 Dec 11
Well, at least you have a chance to know him more
• Philippines
1 Dec 11
Good for you you can see and even talk to him all the time. At least you have a chance to get over him.
@tessa9 (1085)
• Philippines
29 Nov 11
There were a couple of times that I fell for a couple of guys hard. There was this one guy who I thought I really love. He was amazing. he is tall, smart, well mannered, God fearing, polite and not to mention very good looking. The problem was he have a girlfriend. I know that he really loves her and she loves him back. It is really hard. It hurts like hell but I try to look at the bright side (after a couple of days of crying over him). I will just think that at least a guy like him actually exist. It makes me hopeful that there are plenty of guys like him and someone will be for me.
• Philippines
1 Dec 11
OMG. That is exactly like him. Tall, smart, well-mannered, God fearing, polite and yes, very much good looking. ^^
@boyuancy (1708)
• India
2 Dec 11
Unfortunately I have felt and had this feeling multiple times. I had a crush/infatuation on this girl who was my senior for about 4 straight years. I could have talked to her and she would give me signals at first but then I ruined it. Recently, I saw this amazing girl of my kind. She was the perfect one as you would say for me. But I am too judgemental of myself. As you said, I thought she was outta my league, she looked and behaved RICH, she was very good looking and donno what not. In the end I did not even talk to her and I have been a wreck since.
• Philippines
3 Dec 11
Well, slowly, I think we will learn how to let go of the people that make us miserable (not by their intent). Personally, I am slowly coping up though there are really times when I still can't help but think about him.
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
28 Nov 11
Hi miss... I've not had such experience, but I was intensely in love with a lady who left me all of a sudden... I'm yet to recover fully out of it... Next time when that Prince arrives near you, stop treating him as a Prince. That treatment only makes you nervous and leads to no-communication... Look unless you talk to him, it'd not work.. Right?
• Philippines
29 Nov 11
Oh, I am sorry to hear about the girl who left you. It must be more difficult to handle than this delusion. I don't know if there will be next time for me though. I haven't seen him for the past 2 years and I don't know if I will ever see him again. It's kinda complicated. He's a friend of one of my friends and my friend and I don't communicate anymore so...
@sajujohn (1004)
• India
28 Nov 11
For the past two weeks I have been going through this situation. I only know how bad it is. I have to say a lot to her but when she call me or text me, am absolutely blundered don't even know what sholud I say, my head head goes completely out of function. Sometimes I'll cry with so much depression. I'm it will be such desperate situation to you all.
• Philippines
29 Nov 11
Yes, I even cried because I felt so helpless. I wanted him to like me too. I even prayed that I could settle with just a friendship. I mean I could be a friend, if it means I could get near him.
@jricky1 (6798)
• China
28 Nov 11
I do have such feelings when i was younger.I thought that i can't control it and it makes me feel unreal.I feel sad that i can't reach the one i want to to see,sometimes i think it's pathetic.But now i realize that i just need to listen to god and he will conduct me to be a positive person.Have a nice day.
• Philippines
29 Nov 11
Hi jricky! Maybe you are right. Maybe I should just stop thinking about him and ask God to help me out instead, don't you think? I just hope he disappears from my thoughts. I miss him so bad :(
@Mashnn (4501)
28 Nov 11
Sorry for that, it has not happened to me. What I know about such false beliefs is that those affected believe that they are in love with a stranger or a famous person but in real sense it is just a delusion. The other person don't care or love you at all. This in psychiatric is called erotomania and it is a problem. I suggest that if you cannot get rid of it and it bothers you, then you better seek help. It can be quite bothersome sometimes.
• Philippines
29 Nov 11
Hello Mashnn, Thanks for the info about erotomania. It really helps when we know that there is a certain "name" to a thing that we experience. It would be easier for us to study ourselves thus easier for us to find a solution or cure to the problem. I will surely research on that keyword. Hopefully I will find a way to stop this delusion. TO ALL: Sorry, my discussion post is so full of grammatical errors. _
28 Nov 11
Oh sweety , You fall in love with some body and you said you can not reach him . I do not think so , you should take more time with him and let him know you like him . IF he is not take you as his princess , let him go . Then we can start a new one , you know ,none is perfect . So ,let it be .
• Philippines
29 Nov 11
Hello Leon, You are right. It is not really that I cannot reach him, I can definitely reach him if I wanted to but I am not yet that insane to reach him. Haha. It's not like I could just go to him and talk. As I have said I cannot even look at him straight in the eye. Oh, if this is only a person who is on my league it would be so much easier.
@sam023 (42)
28 Nov 11
Yes i've been there a lot of times , so much times that i forgot about pain and now it makes me happy to love smne knowing he's out of my league or just with someone else..
• Philippines
29 Nov 11
That is exactly what I want to find out now. I wish he is already married so I would stop this delusion. If he is married, maybe my mind will stop feeding me ideas that we could be together. Knowing that he is happy elsewhere will definitely stop my insanity.