People on Cell phones in Public

December 1, 2011 7:10am CST
I would like to know some of your thought on People talking on their cell phone in public-- Now I am not talking about everyone or that they should be banded.. But really some of the thing you hear-- Well for me sometime is TO MUCH INFORMATION! Just wonder what some of your thoughts were on this subject.
1 response
1 Dec 11
Heheh ,come on ,take it easy . Actually , I look down upon this kind of people . Donot be angry with this people or you will find you fell unhappy all day .hahhah
1 Dec 11
LOL was not saying I did not have respect for them .. But what about respect for the ones that have to listen to the foul language people use .. Just saying...
• United States
1 Dec 11
@leon923940426 I agree with Gavrilovich, and I don't think lgc1950 was angry in her posting (but I understand where she is coming from). It's noting but aggravating to be shopping with your family and come across someone talking loudly on their cellphones about offending subjects in detail. Doesn't that infringe on my rights as a bystander, who has no choice but to be subjected to this person's conversation that should honestly be kept behind closed doors? Don't get me wrong I'm not being rude or am I angry myself. I understand not letting things ruin your day, but people should have more respect for one another (both people on cell phone's and bystanders). It's a two way street.