All we need is for Someone to Agree.
By bird123
@bird123 (10658)
United States
December 3, 2011 1:00am CST
Religion is all about beliefs. As we all should know, beliefs aren't always true. Many, when confronted with beliefs say they require proof. Funny, instead of searching to discover the truth for themselves, many simply depend on the proof from others. If one really cares about truth, wouldn't one search for the truth themselves, regardless of what others say?? Instead, isn't it more about wanting to be right than the truth??
So everyone fights for their beliefs until someone discovers someone else who believes as well. Suddenly, the picture changes. If we have others that believe as we do, can we then proclaim our beliefs to be true?? I think not!! Many are doing this even today, If one really wants truth, one must search out for themselves, otherwise they just have beliefs, not truth!! Which do you really value, Beliefs or the truth??
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12 responses

@urbandekay (18278)
4 Dec 11
Please read more carefully, you said, "Religion is all about belief" the operative word being 'all. Religion is not all about belief.
A second point is that faith is not belief, it is not even like some super strong version of belief. It is a difference of kind not of degree, that you confuse the two demonstrates you have not understood what faith is.
all the best uban

@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
3 Dec 11
If you make a blanket statement as though it's fact, you have the burden of proof. Otherwise all you've stated is your beliefs.

@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
4 Dec 11
If I have a particular belief, it's not because some though just popped into my mind. Either someone or something or maybe both has persuaded me with convincing evidence. Now, if someone comes along and tells me that what I believe is wrong, I have to say to that person, "Prove it."
I'm not going to do your work for you. If you want me to believe what you believe is the truth, you're going to have to convince me with something more than your say so.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
5 Dec 11
I see you still do not understand. I don't want you to believe. I want you to search for the truth instead of waiting for it to come to you via a good sales pitch or through the beliefs of others. Stand on your own two feet. You should never be satisfied with beliefs.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
3 Dec 11
Any statement or any proof I claim to make will still be a mere belief until you, yourself actually discover the proof for yourself. If you do not seek that proof for yourself then you value only beliefs. Can you really rely on all the beliefs of others?? I won't therefore I do search for truth. When I give truth to the world, the test is who wants to determine that truth for themselves. You see, we are all making our choices on what we value. Many value only beliefs. Further, many come back with all kinds of so called proof dressed up as a sales pitch only to convince rather than prove. Some feel glory in the convincing. Seems like a very shallow goal in life. Still it is up to each of us to discover the truth for ourselves and not depend on the beliefs of others. I will do my best to point those in a direction by which it is possible to discover such truth for themselves. It will always remain up to each of us to find the proof.

@taheraa (1545)
• Giza, Egypt
4 Dec 11
Beliefs of some thing has been different from one to other, because everyone think that they are reach from their knowledge to the truth. And by the time, they found that they are wrong, and what they are belief has been proved as an untrue. and on the other hand unbelief of something can be realized in future that we should have to belief.
So, by reading more and more, discussion and their observation for some events which has been realized an front of their eyes, get the majority of human people believe in their religion which has been sent by their God, and prove before many many years ago, the truth of that events.
Truth are the fact that all people should believe sooner or later.

@taheraa (1545)
• Giza, Egypt
5 Dec 11
From many century, people think that their earth which they living on are a plan shape, because they see that as a fact as far as they travel between their countries. So, they be sure and belief that earth is a plan shape. But after Ebn Batota famous journey which started from some point on the earth and ended by the same point, he was discovered, that seen could not be happened except earth has the spherical shape.
Also after manufacture the plane which get easy for anyone to see clearly the true spherical shape of our earth. What I say before, can be realized if people had been believed on Their God who create them and sent the holly Book to his profit Mohamed to get them all facts and guide them to their life right way.
Belief in our God should correct any other beliefs.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Dec 11
Why would you think Mohamed is more special than you?? Why doesn't God bring you a book to spread?? God places all the knowledge out there. It's up to each of us what we choose to discover. If we value beliefs over truth, our knowledge will always end up lacking.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Dec 11
Beliefs abound all over the world. Since God is educating His children through their free choices, the system moves toward advancement and truth. Many hold onto their beliefs for dear life refusing to discover the truth. This does not matter because there will always be someone hungry for knowledge and truth. Discovery brings things out in the open for all to see. It's just like you said. One day truth will stare you in the face. What will one choose to do then??? Everyone learns at their own pace, however we all learn regardless of how stubborn we are. Maybe in time, we will choose to make it easy on ourselves.

