phhysical n mental....

November 29, 2011 6:36pm CST
guys ,,,have u ever had a thought that mind and body are two different things living together...i mean the interests of mental and the physical body may differ... In this case mind tries to win over physical body...if for some reasons(say because of laziness or some other body pleasures),physical body comes out to the winner ..then mind gets hurt...its kind of,,there will be quarelling between mind and the physical body.... i've recently read it somewhere ..its cool ..isn't it??
2 responses
@Furyoku (26)
30 Nov 11
Yes, the strong mind is very important because it will effect to effect to other physical part. But if you have weak body but strong mind you can still fight. and if you have strong body but weak mind, you're still considered as weak.
30 Nov 11
Wow , I never heared that before . How can you think about this . I mean ,the body should work for the mind . hehh , I do not know either . Maybe some times the body out of control .