The Christian Bible
By bestboy19
@bestboy19 (5478)
United States
13 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
28 Nov 11
Because it is inspired by God and perhaps because it is philosophically profound
all the best urban
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
29 Nov 11
The Bible is the word of a god because the Bible says it is. Huh?
@urbandekay (18278)
29 Nov 11
Jack, yes as I said I was just offering an opinion here, speculating as you yourself have done here
all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
28 Nov 11
Well, of course it is an opinion but one shared by a great many of the people. But the question asked for a possible explanation and that is what I offered and, I may add, it is an opinion shared by some thinkers of renown
all the best urban
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@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
28 Nov 11
Because it's written in boring, cryptic language that many can't understand, especially children, and many don't read it, especially if they have already been told what it says, and it discourages science, which may lead those who believe it to change their views.

@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
29 Nov 11
You're not suggesting that theology is a science, are you?
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
29 Nov 11
I'm saying theology and science are two different subjects. You said the Bible discourages science. If theology is the study of God and/or religion, how does that discourage science?
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
29 Nov 11
Since the Bible is a book of theology, could you explain how it discourages science?

@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
4 Dec 11
Because it isn't a book of stories written by men. It is the word of God.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
3 Dec 11
This is what I was told, that the Christian Bible is not the true word of god because in it, women are second class people, wives are ordered to submit to their husbands, and god throws his children into a fiery pit if they disobey him. I was told this is not god; therefore, the Bible can't be his word. The real god loves all his creation unconditionally and teaches us through many lives by returning to us our own actions. The real god wouldn't behave so monstrously as the god of the Bible. Therefore, it has to be mankind who wrote it.
So, I'm asking how a book of man made stories could have such a profound affect on so many people. Why is it banned in many countries, why do men of science shake their fist at it, why do some say all manner of evil against it, and why do so many love it, if it is only a book of stories written by mankind?
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
29 Nov 11
Every book is written by mankind, so everyone shouldn't take it too seriously, just read it, if you dislike what is written in the book, just thrown it aside, there is nothing to go for it or against it. If you believe there are indeed words inspired by God, then that is fine, if not, forget about those words. Don't need to take those words too serious that one need to kill innocent people to prove the points like some followers on religions of the book did. If people think they are just story about a place or a person, nothing great about them, that is perfectly fine and alright for Christians. 

@lampar (7584)
• United States
29 Nov 11
My take on this is like this, every followers of the book always take their "holy" book too serious, sometime they just become so irrational that they truely believe that they are living in a surreal world instead of a real world situation where many factors had changed over the years or century are not taken into consideration. Many of them continue referring to their holy book to demand full compliance from non believers of the book regarding doctrine and teaching or even using fairy tale to argue against a point. That is why many issues facing our present world can't be solved by religion leaders at all, except create more controversy and deepen the problem. I assume every holy book set itself apart from other books not just the bible, most of the religion leaders want to be number 1 top seller in the world, that is the main reason. You should take it with a grain of salt in your pursuing of truth. 

@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
3 Dec 11
Should I also take, with a grain of salt, the opinions of someone who doesn't take religion seriously and therefore knows little or nothing about it?
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
29 Nov 11
"Every book is written by mankind, so everyone shouldn't take it too seriously..." But that is just it. The Bible is taken seriously both for it and against it. The Bible has been taken seriously for centuries, and continues to be taken seriously. Many have risked their lives to smuggle Bibles into countries where it is forbidden. That is how serious they are to get it into the hands of all men, and that is how serious these nations leaders are that their people not have Bibles.
You may have a take it or leave it attitude, but there are many who do not. So what sets the Bible apart from other books that have been written by mankind?
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
29 Nov 11
Jazzyrae, why do you feel it's important to be lead to Christ?

@befrindwithme26 (5805)
• Philippines
28 Nov 11
The Bible is truthfully said that it is inspired,In the KJV version 2tim3:16 All Scriptures is given by inspired by God.
God use the save people to Write down His Word move by the Hoy Ghost.2 peter 1:20,21.
All scripturers preserve by God Psalms12:6,7.
God working this miracolously so that is why the Bible is here today..
The problems of people ,chaing,adding,subtraction what the Bible is said.They change into any wrong interpretation.
Many are confuse because of Satan blinded people ,and not willing too ask God seriously but just to argue,trouble their own thinking questioning that does not exist or etc..

