Sometimes, the hardest part of writing is actually writing
By megamatt
@megamatt (14291)
United States
December 1, 2011 8:01am CST
There are times where we have all of the ideas in the world, but there are days where the bridge between our brains and the actual process of writing tends to be blocked. It isn't for the lack of the inspiration, the lack of ideas, it is just that our thoughts tend not to be translated. When our thoughts flow into actual writing, that is a rather sight to behold. However, there are days where I can come up with a hundred ideas but it's just nothing is flowing as I like. Thankfully this doesn't happen all that often anymore, but there was a time where it did happen a lot. And it frustrates me to no end the times it does.
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19 responses
@magickat (381)
1 Dec 11
Oh I couldn't agree more! Sometimes my brain is spilling over with thoughts and ideas but when I try to get them on paper (or on screen!)it just doesn't happen - or does not come out at all the way I want or imagine. It is extremely frustrating but I find the best thing to do is go and do something totally different for a while and come back to it later. Luckily this normally does the trick!
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
1 Dec 11
Doing something different does help. It tends to unclog the thoughts if nothing else. There is really no use in trying to force the issue, because in a battle, it is one that you will lose. So just step away, perhaps the inspiration is going to be be there more clearly a lot of the time at another time. But now is not the time for sure.
Just take a deep breath and be patient. Eventually, they will come but don't force it. In fact, they might be better at a later time once you've had more time to go over them in your mind. So perhaps that in some ways is our brain's way of just getting things right. Or it could be another way of frustrating us. Still doing something different helps. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@jeanneyvonne (5501)
• Philippines
7 Dec 11
I agree with all of you. Even though, I have a prepared outline, there are times when popped ideas come into my way. Not to mention, there are distractions and I am too weak to resists them. Sometimes, writing for me sometimes becomes stressful and toxic becuase it is very hard to point and express the message across.
writing does come easy after some time of relaxation but sometimes, it also does come to me in times of stress (like a eureka moment).
@Gram13000 (443)
• United States
2 Dec 11
Yes I know the feeling. Sometimes you just get writers block, or you get burned out from writing. When that happens its a good idea to stop writing for like a week or two and come back to it and you will be more inspired. Thats what I do hope this helps good day.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
4 Dec 11
I think the really bad cases of this mandate a week or two but I don't think it has ever hit me that bad. At least for a while. But I know people that is. Of course, stepping away from writing could present another problem and that I would be rusty at what I do. Granted, for some, it would be refreshing, but for others it might not be.
Still we all should really take a day off from writing or at the very least, stop trying to force the issue. That is really going to do more damage when you try and write when your mind just isn't functioning or in the writing mood. People really get themselves backed into a corner for sure. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
5 Dec 11
What is your opinion on writing even if it is garbage? I do that all the time.
Well, it does get me writing, yes the words are not going the way I want them to and what I want to write is really not going down the way I want. I can come back and just toss it or if I think I can do something with it make it work for me.
I've done this kind of thing with mixed results. Sometimes the work the next day gets better but I always shake my head and think why did I not write better in the first place and of course much of what you do can be deleted plus it is a lot of work!
The alternative is not to write giving yourself a break and megamatt/Gram you both commented well on this.
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
2 Dec 11
Oh can I relate to that. I just finished NaNoWriMo and my goal was to write 1750 words per day. Some days, I sat down and reached my goal in an hour. Other days, it would take me all day and I wouldn't always get to my goal. When I run into this situation, I just try to write anything, throw words onto paper, then I use the next day to edit the junk that I wrote the day before.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
7 Dec 11
Yeah there have been times where I have wrote, and was not really that pleased, so I just let it sit until the next day. Sometimes it was rather salvageable. Other times it was not so much so. There were just many times where even if I was happy with something on a day, I thought it was absolute garbage later. Which is another quirk of the writer.
There are days where I can write thousand and thousands of words, without really thinking too much about it. Then there are other days were less than a couple of hundred are going to be something that would be squeezed out. Such is the nature of writing. We have easy days and we have not so easy days. Thanks for responding. It is appreciated. Have a nice day.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
13 Dec 11
Indeed, I think that coming up of the ideas are the easiest part. Perhaps too easy and that really does tie into a problem. There are times where people tend to focus on one idea, but there are going to be another idea or two or three that are just begging to rather be elaborated on so yeah, that can rather be is going to be agitating for sure.
I think that when the ideas get flowing into coherent enough words, sentences, and paragraphs, it is really going to be something to behold for sure. It is just something that just puts me at ease and calms my mind. I rather enjoy writing but there are times where it does take a while to really get going. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@sijabatnaburjut (2171)
• Indonesia
2 Dec 11
I admit that writing is the hardest part of the work. I tend to write my ideas directly but my desire to write is blocked by the process of the writing. It is such a difficult time for me to pass through it. I did trying to think simply and put my ideas into words slowly and surely by obeying complex sentence and phrases as well. English language is my foreign language so you could imagine how it feel like when try to figure out my writing skill that isn't my own language.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
4 Dec 11
Of for sure, a language that you know well can have some issues when writing. Never mind one that is not your first language. It does add another potential layer or another chain to the problems. Still with each and every attempt, things may become slightly more easier, on that front at the very least. At least that is the theory to consider.