@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 Dec 11
"If one really cares about truth, wouldn't one search for the truth themselves, regardless of what others say?? Instead, isn't it more about wanting to be right than the truth??" I find your statement to be odd. If right means "correct," and truth means "established fact," where is the argument? What are you suggesting the believer is saying, "It's my belief that this established fact is correct"?

@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
6 Dec 11
I'll have to ask you what the established facts or truth is, since you are the one who said,"... isn't it more about wanting to be right than the truth??" Since right means correct and correct means true, how do you make the argument that being right is any different from the truth?
I know the expression "horse's mouth". I wasn't insulted.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Dec 11
Just who is establishing those facts?? You or do you rely on others to tell you what are the facts?? Bestboy19 exists. That is a fact based on the fact that I am receiving comments on MyLot. I am also gathering facts from every comment bestboy19 makes. This is not hearsay. These facts are directly from the horse's mouth. Not that you are a horse, bestboy. It's just an expression.

@Danzylop (1120)
• Philippines
4 Dec 11
Got a little bit confused. Is your question "Belief VS Truth" suggests scientific explanations in favor of truth? and Belief through faith?
I have read a short story. and read it from this link:
It is fun. take time and read it. :))
@vandana7 (101605)
• India
4 Dec 11
I agree. But if god could not create the perfect person who would not revolt against him, then why is it expected of humans to be perfect or to try to be perfect? Satan was created by god. Humans were not given power to demolish Satan. I think it is unfair. It is like making a helpless child stand before Osama Bin Laden.

@JER616 (545)
• Philippines
3 Dec 11
The truth is more valuable than beliefs IF such truth is founded on what the Bible says because God's words are truth themselves. (John 17:17)
If beliefs conform to Biblical truth, then such belief won't anymore be a belief but a fact as this is supported by the Bible.
As such, we need to search the truth from the Bible. If a man speaks from the Bible, you won't find iniquity from what he says. (John 7:17-18)
Test this man if he says the truth:
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
3 Dec 11
Smilingjack, are you saying the Bible contradicts itself or science or both?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
3 Dec 11
jer616. How can you say for a fact that the bible is God's words?? Did God tell you this or do you depend on mankind and those writers who claim they were inspired? Sounds like blind faith when one says truth can only be truth if it conforms to the bible. Truth depends on nothing but itself. Indeed, it's time to question the bible and everything in it.
smilingjack, you are right. Blind faith is very bad. We must never reach a point where beliefs become more valuable than facts. Science questions even after they have proof. That is something religion does not do. Being willing to search for answers,to question everything, and correct the mistakes is the path to the real truth. Beliefs might point the direction,however we must all continue to search for the facts.

@vandana7 (101605)
• India
3 Dec 11
Bird, I just explained something about religion and beliefs to one of my good friends :)
Ok here is the repeat.
Children are told right and wrong in a very simple way. They wouldnt understand words like adultery, pedophile, and rape. However, they can understand robbing, and killing. So they know what is right and wrong only to that extent.
They come across a person who robs. Obviously they are going to say the person is wrong. But there might be some valid reason for the person to "rob", a reason that justifies such robbing, at least for a short while. But the child would say this person robbed - effectively wearing "You are wrong" attitude.
Now, the child comes across a situation in which he or she has to compromise on values. Of course, he has a choice. But the other end is not desirable at all. Therefore, child compromises. Now he gets dejected - thinking all that he knew so far is wrong. Effectively, he has reached a state in which "I am wrong" rules.
Finally, he come across situations in which right can become wrong, and wrong can become right. This is when he understands that action is different from him.
Belief and quest for truth are part of this journey. At each stage, a person believes. But eventually, truth pulls the person out and takes him to the next stage.

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
3 Dec 11
Vandana7, Society will protect itself from crimes that will hurt others. You are right about moral right and wrong not always having the clear defined line that religion places on it. This can leave some confused about their worth. God's way is the best way to teach without all the judgment calls that change the picture for so many. When our actions return to us in time, we know clearly what the right choice is. People can use all kinds or words and speeches, however until one actually lives their actions, they can never know for sure.
smilingjack, yes, the laws and rules that society imposes should be made by a large group of many instead of a few or a religion. Clearly the more views people have, the better those laws will be. Regardless of what mankind does, God's children will all understand their actions in time. It's the gift of Knowledge.

@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
5 Dec 11
Hi bird: I think I know what you mean. So many people and we are not talking only about religion, think they are right. There's nothing wrong about truly believe that what you think is truth. The problem is when intolerance comes accross and pwople want to force people to belive on their same values. That's terrible for dialogue. The problem for me is how some people feel the need to make everyone exactly the way they are.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Dec 11
You are right. There are many things in the bible that are good common sense. On the other hand, if your logic doesn't see that much does not add up,perhaps it's time to question your own logic. Is there really nothing you see that even makes you question??
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
19 Dec 11
Many people believe that when there are more people agreeing then it must have been the truth. Just as when people are trying to invest, they would search who had invested before them. So this belief is being used by all the sellers. They will promote their products citing that this celeb or this politician does it. Maybe if it also use by the religion sellers?

