in which it is better to listen to the mind or heart?

November 30, 2011 3:41pm CST
Hello friends wonder what is good to hear that your heart or mind. a heart that knows you love him but my mind says no it is not for you. I do not know what to listen to what my place will listen to your heart or mind!
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12 responses
@menzis00 (273)
1 Dec 11
From my experience, listen to your mind, if you listen to your heart you usually end up hurt. At least that was for me, everytime I would think with my head later it would be proven that I chose the right thing before, so I always listen to my mind ( when it works of course, sometimes your mind just doesn't work and your heart runs the body, that's also when you usually in the end end up hurt)
• Bulgaria
2 Dec 11
oh that would really help me. definitely you after a while you understand that this was correct. this is great to use it that your method. Many thanks for advice and answers. nice day!
• Bulgaria
4 Dec 11
to right. This is quite true. I agree with you. Perhaps this is the only site that helps us to talk freely about most things and share experiences. thank you very much for your attention. nice day!
@menzis00 (273)
2 Dec 11
No problem, that's why MyLotters are here, to help each other in troubles. Anyway, there are people who listen to their hearts and are going really fine in their lives, I'm not saying that's wrong, but for me mind proved to be way more efficient.. Have a nice day too:)
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@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
1 Dec 11
I do know what you mean. It is like love and realistic goals. Certainly we want love always but we also need to face the world and for that we need determination, money and money and of course money. Enough said about that, I think we can be in love and yet not be compatible with the same person. Relationships are hard work under the best of conditions. These are not easy decisions if we are required to make a decision, I guess we need both our mind and our heart in our decisions.
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• Bulgaria
1 Dec 11
to right. It is very difficult. when making decisions terrible because as I now do not know what to listen to you heart mind you. one says one thing and another conflict. I know there must be some balance and that balance is gone now and it's hard but not how. Thanks for the reply. nice day!
• Bulgaria
2 Dec 11
not entirely true. I alone must decide what is right for me. choice is difficult but as you say is just mine. Thank you. nice day!
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
2 Dec 11
I wrote this for you Who are you? You know me I’m you How can that be? I was always here In me you put you So what do i do? You decide I can’t? Then don’t Then what? You will know I’ll go And be here when you get back
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
30 Nov 11
I think it is good to listen to a little bit of both but mainly to that little inner voice which I believe is a guiding nudge to be careful...
• Bulgaria
30 Nov 11
very true of both less will be much better. because if you listen to only one means or leave it or be with him. it is best so. Thanks for the advice that is useful is nice day!
@naseemkum (1803)
• India
1 Dec 11
No ur little bit confused as mind and heart are same to be discussed at same time. Its said to be brain or heart/mind because brain knows which is wrong or right to ourself. But heart or mind always wants to distract and convince as to do such things which is not possible so better its ur choice to hear ur heart or ur brain to do good things.
• Bulgaria
1 Dec 11
not always when it comes to feelings is very difficult. we can not decide what is right and what is not. It is very difficult this decision. to know as yet to be resolved. nice to be able to do only good. Thank you for your attention and response. nice day!
@aprilsong (1884)
• China
2 Dec 11
Hi,we should listen to both of mind and heart. There are so many stories about a person falls in love with another person desperately. Even they don't match well in others' eyes, including their parents' eyes. The couple think they can conquer all the hardship and can have a happy marriage. But the result shows they are wrong. After the romantic period of falling in love, there are so many real troubles they must resolve in their marriage. The trouble and hardship wear them out, the love also disappears little by little. All these stories show that a marriage that has not others' blessing won't be happy. Of course there are lots of other stories. The couple listen to their mind, and they match very well in the eyes of others. Their income, family backgrounds, heights are all well matched. Everybody thinks they will be happy. But they are not, because they don't follow their hearts. They don't love each other deeply. So to have a happy marriage, we need to listen to both our minds and hearts.
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• Bulgaria
2 Dec 11
I totally agree with you. this is very correct. must listen and mind and heart must have something in common between them. as you say there are many stories but there is one. to have shtastriv near each connection must have one blanas between heart and mind. must have understanding and harmony. Thanks for the reply. nice day!
