Is letting go easy for you?

@grace147 (223)
November 30, 2011 7:36pm CST
Hi all, i wanted to share this thoughts that I have about "letting go". I have a friend who have all the qualities that a perfect girl must have - beauty, intelligence and riches. I was just wondering why she cant keep a man for long. Just like changing a dirty shirt. I believe when we love we invest emotions and we care. And letting go for me is the hardest part to do. How about you, is it an easy thing to do?
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17 responses
@ygna21 (294)
• Bulgaria
2 Dec 11
Maybe she does choose the wrong man and when she realizes that it is not so hard for her to let go.I guess only she knows that. Letting go on something good,or better say something that used to be good is usually a hard thing to do.But it is just part of life.And letting go easy doesn't always mean there was no love or feelings.Some people just deal easier or don't show so much their pain.So it is different for everyone... Have a great day! :)
@cearn25 (3456)
• Philippines
2 Dec 11
I find it hard letting go. For me it is such a very hard decision especially when you love the person very much. Although I have done it many times to my boyfriend, I still go back to him because of love.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
2 Dec 11
Well with all those good qualities I believe she can't keep a man for some possible reasons. Either she herself is not serious when she enters a relationship and she is just really playing around, or she has not really found the right guy to love, or maybe despite all the good qualities in her the other important qualities in woman are not in her so men do not really care about keeping her. This goes to show that beauty, intelligence and riches are not assurance that a person is already perfect to be loved. As for me I only fell truly in love once in my life and that man I was able to keep till now. He is my my first and last boyfriend and my one and only husband for almost 27 years now. For this reason I can't really relate about letting go when it comes to a relationship because I was unable to experience such a thing at all. I fell in love with the right guy and I was blessed to keep him till now and by God's grace till the end of this life.
@Ollanna11 (371)
• United States
2 Dec 11
Hi grace147 Its unfortunate to hear your friend is going through lots of changes. I'm not sure why she can't stay in a relationship long. There could be a lot of factors to this cause. Speaking from experience the quality of the relationship determines the time it takes for me to get over someone. The men that treated me right are harder to get over. The ones that treat me like crap I couldn't wait to get rid of them.
• Philippines
1 Dec 11
Players are born now. Maybe she lost her love from the past that's why she keep acting like that.. I love deeply, for me its so hard to let go when I loved someone, Its really hard to move on and forget everything about him.
• Philippines
2 Dec 11
letting go depends on how much you invested to that person and how much you love him. for those who loved less or just playing with the relationship then it's easy but as for other who really take it seriously then it's not. personally, letting go is something i'm not good at but i'll be the best pretender in pretending that i've already let go and moved on. it's like acting. i don't want the whole world to know that i'm still in pain or that i still love the person. love is just like gambling that when you lose too much you just can't stop thinking on why did i gamble? now i lost everything.
@cheenlly (3476)
• Philippines
1 Dec 11
Letting go is always not easy, its a hardest thing to do especially if you love that person very much and that you created a lot of wonderful memories with taht person. Perhaps the girl you are talking about is not yet found the love of her life- i mean the one she is really looking for or we don't know what she is going through inside because there are people that are good in keeping the pain inside and not showing pain but deep inside she is hurting. Perhaps also she've been hurt before and that she need to be tough to find the right one for her. We can't really tell by just looking on outside because we don't really know what is she really feeling. Everything has a reason thats what i learn in this life.
• United States
1 Dec 11
It was hard for me to realize that my ex was gone. But with the help of my close friend I saw that it wasn't love and that is why it ended the way it ended. As soon as I saw the truth , it was an instant letting go. Getting over it fully took some time and some hard work. But it all paid off , I met the love of my life as soon as I finished mending. It is sooo hard to truly let go, but it is worth it .
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
1 Dec 11
maybe she has not found the love of her love yet. it is easy to let go when you really didn't have deep emotions for the person. maybe, it is all play for her, too.
@Gram13000 (443)
• United States
1 Dec 11
Letting go is easy for me. It is also healty to do in my opinion. If someone is adding stress to your life its a good idea to get away from them so that you can be happy. I will let go of alot for the sake of happiness.
@markphil (285)
• Philippines
1 Dec 11
It is just really easy to let go of someone that you have loved and gave almost what you can. At first, it would be really hurting but eventually you can still recover and move on with your life.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
1 Dec 11
It's not easy letting go of someone you truly love. That's if you TRULY LOVE the person. It takes a lot of time before you jump in to another relationship because we tend to develop fear in loving, sometimes. Maybe your friend don't know how to love truly yet. Maybe the guys she has were mostly jerks and that she hasn't really loved or felt loved yet. But surely, once she found someone she really love then only will she cry and will find it difficult to move on if the guy breaks up with him.
@reejuh (33)
1 Dec 11
Letting go is never easy if you still have feelings for the person. I have tried it once in my life but nevertheless it taught me a lot of things. As for your friend, maybe she is not yet ready for a long term love relationship.For this time, she might just be enjoying a good company of friends and acquaintances with guys. Later on, she will realize how much effort it is to love a person sincerely.
@menzis00 (273)
1 Dec 11
Before it had been a huge problem for me to let someone go, but now I see that everytime I connect to somebody and grow emotions to them they eventually hurt me or just leave..So I'm starting to be a little bit colder to persons, especially in the beggining until I get to know them better, then I can see if they're worth my time and emotions.. but even then when I know someone for a longer time it is really hard for me to let them go..
@aprilsong (1884)
• China
1 Dec 11
Well,i think for those who have pour their hearts and emotions when they love, let go is always a hard thing. As you have mentioned,i also have a college classmate who is so beautiful and in great curves. Well, she changed boyfriend every semester, without any sadness. I can't understand why these people can let go so easily, as though they are strong, but the reality, i think, is that they are not really loving the other person, they are just playing. well, i hope maybe one day, they are really falling in love with others, they will know what is pain.
@tessa9 (1085)
• Philippines
1 Dec 11
Do you mean letting go in terms of just letting a person because you no longer love them or do you mean letting go because of a heartbreak? Well both are not easy to me. I am not the type of person that wants and gets a boyfriend to break up with him that easily. I find it so hard to let go even if the guy hurt me. I don't really love easily but when I do, I give a lot of myself.
@Iemon1 (123)
• Singapore
1 Dec 11
Letting go was never an easy thing for me especially when that person have been with me for a long time.