On the A/B Borderline for Final Grade
By megamatt
@megamatt (14291)
United States
November 28, 2011 9:14am CST
I have had my share of As and Bs. I don't mind getting a B. However, I think the thing that frustrated me, when is when I was at the borderline. Where I was as little as a tenth of a percentage. I mean, I had my finger tips on the top grade in the class, but it was snatched away at the last minute. If only I had gotten one more question right on that final exam I would have had it. In some ways, it's worse than failing. Not that failing isn't bad, but seeing that you nearly missed one letter grade by the skin of your teeth. I think some of my more frustrating grades was when I got really high B letter grades, where I barely missed getting an A. I was above average, but I was so close to being excellent. I can't have been the only one to have ever missed so closely.
2 responses
@NIECIE21 (365)
• United States
28 Nov 11
This has happened to me once or twice before. And your right, it can be more upsetting than if you failed the class. At least if you failed, then you know that you did badly in the class. But to miss getting an "A" by so little really gets to me. Missing that one question or what ever annoys me...and even more so since you know there is one question you got wrong that you KNEW the correct answer to.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
28 Nov 11
Indeed, especially when it's that one question that you blank on and put the right answer, but it hits you like three hours after the exam is over. That is really frustrating. And when you realize that a moment of going blank is the one reason why you missed it and you knew what is correct, but your brain failed you, it is so annoying.
Failure is bad, but at least you know that likely you really did mess up in a big way full stop in that class. A little miss however, you rack your brain for pretty much all of the ways you might have gone wrong. You are forever banging your head against the wall. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@dellessimon45 (710)
• United States
29 Nov 11
This can be very frustrating and I've had similar remorse with previous report cards! Lately, a nice portion of my professors have been giving me like 88s and 89s on my final grade and its really starting to piss me off! I turn in all my work, ace quizzes, and practically ace tests and projects too but for some reason my grade never seems to remain at an A or above for grading reports!
Its makes me very upset and sometimes I get relatively frustrated at the fact that I fall so short, so suddenly, so often! 

@megamatt (14291)
• United States
29 Nov 11
It can be really frustrating for sure. It's not like there is any lack of effort. It is just for some reason, I have the brass ring right above my hand. It is right up there, taunting me, teasing with that potential grade. It is so close, so close that I cam almost taste it. It is just right in my grasp and it just gets the rug pulled right out from underneath me.
If was just a bit further away, like maybe another point or two, it would not bother me. Yet when it is so close yet so far, that just raises the level of frustration beyond things that you would not be above. I guess that it is just impossible to get an A with some teachers. It did seem that way during my school days. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.