I think that there are times where the ideas will form after a while. I just really need to sit back and take a deep breath, really trying to twist the words out. In the end, it is best if things flow as best as you can. Otherwise, it will take a while for those words to be formulated well. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@thewonderboy (7501)
• India
2 Dec 11
I has faced this blockage many times in my life. I am well fluent with my mother tongue but still I find very tough to express my thoughts through my writing skill. I has got very god marks in my mother tongue language but still I find hard to write.
Really bridge between our brains and my mind are rally rooted at some times.
How to solve it ?
Many has told me many ideas including megamatt but it is not working.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
4 Dec 11
I think it is just one of those things, where we hope that things were going to clear up. There is really no magical method that works for everyone. I think that I found that out clearly and rather painfully a bit of the time. It is just one of those things where it either flows or it doesn't and hopefully things will improve as we gain more steam.
In the end, we can only cross our fingers and hope for the best. It does clear off a lot naturally for some than others. Hopefully that bridge gets less blockaded and things do flow better. It is a joy when it is and a frustration when it wasn't. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
4 Dec 11
It tends to be the nature of writing the words down on paper and getting those words to flow in a correct way. I think that one thing that I have realized is that there is a slight disconnect between what is going on in my brain and what is going to actually going to actually to go on paper. There are just some days where nothing is flowing correctly.
So yeah, it can be tricky when writing to actually write. There are times where it does frustrate me beyond all belief. There are just some days where it is easy and then there are other days where it is not so easy. Then again, that is just the nature of anything really. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
2 Dec 11
Lately, I have been there a lot. I have a million good ideas running through my head, but as soon as I try to put them on paper, the words just seem to get lost between my brain and my fingers. It is very frustrating...and very unproductive. I have and use many tricks that normally help me get past this, but lately, those aren't even working that well. I hope that because I am making more of an effort to get myself back in the swing of it all that I will get through this slump I seem to be in really soon. My family is depending on me.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
2 Dec 11
Hi Megamatt, I find the hardest part is the starting paragraph.
Once the first paragraph is done, the body of the text comes naturally.
I think we are still thinking at that time, and have not really finalized the format of the content.
After all, we can choose a thousand and one ways to write.
At times, I have to write, delete, write again, delete again, before finally deciding on a format.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
4 Dec 11
The starting paragraph can be harder. Now at one time, I had the bright idea to skip the starting paragraph and write everything else, before writing the beginning last. Of course, the thing is, you have to really start somewhere, no matter where you start. If you wrote the last sentence first, that is still a starting point for sure.
Also, sometimes it does take a bit to get the words flowing. It is like warming up a car on a cold day. It may take a bit of time for the engine to warm and the car to get going. As more words flow right onto the paper, things tend to get a bit better, as they are written more and more. At least that is the intention. Still starting paragraphs can be hard, mostly because of them making or breaking any work. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@craziestqueenever (1819)
• Philippines
1 Dec 11
I definitely agree with you! As what Gene Fowler said "Writing is easy what you have to do is sit down and let blood drop into your head". I wanted to be a writer but there is a part in me that is really troubled when it comes to writing. To be honest the main reason why I'm afraid to right its because I'm afraid that my reader will criticize me because of my English and my grammar as well. I've been trying to improve my writing skills.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
1 Dec 11
Oh for sure, there are just many obstacles of writing. There are always going to be times where I think that the way we write is going to be picked apart. In fact, I think that it could be picked apart by ourselves, later on, as we get better. There are some things that I wrote years and years ago that just make me want to cry but they were there.
But still we are going to push beyond those roadblocks. At least that is the intention. Sometimes it is more easier said than in fact done. Such is the nature of being a writer. There are many challenges and I don't think that many have realized all of the challenges that come with being any kind of writer in the end. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
1 Dec 11
Expressing ourselves is never easy. I think my problem in the beginning as a novice was purpose. I still feel this from time to time as a reason not to write. It is accepting the fact that my quality of my prose though it can always improve will never be where I would want it. I need to live with myself and I am hard to live with sometimes. 

@megamatt (14291)
• United States
2 Dec 11
Expression of ourselves can be rather hard for sure. I mean, the words are going to really seem nice and sound right in our head. But as we speak them or write them in any way, it just rather does not seem to be rather right. Now on another day, they might appear to be read a bit better. However on this day, it is really not going to be working a lot of the time.