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
19 Dec 11
I think you are right. Sounds like the pack mentality. People believe safety in numbers. Of course, if one runs off a cliff, they all will. I could never be that way. I just have to think things through. Good thinking jennyze. I had not thought about pack mentality. It is a factor. 

@BLTLife (337)
• United States
7 Dec 11
Have you ever heard of epistemology. I suggest you read this and think about it. If not then please look into it yourself. It may or may not help you.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 Dec 11
I must admit. These people are trying their best to put their thumb on it. Without greater vision like God has, I can't know all the reasons people have for justification their beliefs are the truth. I also understand mankind carries a very limited view, That is the first thing God showed me. People think they have the truth and actually justify it. Since everyone carries a limited view, one must always question truth especially when new informations supplies new possibilities. I have supplied these possibilities unconditional solely for the purpose that people who are ready, can discover. Sure, I understand people's responses and reactions.As for myself, I have reliable evidence based on experience. God has ways far beyond anything of mankind. Further, God's intellectual level will always leave one running to keep up and understand. Still, even now, I am open to the new knowledge that will present new possibilities for investigation by which my knowledge will be expanded. I have led a friend directly down my path only to discover that confusion is the result of those who do not take the journey themselves. There is learning in the journey. Further, truth is much clearer taking the path oneself rather than merely have one describe it. I put truth out there unconditionally for those who value, hunger, and search for the truth. New information, new possibilities, and a new direction for possibilities present themselves now. The question is: Who will discover. It's up to each of us to choose. Everyone is learning regardless. It's God's gift to us all.Anytime one stretches their limited view, something can be discovered. Interesting link. Parts I have read before. Thanks BLTLife.
@Bluedoll (16770)
• Canada
3 Dec 11
Philosophers have been seeking to understand truth since the beginning of time. Scientists look for truth. For really tough questions like is there another planet in the universe that is similar to earth is an unattainable question. NASA launched a probe into the dark of space for the purpose of discovering new possible planets in a solar system like ours somewhere out there in the universe. We are looking at dots of light and using primitive colour spectrums that might suggest a star has planets revolving around it.
We are so far away from finding a truthful answer it is not funny, yet anyone could put forth a theory or postulate some philosophical argument about that but is certainly not truth. If finding the truth about another planet like earth in the universe is such an unimaginable one, how hard really is the question does God exists. Absolute technical proof is not available nor is it reasonable to assume there will be any. Yet people who belief do know without doubt and without evidence. How can this be? Yet, that is true.
Those that choose not to believe can not be shown anything or convinced if they wish to choose not to believe. It is really up to the individual. For me, the bible gave me insights, that’s all, not proofs. One such insight was when Jesus was approached and asked, “what is truth?” They were seeking to trick him for it can be argued that ‘truth’ does not exist only claims. However Jesus did not argue with them for he simply said, “I am the truth.”
I never suggest to any person what they ‘must’ do. I believe everyone has free will and can decide for themselves what they wish to believe. I too have the same right and will never allow myself to be pulled into believing a lie that God does not exist.
So to answer the question I choose to believe in God and trust in Jesus Christ. In my life time, I asked questions and got the true answer from a multitude of sources.
May there be peace in the world.

@urbandekay (18278)
4 Dec 11
Here we see Bird again mistaking a belief for truth
"In time, mankind will discover life on other planets."
all the best urban
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Dec 11
In time, mankind will discover life on other planets. The distances are placed there so that mankind will never reach that other world until they have acquired a certain level of knowledge. Can you really say that mankind is ready to interact with another world?? We can't even get along with ourselves. When mankind is ready, it will happen. Just like you said, until we make the journey, we will have to depend on beliefs. With God, there are many beliefs. With religion many value their beliefs, but how many people actually look for God as being Someone other than words from a holy book?? Proof of God is easy. When you discover God, you have your proof just like I now have proof Bluedoll exists. Beliefs are an important part of life. On the other hand, they should always come in second to discovering the real truth. Yes, free choice is an important part of God's system. True learning can not exist without it.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Dec 11
Urbandekay, Good for you!!! I see we are Thinking!! Great!! Since I haven't actually been to said planet myself,technically you are right. This is a belief, however I have it from a good Source. Some beliefs do end up being the truth. Still, I welcome everyone to discover for themselves.