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
1 Dec 11
Hi nezavisima, heart is a organ of our body. Mind is abstract form of our feelings. So we should listen to mind of someone.
• Bulgaria
2 Dec 11
Oh to be so. though hell should have a so-called balance between heart and mind must still listen to both. because each of them advise feelings. Yet you are doing. Thanks for the reply and advice. nice day!
@markphil (285)
• Philippines
2 Dec 11
I always prefer to listen to my mind, this is because the mind is the highest part of the body which means that God placed this on top to be the decision maker to all the aspects we encounter in life.
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• Bulgaria
2 Dec 11
Good to you only as a friend. Indeed, it is better to listen to reason because it is very huavo. so from making mistakes. Thanks for the advice and answers. nice day!
• United States
30 Nov 11
In my experience there is always a reason that your mind tells you something is not quite right. It is entirely possible to love someone that is not good for you. You can also know someone is perfect for you but the feeling of love is just not there. You should listen to your mind. If your mind is telling you that he is not right for you than you should try to understand why. Ask yourself what doesn't feel right. If you can't seem to figure it out than take a few days apart and give yourself some time to think about what makes you love him and what makes you question your compatibility.
• Bulgaria
1 Dec 11
very correctly. sometimes to tell us what the mind is not right. absolutely true. most well ask what I feel and not what you think. because sometimes emotions play a big role. Many thanks for the advice. nice day!
@tiina05 (2317)
• Philippines
30 Nov 11
hello, It is truly hard to listen in both if they have different opinion. I think you should listen to what each other feels and think. I mean your mind just dont want you to get hurt and heart is just loving someone which he thinks that he will love back. You dont have to be bias, you just have to be careful in choosing the right person for you.
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• Bulgaria
1 Dec 11
to determine the case. should be taken with these elections because it is difficult. And not to sow wow I'm still hurt. so much money you should have a balance and should be seriously considered because it is only my decision but not wrong. Thanks for the advice. nice day!
@boyuancy (1708)
• India
1 Dec 11
I think it is good to listen to your mind coz heart doesn't have the ability to rationalize. It can prove to be dangerous at times.
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• Bulgaria
2 Dec 11
to determine the case. Sometimes these things can be quite dangerous as they say. it is very important to have a balance between mind and heart because it is a difficult decision. Thanks for the reply and advice. nice day!
@yahnee (1243)
• Philippines
1 Dec 11
It is your happiness that is at stake when it comes to love. I know the feeling when the mind tells you "no it isn't right" but your heart wants you to keep on loving. The mind dictates but the heart feels the emotions. The mind does not fall in love, it is the heart that makes us feel this emotion. Would it be enough for you to follow what your mind says? Would you be happy doing so? Love has no boundaries,no questions,no doubts. Love is all about feelings and your mind can not do this for you.
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• Bulgaria
1 Dec 11
Love does not ask to come it invades your heart and you're beginning to feel loving feelings. if only because the mind is lead then May will have her love. tovaga will indeed be complicated. not now not yet have feelings and can be controlled by them. Many thanks for the reply Isa council. nice day!
@squallming (1775)
• Malaysia
30 Nov 11
Well, it has to be the perfect balance of both. If you follow your heart too much, you will do whatever that you feel like doing including all that fulfill your desire. Your mind however may act as filter in these situation. It tells you what can be done, what cannot be done and such.
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• Bulgaria
1 Dec 11
definitely need to balance between them and I now I have it. I think you just have to leave the current number of us to think and decide. It is hard but there are those sotuatsii in one's life. Thanks for the advice. nice day!
• Philippines
1 Dec 11
Hello my friend. I'm actually mind over heart. I was hurt a lot of times before so I choose to be more careful and wise about the decisions I make. But I still see to it that I take considerations to what my heart tells me. So I guess a balance heart and mind will take you into the happiest place you want to be. :-) Have a great day!
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• Bulgaria
1 Dec 11
Hello friends! many must have proper balance and can be happy. because there is no balance when we are confused. I think most importantly we want and what you feel. maybe a few days reflection will find the right answer. nice day!