In the end, there are going to be many moods. Where my writing tends to go through many stages. Where it is a bit harder to express what I am thinking more often than not. It can be quite a frustrating but such is the nature of a writer. That is just the way it is. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
1 Dec 11
It happens to me most of the time. And I agree, the worst is when we have so much ideas but we can't even put it into writing. We cannot think of a good way to start it or to make it more catchy. It happens to me every now and then..

@megamatt (14291)
• United States
2 Dec 11
It is often a bit of a headache trying to figure out where to start. We can start anywhere technically but that is a problem. It is almost like sometimes there are many ideas that are dueling for priority right inside the head. There are going to be many times where this occurs. It is great to have ideas but sometimes our focus becomes misdirected.
I am really glad that it doesn't happen too often to me. Or at least not as often as it used to in the past. Everything just tends to run so bland and rather just makes me frustrated when ideas tend to run a bit off balance such as this. It just really does lead to problems. But eventually things clear up. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@AuthorLaura (3)
1 Dec 11
I know how that is! I have written a book, and there were so many times I was frustrated because the words didn't come out as I wanted. I think it's something every writer goes through. But regardless, I really enjoy writing. It's one of my main hobbies. Like I said, I just wrote a book; it's now published. The name is "Grace Through Every Trial."
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
1 Dec 11
I think that to truthfully enjoy writing, we are going to go through periods of creative draught. Or rather the ability to properly mine our creative ideas properly. It is just something that we wish we could twist into something more useful. I think that I enjoy writing, but even the things we enjoy, we tend to bang our heads against the wall more often not.
Yet to see the finished product, whether published or not, it is just something to behold. To see that our creativity, as we write, as we were there every step along the way, through the journey, and it was not all good. But it was rather rewarding. Congratulations for getting published. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@Zticky (2)
2 Dec 11
it happens to me all the time, especially when i want to write in English because it's my 3rd language
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
4 Dec 11
Indeed, it happens to all of us I think. No matter what language. Although I can really see how tricky it would be writing in another language that we are not as accustomed to as our first. It is just one of those things where even with a language that is simple as breathing, there can be some difficulties where things do not flow right.
With a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, whatever language, yeah that can be a bit of a shock a lot of the time. Still it is valuable experience and practice for sure, even though if things do not really connect right as well. That is just a quirk of writing in general. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@ReViewMeMedia (3785)
• United States
8 Feb 12
I haven't written too much this year, although I really want to, I just get busy doing other things to earn online and I keep telling myself I'm going to write more reviews and then I want to do other things.
@sijabatnaburjut (2171)
• Indonesia
2 Dec 11
I admit that writing is the hardest part of the work. I tend to write my ideas directly but my desire to write is blocked by the process of the writing. It is such a difficult time for me to pass through it. I did trying to think simply and put my ideas into words slowly and surely by obeying complex sentence and phrases as well. English language is my foreign language so you could imagine how it feel like when try to figure out my writing skill that isn't my own language.
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
1 Dec 11
to the right.
is sometimes very difficult to write.
Rost because it evaporates from our head if we do not forget the thoughts.
This happened to me and I know what is.
and it seems awfully difficult.
we have thoughts ideas inspiration.
interesting discussion.
nice day!
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
1 Dec 11
Thoughts tend to come and go like you would not believe. Often times they stick with us for a while, growing and really shifting into something that we could really not have known in the past. There are just going to be a lot of times where the thoughts just get trapped, we are unable to translate them into actual words, the actual language we speak.
We can have a lot of inspiration. It is just the matter of challenging it properly. Which really can mean some trouble, more trouble than we could have ever guessed most of the time. It can be difficult but perhaps it does allow us a chance to fine tune everything and it could go for the better. Thank you for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@moneywinner (1864)
• Brazil
13 Jan 12
I know what you mean, it's so bad when this happen to me too. I know that in these days, I can sit in front of the computer or my notepad during hours and not write more than one paragraph. When I see that the work will not be productive, I just try to do something else, like watching TV, to see if this gets better.
@Ki1ljoy (11)
13 Jan 12
I had something like that happen to me before. It's like I feel that I can write anything I want in ten seconds flat but when I sit down in front of my pc...
Then it's like. Wait a second, I thought I had something here!
I had that happen to me like three times so far. I think it might be because some of the ideas(or most of them) have absolutely nothing to do with what I'm going to write.
The other thing is that part of me thinks that if I do write that stuff down I'll botch it and then it's curtains for whatever I'm writing.
The way I'm dealing with the fear of botching for now is to try to ignore that and write. Sure I might goof up a bit but if I don't write I'll never get it done and I'll go crazy.
Besides I feel better about the whole deal when it's written. It doesn't have to be perfect, if you can live with it then it's fine.
If however I'm not having that problem and it's the ideas that are driving me to distraction...
Then I tell a few of them to shut up and only pay attention to the ones that really matter. :)