First Rain on Month of May is a Sacred Holy Water, for EXORCISM?
By mantis36
@mantis36 (4219)
November 30, 2011 5:24pm CST
I've been fun of waiting for that Month of May comes,
until that i finally gather lots of pales of rains and store it,
keep it safe until the exact time comes....
First rain of May is considered as a Holy Sacred Water according to the Roman Catholics
and this is the best weapon to cure if someone is being possessed by an evil spirits or Satan...
if someone possessed by a demon evil spirit,
that devil can't receive a sprinkle of Holy Water
a bucket volumes of waters is all splashed to that person possessed by evil spirit and see to it if that devil can tolerate the pain of Nuclear Bombardment of pain in Holy Water....
Even the Provincial Quack Doctors (Albularyo) agree it...
and most of the Roman Catholics here in our place agree it....
is it true?
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