@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
29 Nov 11
befrindwithme26 interesting. We can know that the Bible is the inspired word of a god because the Bible says so. This is a bit like believing that the local village idiot is king of the world because they say so.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
30 Nov 11
No Chiang you believe the Bible is inspired by God if that makes sense to you.If it makes sense to you that the local village idiot to be king of the world you will believe he is the king of the world.
Residual you make some dangerous statements.Like Constantine had the bible changed.Who told you that ? Just because your church teaches you that it doesn`t mean it`s true or it`s not the truth for all of us.Constantine made christianity legal and later he became christian but how do you know he changed the bible or we are worshiping the "sun god " ? Just because another church invented more than 1000 years after Constantine lived told you that ?
Do you think all the people before your church was invented will go to hell because they believed something wrong but 1500 years after Christ someone made the real church ? Someone made the real church out of what ?
also what is the difference between the word mammon and riches or money ?mammon means a little more,it means the material world.Just because someone thought "ok people are dumb and they don`t know what mammon means,let`s write money or riches " it doesn`t mean they tell you the only truth.One who knows what mammon means understands the same thing or even more.
There is no "real church".It`s all "politics" and probably if they ask you to pay them 10% of what you earn they are a scam scheme not a church.
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
29 Nov 11
God is clever, but not dishonest. - by Einstein, Albert.
We are all spiritual. We all do know we are all spiritual. Even on different kinds of religions we know and even on very ancient civilizations, we are all spiritual. And, God is spiritual. Therefore the Bible was made through spiritual experiences. The Bible are the collections of interpretations by humans of God's divine manifestations and interventions to humans through spirituality dimension.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
30 Nov 11
Because the Collection of fiction stories that many of them where more than likely older than the written text as many early civilizations retold history and beliefs through word of mouth before ever writing it down. The big thing that helped spread Christian belief is when it took over the Roman Empire near the end of its life and then the Roman Catholic Church controlled its distribution making sure that only a few could actually read it. They controlled the people with it.
Now to your question it is because it was engrained in to our society since the Dark Ages. It has been in their as just a belief a very powerful one as it allowed for 5 Holy Wars during the Dark Ages called the Crusades.
in more modern times it is used for justification of mass genocide and murder. As well as the destruction of reasoning and logic within society by large.
Religion and the Bible is an Opiate for the masses to all get high on.

@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
4 Dec 11
The bible does not condone genocide and murder. It was the Catholic Church of that time that condoned the crusades.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
3 Dec 11
I know that the church allowed for Crusades during the Dark Ages, but how did the Christian Bible? I have read it, and don't remember anything about going to war against those of other faiths? How has it been used to justify mass genocide and murder? How has it destroyed reasoning and logic? These blanket statements of yours need explaining.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
29 Nov 11
How do we know that the Bible is the words of a god? Any good Muslim will tell you that the Qur'an is the words of a god. How do we know which is and which isn't or are they the words of two separate gods?
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
1 Dec 11
is the Muslim Religion subdivided also to a different Muslim Religions under Qur'an????
for what i know is the teachings of the Holy Bible teaches the members to subdivided their faith to different Christian Religions
and you can't marry that Born Again Christian Girl if the Boy is not converted to Born Again Christian too from a Roman Catholic Religion...
@Xansus (946)
• Bulgaria
28 Nov 11
Well easy people want to believe and they believe :)
I'm not against the teaching of the bible but i'm not really in to you know "Invincible might hand in the sky that created the world and control your life" .
I'm not telling anyone what to believe , universe is vast and all kind of life forms might exist (i believe in that cuz their existance can be similar to the existance of humanity) but believe in someone creating the universe humans and some of the fantasy stuff in the bible that was written .
God might exist i dont deny it but i prefer not to believe blindly .
I think that helping people and caring for others is one of the things the books teach you and its right about it and very usefull . I find the Sins discribed in the bible to be very .. well i hate to use the word Humane (cuz humans are not good but lets believe that :P - we are just destroying race not only nature planet animals but us too but this is other topic)
So in teachings the book is ok , but believing blinly is your choice :) And if you have proof for yourself then its ok but as long as u cant show it to us there is no way we start believing in such tails :)
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
29 Nov 11
What do you mean "easy people"? Do you mean people without worry, who are comfortable, not stiff, or strict? Could it be what they have learned from the Bible that makes them easy?
How do you know the Bible says God created the world?
"I'm not telling anyone what to believe , universe is vast and all kind of life forms might exist (i believe in that cuz their existance can be similar to the existance of humanity)...God might exist i dont deny it but i prefer not to believe blindly." Aren't you believing blindly when you say you believe there might be other kinds of life form?
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
29 Nov 11
I have read it and am reading it now. There are many who believe, as I said, that it is merely stories written by mankind. If it is, as they have suggested, how and why would it be so loved or hated throughout the centuries? When "Gone With the Wind" was published, it was a sensation. People couldn't get enough of it, but like all books, after a while it lost its appeal and people move on to other things; but the Bible continues to stir people for it and against it. This is what I'm asking. Why, if it is merely stories like a fairy tale book, would it have such an affect on people? Why has it stood the test of time? What sets it apart from other storybooks?
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@Jhovarie (1168)
• Philippines
28 Nov 11
bible has many according to, according to, according to and many of Christian just listen to their pastor or priest with out reading their bible or understanding it.
i hope this video is interesting about holy book debate.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
29 Nov 11
You are right, there are many who leave the study of the Bible to their pastor or priest and as a result, don't entirely know what it truly says, but only someone's interpretation of it. Even with that, it still has an affect on them. Why else would they keep coming back?
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